Andrew S. taking on last year’s Subway Series event
This Sunday: The Subway Series Returns to CFSBK!
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the sixth annual Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year! The second event of the year will take place right here at CFSBK this Sunday, August 21st. The action kicks off at noon.
As a result, we’ll only be offering 8, 9, and 10am group classes. Everything else, including Active Recovery and Anti-Gravity, will be cancelled. Come for class in the morning, stay to watch your fellow CFSBKers throw down in the afternoon!
Interested in helping out? We still need volunteers to judge, keep score, set up, and break down. Contact David [at] with “SS Volunteer” in the subject line and let him know what categories you would like to volunteer in and what hours you’re available. As a bonus, CFSBK will be providing some light refreshments for all volunteers.
We can’t wait to see you there!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Deadlift / HSPU | NFT Work
These Five Sporting Events Took Less Time to Compete Than Katie Ledecky’s Margin of Victory Deadspin
Do Vegetables Really Exist? BBC Earth
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat / Front Squat
BSQ 2 x 12 LP
FSQ 2 x 8 LP
Start light enough to add weight through the cycle.
BSQ & FSQ 70% x 2 x 2
Every other exposure, starting today, is a de-load so these should feel light.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
3 Rounds for Time:
270m Run
15 Pull-Ups
15 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
PULL UP warm up
3-5 rounds
build to challenging single
20 hollow rocks
5 yoga push ups
A. EMOM 10 min
EVEN: 1 pull up
ODD: :30 Handstand hold
15 Double unders
10 Cal Row
20 Double unders
15 cal Row
25 Double unders
20 cal row
30 Double unders
25 cal row
*Keep adding 5 reps to each round for the remaining time.
830 last night
DL 3×3 #275
Moved well. Happy to be DL'ing again.
HSPU 3×10
No problems here will look to do deficits at some point this cycle.
NFT work
4 rounds
Jerry Can
Box Jumps 30', 34', 36' and a few attempts/misses at 42'
Strict T2B between 8-10 each set
7am with McDowell
BS – 160# x 2 x 2
FS – 140# x 2 x 2
Nice and light. Legs are thankful.
Metcon Rx – 9:53
Pullups were 15 / 8-7 / 8-3-3-1. Think I'm starting to figure out how to make my kip a little faster and controlled which allowed me to stay on the bar longer. Was good to have Peter to pace off of for this. He won. Stupid Peter.
7 am with McDowell:
Finally off of the injury struggle bus! Back squat at 135x2x2, front squat 115x2x2
WOD in 10:57 Rx
BSQ: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 200x2x2 then FSQ: 180x2x2. Focused on form, not getting on my toes, since the weight is light.
Metcon: 8:00. Runs were ok, pull ups unbroken and burpees were steady. Put the gas down a bit on the last set of burpees.
6am with Jess
HBBS: 225 x 2 x 2
FSQ: 195 x 2 x 2
Hip was surprisingly tight today so happy to have a light load. Tweaked something in my lower lat walking my FSQ back to the rack. One of those deep rip cage muscles where it's hard to take a deep breath until the muscle relaxes.
WOD in 10:28 Rx
Overheated on this one. Pull-ups were 10-5 then broke them up way too much. Just need to commit to staying on the bar. Rest of the 6am guys went crazy on this one.
6am with McD doing Monday stuff
Deadlift 315x3x3
HSPU 3×8
4 rounds of NFT work:
Jerry can farmers carry
36" box jumps (one round at 42") x5
Abmat sit-ups x20
@Brad D – yay for the 42" jumps! I can't believe you didn't post about your dismounts – pretty good those.
7 am with McDowell
Feels weird to go so light for so few. 115 lbbs; 95 front.
WOD in 11:3? with 8 pull ups. Second run was slow and I had to tie my shoe. I had do.
6am with McDowell and the usual crew
BS/FS – 235/195 – looking forward to resetting positions at lighter weights for a few weeks
Metcon in a sweaty 6:49 – nowhere to hide on this one.
Deadlift 3×3
185x2x5, 225, 245, 265, 275
Handstand Push-Up
Focused on tightening my core and not doing the bowed-back thing
Exposure 1/8
40 yd Farmer Carries 40kg (white KB)
10 Box Jumps 30"
10 Kipping Toes-to-Bars
LBBS: 185x2x2
FSQ: 150x2x2
Quick doubles feel so good.
WOD: 11:32 with scaled pullups (8-6-6). My hands are still pretty rough, so did them all as singles and doubles. Legs still Karen destroyed and was just running on fumes for this workout.
GHD: 3×15
Banded pull ups with hold at the top: 3×5
Shot in the dark: anyone have gym recommendations for mid-Long Island? I'm visiting the folks and this trip's globo gym experience included a giant mirror in front of the squat rack and an old mansplainer who asked if I needed 'help' with my bar clips while I was adding weight to the bar, because he actually just wanted to take them, because he thought I was done after one warm-up set, because 'well he just wouldn't want me to exhaust myself.' Clearly I need to get back asap, but in the meantime does anyone know anything about GrassFed Crossfit, Crossfit South Shore, or Crossfit Suffolk? Or anything else nearby, because will travel for strength + WOD.
6am with J.Fox
BSQ 225, FSQ 200 I'm not convinced about this Russian lifting thing
WOD: 8:18
Runs were moderate to slow
Pull-ups unbroken 2 rounds, then broke up the last set 10-5 and BK made his move.
Nice and steamy in there this morning
12pm with Jeremy.
Took a much-needed few days off- actually hadn't worked out since last Wednesday!!
5 strict pull-ups with hold ( 1st round C2B with band)
16 x rev lunges 25# OH
16 x KB swings (USA 20kg) 2 rounds of these- need to practice for Flex!
240 x 3 x 3
12 with 2x abmats
5 with 1x abmat +5lb plate
6 with 1x abmat + 10lb plate
Eventually found the right combination of abmats and plates!! Excited to work on these for a cycle!
Deadlifts felt good. It's been so long!!
25 yd Farmer Carry, Left, Right @ 32KG (red KB)
10 Box Jumps- 10 @ 24', 5 @30', 10 @ 24', 10@30' x 2
8 x Strict Toes-to-Bars- not entirely the strictest ever but I did my best!!
I actually finished this NFT!!
Good day to come back. Excited for this new cycle- it looks like a lot of fun!!
@Meredith, one of my friends goes to Cow Harbor CrossFit (Northport area). The only thing I know about the place is that my friend loves it there. good luck!
Thanks Mo! Just left a message with them to see if they do drop-ins! Fingers crossed!
Deadlift: 155 6×3
Hspus: 1 ab mat. 3-2. Hard. Might consider throwing in a few box pikes push-ups after next week.
Worked up to red KB, and 30" box. Fun!
Really great AR & AG class– so sore post- crush week!
AG tonight
Pull up work with 5lbs added. Head rush on those HS holds!
WOD: did 203 reps, or 8 calories into the round that started with 35 DUs.
Sweaty one.
Came back for AG. Lots of friends there tonight- so much fun!
4 rounds
20 hollow rocks
Pull-ups (BW x 5, 10lb x 3, 15lb x 1, 25lb x 1)
5 yoga push-ups
EMOM 10 min
Even: 1 x pull up @ 25#
Odd:30 sec handstand hold
Got to the round of 35 DU and 4 cal on the erg. Couldn't keep up with Jenny!
Yesterday's class solo
3 rounds
5 press 45#
5 good mornings 45# – left hamstring acting up the last couple days
5 ea straight leg side step ups 24"
Deadlift / HSPU supersets x3
150# (70% – might as well have been 100 :/) x 3
HSPU x 6 (3-3, w 1 abmat)
3 rounds NFT
25 meter ea arm farmers carry 24kg ^
10 box jumps 24"
10 strict T2B (3-3-3-1, 4-3-3, 5-5)
Warm up x 4
Pull ups (3-3, 5# x2, 10# x1, 10# x1)
20 hollow rocks
10 yoga push ups
10 min EMOM
Even: 1 pull up +10#
Odd: :30 handstand hold – Ro assist
8 min AMRAP
Made it to 30 DUs, 20 cals..
Tripped a few times, had to tie my shoe, avg 700 cal/hr which is on the weaker side for me.. This was a great workout and one I'd like to get into again a little more fiercely next time.
AG rocks. Wish I could do it more often.