Deadlift / Handstand Push-Up Superset*
1A) Deadlift
3 x 4
Heavier than last week.
70% x 5 x 3
1B) Handstand Push-Up
3 x 5-10 Box Piked HSPUs
1-2 AbMats are ok. Knees are easier than toes. Sub 8-12 Seated Dumbbell Presses if you don’t have Boxed Pike HSPUs yet.
3 x 6-12 Strict HSPUs
1-3 AbMats are allowed as long as you’re getting some range of motion out of it. If you can do 3 sets of 12 easily, then add a deficit. DC blocks and bumpers work well for this.
*Superset means that you perform a set of exercise A (in this case the Bench Press) and then after a short rest, 30 seconds to a minute, you perform a set of exercise B (in this case the Barbell Bent-Over Row). You then rest a short period before returning to exercise A and continue in this fashion until all warm up and work sets are completed.
Post loads/work to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
5 Rounds for Time:
200m Farmer Carry, as heavy as possible
20 Burpees
Choose a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell and carry it goblet style 100m out and 100m back. It should be challenging but not so heavy that you need to rest more than twice per trip.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Wendy S. Back Squats as Coach Jeremy watches. Read on to learn more about Wendy and our Starting Strength Program
Humans of Starting Strength Program: Wendy Spooner
Registration for our next round of Starting Strength Program cycles will open tomorrow! Between now and the when the cycle starts, we’ll be bringing you some Humans of New York-style interviews of our Starting Strengthers. Who are these intrepid powerlifters? What brings them together? What is Starting Strength Program like? Let’s find out! For our first installment, we talked to Wendy S.
4. Never compete with anybody but yourself. Never base your progress on another person’s accomplishments. You may all have started out at different levels. Instead, compare your past and present and assess how far you have come.
Thanks, Wendy! Keep a lookout for more profiles of these wonderful humans over the next couple of weeks. Have you partcipiated in our Starting Strength Program? Tell us about your experience in the comments!
6am with McD and Ro. Good to be back to the gym after a week off.
Deadlift: 370# x 4 x 3. This was heavy and a I rounded a bit during the first rep of each round. McDowell gave me some good tips there.
HSPU: Did 6 x 3 deficits with the parallettes and a set of plates so i had a market (thanks McD for the tip there too).
Metcon: 21:24 with the Red KB. That was really, really tiring, especially when it started raining and the KB was super slippery. Burpees were fast and fun. My favorite was the BK / James face-off at the end.
6am with McD and Ro.
Deadlift: 380x4x3. This weight felt far closer to maximal than I expected 80% to feel. Grinded them all out.
HSPU: 3 sets of 6 with 2 abmats. These are definitely getting easier.
Metcon: 3 rounds in 18:17with red kb. I had no gas today and called it early.
Deadlift: 290x4x3. Everything moved well.
HSPUS: 3×10 w/ 45# plate deficit. The last rep on set 2 and 3 were grindy.
Metcon: James + 1/2 burpee @ 24kg. I will give James the win by a 1/2 burpee. Just asked him about his head start.
7am with McRo
Deads – 270# x 4 x 3
HSPU (1 mat) – 7 / 7 / 8
Deads felt heavier than they should have. Rounded a little on the first rep of the last set. HSPU are coming along. 3 more reps than last week.
Metcon @ 24kg – 22:01
Watched it pour on 6am and thought, "I sure hope it doesn't come down like that when I'm out there." Then it came down like that when I was out there.
Strength cycle rules!
Dropped in again at River North CrossFit in Chicago.
Strength/skill work was snatches. E2MOM, prescribed weights were based on ascending percentages of 1RM, then 2RM attempts at the end. I went lower in weight than the prescribed percentages, especially since my wrist started to get sore at the end.
53×3, 58×3, 63×2, 68×2, 73×2, 78×2, this was an ouch so I went back to 63×2 for final set.
WOD 21-15-9 for time:
Deadlift 155#
Box jump 20"
5:10 Rx. My strength is good but my stamina sucks!
Deadlift 295x4x3. Moving
HSPU: 7-6-7
Metcon: got suckered in to a burpee race with BK @orange KB (1 round with red kb). Difficult to remember how the last round went, I may have had a slight head start; I think I blacked out. It was awful. Great day for an outdoor workout ๐
DL & HSPUs with Paulina
155 x 4 x 3 – felt good except for left hamstring (this is below 75%)
HSPUs – 6 unbroken, then a couple more (1 abmat)
4 rounds of NFTer @ just over 20 mins – 24kg
Then finished the last round after having some water and taking a break, think my last round was the fastest for that
Great energy in our smallish noon class — everyone banded together to complete all 5 rounds
Deadlift 280x4x3. Felt better than recent attempts. Grip is the hardest part.
HSPU: 6, 4/2 with 2 abmats, then 6 with 3 abmats because wrist was acting a bit funky.
WOD: 23:33 with a 24kg KB. That first burpee of the 100 was a mess – arms just forgot to work.
Great to see Wendy featured. She was in my strength cycle this past cycle and she's a great lifter.
I look forward to more features of athletes who have done both a lot of group class work and strength cycles and have been active members of the gym for many years. They're all around you if you just know where to look! ๐
Whassup Wendy!!!!
Also great to see my belt make an appearance again on the blog!
@Rob – could you step to the side a little bit? I think there may be some of those members you are talking about standing behind you.
11am solo
Deadlift (80% of a TM)
355x4x2, 2
DNF'd after my second deadlift on my last set. Felt a familiar pop and knew a spasm was coming fast. Hope it doesn't sideline me too much. I think I've been neglecting actually warming up (via a general warm up) in favor of doing pre-hab stretching and rolling. Need to do the pre-hab stuff aside from my training and actually warm up properly for classes.
@Jay, I've decided I think I'll just start wearing my singlet (which is really Jeremy's old singlet) more to the gym. Maybe that'll help on the noticing part. Or maybe I should just be less quiet, a problem I often suffer from. I'd suggest the same for you – singlet and loudness.
Ankle feeling mostly better!
Deadlift 175 4×3. Taking away one rep helped me lots!
WOD: White KB 20kg? in 20:47. This was surprisingly difficult…which may even be an understatement. But boy, do I feel swole!
Liked reading the strength cycle article. I get nauseated before back squatting and deadlifting every week out of fear of the lifts–no joke! It would be good to push myself to do strength cycle; it's clear it's helpful for getting over mental barriers. Maybe this lovely interview series will convince me ๐ Go Wendy!
Fun to learn a little more about Wendy!
PreClass: Crossover Symmetry and some SLDLs with a 45lb DB
6:30pm Group with MelRo
3 Rounds
10 SDHPs
20 Hollow Rocks
3 Wall Walks
Deadlift: 295x5x3
HPUS: Did some Parallette deficit work which I was terrible at and hated.
KB Carry/Burpee Metcon
28:30 with the Red KB
This was really tough! The time is somewhat longer because I stopped after my 4th round to see if the 7:30pm group class needed two coaches and then I did the 5th round carry and sat down for a while then realized it ended on the burpees. That red KB is heavy!
finished with some L-Sit Rope Climbs
Deadlift 195x4x3.
Hspu: 6 to one ab mat for the first two rounds and 4 for the final round. Did 3 unbroken to start each set. Last week I told David I didn't feel like I was making progress but apparently it all came at once!
Wod with the white KB in 19:29. Shoulders and biceps so swole.
Yay Wendy! Starting Strength is the bomb and I can't recommend it enough. I'm not the best CrossFitter but I am as strong as I am because of this program- it gave me a great foundation strength-wise and confidence-wise. If you are even slightly thinking about it, go for it!
Flex on the Beach was a lot of fun. Great group of people, beautiful day. Highlights: I PRed my clean (145# power clean) and did a lot of C2B pull-ups with relative ease. Kayleigh, Ben and Joe were awesome teammates and we placed 35th out of 71 teams so that was pretty cool!
Congrats Jenny!! I feel like I am going backwards on the HSPUs. Maybe tomorrow will be different for me too!
Weightlifting Club
Pull + hang snatch + snatch + OHS + pull
53 x 2, 63 x 2, 68 x 2, 73 x 4
Clean and Jerk(x2)
83 x 2, 93 x 2, 98 x 2, 103 x 2
Snatch Pull
83 x 2 x 3
103 x 2 x 2
113 x 1 x 3
Assault bike
10 mins- 30 secs on/ 30 secs off
DL: 205x4x3 belted
Easier than expected. That one less rep did wonders.
WOD in 22:59 with the white KB.
The burpees were the fun part of the workout. KB not so much. Lower back was on fire during every walk. Had a couple of ppl check my form to make sure I wasn't arching. I wasn't. Just need to continue to work on strengthening my lower back.
I keep forgetting to post about my HSPUs each week. I also felt I hadn't been improving but this is probably attributed to the fact that I do group class and AG on Sunday's so Mondays are tough. I did 3×8 today unbroken with two ab mats which is progress for me. Guess I will try to go to one mat next week.