Power Snatch
Every minute on the minute x 15:
3 Power Snatches
These will add up quickly so start modest on the load and only increase if the reps feel crisp. Do them touch-and-go if you can organize them. Do quick bailed singles if you cannot.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
Partner WOD
In teams of 2, with one partner working at a time, complete the following for time:
2000 Meter Row
100 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
50 Overhead Squats 135/95
Break up the work however desired (though relatively even is the goal) and get through the reps chipper style. The barbell should be a medium-heavy load for you.
Humans of Starting Strength Program: Andre Lawrence
Registration for our next round of Starting Strength Program cycles opened yesterday! Between now and when the cycle starts, we’ll be bringing you some Humans of New York-style interviews of our Starting Strengthers. Who are these intrepid powerlifters? What brings them together? What is Starting Strength Program like? Let’s find out! For our next installment, we talked to a relatively new CFSBKer, Andre L.
What are some differences between SS and group class? Were any a surprise to you?
The two main differences between SS and group class are 1) The amount of time between work sets. This was shocking and greatly appreciated. For a set of 3 x 5 Back Squats, we would spend 30 to 40 minutes vs. 15-17 minutes in group class. This rest period is key to recovery and allowing you to hit your target weight and continuously progress. This leads me to number 2) Individualized programming and tracking. SS starts everyone out on a linear progression, and the first couple of weeks feel easy, leaving you with a “That’s it?” feeling. That changes later on and you will feel drained after heavy work sets. Eventually most people hit a failure point on linear progression during the cycle, and that’s where Coaches Jeremy and Margie come in. They then adjust your programming by either dialing back a little and working back up, or by substituting a movement (i.e., pause squats vs. regular squats) to help you continue on and overcome the roadblock
What are a few of the biggest things you took from SS?
Some of the things I took from SS are belief in my capabilities. There will be times where you see the programming set for you by the coaches and wonder how you will get it done. Trust the programming and the knowledge and experience of the coaches. They won’t steer you wrong. The other thing I took from SS is that strength is the foundation of life. The stronger you are, the easier things become. No, it wont make everything easier, but there is nothing that being stronger will make harder.
If you typically take CF classes, how did the SS cycle impact your capacity in group class? If not, did SS impact your life in other ways?
This was the biggest impact I saw from taking SS. My main reason for taking SS was to be able to Rx more group class workouts, and that is exactly what happened. I did lose some conditioning from only focusing on strength, but that came back in due time and the ability to Rx workouts was all worth it. I feel everyone should take SS at least once and I plan on taking one cycle per year.
Debate Watch Party in Prospect Heights Tomorrow at 8:30 p.m.!
Member Chas C.‘s podcast, An Ear For Baby, is hosting a debate watch party at The Saint Catherine in Prospect Heights this Monday! Chas says:
“The Saint Catherine is at 660 Washington Avenue, on the corner of Bergen Street. You can take the C to Clinton/Washington or the 2/3 to Grand Army Plaza to get there by subway.
The debate starts at 9 p.m., so get there by 8:30 for seats. We’re doing our first ever live show in the half-hour after the debate itself, so stick around if you want to talk to us about how you think it went and what’s going to happen next!”
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat / Front Squat | Deadlifts, Ring Dips
The Right Way(s) to Do Introspection NY Mag
The Elbow Problem Starting Strength
2 Rounds
5 piked push ups
:20 supinated hang
:40 Jump rope practice
Handstand push up/kickups
For time:
50 Double unders
15 handstand push-ups
40 Double unders
12 handstand push-ups
30 Double unders
9 handstand push-ups
20 Double unders
6 handstand push-ups
10 Double unders
3 handstand push-ups
Getting over a cold, so this is my first day back since Wednesday. Felt better than I was expecting to!
Worked up to 62 on the snatch, and I'm glad I kept it light. That's a lot of dang reps! (Also, based on the similar E2MOM work I did dropping in at River North last week, I knew that if I pushed things into the 70s, things might start to hurt.)
Partner work with Kate: Rx KB weight, subbed FSQ at 47# for the OHS. Probably should have stuck with my original plan of goblet squatting the KB. 14:56 (I think?)
Kept the row at a 1:54 split or below the entire time without trying that hard, which has the wheels turning in my head. I *should* be good at rowing given my body type, right? And yet I always manage to evade Nick when he talks about CRASH-Bs. This time I don't have an injury as an excuse. Hmmmmmm…
i loved today's partner workout! so fun!
Power Snatch Triples: Started at 63 and worked my way up slowly to 93. Good cues from fox to nail the catch fully before standing up – I tend to rush when there is volume and stand up/press out when finishing. Working efficiently really is more efficient.
WOD: 14:43 with Dylan (Go team Co-ed Rx). All a OHS workout here.
Did a light 500 meter row, then decided to test by 500 meter. Was curious how it would be fresh. 1:37.2. Pretty happy with that. Then took 10 minutes to find my lungs and legs.
Snatch Doubles: 68, 78, 83, 93
Clean and Jerk Doubles: 93, 113, 118, 123
Teams of 3:
50 Calorie Assault Bike
50 CJ (95/65)
50 Calorie Assault Bike
50 CJ (135/95)
50 Calorie Assault Bike
50 CJ (155/105)
50 Calorie Assault Bike
Max CJ (185/135)
Completed with Michael and Ryan. We finished after the 19 minute mark with the bike, which left what felt like an eternity for AMRAP C&J. Ended up with 31.
Two great days of fun team workouts!!!
I think I left my wedding ring on the wooden bench in the bathroom with the scale. I think Lesley can no fault divorce me if don't find it in 72 hours, so hopefully it's still there.
So fun to do group class today!
Power Snatch triples during the 15 min EMOM:
Brett and I did the partner workout RX'd in 14:06!
Lady Fox and Brad apparently beat us from across the street with 14:02. If I hadn't missed my snatch (ohhhh that grip!) on my second set of OHS, we woulda had em!!! shucks.
This was really fun. about 1:45-1:55 on the first row. then 1:50-2:05 on the second.
KBS in sets of 15 and 10's.
OHS in sets of 7-8. hip didn't hurt as long as I stayed in the right groove.
Did a bunch of accessory work with the TRX (!) and some one-armed ring rows for lefty.
Fun AR class! So sore, so it felt great.
Snatch: emom at 63#. Never changed weight– really focused on getting low and jumping when the bar went past my knees. Felt great and crisp!
WOD in 16:41 with asha. 73# OHS were hard but I am glad I challenged myself. Row wasn't too bad… Having rest definitely helped! Fun workout!
Woops! AG was fun too– double unders didn't hurt my foot! I think I'm cured. 🙂
Nathaniel I am behind front desk!
Snatch EMOM: 53×2, 58×2, 63×3, 68×3, 73×3, 78 (failed third rep), 78 (singles)
WOD with Jonathan G 16:34 @83#
Row- broke it up into 500s. First 500 kept at a pace 2:00 and below, second one crept up a little bit mostly bc Jonathan and I were discussing how we would break up the reps for KB swings and OHS
Swings: broke into sets of 15s, then 10s. These were tough coming off the row bc I didn't have a moment to slow my breathing down
OHS: I did 5-10-5, Jonathan did 10-10-10. Happy with this!
Fun one!
Practiced kicking up into a handstand.
Skipped the middle portion of HSPU work to save myself for the WOD since I did back to back classes.
WOD: modified to 5-4-3-2-1 HSPUs to one ab mat. Wow, these were tough after double unders! DUs went well today!
I should be sleeping right now.