Front Squat
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week’s weight.
3 x 2
Heavier than last week’s 4s.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
For Time (15 minute cap):
50 Double-Unders
9 Ring Muscle-Ups
50 Double-Unders
6 Ring Muscle-Ups
50 Double-Unders
3 Ring Muscle-Ups
Scale volume or to Jumping Muscle-Ups as necessary. The buy-in for JMUs is a mature Ring Support and a few strict Ring Dips. If you don’t have the buy-in, then scale to Leg-Assisted Low-Ring Transitions. Scale for dubs is 20-25 attempts.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coaches Jess and Chris Fox visiting EBT CrossFit in Brownsville, TX. “It was hot as hell,” says Lady Fox
August Meat CSA Date Change
Herondale meat CSA customers: please note that the farm has informed us that August’s delivery will be delayed by one week. Instead of tonight, delivery will be Wednesday 8/10. The time remains 6-8:30 pm.
If this is a hardship for you, contact Michele at Mignyc [at] gmail [dot] com immediately to make an alternate plan.
Girls Gone Rx at CrossFit 718
On Saturday, October 1st, our friends at CrossFit 718 will be hosting Girls Gone Rx Brooklyn. Teams of 3 ladies will compete in 4 events throughout the day to raise awareness for Breast Cancer. $30 for each team’s registration fee will be donated directly to Bright Pink. Sound interesting? Find some teammates and head on over to the website to register!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Watch the Construction of an Olympic Pool in 30 Seconds Atlas Obscura
Hou Zhihui Snatches 91kg at 48kg Bodyweight All Things Gym
Francine, Vella and I did girls gone RX on Long Island a little while ago and had a great time and we are already signed up for Brooklyn in October!!
Oh Gee!
HBBSQ paused, 160x3x4. Fine. I also tried racking low bar at 135# and it didn't hurt! Seriously excited.
Bench 117.5x5x2, rep out x8. Happy to have gotten the same number this week as last week.
Pause deadlift 205x5x2. I think this is the weight that crosses the line from "heavy" to "OMG."
Superset x3:
5 chinups
DB press 25×10. I was supposed to do 6 chins per round but was already running the risk of being late for work, so I went with one less rep and less rest between rounds. It was still rough!
OK! Yay! Kelly, Kayleigh and I are in for Girls Gone Rx. Now taking team name suggestions! Will provide donuts in return for a name 🙂
Charlie's Angels?
Chainsaw Roses of Love
8 a.m. w/Ro.
FSQ: 230, 247F, 235. 245 is my old 1RM from back when I weighed 35 pounds more than I do now, and last cycle I struggled mightily to put up 215, so on the whole this is a positive trend. Ro gave me plenty of good things to think about/work on going forward in terms of avoiding my back rounding out and elbows caving.
Metcon: 10:10, transitions & d/u attempts. Good to just treat it as skill work and go from there. Actually managed to string a few doubles together early on, but fatigued quickly.
Josh!!! You're so clever!!!!
That video of Hou Zhihui was immensely helpful in revealing what I do wrong in my snatch: I don't bow afterwards. I'm going to incorporate bowing drills into my training ASAP.
Warm-up Deadlift
5 rounds
Deadlift 7×225
Handstand PUs (strict) 7x
Pullups 7
270m Run
The HSPUs gave me the most trouble.
Everything else pretty much unbroken.
I openly cried during the runs.
Double unders, man. On Saturday I was stringing together like 20+ unbroken, and this morning I could barely get two without tripping. WHAT IS THAT? SO FRUSTRATING. OK, that's the end of my rant.
Figure 4 stretch 2 x 1 min each.
Lateral hip distraction 2 min each.
Ankle distraction 2 min each.
Lotsa foam rolling.
Front Squat
195 x 2, 195 x 1, F, 195 x 1, F.
I kinda knew this was going to happen but I am glad I tried. Maybe on another day I would have pushed harder and made the second reps but front squats are so easy to bail if you're not feeling it. As usual, hips felt creaky and I dropped my elbows.
200 x DU
500m row
400m run
About 22 mins. Didn't do anything very quickly.
3 x 10 lateral step-ups (kids box plus 15lb plate)
150 DU
10AM with Jeremy.
FSQ: 220×5, 220×4 (failed 5th rep), 220×5 (tried it again, and this time it came up).
WOD in 6: something. Pull-up-push-up sub for muscle-ups.
6:30 with Melissa and Arturo…
Yesterday AM: kind of weirdly sequenced but totaled ~7.5 miles, including 6x4min intervals. PM: 6 miles @ <85% MHR. Getting a lot better.
Felt pretty fried warming up today and my low back is bothering me. Pierre said my 245×5 wasn't good on depth so I dropped down to 225 for the last two sets to make sure I was getting down far enough.
WOD was kind of odd as well. Doubles were fine, 1st and 3rd sets unbroken. Mixing in skill work (jumping MUs) felt like a break between the sets. 5:21.
Fsq: 136×1. Technically a 1# PR… Wasn't feeling good tonight :/ 140# was shallow.
WOD: 9:48? Didn't pay too much attention. Just wanted to hit all jumping muscle ups (to high rings, 24" box)
I'm looking for partners for the 718 event if anyone needs partners!!
@Josh obviously everyone was intimidated by your genius. Chainsaw Roses of Love, it is! I will bring you donuts. Thanks!
7:30 with Ro and Melo
Front squat 160×1, 172F, 172F. My descent was super slow on these and i ended up doing weird pauses at the bottom. I'm going to reattempt this weekend. 170 was my old 1RM.
Wod- did leg assisted MU on the low rings, so this moved really quickly. 4:19 i think?
After i did 2×50 situps and some handstand practice
DH3 convinced Crumsho and me to do a smaller version of flight simulator.
10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10 double unders, must be unbroken. I tripped a few times and had to start over. Finished in 6:43. Ouch! Dan crushed me!
@Jenny I thought that was the flight simulator! What's full the version? I guess I've been doing it wrong in OG :/
Dave it goes up by 5s instead of 10s 🙁
730 class
Front squat : 1×246, 1×255, 1×265 (pr)
These moved really well. 20lbs pr.
DU unbroken sets 1&2 last set broke into 35/15. MUs all as singles.
Snatch, Heavy single
CJ, Heavy Single
EMOM for 21 mins (7 rounds)
8 Burpee box jump overs
15 Wall balls
*Had to start shaving burpees towards the end, this was really hard.