Clean and Jerk Complex
Every Other Minute on the Minute x 8:
Power Clean + Push Press + Power Jerk
Every Other Minute on the Minute x 8:
Power Clean + Power Jerk + Jerk
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
5 Rounds for Time:
15 Deadlifts 135/95
9 Burpees
6 Push Presses 135/95
5 Rounds for Time:
15 Deadlifts 155/105
6 Push Jerks 155/105
3 Ring Muscle-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Date: Sunday, November 6th, 3pm – 5pm
What: A women-focused WOD led by Crossfit Solace Coach Heidi Jones
Squad WOD is a female-focused workout that takes place at different gyms across the NYC area. The intention is to bring women together in an environment that is free of judgement and overflowing with empowerment, camaraderie, and support for each other.
Squad WOD is a chance to meet, connect, make new friends, and empower one another in an environment that is all about celebrating each of our strengths and broadening our squads.
After each workout, there will be a different speaker who tells her story of triumph over obstacles in a continued effort to inspire the group.
The cost of the event is $20. The money raised will be donated to a local women’s charity.
The workouts are for all levels of CrossFit athlete from beginner to advanced. We’ll have registration info for the CFSBK event soon!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat / Front Squat: KB Swings, Run, T2Bs
Wildlife Photographer of the Year The Atlantic
Why You Should Avoid the “Lifter’s Grind” in Training BarBend
The First Pull: Your First Chance to Get the Snatch and Clean & Jerk Right Catalyst Athletics
Some make-up posts
Monday 6:30pm Group Class with coaches Melo and Ro
DL: 275x5x3
2" Deficit Strict HSPU 12 unbroken / 8 unbroken / 4 – 2 reps
Happy with that 12 rep set. Thats a PR
FGB Metcon. This almost killed me! Im really bad at interval style workouts where your heart rate is spiked then you have to recover quickly. Also, I thought it was a 3 rounder and literally went around and gave everyone a high five after the third round and mentally checked out then was so confused when everyone started up again. I have to admit I only did 12 reps on the SDHP in the 4th round cause I was so shell shocked and spent. Happily got everything else unbroken for 15 reps. I was WOD drunk for like 15 minutes after this.
Wednesday 7:30pm Group Class with coaches Melo and Ro
LBBSQ 195x2x3
FSQ 165x2x3
KB/Run/T2B Metcon: 5:36 as Rx'd
KBs Unbroken, Run slow, T2B Unbroken
Really happy to get those toes to bars unbroken. I saw Pierre watching me and had to show the old man what I had. ๐
Afterwards I roped Adam S into doing some Reverse Hypers and Handstand Practice with me
6am with Jess and McDowell
Clean/Jerk Perf – worked up to 205# today. Cleans were all light, the jerks were so so.
WOD – 16:21 @135#
Deadlifts unbroken
Push Jerks unbroken
MUs: 3, 3, 2-1, 1-1-1, 2-1
Great workout, I'll be the one past out at the office today in recovery mode. This was a muscle up workout for me, always my limiting factor. I think 155# would have been finel.
I'd also like to file a missing persons report. White, Female, 2 y/o, enjoys drinking petrol, regular oil changes and car washes; it's a Prius. Last seen on the corner of Degraw and 3rd Ave. If you see something, say something.
Worked up to 84kg on the C&J complex. My focus on the jerk is paying off.
Metcon: 15:03 @ 135#. Deadlifts either 14-1 or 10-4-1. Push jerks were 9, 5-4 and 4-3-2 for the remainder. Muscle ups unbroken all rounds. This is a push jerk workout for me– high volume push jerks are no bueno.
James A, do you have a recent picture you can share with the group? I want to make sure I "borrowed" the correct Prius.
7am with McJess
Perf C&J – up to 175
May have been a slight press out on the push jerk at 175.
Fit Metcon @ 115# – 13:10
Took a serious chinner on my first push press. Ringing your own bell is no way to start a workout. Deads and burpees all unbroken. 6 / 4-2 / 4-2 / 4-1-1 / 3-2-1 for the push press with a couple failed reps in there at the end of the 4th and 5th set.
Performance C&J: Started at 115 and worked up up 135. Power clean at 145 but failed the jerk. Was working with a 45# bar to get used to it for Flex this weekend.
WOD: 8:33 Fitness Rx.
Deadlifts unbroken.
Burpees happened.
First two sets of push presses unbroken, then in two sets each.
7 a.m. w/Jess & McDowell.
C&J perf complex: up to 175#. Felt good, though my second-to-last rep at 165# was my best. Nice to work the split jerk while fatigued in order to identify some kinks and iron them out.
Fitness metcon: 14:24, Rx'ed. Those push presses were murder. I apologize to everyone who heard me bellow "COME ONNNN" at myself when I failed to get even one overhead on an attempt in the fourth round. Adrenaline got me through the fifth round with seconds to spare ahead of the cap.
Also, CFSBKers with bar/venue connections: the politics podcast I co-host, An Ear For Baby, is looking for a space to host a debate-watching party and brief recap live show afterwards on Monday, September 26th. If you know a bar or similar venue with a big TV or projection screen and a back room or stage that'd be willing to host us talking about stuff once the main event ends, get in touch! chascarey [at sign[ gmail. Thanks! (Everyone is obviously invited once we secure a space!)
6am with Jess and McD
Fitness complex: 63×2, 73×2, 83×2, 93×2
I'm still having some shoulder issues, so I kept it lighter. Power cleans and power jerks were relatively easy. Push presses didn't feel great, but I tried to focus on good form.
Fitness WOD in 10:25 at 63#
Given that I only did 93 on the complex, 63 felt like an appropriate scale, especially since my form breaks down on push presses in a wod. Burpees sucked as usual.
10AM with Jess & Brett
Power Clean + Power Jerk + Split Jerk
warmed up to start @ 50kg
69 = 152# = 98% of my 1RM power clean and definitely a PR for a push jerk!!
WOD in 12:30 RX'd
DL 14 reps, then short break before 15th into Jerks unbroken. Moving my feet a bit on the jerks helped a lot when I got tired.
Muscle Ups mostly singles except round 1 (2-1) and round 4 (1-2). Remembered to look straight ahead, squeeze my butt, and keep my legs straighter for longer. Felt pretty good, still obvious room to improve.
6am with Jess and McD
Had no energy this morning. Think I'm coming down with a cold
C&J Complex (in kg) 60×2, 65×2, 70×2, 75×2
Had no desire to go any heavier
Fitness WOD in 12:36 Rx
Really wanted to quit after round 1. Just no energy and everything felt heavier than it should
Deadlifts 15×3, 10-5, 10-5
Push press 6×3, 4-2, 3-3
Lots of barbell staring
Those wildlife pictures in today's links are really awesome.
@James A – do you mean stolen or towed? If stolen, get a hold of me (I hereby grant the gym an OK to give you my number). I'm happy to help if you need police intervention.
@ Chas – you did a great job finding extra energy to get those push presses done once they tried to do you in!
8 am with Fox
this was working up to a heavier weight than usual but having recently topped my previous PR by 16 lbs is probably indicative of not working heavy enough. The bar still gets away from me on the cleans but not as often and not as far. My split jerks were a little high today but improved with weight and fatigue, which forces the issue.
WOD 10:05 with 63#
If I had to do it all over again, I'd try 73#. That said I didn't go unbroken on the DLs after the first round. Legs got noodley but short pauses after 10 did the trick. Burpees sans pause – getting better about not thinking about hate during these. Push jerks in various rhythms per round.
6am with Jess and McD
C&J Complex 135, 155, 165, 175, 185×4
Last one was the best, but all the jerks were encumbered by shoulder tightness.
Fitness WOD in 11:20 Rx
Push press were rough. Deadlifts all unbroken except round 2 where I got lazy and went 8/7. Burpees really really really slow. Push press all unbroken, but last few rounds had a pause before each of last 2 reps
Today was a slog.
James A, was it on Degraw street proper on the 608 side? Be careful because that is a truck loading zone! Not sure if it's anytime or certain times though. Also all that construction! Hopefully it was towed and not stolen (both scenarios suck tho)
No class for me today because my elbow is sore- probable tendinitis- and I didn't want to make it worse before Flex. If you see me dong DB curls in the coming weeks, I've heard it's a good cure so that's why!!
Spent about an hour stretching and doing my performance care stuff.
Then KHarpz showed up and her workout looked like 'fun' and didn't look like it would make me sore so I joined her for a modified version.
Assault bike
2 x rounds
EMOM 5 mins
5 secs sprint, 55 secs off
5 mins @ 85%
Then straight into..
3 rounds
40 cal row
30 DU
10 x GHD
Took about 15 mins, 3 of which were spent trying to remember where I had left my rope.
This workout was exactly what I needed on this beautiful day. Thanks Katie!
My posts have been lacking but I did want to publicly congratulate Sasha on her AOTM status. Very well deserved, and how has it only been a year? Amazing work to get where you are today. Keep it girl!
Whit Session
LBBS: 150 x 5 x 3 -mod heavy, got me winded, but manageable.
Strict unilateral DB Press @30# 4 sets x 5 reps – tried for 6 as we have been adding one each week but didn't happen
10 min – sled pushes, 20 DU and 10 ring rows – think I got like 4 rounds and change. its weird that I get excited for DU now – something finally clicked! ๐
Everyone stop your searching. My sweet little planet saving Prius has been found. Relocated down 3rd Ave across from Whole Foods….ticket free ?โโ๏ธ?
The day is mine!
James- did you forget where you parked your car?
Performance C&J Complex:
83×2, 93×2, 98, 103, 108×2
Whit said I was soft in my shoulders on the reps at 108.
Fitness WOD in 9:47 (or 9:42) @83#
PP were tough. Did them 6, 6, 5-1, 3-3, 3-3. Was arching my back by the end so probably should've done 78#.
Lololol Charlie!!!
James so glad you found it!!! Haha
C&j complex: 98#, failed push press on 103 twice.
Performance WOD: 83# (jerks were HARD), muscle-ups were jumping to the lower high rings done as singles. 13:14… Not my fastest WOD, but certainly tiring.
Great AR class ๐
Glad you found your car James! That's crazy!!
4:30 class
Perf Complex
Didn't feel super crisp on these.
Perf WOD Rx'd in 12:30
Deads 14+1 until the last round of 9+6
Jerks unbroken
Muscle Ups unbroken in a few rounds and a few rounds of 2+1.
Bummed to not have done them unbroken but I haven't done them at all except for in WODs.
James – that's what you get for driving a Prius.