Deadlift / Handstand Push-Up Superset*
1A) Deadlift
3 x 2
Heavier than last week.
85% x 3 x 3
1B) Handstand Push-Up
3 x 5-10 Box Piked HSPUs
1-2 AbMats are ok. Knees are easier than toes. Sub 8-12 Seated Dumbbell Presses if you don’t have Boxed Pike HSPUs yet.
3 x 6-12 Strict HSPUs
1-3 AbMats are allowed as long as you’re getting some range of motion out of it. If you can do 3 sets of 12 easily, then add a deficit. DC blocks and bumpers work well for this.
*Superset means that you perform a set of exercise A (in this case the Bench Press) and then after a short rest, 30 seconds to a minute, you perform a set of exercise B (in this case the Barbell Bent-Over Row). You then rest a short period before returning to exercise A and continue in this fashion until all warm up and work sets are completed.
Post loads/work to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
5 RNFT or 20 Minutes:
8ea Single Leg Romanian Deadlift, contra-laterally loaded
8 Dumbbell Bench Press, as heavy as possible.
8 Chin-Ups, as heavy as possible.
Use a modest weight on the SDRDLs and focus on staying engaged with the movement. Kettlebells work well for these. Work up to a challenging set of 8 on the other two movements, using bands or adding weight as appropriate on the Chins.
Post work to comments.
Coach MeLo stopped by the gym with Lilyanne yesterday. They’re doing great! | Photo by Rob U.
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Update
Comrades! We’re almost at $3,000—which is 20% of our fundraising goal for Brooklyn Community Foundation. Team Posterior Chaingang is in the lead with team Bring It On Fleek not far behind. We’re off to a great start!
Now’s a good time to start e-mailing your friends and family. Rip off a version of this one below, and select, replace, or delete adjectives as you feel led. One of our members used this email a couple of years ago (with almost all of the adjectives) and quickly raised over $500. Jump on it!
Dear/Salutations/Greetings/Hola/Aloha/Beloved [insert name],
As you probably know, I’m really into CrossFit. It’s helped me/I love it because _______. Every year at my gym, CrossFit South Brooklyn, we have an event called Fight Gone Bad, where we do this crazy/hard/weird/incredible/soul-crushing/soul-enhancing workout (which you can see here).
What makes the event even more cool/inspiring/sweet/meaningful is that it’s not just a competition for highest reps, but also a competition to raise money for a local organization called Brooklyn Community Foundation. BCF supports a variety of artistic, agricultural, environmental, social, and educational programs in Brooklyn, helping people of all ages.
So, why am I telling you all of this? Because I need your help! [Insert any crazy story or incentives for hitting certain fundraising markers, i.e., If you donate $XX, I will do X, Y, and/or Z.] Donate here [insert link to your page]!
I will be sure to let you know how the event goes, and probably send along a sweaty/hot/sexy/revolting photo of myself post-workout.
Sincerely/With love/Gratefully/Be well/Shalom,
[Your name]
AND REMEMBER TO SAY THANK YOU WHEN PEOPLE DONATE! It’s what our moms taught us to do.
Maybe There’s Some Hope for Political Fact Checking After All NY Mag
Sticky Catch Position CrossFit
7 AM with McRo
Deadlift 245x2x3. Managed to read the rep scheme correctly this time. Gold star for me! 😛 25×10 DB press each time, Lefty is still not ready for full inversion.
My three favorite letters in the English alphabet are N, F, T. I'm comically bad at one-legged RDLs though.
Lilyanne is adorable!
6am with McD & Ro
Deadlift: 315x3x3 – I did NOT want to deadlift today. I'm still moving a bit delicately since Saturday's DLs.
HSPUs: 7-7-6 – My progress has not been the greatest on these.
NFT – Romanian thing went much better this week than last time.
Chin ups 25# (8) & 45# (6)
Bench crushed it with some 35# DBs – Saturday's dips destroyed me
Couple sets of GHDs as well
7am McRo
Deads – 285# x 3 x 3
HSPU (1 mat) – 7 / 4-2 / 3-F-F-F
Working my way through a cold / bug and my upper body strength just wasn't there today. Will get em back next week.
NFT – 3 rounds
RDL – 20kg
DBBP – 45# / 60# / 45#
Chins – 8 / 8 / 4-2-2
GHD – 3 x 8
Almost dropped 60 on myself in that third round so went back to the 45's and called it a day.
6am with McRo
Deadlift 315 x 3 x 3 – No issues
HSPU were a mess – 4-1 with no abmat, 5, 5 with 1 abmat. Got 8s across last week. Think my arms/shoulders are still fried from those dips.
NFT work – 3 rounds. White kettle bell, 55-60-65 db, 0-10-10 on the chins.
6am with McTuro
Deadlift: 225x2x3. These all moved easily, so I'll continue to add weight next week.
HSPU to 3 ab mats: 4, 4, 1. Still a work in progress. My shoulders and arms were tired by the last round.
NFT – 4 rounds
25×2, 35×2 on the db bench
Chin-ups with a blue band – scaled to 4 per round
SLRDL with the 16kg KB
Home at last and eager to work off all those Scandinavian calories I ate on vacation (100% not sorry). 7 a.m. w/Ro and McDowell.
DL: 285x3x3. Upper back still rounding a bit but finally got it to behave on the last set. Gotta reinforce what that feels like.
Box-piked HSPUs: 3×7. Slowly getting back into 'em.
NFT work: 4 rounds, hips not cooperating.
Reminder that all are invited to The Saint Catherine at 660 Washington Avenue (corner of Bergen Street) tonight for a debate-watching party! Unlike everything else in this political season, it will be fun and informative. Show up around 8:30 if you want seats; the debate starts at 9 sharp.
6am with McD & Ro
Deadlift: 385 x 3 x 3 – this moved slowly and not well. I was super sore from the weekend's workouts and wine.
HSPUs: 6's across using the parallettes for deficit and two ab mats.
NFT – Romanian deadlift thing was fun, chin ups 25# for 8, 8, then some GHDs. Bench with 90# DBs
6am with McD & Ro
Deadlift: 400x3x3 – first set felt good, but these were slow. focused on setting back and pressing into the floor.
HSPUs: 6,5,5 with 2,1,1 abmats. These are getting better.
NFT – Had to head home early so skipped this.
Deadlift: 300 x 3 x 3. Slower than I would have liked, not as crisp as last week's 4s.
HSPUs: 6's with 2 abmats and foam pads. Felt more consistent today in hitting depth.
NFT – 4 rounds, I think.
SLRDL with 16KG bell
Bench with 30's for the first set, then 35s for the rest
4-5 chin ups per round.
I misplaced my phone in the gym somewhere and can not find it. If you do, please give to FD for me? It's an old ass iPhone in a black case with white stripes and a screen saver photo of a very handsome married couple.
Got back to moving a little bit of weight today after last week's SI Joint flare up. After rolling around, mobilizing, and doing some rehab stuff I did light Turkish Get Ups, Windmills, Jefferson Deadlifts, and Twisting KB Deadlifts. The last two exercises were not intuitive to me as rehab for issue I've been having (actually I would have avoided them) but after lots of research and hearing them suggested by a few people smarter than myself, I decided to give them a try. I feel almost back to 100% right now but I'll report back in a week or two as to the results.
Such a gorgeous baby! Congrats, again, MeLo and Alex!
Deadlift: 180 2×3, unbelted. Seemed good… Would love to hit 200# for a single next week!!!
: O
Did 8 chin-ups every round, worked up to 35# on the bench, and a 16kg bell for slrdl. Nice accessory stuff! Decided to do it today so I could go in fresh for AG tomorrow!!!
Excited for Chas's debate thing tonight!
I love babies and debates! Happy day
6:30pm Group Class with "Breturo"
3 Rounds:
12 Squats
8 Push-ups
5 Bar Muscle-Ups
Deadlift: 313x3x3
Strict HSPU: 14 unbroken / 10 Unbroken / 6 Unbroken
3 Rounds of the NFT work
After class:
3 sets
20 Reverse Hypers +90lbs
10 Ring Push-Ups
I was feeling kind of terrible today in class. Just anxious, short of breath, kind of dizzy. I dry heaved a few times out of nowhere. Finished with some breathing exercises which calmed me down.
Congrats to Melo and Alex!!…and Daisey!!!
Invictus with Brett
Heavy 3 Backsquat
10 Push Press Every 3 mins for 9 mins,
10 MU
15 Thrusters (155#)
20 Bar-facing Burpees
Deadlift: 215x3x3
Challenging but not terrible.
HSPU: These were a mess. Blaming it on Saturday's ring dips and yesterdays WOD + AG. 2 ab mats. Only 6 reps this time. 2 less reps than last week each round.
SLRDL: 12kg-16kgx3
DB Bench: 25-30-35-40. Left arm was a struggle on a few reps with the 40.
Chinups: 5-7 per round with red band.
Took a few days off because I was sick.
Solo session this afternoon. Didn't feel I could keep up with group class today.
290 x 3 x 3
HSPU (1 x abmat)
3, 2, 1
2, 2, 2
3, 1, 1, 1
Deadlift- belted, hookgrip for first set. Heavy.
HSPU- failed one at some point- can't remember which rep. But this was good.
Yesterday's AG metcon
50 DU
40 DU
30 DU
20 DU
10 DU
First 5 HSPUs with no abmat but had to use an abmat after that. It's been a while since I have done a lot of these and they weren't very good. Sets of three and two towards the end.
Assault Bike
10 x 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off.
Attempted to do Weightlifting Club but had no energy left.
Oly class tonight. I am way out of practice with these 2.5 hour lifting extravaganzas!
Great class, great workout. Looking forward to doing it again.
Snatch drills/warm ups
Halt, Snatch Pull, Snatch 93# x 3 (83%)
2 Hang Snatch Pulls, Snatch 83# x 5 (75%)
3 Hang Clean & Jerks @ 123# x 5 sets (85%)
Hands remain on the bar. Trying to be sharp and loud.
3 HBBS w/ 5 second pause at the bottom @ 123# x 5 sets, (60%), 113# x 1 set (57%)
True high bar is killing me. The last rep on the last 3 sets at 123# I could not keep my hips from shoving back.
Clean Pulls
2 x 3 @ 113# (80%)
2 x 2 @ 123# (85%)
2 x 2 @ 133# (92%)
Last night stop in at OG
3 Rounds
300m row
:10 C2B wide grip pull up hold
:30 handstand hold
15 min EMOM
3 Power Snatches, Practiced cycling, keeping hands on bar
55#, 60#, 65#, 68#, 73#, 78# x 10
Stopped somewhere in there to meet Lily 🙂 She's adorable. Congratulations MeLo and Alex!