CFSBK mamas Mary H. and Coach MeLo | Photo by Coach JB
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. In another week of Humans of Starting Strength Program, we talked to Andre L. and the dynamic duo of BFFs Micheline G. and Christina L.
2. With two weeks to go until the main event, Fight Gone Bad Fundraising season is in full swing! We just passed $5000, but we still have a long way to go. On Monday, we gave you a letter you can tweak and send to your friends and family. Let’s do this!
3. FGB TEAM CAPTAINS: Your t-shirt orders are due today by noon. Please submit them to Coach Jess at info [at]
4. In our latest installment of Behind the Desk, we learned more about another one of our beloved front desk staff members, Lynsey R. We also learned what a “smoggie” is and that Coach David’s sheep costume is still boring old white.
5. Yesterday we introduced a new class called Short Circuit! We’re very excited about this new offering and hope that you’ll spread the word to your friends and family.
Girls Gone Rx at CrossFit 718
Tomorrow, October 1st, our friends at CrossFit 718 will be hosting Girls Gone Rx Brooklyn. Teams of 3 ladies will compete in 4 events throughout the day to raise awareness for Breast Cancer. $30 for each team’s registration fee will be donated directly to Bright Pink. CFSBK is proud to be sending four teams to the competition:
Flexual Healing: Griselle O., Val K., Tyler G.
Wall Ball Busters: Melody W., Elyssa S., Natalie R.
718 is just a quick bike or train ride away. Head on up to cheer for our athletes!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Clean and Jerk | “Jackie”
Ask a Swole Woman: 17th Century Whaler Problems The Hairpin
The Ninety-Two-Year-Old Powerlifter The Walrus
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat / Front Squat
BSQ 2×5 LP
FSQ 2×3 LP
Heavier than last week
BSQ and FSQ 85%x3x2
Post Loads to comments
Exposure 14 of 16
Team WOD
In teams of 3, complete the following for time:
1 Mile run buy in (team runs the mile together) then,
300 Wall Balls 10/10, 14/9
All three teammates must be back in the gym before the first Wall Ball shot occurs. Break the Wall Balls up however desired.
Post time, Rx, and partners to comments.
Rainy 7 AM w/McD, plus a DO-led warmup that was basically CrossFit Kids. (Running around medicine balls was involved.)
LBBSQ 185x5x2. Maybe went too conservative with where I started coming into this cycle. This was not too hard.
FSQ 150x3x2. Fine!
WOD: 4 partners (Kirby, Nikhil, Sonya, and me), 400 wall balls (I did DB thrusters after my first set, since my thumb was feeling tingly), 24:47.
PS the article about the 92-year-old lifter is SO AWESOME.
8 a.m. w/JB doing Saturday's work.
BSQ: 225x3x2. Eugh.
FSQ: 185x3x2. Also eugh. One day (featuring both EMOM C&Js and thrusters) is not enough rest between squat days this cycle.
Metcon: 19:57 Rx'ed, all three of us. We took the run at a reasonably light pace and stayed steady through the wall balls in sets of 10.
Off to the suburbs of Philly for the weekend to hit the campaign trail for a few candidates. A different sort of taxing workout…
Light day of clients so did lots of fitness
8am – mobilized and rolled around the mat for a while
Warmed up with Turkish Get Ups, Windmills, Sumo Deadlifts, and Pallof Presses
BSQ 70%x3x2 (235)
FSQ 70%x3x2 (215)
Pull Ups 5×5
Think I'm going to work my way up in reps at 70% for a while. Felt good.
Bench Press
Then a solo version of tomorrow's WOD
For Time
3 Mile Assault Bike (somewhere under 9 minutes)
100 Wall Balls
I did 10 Wall Balls OTM for 10 minutes and finished a little after 18 Minutes. 10 reps takes me right about 20 seconds so I figured this was appropriate. FUN!
EMOM Clean n Jerk for 15:00
Jackie in 9:57
4:05ish on Row
Thrusters – 25-15-5-5-5
Pull Ups – 12-6-4-4-4 (First 12 were Butterfly, rest were Kipping)
Finished up the 3 week "Road to Gymnastics" clinics with Coach Whit on Wednesday. Whit did a phenomenal job breaking down each component of the Pull-Up, Toes 2 Bar, Muscle Up Handstand & HSPU and teaching the fundamental movements of each. Was able to walk away from each class with some important cues to practice and think about as it transitions to our group classes. I would definitely do another variation of these types of classes.
Beach run, 15 min tennis rally (exhausting) tennis match (doubles so not too intense), max plank hold competition (3:21 – I did not win
I miss lifting and there's an enormous knot behind my left scap, but it's great to be active outside today