Back Squat / Front Squat
Back Squat: 2 x 5 Linear Progression
Front Squat: 2 x 3 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week.
Back Squat 70% x 6 x 2
Front Squat 70% x 6 x 2
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 16
5 RNFT or 20 Minutes:
65m Farmer Carry, Left
65m Farmer Carry, Right
270m Run
The carries are to 3rd Avenue and then back to the door with the opposite arm. The runs are 4th and back. Go medium-heavy on the carries with the goal of doing them unbroken with minimal rest on the transition. If you’re feeling it, then push the pace on the runs. Otherwise use them as active rest.
Post work to comments.
Matt’s hair looks good even when he’s just judging!
- Reminder: Parking is still suspended on Degraw Street. Be sure to give yourself extra time to get to the gym, since parkng is cancelled on some other surrounding blocks.
Join Us for the Next Iron Maiden’s Lift n’ Learn Session
All IM competitors and IM curious are welcome!
October 16, 2016
Press and Negotiating
BYOProgram OR plan to focus on working up to a heavy five on your Overhead Press. Feedback on technique can be provided.
Post-lifting, we’re happy to welcome CFSBKer and Starting Strength Cycle alum Karina Totah for a workshop in negotiation skills:
Women don’t ask. Research shows they forego over ½ million dollars in salary over their lifetimes.
Like lifting, negotiation skills get better with practice. But unlike lifting, success and failure aren’t as black and white in negotiations. Come out to lift, and stay to learn the nuance of negotiation so you can successfully navigate asking for what you need and want.
In this workshop, we’ll cover negotiation framing and prep, do a live practice, and discuss negotiation plans.
Karina Totah’s Middle-Eastern father had her haggling from a young age. She strengthened her negotiation instinct with more structured training at Yale’s School of Management. Now she enjoys sharing her knowledge with other women. By day, Karina is Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at the New York City Housing Authority; by morning, usually at 7am, she’s a CFSBKer.
Ask a Swole Woman: Soreness and Notebooks The Hairpin
This Is How NYC Schools Teach Kids About 9/11 Gothamist
1st comment?
11am class
Felt solid. Looking forward to heavier weights next week.
3 Rounds of the NFT, all at 53lbs and a 300m row. The carries really highlight the muscle imbalance in my lumbo-pelvic area so keeping these pretty conservative for a while.
HBBS: 140 5×2
Fsq: 125 3×2
Farmers carry: 3 rounds with green KB and 2 rounds with white!
Great yoga and ar after!
11AM with JB and Whit
HBBS: 235x5x2 (JB called a few shallows on this and suggested I repeat this weight next week.)
FSQ: 215x3x2
1 p.m. w/Whit & Brett (welcome, Brett! Thanks for being such a good incognito coach when you got partnered up with me for snatches last week. I had a sneaking suspicion you probably coached somewhere…)
BSQ 205x6x2; FSQ 185x6x2. Ugly. Long week and even with a full night's sleep last night I had some work to do here. Whit and Brett both gave good cues but I was a little too discombobulated to make good use of them.
NFT work: treated it kind of like a metcon and got all 5 rounds in. Sprinted the first run, hauled the Ford Taurus (a/k/a the ugly big white 88# kettlebell) on round 2, but otherwise just kept a steady pace with the 72# bell and a decent run.
A day late posting on the blog but congrats, Brett!
LBBS: 145x2x2
FSQT: 115x2x2
Carries: yellow, white, green, green red
Yellow and white were way too light but glad I started with those bc my lower back lit up when carrying the green KB with my left hand and my back is still hurting.
2 rounds:
30 DUs
5 kipping HSPU with one ab mat
10 air squats things Whit showed me with a KB
3 strict ring dips- singles
Tested out two of the Girls Gone Rx WODS and did my own versions
3 Rounds:
10 PP @70#
10 Cal row
30s rest
Then max pullups with remaining time- 3 minutes. I only did pullups for 1:15 because my hands were sore from farmer carries and I didn't want to tear. Got 20 pullups- did 4 sets of 5. Def will be able to do more with unsore hands.
3 Rounds: 1 minute max of work
5 power cleans @68#
5 burpee over the bar
10 DUs
rest two minutes
Got through 2 sets of power cleans each minute, and eventually a few burpees. Need to not wear a high pony tail because I kept getting the rope stuck in my hair.
Waiter walks with 40#DB approx. 80ftx3