The Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Movie Night returns on tonight at 8:00pm with Purple Rain (1984)! Come for Open Gym, stay for a kick-ass movie. Or just come for the movie. We don’t care as long as you’re there! Bring your own beer, snacks, crying doves, little red Corvettes, etc.
2. Big news from Coach Noah: he’s moving to Austin to open his own CrossFit affiliate in August! We’re sad to see him go but, of course, also very excited for him. He’ll continue to coach his regular classes until the move.
3. In the latest installment of Better Know a Member, we learned more about Pigeon K.
4. Did you leave a pair of shoes at the gym some time over the past 6 months? We have an impressive collection of shoes pulled from the lost and found. If any of these belong to you, please claim them soon!
5. There’s a new post up over on Inside the Affiliate. It’s not just a fun, interesting read. What Makes a Great CrossFit Group Class is also a terrific insight into what makes CFSBK such a great gym.
6. Interested in doing a competition over the summer? Flex on the Beach registration is open! The event will take place on September 17th, and our comp team will be there.
7. Last but certainly not least, we told you about Meg L.’s big book news and presented a poem by Dr. Mike. We love our multi-talented members!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch | Row, Wall Balls, Run, Burpees
CrossFit Instructor Accidentally Breaks Record for Most Pull-Ups in a Minute Daily Mail
The Elbow Problem Starting Strength
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat
3×5 LP
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Sixes next week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
6 Rounds
Every 3 Minutes for time:
10 Overhead Squats 115/80
15 Russian KB Swings 24/16kg
20 Double Unders
Score times for each round. Post fastest and slowest round to comments. Full snatches may count as the first rep of each round but don't sacrifice good positions for speed. performing a power snatch and getting stable for the squats is faster in the end than missing a rep and having to pick the bar up again. Sub 10 attempts for dubs or 50 singles if your singles are a WIP. The goal is fast, unbroken sprints on the fast end.
Post times and Rx to comments.
730 last night
Snatch complex : worked up to #135. This week wasn't pretty. Shoulder and hip soreness made the catch difficult if not painful.
Metcon : 10:50 Rx
500m row 1:56
Wall balls unbroken
Run started slow to catch my breath and let my legs adjust. Turned it on during the home stretch.
Burpees slow and steady
500m row : 2:03
6am doing Saturday's work
HBBS – 255x8x3 – moved a lot better than 250 did last week
Metcon – Best round was :59 and worst was 1:04 (tripped up on the DUs on that one)
LBBS: 190 x 8 x 3.
WOD: Best was 1:09, worst was 1:21 (rope got caught on a bench before I even started, so I account at least 6 of those seconds to freeing it). Played around with starting with a power snatch or a squat snatch, neither seemed to make much of a difference in timing.
Pull ups after: 3-3-2-3-3
7am with Nick P
Squats 235# 8×3 felt heavy. Definitely could not fly through these like last week. Need to take a few breaths in between to make sure I am set properly.
WOD @95#
I took a few seconds each time with the bar on my back before I began the OHS. Happy to be doing the over head work semi-comfortably.
7 am with Nick:
HBBS: 3×5 at 105# first time back squatting since hurting my back a couple of weeks ago and felt great. Happy to be "back" to it. Heh.
WOD: I started out doing the ohs with 63# but it felt super heavy and unstable so dropped it back to 53# for rounds 2-5. Then it felt too easy so bumped it back up to 63# for the last round. Still feeling things out after taking it easy the last could of weeks. My fastest and slowest rounds were actually also my first and last at 1:35 and 1:11. Timing totally depended on whether I could go unbroken on the DU.
6am with Nick
Snatch complex : worked up to #135 and stayed there for the last 6. Wasn't feeling it at all today.
Metcon : 9:19 Rx
All unbroken, but run could have been a bit quicker and burpees (if done by someone else) could have been faster.
PSA Reebok is having 40% everything in store until the 26th (sneaks/lifters included)
10am with McNoah doing Saturday
FS – 165 x 8 x 3
Rough squat day. Called out for questionable depth on half the first set, and one rep on the second. Third set was fine.
Metcon @ 85# – Best 1:19 / Worst DNP
Carried my questionable depth issues over to this and was in my own head. Should have just skipped fitnessing today. Woof. First two rounds I did everything unbroken. Third set I couldn't even hit one OHS. Took a time out, then switched to front squats for the last three sets.
Sweaty AM OG sesh
Snatch High Pull + Low Hang Snatch
65% x 1 x 5
Power Clean @ 72% x 2 x 5
FSQT 85% x 2 x 5
Push Jerks 60% x 2 x 5
Pendalay Rows #83 3×10
Wide Grip Pull Ups (Assisted) 4 x 5
Hanging Leg Raises 3×10
Plank 1 min 3 x 10 (accumulate if not able to do stay unbroken)
Really pumped for a rest day tomorrow…
slept in, strolled in.
warm up, 3 rounds:
10 alternating fwd stationary lunges
5 yoga push ups
5 ea side hip airplane
:07 ea side 1 arm handstand hold
10 alternating kossack press outs (5kg, :02 pause at bottom)
DB High Pull: 3×6 @ 40#
*superset with 3 each side log roll to v-up
Accumulate 2 min with 40# DB OH:
R side: unbroken
L side: got to 1:47 and just couldn't stick it out. rested briefly and then came back up, so finished in 2:30
*go to 45# next time.
*first :45 feels so chill. then couldn't feel my hands after the 1:30 mark, got dizzy. very uncomfortable.
Snatch Complex: sn DL + mid hang sn pull + mid hang power snatch + OHS with :05 pause
45, 45, 45
Assault Bike:
5 rounds:
1:00 on
1:00 off
maintained 65-70 RPM throughout. first :20 feel just fine, middle gets challenging breath-wise, then last third of it is just straight pain cave with concrete legs.
walking cooldown + quad/hip flexor stretching
8 a.m. doing Thursday's work w/Nick.
Hang snatch complex: 95×3, 105×3, 115×1 (1F), 95×1. Some weird hip issues this morning. Was getting the pull OK early on but struggled both with my arms over-anticipating the movement and my hips not wanting to open up — it was like I was kicking under the bar, Nick said, rather than extending and pulling it properly. Good issue to identify/work on by breaking down the movement. Really enjoying these clean/snatch complexes this cycle.
Metcon: 10:41, Rx'ed. Burpees a little faster than usual, wall balls a little slower. Felt good on the whole.
Snuck in a half hour OG session today.
Did some but not enough stretching followed by some butterfly swing practice and handstands on paralettes.
45 x 19, 55 x 5, 60 x 2, 67.5 x 8 x 3
12pm with McDowell
Snatch Complex
Worked up to 78 and stayed there for the second half of the ten mins.
Stopped myself from adding weight and focused on technique.
WOD in 10:21 with 400m row instead of run.
Wallballs unbroken, burpees in 3 sets.
Just tried to move well and deliberately through this, without pushing too hard. This was the best I have felt doing CF in a bit. I didn't want to quit halfway through. Maybe this is what I need to do for a while.
Pull-ups +25#
Partner WOD with Karl during Open Gym – 38:07 Rx
** Teams of 2
2 Rounds for Time
800 Meter Farmers Carry (53/35)
50 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24"/20")
30 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
*Both athletes must go out on the 800m farmers carry together with only one athlete holding the 2 kettlebells at a time. You may switch working athletes however you wish throughout the workout.*
Every 90 seconds for 15 mins
Back squat@86%- 407x2x10
Back squat 70%x8: 330
AMRAP 12 mins
12CTB pull-ups
8 DL (245#)
8 DL (245#)
3 rounds
Every 90 seconds for 15 mins
Back squat@86%- 407x2x10
Back squat 70%x8: 330
AMRAP 12 mins
12CTB pull-ups
8 DL (245#)
8 DL (245#)
3 rounds