Back Squat / Front Squat
Back Squat: 2 x 12 Linear Progression
Front Squat: 2 x 8 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week.
Back Squat: 70% x 2 x 2
Front Squat: 70% x 2 x 2
Every other exposure is a de-load so these should feel light.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 11 0f 16
3 Rounds for Time:
30 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
800m Run
Two foot take off is Rx’d for the Box Jumo Overs. Athletes most be facing the box on the jump but there’s no extension requirement on top of the box and you can get down however desired (step off or jump off).
Post time and Rx to comments.
Time to start thinking about Fight Gone Bad costumes!
Fight Gone Bad 2016: T-Minus 24 Days!
It’s hard to believe that we’re less than a month away from Fight Gone Bad 2016, but guess what? We’re less than a month away from FGB 2016! Here’s what your teams should have accomplished so far:
- Pick a captain. And pick a name! Sorry, Fight Gone Bad Team #3 ain’t gonna cut
- Your captain should create a Crowdrise page for your team, then invite everyone to join the team.
- Join your team!
- Start fundraising! Check the blog tomorrow for some tips on fundraising.
Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF) is proud to partner with CrossFit South Brooklyn on Fight Gone Bad for the fourth year running. BCF is on a mission to spark lasting social change, mobilizing people, capital, and expertise for a fair and just Brooklyn. Since their founding in 2009, the Foundation and their donors have provided over $20 million in grants to more than 300 nonprofits throughout the borough, bolstering vital programs and services while responding to urgent community needs and opportunities to fuel community-led change.
There are still some spots open! Contact Coach Jess at info [at] as soon as possible if you want to compete!
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at Crossfit South Brooklyn
Want to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? Starting in October classes will be available at Crossfit South Brooklyn’s facilities! Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a grappling martial art which first gained popularity with its success in mixed martial arts competitions in the 90’s. Since then it’s continued to gain in fame as a fun sport and efficient form of self defense. Practitioners use joint locks, chokes, and leverage to subdue opponents instead of using strikes. The teacher is Jesse Leach, a 1st degree black belt, certified by the IBJJF and medalist at international tournaments. Classes will be Wednesday nights 8-9pm, and Sundays 12-1pm as well as a mixed martial arts class Saturdays 1-2pm. Crossfit South Brooklyn members can purchase their first one month pass for $50. Daily rates and class packs are also available. E-mail contact [at] for more info.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Click Here to Hallucinate ScienceForum (seriously, click it)
Five Ways to Increase Strength Off the Floor The Barbell Physio
830 last night
Perf BS 2×2 #255
Perf FS 2×2 #205
Gonna miss the deload days
Metcon RX 17:59
Kept a steady pace for Box-Jump-Overs and just kept moving. Runs took about 100-200m to loosen up my legs after the BJO each round but went fine after that. Pace the name of the game.
Wow Josh. Way to shame my team! (Team 3)
Came back yesterday and ran through part of one of the Girls Gone Rx workouts with Kayleigh and Kelly. We made some logistical decisions. Looking forward to this comp!
AG- partnered with Jenny for pretty much the whole class- great partner and we are pretty evenly matched so that was fun. Did this partner plank and sit-up thing which was pretty painful. 100 sit-ups while your partner holds your feet while holding a plank- switch every 20 sit-ups. I had the strangest and scariest muscle spasm ever later on at home. It was like an alien was about to pop out from under my ribs.
Butterfly pull-ups- I could consistently get one! When I put a tag between my feet to keep my legs straight and together, I got several. They are close.
WOD- this was a lot of fun and a lot of sweat. Pull-ups were harder than I expected but I guess we had done quite a few beforehand.
I meant to post yesterday about my 10am workout. Deadlift was fine, 200#s. HSPU off the box still a struggle for me.
Workout – and this is what I wanted to say is Thank you to the folks cheering me on during my last set of 20 burpees (including FGB Captain Bethany!!) Thank you for the help and encouragement while i slowly slogged through burpees 81 to 100.
AG was pretty spectacular yesterday. Coach Ro is a diabolical genius.
I am excited for Jiu Jitsu.
Realized I never officially posted about Flex – it was awesome. Great day with great people. And PRed my clean at 165, so pretty excited for that bonus. Enjoyed strategizing some of the WODs for Girls Gone Rx with Charlie and Kelly yesterday.
LBBS: 205 x 4 x 2
FSQ: 175 x 4 x 2
Both harder than I would have liked, but happy to be pushing these limits – especially on the FSQ.
WOD: 16:59 Rx. First set of BJOs were quick. Everything slowed down after that. Just tried to keep moving.
Apologies if this ends up being a repeat. The blog maybe ate my post?
7 AM with McRo
LBBSQ 140x12x2, FSQ 110x8x2. I said I was going to go up 10# from last week but I'm pretty sore from my Monday Chicago WOD so I wasn't having it.
WOD Rx in 21-something. I'm so effing slow that I blew over the time cap and the coaches had already reset the clock for the next class. :S
6am with McRo
Squat 2×2 #255. Front Squat 2×2 #205. These are getting even easier.
Metcon RX 18:51. Kept moving on the jump overs and the run. Even had enough in the tank to stride out the last 200m or so. Am I the only one who finds jump overs more natural than regular box jumps?
Make-up post for yesterday.
Did AG. Man, Ro was firing on ALL cylinders.
Partner warm-up was spicy. THE U and I were a few seconds behind Charlie and Jenny on the 100 partner (each) sit-ups.
Butterfly pull-ups were clutch. Got some yesterday and am quite excited to start practicing them. Maybe it was the atmosphere. Maybe it was Kevin lowkey trolling his ability to bang them out.
Partnered with Jay-Star on the WOD. Twas a fun one. pull-ups were the hardest part and thanks to the butterfly practice, I was able to do them in sets of 5. Yesterday was a 5/5.
10am with Whit and Brett.
225 x 2, F*
215 x 4
170 x 4 x 2
Big thanks to Kris and Whit and Brett for saving my life! I didn't expect to fail but I lost tension at the bottom and couldn't get up. I managed to stay with the bar though I think Kris was pretty much holding all of the weight while I tried to regain balance. Thanks guys! I feel bad for failing and putting you allthrough that!!
I used my low bar max for my percentages this cycle and 80% was just too heavy for high bar for me today. Will probably do only heavy front squats and recovery back squats next week.
WOD in 17:21 Rx.
Paced pretty well on the first two rounds and was able to speed up on the third. I kinda liked this one. Legs are tired!
6am with McRo
Squat 2×2 #255. Front Squat 2×2 #205. These are getting even easier.
Metcon RX 18:51. Kept moving on the jump overs and the run. Even had enough in the tank to stride out the last 200m or so. Am I the only one who finds jump overs more natural than regular box jumps?
Dan I also prefer BJO to box jumps. Maybe it's because standing up at the top takes soooo long!!!?
6am with McDowell and Ro
HBBS/FS at 235/195 – nice and easy
Metcon in 16:19 (I think)
Rest day.
Love that Fairy WOD mothers pic!! Still think we had the best costume, just sayin'
Get over it, KCaps. Love Guns crushed best costume fair and square!
Well stated, Ace.
3 pull ups — unbroken, as close to c2b as possible
8 ea strict DB press — 17.5, 20, 25#
8 ea high pulls — 8kg
10 BSQ — 15, 35, 45kg
BSQ – 75kg x2x2 (+80%)
FSQ – 65kg x2x2 (+90%)
Both felt good
4 rounds — took something like 15 mins, lots of interruptions that couldn't be helped
10 Am KB swings 24kg
10 box step overs 20", 25# DBs
Left hamstring not feeling good
LBBS: 170x4x2 (80%)
FSQT: 130x4x2
These felt pretty good today. Def need that rest day after DLs each week.
WOD Rx'd in 19:53.
Just made it! Def not my two fastest movements.
BJOs- Tried not to spin in a circle over the box which led to some coordination issues, but no dizziness!
Run: faster than normal for me but still slow!
Back to the bottom of the hill after back issues last week.
HBBS: 185x12x2
FSQ: 165x12x2
WOD in 18:00 flat.