Back Squat / Front Squat
Back Squat: 2 x 12 Linear Progression
Front Squat: 2 x 8 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week.
Back Squat: 70% x 2 x 2
Front Squat: 70% x 2 x 2
Every other exposure is a de-load so these should feel light.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 16
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
20 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
20 Dumbbell Power Snatches
Rx the Dumbbell Power Snatces at about 1/3 of your body weight or scale accordingly. These should be challenging, but you should be able to move through the sets relatively unbroken. Alternate arms on the Dumbbell Power Snatch. Aim for unbroken on as many rounds of Wall Ball shots as possible
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Coach Whitney’s contribution to last year’s CFSBK Art Show: she danced!
Save the Date (and Start Making Art!) for CFSBK’s Third Art Show!
Ever wonder what CFSBK would look like if it transformed into an art gallery? Well, those of us that participated in or attended CFSBK’s previous Art Shows know it looks pretty awesome. Our third Art Show will be Saturday, November 19th, so save the date!
The aim of the evening isn’t to sell the work of our artists and other CrossFitting artists (though if that happens, great), but to showcase the often hidden talents of our members, bring our community together in a novel way, and to continue being the coolest CrossFit gym on the planet.
The more diversity of mediums the better—painting, photography, film, collage, printmaking, dance, design, jewelry, quilts, other textiles, installations, or something we haven’t heard of yet. (We have a 180” projector that can be used for video-based art, and we can set up booths in the changing rooms for audio-based art.) If you participated in years past, please do not repeat work you included for those shows.
We’ll post again in six weeks to start putting together a roster of artists. Email Kate R. at Katharine [at] with any questions (or if you know you want to participate!).
Register for FIGHT GONE BAD 2016!
There are just 3 days left to register for Fight Gone Bad 2016. It’s one of our funnest events of the year, and you don’t want to miss out! The workout is nuts, yes, but it’s the good kind of nuts, and you get to do it with awesome teammates with whom you’ll raise money for a great cause (Brooklyn Community Foundation). Most importantly, you get to do it with the whole CFSBK community. What are you waiting for?!?!
HSPU Warm-Up Progression CFSBK Instagram
How To Get the Most Out of CrossFit Group Classes Inside the Affiliate
Horrible Facebook Algorithm Accident Results In Exposure to New Ideas
Great article yesterday about Coach JB. You kick ass JB!
AG last night
2 Rounds of 5 double yoga push-ups, 20 hollow rocks, 4 pull ups (unbroken)
10 min EMOM
even: 4 pull ups w/ 2.5# (broken up — didn't get them all)
odd: 30 second handstand hold alternating hands
Work out in 7:28
20 KB swings 20kg
50 sit ups
16 KB swings
40 sit ups
… to 4 and 10
5 Sets:
:10 C2B pull up hold (green band), :08 negative
18 reverse hypers (50#, 70#, 90#, 90#, 90#)
Yesterday's Squats – Supersets with 3 HSPUs (1 abmat)
HBBS: 153 x 5 x 2
FSQ: 133 x 5 x 2 — hard
Voodoo and mashing right calf which is swollen and problematic
6am with Ro and McDowell
HBBS – 235x2x2
FS – 195x2x2
Both nice and easy
Metcon at 60# (1/3 BW exactly) – 5 rounds + 34 reps
This was pretty tough, but not quite as bad as I expected. Lower back is lit up though so we'll see if I'm still saying that tomorrow.
730 last night
DL 6×3 #275
Started touch n go which devolved to singles towards the end. This got hard as the reps went up. Glad to be going back down the ladder, even with more weight.
HSPU 4inch deficit 6×3
Increased the deficit 2inches from last week on Coach Katie's recommendation. First two sets felt fine but the final one was a grind.
WOD : 11:20 something-ish
Shoulders were shot from paddling through Hermine for 2 days so the push jerk was harder than it should have been but really this was all about the burpees and my inability to do them quickly while fatigued.
5:30 yesterday:
2x12x115# back squat
2x8x115# front squat. up 5# from last week, starting to feel hard. still need to work on getting lower.
5 rounds of the AMRAP with 30# db's and 20/10.
pullup pyramid 3-2-1-1-1-2-1-1
Interesting article on protein
Mostly just wanted to post today to say THANK YOU JB for being so open about your story. It was really, really inspiring to hear what you've overcome. You're such a rockstar.
Also, congrats Stella on the bench PR!! So exciting! I wish I had been there to spot and cheer you on 🙂
AG last night:
Warm up 3 rounds of 1 weighted pull-up, 20 hollow rocks and 5 yoga pushups. Worked up to bw + 20# on the pull-up.
Then EMOM alternating 4 pull-ups and :30 handstand hold. I started the rounds with 4 pull-ups plus 5 pounds then did 3,2,1 with no weight for the subsequent rounds. Handstand holds are feeling more solid. They used to hurt my back but felt good last night. Really focused on staying tight and not hyperextending.
Then the box jump, sit-up workout in I'm not sure how long. Took it pretty slow and easy, step-downs the whole time. I did not sit on a go mat and am paying for it today haha. Lesson learned.
7am RoDowell
BSQ 145x2x2
FSQ 135x2x2
both super solid
Metcon w/50#db, 3 rounds+30. All 4 sets of wall balls unbroken which was my main goal. DB snatches stayed steady focusing on using hips and legs and not pressing out. Working outside on a cool-ish breezy morning is so wonderful. Locker room still sweaty as ever.
Had a good exercise day yesterday!
PR-ed my C&J: 190#!
Got a bit excited and tried to go for 200. Definitely not there yet. Hopefully by the end of the year.
Did 14.4 for the first time yesterday (was injured during this season):
14 min AMRAP:
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots, 14 lb. to 9-foot target
30 cleans, 95 lb.
20 muscle-ups
Got 9 MU into the 1st round!!! Super stoked about this.
Went to Barry's Bootcamp this morning for work. Blasted pecs/bi's/tri's/and back. Treadmill intervals in neon lights are no joke. Holy moly.
back to gym tonight for SKWATS and light OLY. ALL OF THE FITNESS!
Will anyone be around the gym tomorrow for OG who can judge our team at 7:00 am? Micheline, Gerry, Charles and I are participating in the Crossfit Team Series Masters Division and have a 25 min work out and a 15 min workout to complete. (We'll also need a judge on Sunday at 6pm). We'd appreciate the help and will share all our glory with you!
@ Sean – 4' deficit HSPU = impressive! Does "paddling through Hermine 2 days" suggest you've been surfing?
@ Natalie – the mat doesn't always help – just sayin.
Today's – Yesterday at 7 am with Jess
LBBS @ 70% = 115 2×2 FS 100 2×2
4 rounds plus 4 WBs. I went too light on the DBs but here's the thing: I did the WBs Rx, and I got my first 20 in 54 seconds. This is exciting for me because last year for FGB I had 9-6-6 for wall balls….bodes well for this year!!
Did 5 sets of 3 pull ups cash out.
AG last night with Ro
got back to 20 lb weighted pull up.
For emom Did 4 pull ups with 10/made 3 with 5 then did 4 unweighted in the next 2 rounds. They got uglier and uglier. Tried staying off the wall with the handstands as much as possible…
WOD in 9:02 with 18" cushion box (which I'm in love wtih).
@Shawn. I'll be around and can judge.
Thanks Joy! You're the best!!
Harper, ease off the Java juice! But yes, sign up for FGB. Art Show is very cool. Not sure about rooming with J-Bro.
Noon class
Paused 1st rep
Paused 1st rep
Liking the deload. Will like it more once load goes up.
WOD Rx'd w/60# DB
4 + 20
Honestly could have done 5 rounds but looked for lots of arbitrary rest.
6 a.m. (!!!) w/Ro & McDowell. (I was disappointed by the lack of rosé but it's no longer in season, I guess?)
BSQ 205×2; FSQ 185×2. OK.
Metcon: 4 rounds exactly w/ a 50# db, which is less than Rx'ed. Really wasn't feeling this one, much to my chagrin. Wasn't so much the weight as the *rhythm*. Didn't get comfy cycling the power snatches until gritting my teeth and gunning it at the end, after which it actually felt light. Valuable lesson: sometimes you just gotta grit your teeth and gun it, even if it is 6 a.m. and there is no rosé.
Adding my belated props to JB for an amazing/courageous profile yesterday, and for all the help as a coach over the last 20 months.
@shawn yup was out in rockaway. Heavy stuff.
Huge 6:30 class!
LBBS: 145x6x2
FSQT: 115x6x2
Wore a belt because my lower back has been hurting.
WOD: 3+6 with the 40# DB
No repped myself on a lot of wall balls. Kept throwing air balls or not hitting the target. DB snatches took a long time. Bringing the DB down was more difficult than snatching it. My lower back is fried.
@kharpz – YES! to your enthusiasm and your 190 C&J WHAT!!!
My victory is making it to 430 class where Elaina sat on the couch for a full hour, and I got in:
1. a little pull up, hollow rock, FSQ warm up,
2. squats for the 2nd time this week (155 x2x2, 135 x2x2), and
3. three sets of 8 hip extensions on GHD w 5kg plate overhead, 8 hip extensions with barbell @50kg, 8 ea arm high pull w 8kg
Still voodooing and massaging the calf :/
630 PM with Ro and Melo
HBBS: 200x12x2
FSQ: 180x12x2
WOD with 30lb DB power cleans. Exactly 4 rounds.
Wednesdays are killing me.
HBBS: 110 12×2
Fsq: 95 8×2
WOD; 4 rounds plus 12 at 30#. So hard.
Cash out: Brainz and gainz!!!