CrossFit Kids racing toward the weekend
This Week at CFSBK in Review
What happened this week? Good question!
1. Coach Melo and Coach Katie’s graduation WOD/party is tomorrow at 2pm. Come one and all to help them celebrate their doctorhood!
2. What lift are we doing on Wednesdays now? How will we approach the Olympic lifts this cycle? All of the answers are in our new training cycle template.
3. Coach David let us in on some ancient secrets regarding ankle mobilization. Well, they’re not ancient, but they’re useful. They’re also not secrets anymore.
4. Rytas S. left us and had some nice things to say. Bon voyage, Rytas!
5. Have you thought about trying out 9am yoga with Jaclyn K.? Now’s your chance! She’s offering a free class on Thursday, June 23rd.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch | Push Press, Pull-Ups, Run
The Greek Hero at the Gym Wall Street Journal
Sara Sigmundsdottir Does “Grace” at 200lbs BarBend
Saturday's Progamming
Back Squat
3×5 LP
Start light enough to add weigh throughout the cycle
8s again next week. Leave room to go up
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds or 18 Minutes:
8ea Goblet DB Lateral Step Ups
15 Hollow Rocks
10 Burpees AFAP (As Fast As Possible)
Choose movement proficiency over load on the step ups. Scale the hollow rocks to tucked or :30 holds as appropriate. Really sprint the burpees and go as fast as possible. I recommend picking a partner (or two or three) to race against on these. Be sure to fully hit the deck and come to full extension on the jump.
Post time and Rx to comments.
830 last night
Performance snatch complex : worked up to #145. Really focused on my pull, hip extension, and getting under the bar quickly. As the weight went up I found that my catch wasn't as low as I would have liked and riding the bar down into the bottom of a squat wasn't going smoothly either. Not sure why, probably a combo of mobility, or lack thereof, and being sore from this week.
WOD : RX 9:41
Push presses : 20/10/13-7
Pull ups : 15-5/10/7-7-6
This was a good one
6am making up Thursday after staying out too late Weds night to make it yesterday 🙂
Snatch (kg)
50×3, 55×3, 60×3, 65×2, 70×2, 75×2 – all felt light and easy. Focused on catching low
This was totally in my wheelhouse – 6:42 Rx'd
That's an awesome photograph 🙂
Catch up on tracking my little bit of fitness over the last couple days.
Clean & Jerks
35kg, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 f
60 x 1 x 3
Clean pulls
75 x 1 x 3
70 x 2 x 3
8 min EMOM:
3 pull ups strict unbroken
3 HSPUs strict unbroken (1 abmat)
First 4 both movements each minute. Last 4 alternating movements each minute.
I had wanted to take this class but had half hour and no energy.
Started with Snatch singles — 63#, 73, 83, 93, 103
Switched to Press
I've been interested in trying a 1 RM
73#, 78#, 80# — 2 lb PR
On the road the VT for a whole lotta yoga.
Morning lifting. OG was super quiet today!
Press (football bar): 70x5x3. I haven't done strict press in a couple of weeks so I stuck with the weight I had done last time and it was plenty heavy.
Deadlift: 225×5. I came in thinking I would do more but as it turns out, I was a bit wrecked from the 50 deadlifts in Wednesday's WOD.
Then I tried out a descending-interval rep scheme with 16kg KB swings (1:00, 0:50, 0:40, 0:30, 0:20, with 0:10 breaks in between), 109 reps, followed by tabata hollow rock, 121 reps (? I'm not sure about my counting skills?).
Soooo ready for the weekend!
7am with Kate doing Saturday Squats
BS – 160 x 8 x 3
Working on keeping tension on the way down, which is a weak spot.
NFT – 4 rounds
Step ups – 24" + 25#, left side got tough
Hollow Rocks – rockin'
Burpees – fastest :19, slowest :22
6am squats with KHarpz
HBBS – 225 x 8 x 3
First set was a little rough. Thought to myself I think my feet are too wide. Sure enough Katie came over and voiced my thought. Fixed that for the second and third sets and had no issues.
NFT work
Partnered with Joy to learn the proper way of doing NFT work
30# then 35# on step ups to 24" box
Race with BK and Joy on the burpees. Amusing to hear Joy curse every time BK smoked us.
Yesterday 7 am with DO and Melissa LO
Snatches went well . Arms are better. I landed wider than usual but I feel like that will be easier to iron out as we go into this new cycle. I really want to build my OHS so I feel more confident underneath. (I'll make it a regular warm up movement.)
WOD – 16:06, which is sub-10 more than Michael A's time – just sayin'! I had 52 on the bar and started with pulls ups, switched to pull up/chin up combo, later added a blue band and finally got on the box for jumping: scaling the scales the whole way.
Today 7 am with Katie
LBBS – 110 3×8 These felt heavy for a first day of they cycle but Coach K said, "That's OK.." So I guess it's OK. It's a good starting place for my goal this cycle, so I'll try to stick with my plan.
Did 4 rounds of the 5 nft/18 min workout. Hard to not push off for step ups so I kept the weight lower and tried to go slowly with control.
Skipping GHD till my dizzy spells get sorted out but I miss them. Couch stretched and then chit chatted. Thanks all for the input and advice on my spins!
7am doing Thursday
Snatch complex ranging from 95-115, think i only did 12/15. Just focused on speed.
WOD: scaled to 75#, box PUs, 370m row finished in 10:42
I dont think I could have done 20 unbroken at 95#.
Looking forward to the weekend and that NFT work.
8 AM with Nick/Noah
ankle, hamstring and abductor work pre-class.
back squats at 135#- lower than my last work with 5's, felt decent, not great.
5 or 6 rounds of the WOD,
24" 20#
I liked the balance of focus and speed- got a little lost counting to 5 though.
(we almost got the music switched to hamilton, almost).
Off to the bay area for 10 days sunday!
1pm session alongside Noah and MeLo… good to have some motivating buddies around!
some mobility and line drills to heat up
WU: 3 rounds
5 each side kossack with 3 sec pause. L side so much better!!
5 ea hip airplane
:05 ea 1-arm handstand hold
5 strict pull-ups
45×5, 96×5, 115×4
had MeLo check me out to make sure i'm not shifting to R side on way up. verdict: looking pretty even. R hip is always higher at bottom of squat, which I probably still need to address, but action/movement pattern is looking + feeling much more balanced.
Conditioning… already did some pull-up volume this week so turned Thursday's group class WOD into:
20 push press (65)
4 muscle ups
270m run
10 push press
2 muscle ups
270m run
20 push press
4 muscle ups
270m run
Time: 11:24
MU's were all singles. tried for a double in my first round and just didn't have the steam today. triceps also tired from the PP! bending my knees and compressing too much. yet another thing to go back and spend some time practicing, as i haven't been doing many MU's or dips as of late.
L-Sit Cash Out: accumulate 1:00 in as few sets as possible. my leaderboard time is :42, so i decided to try to beat it…
:52 (yay!) + :08 + an extra :10 with Noah who did his as reverse tabata
the last :15 of my first attempt were insanely painful. went to my happy thoughts castle.
Did Thursday's WOD with MeLo and Whit today, finished in 9:10. Everything was smooth and unbroken for the first two and a half rounds, but my last set of pullups was a disaster- must have been 6 or 7 sets (!!!) Very fun either way, I am almost feeling normal again (back injury wise) since Murph really did a number on me.