Front Squat
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
3 x 8
Sets of 6 next week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
8ea Dumbbell Lateral Step-Ups
50m 1-Arm Farmer Carry Left
50m 1-Arm Farmer Carry Right
5 Bar Levers or Floor Levers
Choose a medium-heavy load on the Step-Ups but not so heavy that you need to use a bunch of momentum off the trail leg. Keep the knee of the working leg tracking over the middle toes of the foot and control the descent of the movement. Work up to a heavy load on the carries keeping your mid-line tight and your head stacked over your center. Keep the Levers as strict as possible. Scale to tuck or half-tuck as necessary to be able to move with control.
Post work to comments.
Coaches Melissa and Katie celebrating at their Graduation WOD/BBQ last weekend. More photos by Thomas H. can be found here. Congrats again, you two!
- Jaclyn K. is offering a FREE yoga class tomorrow at 9am. Don’t miss out!
- There’s a new post up over on Inside the Affiliate. It’s not just a fun, interesting read. What Makes a Great CrossFit Group Class is also a terrific insight into what makes CFSBK such a great gym.
This Friday: Movie Night Returns with Purple Rain!
Movie Night at CFSBK returns on Friday, June 24th at 8:00pm with Purple Rain (1984)! Come for Open Gym, stay for a kick-ass movie. Or just come for the movie. We don’t care as long as you’re there! This event is Bring-your-own everything: beer, snacks, crying doves, little red Corvettes, etc.
If you’re not familiar with Prince or Purple Rain, we cannot help you. Just kidding! Here’s how IMDB describes this classic: “A young musician, tormented by an abusive situation at home, must contend with a rival singer, a burgeoning romance, and his own dissatisfied band, as his star begins to rise.” That doesn’t really do it justice, but you’ll have to come to Movie Night to find out why.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Losing All Your Weight At Once Juggernaut Training Systems
I Tried a Medieval Diet, and I Didn’t Even Get That Drunk Atlas Obscura
830 last night
Front Squat : 3×8 #185
I did 3 rounds because I'm lazy if there's no clock.
Hey guys, it was lateish before I could respond last night, and I wanted to make sure this post got seen so I could adequately thank everyone for their kind words yesterday. I will likely write something longer when my departure date gets closer, but would be remiss not to acknowledge all the blog love yesterday.
I've been extremely fortunate to be a part of such a great community for the last 6 years. CFSBK has simultaneously been a place of learning, work, and fun, which is a unique and special thing. Working alongside colleagues and members who I genuinely enjoy being around and interacting with makes even the worst days at the gym pretty amazing.
It will be extremely difficult to leave it behind when I move, but I'm excited to share my propensity for rambling diatribes and questionable fashion choices with an unsuspecting audience. Pity the poor souls of Austin, and please, send me your friends and family so that they too can know the terror that is my "dancing."
Excited to have a fun last month learning, sweating, and laughing alongside all of you. Stay tuned for party deets! Thanks again for all the kind words, in person and on the blog.
Mixed up some workouts yesterday at 5:30
Snatch work/warm-up for Isabel
Isabel in 3:23
A 25 second PR. All quick bailed singles which worked well.
Deficit Snatch Pulls on a blue plate
5×1 @ 225#
3×2 @ 275# This felt heavy but moved well. I need to do more heavy doubles and triples
21 Wall Balls
15 Cal Row
17:00 flat. I hate wallballs = I should do more wall balls :/
Noah, you will be greatly missed and Austin will be lucky to have you!
FSQ: 160 x 8 x 3.
NFT: 4 rounds
DB Lateral Stepups: 15#, 20#, 25# x 2
Farmers Carry: 20kg, 24kg x 2, 28kg
Floor Levers: Hate is a strong word. I hate these.
Did some rowing afterwards: 30-25-20-15-10 calories with 1 min rest between each set. Don't recall the time. Then two rope climbs because, well, the rope was down and why not.
Loved the 7am class today ๐
Front Squat 110 8×3. A challenge but good.
NFT: 4 rounds 24KG Bell, 20# step ups
Great ITA post. Love this gym a lot!
Hey @all
I have 4 tickets available for Ray Lamontagne tonight in Prospect Park. I can't go because I'm still in Omaha…$50 face, let me know what you wanna give me for em.
I'll be driving to Chicago today so am available via phone/text 407.619.5752 (brother can get you tickets) thanks all
@Allie B — isn't 7am the best?!
Big shoutout to Shawn who encouraged me to do the performance programming today, which went well at a fairly easy 75#. I definitely would have felt intimidated by performance if someone hadn't given me a push. It's a reminder of the amazing community at this gym and the support that comes with it…truly unlike anywhere else.
Noah, you'll be so dearly missed! But Austin is lucky to have you. And you are lucky to have Austin BBQ and tacos.
Quick crowdsourcing Q…I'm thinking of treating myself to some lifting shoes for my birthday next week (and finally becoming a legit Crossfitter). Any suggestions?
6am with McD and Nick P
FSQ: 210# 8×3 moved ok. Looking forward to 6 reps.
NFT: 3-4 rounds. Some poor looking levers. With some step ups and farmer carry.
7 am with Nick and McDowhatever
FS 53, 63, 83 – 3×8 . These all felt good. No coffee and a bit to eat before the gym, clementine during and only a bit dizzy after the third set but my breathing and lift pace was all over the place. This sorts itself out when it gets heavy but I'm trying to be more mindful…
NFT work – gee those lateral step ups are tough for me. Farmers carry with 20 kg but I did better at farmers carry yesterday when I was buying booze for an event in my office (incentive).
@Noah – congrats and best wishes, which I'll repeat at your going away party. I'll miss you but hope you'll still write for us at least! You're so good at descriptions and word choices!
@Kirby – glad you did performance and that it worked for you. Jennifer did too today and was glad about it as well. It helps me if I suggest something to someone else; then I can't not do it, ya know? Keeps me honest (well, and Jynne says I'm bossy).
7 a.m. w/Nick & McDowell.
QOD: Y'all can laugh into your negronis all you want (I like negronis too!) but I am unapologetic in my advocacy for tiki drinks in summer, particularly if they're (a) neon (b) frozen or (better still) made with crushed/shaved ice and (c) served with an umbrella.
FSQ: 175x8x3. Slowly but surely. Surprised myself. Some wobbliness towards the end of the second set. Nick noticed I was bouncing at the top of them a bit, which I think might be a belated attempt on my part to get some explosive energy coming out of the bottom of the squat. Managed to redirect it when called out.
NFT work: 3 rounds, 35# db step-up (a little weak coming down), the big ol' rogue jug for the farmer's carry (it's what, 94.5 pounds or so?), and seconding Kayleigh's hatred of floor levers.
We talk about Brexit on the politics podcast this week (also available on iTunes), and I've got a potential interview feature in the works inspired by Manu B.'s sage advice to me on Twitter, so you might see me out with a microphone one of these weekends. Come up and say hi!
Seconding Allie B. — really like the ITA article. Good overview of the mechanics of what makes this place so inviting, though a lot of that comes to fruition thanks to how the coaches implement them so well (so you'd better train us a good "fashion forward" replacement, Noah).
First ever post here to say THANK YOU to Shawn for kindly forcing me to do performance squats today ๐ 3×8 @93. Moved pretty smoothly and think I can add a few pounds next week.
Also a shout out for Chas's podcast, An Ear for Baby. Give it a listen! It's smart and entertaining.
:'( for Noah news.
Really loved the ITA post, I love how it puts structure into all the little (and large) details that go into a great class. I wish I could send this to a bunch of affiliates that I've visited over the past 2 years. The most painful mistake I've seen is affiliates that don't create a welcoming environment to new members or visitors – Crossfit is already scary enough without you have to awkwardly figure out a new social/physical environment.
6am with Nick and McD
Front Squat:
NFT work: worked up to 20kg on the step ups which was just on the cusp of a work weight. If this shows up again next week I'll know to go heavier. Farmer's carry with a 24kg bell, and then a 28kg bell. Ran out of time for 32kg, but it would have been very manageable.
OG today.
10 x butterfly swing practice
3 x handstand holds on paralettes and wall
10 x deficit push-ups
Front Squat
45 x 10, 65 x 5, 95 x 4, 135 x 3, 165 x 8 x 3
Felt really heavy and my rests were longer than they would be in class.
On McDowell's advice I cut the toe off an old pair of lifters I had. I used my 'sandal' for the last set. Magic.
21 wallball 14/9
15 cal row
9 pull-ups
Wallballs unbroken. That was all I could manage today. Hopefully I can join in group class tomorrow.
Also- never posted Monday- Weightlifting Club.
Worked on positions again. Frankie was being a bit sadistic, making me pause everything for 10 seconds. My hip flexors were screaming.
1. Snatch
Hang Power Snatch, OHS hold at bottom for 10 seconds.
63 x 8
Hold bottom position for 10 x 10 seconds.
Hold hand position for 10 x 10 seconds.
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 160 x 1, 180 x 5 x 3
3. Snatch pull
78 x 3 x 2
98 x 3 x 3
113 x 1 x 3
morning session alongside KHarpz and McD…
(very important, productive, and intentional…) movement prep!
quad smash, sciatic floss, lunge/hip mobz, DB oh hold, kossacks, shoulder t, lateral side plank hip reach.
DB press
20 min AMRAP with the other blondes:
3 MU
10 burpee box jump overs, 20"
20 pistols, alternating (mcd/kharpz did heavy wall balls, this was my sub for unilateral work)
30 cal row
3 Rounds on the nose. so sweaty!
MU are super fun and def easier on those rings in 608!
3 unbroken, 1-1-1 (started not committing with hips on second rep), 2-1
pistols were the hardest part of this, and then just trying not to totally sandbag that row. had to really push on the last row to get it.
Chas IS smart and entertaining. Also, I'll join you for a gorilla milk tiki drink (coconut milk, creme de banana, creme de cacao, and vodka ANYTIME!)
Normally I'd be down for a prospect park concert ticket, Brad, but Ray la Montange makes me want to crawl in my bed and cry/die. Sorry!
Also, what's your last name, Kirby? Trying to find you on Facebook do I can give you weightlifting shoe advice.
Also, Shawn/Jenny/Kirby: the difference between a GREAT ass and a GOOD ass is performance programming. Trust me. ๐
Noah! Sad to see you go but I hope Austin is great & good luck!
Yesterday am: 2mi warmup, 3mi tempo, 1mi cool down.
Yesterday pm: 6?+? easy miles with a friend. Yes I have friends.
Work interfered and I wasn't able to make group class this morning; obvs 7am is the best. Made it up on my own… I thought I felt fine after yesterday but ended up w/out as much strength as I wanted. 240ร5ร3 instead of ร8, just didn't feel confident. OTOH as of this morning I've lost >15# this year, so that's cool I guess?
Then I did some running accessory core work and 3 rounds of today's NFT.
Heading out of town soon, so won't make it into the gym at all this week :'(
Hey Folks – Quick question from the Injured Reserve List. I have an MRI tomorrow for what my Ortho Surgeon believes is a labrum tear.
Anyone here have experience with this injury, surgery, rehab, etc? If so and you'd be willing to share some feedback, I'm at ryan.luckin @ gmail
@Kirby-saurus Rex: I like addias or the Reebok Lifter +s. The ones with two metatarsal straps. But really just get ones you think look cool. ๐
@everyone who mentioned it. Thanks for the kind words on the ITA article!! Really hope it gets around the interwebz.
Did Mondays programming today
Bench Press 125x12x3
Bent Rows 125x12x3
Pretty good, didnt have a spotter so was a little conservative but got a nice little pump going.
9 Rounds FT
5 Thrusters 135
5 CTB Pull-Ups
18:33 as Rx'd
this almost broke me mentally. I really wanted to call it quits after the 5th round but knew that wasnt an option. Just needed to get through it. Managed to get through 6 rounds unbroken on the Thrusters then finished the last 3 or so as 3/2. Missed one or two reps on lockout and had to redo them. All the pull-ups unbroken. There may have well not have been any in this workout, it was all about those thrusters
Laid down for about 20 minutes afer
8 EMOM @225
No Hook deadlift
For time:
21Cals Assualt bike
21 CTB pull-ups
15 FSQ 185#
15 Burpees over the Bar
15 Power cleans 185#
9 MUs
@Ryan I think that's what Austin had surgery for?
@Allie B I'm actually not on FB, but my email is kestirland @ gmail . com — would love love your recommendations! Thank you! And consider me 100% committed to performance squats.