Sara G. wearing what may be the best pants in the world | Photo by Thomas H.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Coach Whitney will be away at the CrossFit Gymnastic trainer’s course this weekend, but tomorrow’s 10:00am Yoga for Athletes class is still on with guest instructor Sasha S.!
2. SAVE THE DATE: Fight Gone Bad 2016 will go down on Saturday, October 15th! Registration info will be available soon.
3. Morit S. reported on her 2nd place finish at the New Jersey State Powerlifting Championship. Congrats again, Mo!
4. In our most recent installment of the CFSBK Guide to Cues, Coach David explained what “pull yourself under the bar” means.
5. As a mid-Crush Week treat, we reposted Coach Noah’s “The Sweat Spot: Balancing Precision and Intensity for Maximum Gainz.” Required reading!
6. Head on over to CrossFit Gantry this Sunday to watch our athletes compete in the second event of the Subway Series. The action kicks off at 12:00pm.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Hang Snatches, Ring Dips
Nijat Rahimov Breaks Clean & Jerk World Record, Beats Lu Xiaojun in Epic 77kg Battle BarBend
The Sharks That Live to 400 The Atlantic
Saturday's Programming
For Time:
Run 1 Mile
Row 2k
Run 1 Mile
Post time and Rx to comments.
6am with DO going after Jerry
Jerry: 22:03 Rx. Wow that was sweaty but a good workout. First run was 6:30, then row was 8:35, then second run was 6:58 (I think that math works out). I weighed myself before and after class this morning and I lost 5lbs during that class.
Well, I started crossfit during crush week. Maybe that's for the best?
I've got bruises on my collarbones, snatches are a total mystery, & I'll spend the weekend practicing DUs. Thanks to 6am folks for being super nice & excusing all my profanity. Looking forward to this adventure in sports!
Following the weightlifting in the Olympics has been really cool and sorta mind blowing. I guess I've always known these athletes are crazy strong but watching these videos is nuts. In previous Olympics it always seemed that the really big guys were always on TV so it always made sense that those dudes could move a ton of weight. But watching the ladies and the lighter weight guys has been a real eye opener. 77kg would be my weight class if I competed and I cannot fathom a 400lbs deadlift let alone a C&J at 470lbs. Really really cool.
6am with DO
Jerry in 23:03 Rx. First time with Jerry and that row was something special. I felt like I was rowing in actual water since every stroke sent sweat flying everywhere. Oh and Joy, my shirt weighed 0.75 lbs when I got back. In 3 days when it has finally dried I'll tell you the dry weight. And Matty (if you still exist after leaving here) – Kayleigh failed you already.
My times roughly were 6:50, 8:00 and 7:30 with some generous transition times.
Kate: Welcome! I always feel for the people who come out of Foundations and straight into a Crush Week, so good on you!
I chose a different form of crushing this morning:
HBBSQ 210×1, 197.5×3, 185×3. Jeremy moved me to heavy single followed by descending 3s starting last week. The single is not bad and neither is the 185, but the set in the middle is pretty tough!
Bench 135x3x3. I'm so happy with how this went. The bench press at Iron Maidens was when it really sunk in that I had de Quervain's AGAIN, because my final attempt, although I made it, was uncomfortable bordering on pain. So it felt amazing to bench heavy and have it not be a problem post-surgery. (!!!!!)
RDL 150x6x2. Grip is starting to be a factor here.
Tabata assault bike, 41 cal. I took a steadier pace than the last couple of weeks instead of going crazy on the first interval and got one more calorie out of it, so that's something.
Sweating like a mofo by the end. I feel for you guys doing insane Crush Week things, I really do.
8 a.m. w/DO, attempting Jerry in this lovely humidity and with the lovely odor of fish wafting over us on Douglass Street.
24:28, which is a PR of just over a minute. First mile 7:24, row 8:45, last mile 8:19. Gotta work on getting those legs up and going again on mile no. 2.
8 AM Spanglish class with DO and Melissa.
Biking Jerry in 27:33.
3 mile assault bike
2000m row (in Sweat River)
3 mile assault bike
10 mins of d/u work to cash out.
a four year old on a tricycle passed me going uphill on my bike ride home.
6 am with David
"Jerry" in 25:18. Felt fine to start and through the row but the second mile was not fine.
Splits were 7:32, 8:05, and then ~9 on the ultimate run. Transitions included time to retie my shoe, remove my shirt, sip my water and daydream about James. Clocked in at 24:00 one year ago so that's not cool.
@Kate Tk — my first week was Crush Week too! #itgetsbetter
Thursday 6:30pm w/ Whit. Oh boy, this was an unmitigated disaster. At least I learned a few things:
1) I'm SO much better in the morning when I'm fresh than the evening when I'm tired and distracted.
2) My snatches need serious work (but I knew that already).
3) It hurts when your hand rips.
4) Don't get psyched out. This got to my head and I panicked before I even started…I knew snatches are a thing I struggle with, and the volume scared me. I ended up doing power snatches because I felt unsteady and off-balance, and also because I was convinced I wouldn't even make it through the first set of 21 in 20 mins if I did full snatches. That was the wrong way to look at it…wish I'd focused on making the snatches better instead of stressing about reps and rounds. Definitely my most frustrating day in the gym to date. Still, great coaching from Whit…plus her flawless form during barbell drills was an inspiration!
Fri 7am w/ DO doing Jerry, a little under 29 mins. No surprises here. Super sweaty. I'm still a slow runner. Loved the tip about slightly leaning forward to propel you as you run, though. Helpful!
@Kate Tk. Welcome to all that is the 6 a.m. class. Important question. Do you like rosé?
Today's blog comments are quality.
Jerry in 25:04. Slap on the back by Steve as he passed me on the second mile – I failed you Matty (I'll work on throwing elbows and taking out ankles). Didn't track the splits and wish I had.
Kate – welcome! There are many more bruises in the future and much more cursing to come, but it's all part of the wonderful process. And you get to experience the wonderful 6am banter.
7am with DO
Jerry – 23:38
6:32 / 9:30ish / 7:40ish
I wanted to be out of the gym for run 2 by the 15 minute mark and was a minute slower there than expected. Running in Metcons is an absolute disaster. This workout is in my wheelhouse and will probably give it another go sometime soon in Flyknits.
My hands are happy there was nothing grippy today.
8 am doing Thursday's work w/ McDowell
Arrived late and accidentally warmed up with the Saturday folks. Had intended to do 75#, but, since I missed the bar drills entirely, went with a more conservative 65#. Scaled the ring dips to 7-6-5-4-3 . . .
Made it two snatches into the round of 9, so 100 reps total. As others have said, the hard part here was maintaining hook grip. My thumbs are so unhappy right now.
Perversely looking forward to Jerry.
"Perversely Looking Forward to Jerry" sounds like the title of a Tori Amos album.
WAIT @KAYLEIGH are you sure that it was 25:04????
This could be very exciting news for me as I stumbled into the gym 15-20 seconds behind you thinking it was 26:something and I *just* missed my time from last year!!!
Jerry in 25:40.
In the running world they have a concept known as age-equivalent times. Basically it attempts to estimate the time a 49 year old absolutely stunning looking man would have run if (cough) he were 25 years old. On an age-equivalent basis I believe my Jerry time equates to a mind-blowing 18 minutes flat. So I'm pretty happy about that.
11am solo
3 Mile Assault Bike
2K Row
1 Mile Run
Left calf isn't feeling great so I went with a 3 mile Assault Bike sub for the first mile. It was a "good" idea. So much sweat.
@Allie, it was for me because I actually started late. (Last minute bathroom run during warm ups and I missed the start with everyone, so I started at the one minute mark).
Ahhh I do remember being confused when you weren't outrunning me in the first mile!
8am with DO in rare form.
3 mile assault bike (~9:30)
2k row (9:20)
1mile run (~9ish)
-yes, I'm slow in the bike and I hate it. Both David and Fox were talking shit about how slow I was going while I was on it. Jerks. However, I did lose at least :20 when my seat dropped and I had to get off to fix it.
-2k was rough. being so sweaty also made it tough to hang on to the handle. At least I didn't have to grip a barbell!
-run felt surprisingly good…which means I could/should have pushed harder in the other 2.
Rockaway beach cash out here we come!
CrossFit Open 16.1 (kinda sorta)
20min AMRAP
10 Overhead Lunge 75#
8 Burpees
10 Overhead Lunge 75#
8 Pullups
So hot…
4 rounds
10 Strict Pull-ups
21 Kettlebell Swings 20Kg
@joy YES WAY.
And thanks for the nice welcome everyone!
@Kate Tk can stay in 6 a.m.
Thursdays workout
Snatch 44#
Push ups
136 Total reps – crazy enough I really liked this, I went light on the snatch so I could dial in and stay consistent. Worked out well for me.
Dropped into OG briefly to move the legs after being out for 4 weeks.
Saw note on whiteboard to "Save the Tens" and thought of this:
random warm up stuff
3 position snatch @ 63, 83
103x1x2 (80%)
113x1x4 (87%)
Focused only on aggressive/sharp/fast turnover from second to third pull (not hesitating and over-pulling at the top), combined with keeping it close/relaxed elbows.
Pretty successful session! Reps 1-2 of 113 were a little tentative, then started to pull under better once I felt that weight again. F on rep 3 just b/c I wasn't ready for it at the bottom. Last rep was the best one of the day. Ready to keep pushing percentages here and hopefully break the barrier soon…
15 Cal Row
10 Waiter Squats (alternating sides per round, 20kg)
5 DB Push Press (35# db's)
time: 11:25
was able to keep a fairly steady pace. squats unbroken, though I really thought about putting it down in round 3. hard to stabilize L arm on DB push press in the earlier rounds, but it got better.
all the sweat.
beach cash out. more sweat. and diet coke