Fatima A. sets up for a 1RM Deadlift
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Allie C. is CFSBK’s June Athlete of the Month. Congrats, Allie!
2. Our second season with Big City Fish Share begins tomorrow with the first fish delivery of the season! Fish CSA members: pick up your fresh, wild-caught fish between 10AM-12 noonSHARP at the gym; just look for Michele and she’ll check your name off the list.
3. CrossFit Virtuosity’s 2016 Prom is tomorrow night! Go here for all the details, and start coordinating your ’80s outfits.
4. Want to prep for the Subway Series and sign up for your next competition? Look no further than CrossFit 718’s Brooklyn’s Fittest: Beat the Streets fundraiser. It’s for a great cause!
5. Coach David wrote about his work as Competition Director for the CrossFit Games East Regional. It’s a fascinating insight into all the work that goes into running a large competition. Must read!
6. Vella S. is looking for a roommate. Check out her CFSBK Classifieds listing here!
Forged: Making a Rogue Barbell Rogue Fitness
Gymnastics Strength Illustrated: Tim Ferriss & Christopher Sommer Modern Frontier
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat
Warm up and take 3 attempts at a new 1RM front squat.
Post loads to comments.
9-6-3 Reps for Time:
Power Cleans 225/155
Bar Muscle-Ups
The Power Cleans should be on the heavy side today. If you don't have Bar Muscle-Ups, then perform Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups, or Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups + Push-Ups.
Post time and Rx to comments.
7 AM doing Thursday's work. Yay, Friday group class!
I subbed one-arm DB push press at 40# and Russian kettlebell swings and did 11 rounds + 8 push press. Kept a pretty steady pace throughout. It didn't seem so awful at the time but now I feel like just taking a nap for the rest of the day. Woof!
6am w/ McDowell
FSQ: 250(f), 250(f). Timed my bounce out of the hole well on the 2nd attempt, just couldn't break that magic threshold to stand it up.
Metcon: 10:24 @ 185 This was a power clean metcon for me, bar muscle ups were quick and easy. Fun to go heavy with gymnastics. All cleans performed as singles. Accidentally rode one to the bottom, no bueno. Bar muscle ups: 3-3-2-1, 3-2-1, 3. Purposely jumped off the bar on the last rep to avoid ripping.
6am with McD
FSQ – 255, 265, 275 (PR)
Came in really wanting a fsq with two blues and a green on there so was happy to hit it very solidly. McD said I was a little shallow at 265 so made sure I got plenty deep at 275. Nice 10# pr.
Wod in 9 something
Went too light on the power cleans and my bar muscle ups are still missing after getting them during the open. Was close but just couldn't turn over. Should have taken my shirt off for that 15.6% performance gain.
7 AM doing Thursday's work with McDowell. (Yes that is a new record of 25 hours late)
Jack: 9 rounds + 13 Rx'd (aka Stupid James + 3)
Rounds started around 1:30, were 2:30+ in the middle, and got back closer to 2:00 for the last one. Push press unbroken for 2 rounds then 6/4, unbroken kb swings, and slow and steady box jumps, which served as much of my rest.
8am with Nick. Did "Jack" with 63# on the bar and finished 9 rounds even. 20 minutes is a looooong time.
7am Squats with Nick
FS – 185 / 195PR / 200F
Didn't have the fight for 200 and dumped it pretty early. Happy with a 10# PR. For the first time ever, my back squat 1RM is now heavier than my front. I feel normal, you guys.
Metcon @ 155# in 7:24 (I think)
This is about ~83% for me and felt right. Scaled the BMU to 3-3-3 every round after having a little trouble with them in warm ups. They moved just fine during the workout though. All singles. Kip timing falls apart once I pass the bar on the way down. I'll second BK on really enjoying heavy + gymnastics. I had a lot of fun with this one.
"Jack" at 8am
33# PP, 16kg KB swings, 16'' box jumps
10 rounds + 10 PP
Really fun to step out of my routine and go at a different time of day. I love the vibe at 8am.
6am with McDowell: front squats with Brad and Steve, drafted off of Steve and did 255, 265 (PR) and 275 (PR). Fun to improve PR by 15 pounds over last time. WOD in 11:19 @ 185# power cleans and chest to bar pu's + push-ups.
Friday fact: the Taiwanese billionaire Tommy Goa, who owns the FoxConn factory in South China where Apple iPhones are made, posts this maxim on the factory walls: “Growth, thy name is suffering,” Lots of PRs at Crossfit Guangdong Province..
7 am with McDowell
I've been fighting off something flu like this week and it had the better of me and Jack this morning. I put 52 on the bar, Russianed my KB swings and used the foam box (so 18"). Still, my arms felt like noodles, my legs like jelly and fought off a dizzy lightheaded feeling more than once. At one point I was going to just push myself to 6 rounds and then stop – lo and behold this took most of the 20 mins. So yeah, 6 rounds plus 3 jumps into the 7th.
@ Brendan – normal is overrated. Just be you.
10am with McDowell.
Front Squat
45 x 5, 95 x 4, 135 x 3, 165 x 1, 185 x 1, 205 x 1 (PR), 210 x F
Lost position on 205# and stepped forward to balance but as McD said this wasn't a front squat powerlifting meet so it counts lol!
According to Fox, prob didn't rest enough before the next attempt and was too tentative going down so got no bounce and got stuck and bailed (properly)
WOD in 5:58 with 93# snatches and pull-ups and push-ups.
Noon with Noah. Saturday workout.
Front squats felt good. Got up to 275#. Don't know when I last tested my FS, but that's easily a PR by 50-60# and there was room to grow.
On the WOD I did 135# on cleans and jumping bar muscle ups. Noah pushed me and my courage on the jumping bar muscle up (I was afraid of flipping over) and they came pretty easily once I got over the fear. 6:12.
Trust me — this video on thought leadership is the best thing you'll see all day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN8L8XnDmj0 (and a great follow-up to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YBtspm8j8M)
8am with Nick.
Did Thursday's Jack: 8 rounds + 29 reps RX
Tried so damn hard to sprint through those box jumps to finish out 9 rounds, but alas I'm not as fast as the clock. This ruined me.
Knee was bothering me unfortunately so I couldn't do what I planned.
Power cleans + jerks, worked up to 98 a few times, wasn't feeling great on the knee.
A few sets of 3 HSPU and T2B. HSPU all felt great.
For some reason I thought doing a 2k test was a great idea. Around 1,000 meters I changed my mind- Thomas can attest to that 😉
Finished in 7:58.8, which is a 4 second PR from my high school rowing days. Finally sub 8!
Lots of laying around and coughing after.
Made up Jack at 6am
Fox told me to shoot for 12 rounds before we started. Got 11 + 27 (so close)
All PP unbroken. Nowhere to hide on this one and 20 min is a long time!
OG doing Saturday's work
Front squat : 3×5 #215
I missed the entire front squat cycle so didn't think testing my 1RM was appropriate. So I worked up to an uncomfortable weight for 5 reps. Which wound up being 215.
WOD 6:59 #155
I probably could have done #170/175 on the power cleans but I didn't know what to expect with the bar MU. Did all reps as quick singles for the power cleans to keep my heart rate in check. Last few were tough. Bar MUs went really well. Did them 3/3/3, 3/3, 3. Fun and fast.
OG… Finally getting over this cold, so this is "Crush Weekend" for me. Started off with Elizabeth cause I haven't done it in almost 3 years.
Warmup: 3 rounds
130m run
10 pushups
10 pullups – butterfly pullups felt really good today
Elizabeth: 9:08 Rx
Great to be back in the gym – I was going stir crazy this week seeing the workouts and knowing I wasn't healthy enough to do them. Looking forward to tomorrows bar muscle ups.
Snatch: EMOM 10 mins
CJ EOMOM, 20 mins
800M run
10 Thrusters@175
rest 3 mins