Snatch Complex
Every 2 Minutes x 8:
Power Snatch + High Hang Snatch + OHS
Every 2 Minutes x 8:
Power Snatch + High Hang Snatch + Snatch Balance
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
21-15-9 Reps for Time:
Burpees (over the bar)
Overhead Squats 95/65
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
This is an individual version of Event 1 of this year’s CrossFit Team Series. On the fast end, the Overhead Squats should be unbroken. Scale so that they can be done in no more than 2-3 sets. Full Snatches count as a rep, but you may also Power Snatch or Clean and Behind-the-Neck Jerk the bar onto position. Sub hin over bar Pull-Ups or Jumping Pull-Ups as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Want to get better at cool stuff like this? Sign up now for Coach Whitney’s gymnastics clinics. The first one is this Wednesday, so act fast!
Road To Gymnastics Clinics with Coach Whit
What is it?
A series of three clinics to improve body awareness and control, take gymnastics movements to the next level, and learn progressions for advanced skills that you can practice on your own.
We’ll run two concurrent series of clinics. Choose which you want to attend, Wednesday OR Saturday:
Wednesday Sep 14 at 7:30PM or Saturday Sep 17 at 9AM: Pull-Ups and TTB
Wednesday Sep 21 at 7:30PM or Saturday Sep 24 at 9AM: Ring Skills
Wednesday Sep 28 at 7:30PM or Saturday Oct 1 at 9AM: Handstand Push-Ups and Inversions
How much:
$25 per clinic! You’ll get the most out of this series by doing all three, as they’ll build upon each other. Each clinic is limited to 9 people.
How is this different than Anti-Gravity?
AG classes are designed as a complete workout with a warm-up, skill and strength work followed by some gymnastics biased conditioning. The “Road To” clinics are hour long clinics focused on dissecting one to two movements to help your understanding and development of that skill. Classes will meet in the Annex so space is limited!
Ok, cool. Can I go to group class beforehand?
While you are a human being with free will, it is strongly suggested that you do NOT do CrossFit before this class. Gymnastic movements have a high neurological component and require a lot of coordination, balance, agility, and accuracy, while also improving those skills. These things are simply better learned and practiced when you are fresh. Feel free to workout afterward if you’ve got it in you!
Are there buy-ins or prerequisites?
No, but we do recommend you have been attending group class for about 3-6 months before signing up for this series. We will provide progressions for a variety of levels.
What will we work on?
The Pull-Ups/Toes-to-Bar Clinic will involve a lot of hollow/arch drills, strict, and kipping work for both movements. We will focus on lat engagement and how to develop better gymnastics positions across the board. Please note we will not be working on Butterfly Pull-Ups in this hour.
The Ring Skills Clinic will work on ring support/stability, “I’s/T’s/Y’s”, ring push-ups/dips, and Muscle Up progressions.
The HSPU / Inversions Clinic work will teach you more techniques for getting comfortable upside-down. We’ll work in groups and partners a lot to take our inversions away from the wall!
Bottom Line?
You can never have too much strength or too much skill, become a cyborg! What are you waiting for?!
The Origin of Dogs The Atlantic
Six Observations from a Masters Athlete NYWA
Coach Ro says
3 rounds
10 False grip ring rows
5-10 second ring support
10 push ups
Ring Muscle up
For Time:
550m run
20 db Thrusters
6 muscle ups
400m run
15 db thrusters
4 muscle ups
270m run
10 db thrusters
2 muscle ups
Shawn says
Will anyone be around who can judge our CrossFit Team events at the gym at 6 pm today? We'd really appreciate it and will say really nice things about you.
Brendan B says
8am with Rox
Perf Snatch – 40kg x 3 / 50kg x 2 (1F) / 40kg x 3
Hip crease was a little sore today when the bar passed through it. Dropped weight rather than pushing it too hard.
Metcon (75#) – 15:something
I was so gassed after the round of 21 the rest of this was a slog. Box was deceivingly muggy this morning and it hit hard on this one.
Cash out: wings + some dumb parlay
Allie B says
Noooooooo!!! Today I can't make AG! I've been waiting for ring muscle ups!
Stella says
10 AM w/Fantastic Mr. Fox
I did the Fitness complex and worked up to 62. Not bad for my first post-surgery Oly lifting outing! I came in unsure of how OHS was going to go, and during the strength portion of the workout it was fine. I was nervous about doing 45 of them in a WOD though, so Fox let me go with goblet squats instead.
WOD in 13:34 with 24kg goblet squats and 12-9-6 strict chins. I just tried to get through it as best I could. My conditioning is in the toilet after so many weeks of strength focus!
Also, I can do burpees. Yay?
Sean says
Performance complex worked up to #135. Some discomfort in my left wrist during the snatch balance. This is my first time snatching in a few weeks so I was pleased with the weight despite the snatch balance issues.
Metcon Rx 11:34
Burpees slow as always. OHS unbroken. PUs 8-7-6 / 6-5-4 / 3-3-3
Now for the couch and football
André says
@Shawn – I will be there and can judge
Fox says
Noon class, well half of class.
Power Snatch + HH Snatch + OHS
50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 70M, 70, 70M (dropped the bar right onto a sensitive part of my anatomy after the PSn)
Doing all 4 of the Team Series WODs tomorrow afternoon/early evening so skipped today's conditioning and did 20 intervals of 20 on, 40 off on the Assault Bike.
Kayleigh says
Team Series yesterday with Forging Competent Fitness – lots of fun, much enjoyed working with Charlie, Brad, and Michael all day to get all 4 workouts done. Highlights for me includes a major hang power clean PR of 158#. Less exciting was ripping my hands on synchronized C2B pull-ups, but my incredibly supportive team members definitely made it worth it. Many thanks to Dan G for judging in the morning and Whit and Brett for judging in the afternoon.
Came in today for much needed AR and managed to make up some squats.
LBBS: 185 x 6 x 2
FSQ: 155 x 6 x 2
Assault Bike: 5 min relaxed cycling, tabata for 49 calories, 3 min cycling
jonathan g says
@shawn – I left your (now clean and washed) socks with the front desk! thought you'd be at AG. there's a note and everything.
Brian says
11am with The New (Great) Guy
Performance up to 90#. Good weight to focus on form and not so much weight.
Metcon at 75# with pull-ups in 13:33. I got what is probably the worst headache of my life brought on by the OH squats in the first round and pushed through while the headache intensified. Better after a couple hours but probably looked like a freak clenching at my brain after class. 🙂
Brad D says
Noon yesterday:
Squat… Getting tough now:
245x6x2 front squat
NFT work with 32kg bell… Thought it was all five rounds but upon further reflection it was 4.
3 mile run in prospect park mid afternoon because I ate cookies for linch.
Today at noon:
Performance Snatch complex:
Metcon in 10:42 Rx. Burpees were slow and steady. OHS and C2B unbroken.
Looking forward to a long mobility and whiskey session this evening.
Allie B. says
Snatch:Complex up to 73#, power snatched 78 2X (new PR), but failed high hang snatch both times. That's also my current 1 RM snatch.
WOD: 10:38? 63# but did pull-ups instead of C2B. Scaled because I wanted to go for big chunks. Did pullups in 8-7-6, 8-7, 6-3. This is a big deal for me!
Then, brought lots of semi-interested friends to the teaser class and did that workout with them. Great class, David! One signed up and I know more are interested!! <3 yay crossfit!
Lauren says
Morning at home — 4 rounds
3 weighted pull ups, 8# unbroken
5 HSPUs, no abmat, unbroken
20 reverse lunges 20# OH
20 sit ups
Pull ups and strict HSPUs felt better today
Bench press / Deadlift
Bench — 45×8, 65×5, 75×3, 85×3, 95x3x2 – fast and easy, 105×2 – stopped there, shoulder did something weird and bar path was off
Deadlift — 95×5, 125×3, 155×3, 175x2x3 – tried contracting abs in addition to bracing to combat left hamstring issue, seemed to help
3 sets
:10 C2B hold — band green, blue, blue + orange
unbroken ring dips — 3, 2, 3
15 GHD sit-ups
Plan to try out my right calf with some dynamic movements tomorrow
KLove says
Performance snatch complex: 63×2, 68×2, 73, 78×2, 83
83# was a PR match for a PS, but I'm pretty sure the last time I hit it, I pressed out and the bar was out in front of me. I'm terrible at power snatching and 83# felt easy today and I def had more in me. Progress!
WOD in 12:48 with 15-9-6 C2B
OHS: set of 21 done in three sets because my left arm was bent on the last rep so I redid it. Not sure that I had to though bc I stood it up. Set of 15 done in two sets, last set unbroken.
C2B: All done in sets of three! Kip is still off and legs are ending up behind on many of the reps, but slightly better than normal. No repped myself and redid 4 reps of these.
Went to the teaser class with Allie and my friend Shazia who I want to join.
Lauren says
I lost a pair of gold earrings with a diamond l-shaped clear stone hanging from them at the gym tonight. If anyone finds them please let me know. Very upset about losing these 🙁 Thank you