Rack Thruster
Work up to a 1RM Thruster taken out of a rack. Take the bar out strong and maintain a strong rack position through the drive. Any re-bend of the knee is missed rep.
Post loads to commments.
For Time:
150 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
Settle in and embrace it.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coach Nick writes, “Greetings from Missoula! Our friend owns a mug that might be of interest.”
- Schedule Change: Today’s 2:00pm Anti-Gravity class is cancelled.
Volunteers Needed for the Subway Series at CFSBK
CFSBK is hosting the 3rd event of the 2016 Subway Series next Sunday, August 21st, and we need your help to make it even better than last year! We need volunteers for a few hours starting at 11am until about 3pm in a few categories:
Score Keepers (spreadsheet experience needed)
Set Up/Break Down
If you’re competing and are willing to judge when you aren’t, we’d love to use you. And even if you’re new to CF or haven’t done this before, we want you!
Contact David [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com with “SS Volunteer” in the subject line and let him know what categories you would like to volunteer in and what hours you’re available. As a bonus, CFSBK will be providing some light refreshments for all volunteers.
(And hey, don’t forget to head on up to CrossFit Gantry today for the 2nd Subway Series event!)
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: “Jerry”
Dave Castro: Technique Vs. Intensity CrossFit Journal
“Karen” Demo WODwell
AG is cancelled today.
Is crush week also photos of Nick on the blog week?
i PR'ed crush week with a 5/5.
10 am with Fox
Thruster: Wasn't feeling so great this morning during the thrusters, worked up to 185# and kept just focused on technique.
Karen: 6:39 Rx. Legs finally woke up. Did this in sets of 20, then 15s toward the end.
Thrusters: 95-115-125-135-140. I think this is a PR. Heavy, but think I may have a few more pound here.
Karen: 7:03 Rx. Started with a set of 35, then 15, and then a mix of 8-12 the remainder. Tried to minimize rest. Took my legs quite a while to rediscover how to walk after.
8am with Foxes
Thruster – up to 155#
Karen: 10:32 Rx
Sets of 15 for the first 4, then 10s and 5s by the end. Getting up my stairs after this was a joke.
Thrusters up to 170# felt just ok, not sure how much more I had in me, I dont have a previous PR to compare this too, but its about 25# under my push press.
karen, lower RX in 11:00, started with 40 ews, and then kept them at 10 ews this the end.
Noon class
up to 215
Decided on 15 sets of 10 and stuck to it although my rests became longer. Was pretty consistent except for 3 no-reps I gave myself. Also happy to go 5/5 on Crush Week. This was a tough one.
Daaaaang, Kayleigh! Your mind is strong!!
Thruster: 73-83-88-93-98. Got lots of good tips from Kharpz and Ro about staying tight, controlling descent, and when to think about bouncing back up. Heavy thrusters are kind of scary.
Karen: 8:41 Did 6 "sets" of 15-10. This breakdown helped me move consistently and rest up without taking too many breaks. Really focused on controlled breathing during the wallballs. I think I had a few no reps– just hitting the line– but I didn't re-do them. Making a plan on the whiteboard and sticking to it is my new favorite thing!!!
12pm class.
(45x8x2, 65×5, 95×3) 115, 125, 135, 145f
-didn't really commit to 145 and pushed it out in front. have hit this before so not a PR. I blame the heat for feeling like the bar was 10#'s heavier. Also, my shoulders are still fried from all the cleans/snatches/pushups.
-a 3sec PR from when I last did this in October. Reps went 20-15-15-15-15-15-15-15-10-15. Realized that the only way to go faster in this is to go faster. 😉 Meaning, less rest between those sets. Sub 7 is a future goal.
Also happy to go 5-5 with crush week. Very excited to get back into group class on the regular for this next cycle. No extended travel so I should be able to hit every exposure.
Skipped Karen to participate in the Subway Series at Crossfit Gantry
2 workouts:
21 ghd sit-ups
15 45# db thrusters
9 box jump overs 20"
1:54. all unbroken.
27 wallballs 20# 9'
10 rope assisted pull-ups
21 wallballs
8 rope pull-ups
15 wallballs
6 rope pull-ups
9 wall balls
4 rope assisted pull-ups.
I struggled with the pullups- you had to wrap your leg on the rope and use the rope
to help pull you over the bar- unwrapping and re-wrapping each rep. I had 12 or so no-reps,
mostly from not wrapping correctly.
This was so fun. Gantry did a great job- well organized and thought out. Great support from my fellow cfsbk'ers!
Disappointed that I'll be away for cfsbk's week next week- definitely sign up
if you're curious.
4/5 for crush week- terrific challenges all week.
1 p.m. w/Katie & Ro.
Rack Thruster: up to 185 (PR!), 195 2F. PR of 30 pounds from December 2015. Felt like I had more to give. How far we have come…
Karen: 9:35, ostensibly Rx'ed, but I'm not going to count it because too many of my squats didn't go low enough. Did exactly what Ro warned us against doing at around the 60-rep mark: put my hands in the wrong place and caught 20 pounds of medicine ball square in the face. After that I kept missing shallow — once bitten, twice shy, I guess. Frustrating, but something that's easily fixable with a little effort.
Walking home uphill afterwards in the blistering heat was a workout of its own.