Clean and Jerk
Take 5 attempts to establish a new 1RM. You’re allowed 3 misses total, so plan your attempts accordingly. End today’s session on a good lift. Press-outs are misses. If you’re newer to the lifts you can go heavy on the Fitness complex from this cycle (Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean + Jerk or Push Press).
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
For Time:
400m Run
Shoulder-to-Overhead 95/65
400m Run
The Shoulder-to-Overhead can be completed any way you wish. Push Jerks are probably the most efficient way. These should be on the light side and done unbroken on the fast end.
Coach David cools off after “Murph” | Photo by Thomas H.
- We’re still looking for suggestions for Movie Night on June 24th. Let us know what you’d like to see in the comments section of the event page.
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the sixth annual Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year!
Event Schedule
Sunday, August 7th: CrossFit Virtuosity
Sunday, August 14th: CrossFit Gantry
Sunday, August 21st: CFSBK
Sunday, August 28th: CrossFit Queens
Scoring will work “Open-style”: top 3 male and top 3 female athletes from each affiliate will score based on their place finish in each event. Athletes may score in any event regardless of attendance at other events.
The ultimate series winner will be the affiliate with the least points after all 4 events have been completed. In the event of a tie, a 5th tie-breaking event will be held.
As last year, an Rx division and Scaled division trophy will be awarded.
All athletes MUST register for each individual event in advance via the Subway Series website in order to participate. Each event will be capped at 100 total participants, so we strongly advise you to register ASAP. These events sell out quickly.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Squat / Deadlift | Kettlebell Swings, Sit-Ups
A Punch in the Heart BuzzFeed
Smashed Cameras Eric J. Hessler
People on the fence about the fish share — do it! I just signed up.
Truthfully I have been a fish CSA convert since the early days of its existence at CFSBK, (thanks guys for the cookery class!). But I approached it initially with trepidation. Could I actually figure out how to cook mystery fish?
I LOVED IT so much. I quickly learned fish is super easy to cook either in the oven, on a pan, or on the grill. Is it too hot to cook? That's cool, your super fresh fish will make a kick-ass ceviche.
I love that this fish is all locally caught and sustainably raised. Too much fish at the grocery store is frightening in origin and contaminants from fish farms (ew). This is not the case with your haul from Big City Fish Share which is so fresh and so clean that you might not even want to cook it!
1 lb makes approx 3-4 modest servings (weightlifters adjust accordingly). So a lot of times I would eat a hearty portion for dinner and eat the rest the next day or freeze. I found it very easy to pause my account when I was out of town. This is one of my favorite of all summer things so check it out!
Time traveled and infiltrated 6am with Jess^2 for some Clean & Jerk action. Saw zero evidence of this "rosé" they speak of so frequently. Light banter was abundant.
C&J – 95#x2 / 135×2 / 155 / 165 / 175 (jerk PR) / 185 (PR) / 190F
Definitely got my David Wright fist pump on after sticking 185. 10# clean PR and 20# for the jerk. Felt really strong, too. Really didn't focus for 190 I was kinda still riding high from the lift before.
Metcon Rx – 11:53
Burpees are dumb. S2O was unbroken / 5-5-5 / 5-4.
6am with the usual crew + Brendan (welcome!)
C&J: Worked up to ~215# today and wasn't feeling it, definitely not a PR. Couldn't get confident or strong in the lift when it got heavier, my body still feels super beat up from Murph (and the subsequent 14hrs of recovery drinking at Lavender Lake).
Metcon: 7:28 Rx. This was a fun workout, felt a bit fran like. Did all the overhead stuff unbroken, tried not to Affronti it in the 21, and then enjoyed the burpees. The last run was a little dizzy.
10am with Jess – first class after a 2.5 week hiatus
83, 93, 103, 113 PR match, 118 Jerk PR (had to fight for it but I committed and something went right)
WOD Rx: 11:34
Broke up and cycled the Push Jerks 12/9, 8/7, 9 unbroken
Burpees are my weakness, runs were slow but steady
Feels awesome to be back in the gym today – off to work!
Red rover, red rover send Brendan back over!
7 am with Jess and JB
C & J I PRed by 10 lbs. Clearly feeling good. Had one weak jerk that JB caught and added weight anyway knowing I was going to have to be really aggressive to make this 93# PR. Went for 98 and actually got the bar to my front rack position and then over my head but I'm not talking about how—note that I'm not counting it though; also note that some people laughed at me. Not Brendan though, because he wasn't there.
Met Con in 14:47, which isn't super sonic speed but I went for Rx and did 10-6-5/ 5-5-5/ 4-5. I switched from push press to push jerk at the set of 15. I'm annoyed that I let myself break too much and too long on burpess. I am a slow runner. I just am.
That said, it's been a good week so far. I like Crossfit.
Day 6 of this darn cold, but its the best I have felt yet, so there is hope in sight. Missed squats and deadlifting because of it, so happy to finally move a bit today.
C&J: 83, 103, 123, 133, 143, 143.
Took my time. Didn't plan on attempting any PRs today, just wanted some solid attempts. Both the clean and the jerk were a little wonky for my first go at 143, so repeated to end on a solid rep.
WOD: 9:19 Rx.
S2O started as push presses, but became jerks halfway into the first round. Went unbroken, 8-4-3, 5-4. Just lost all arm function and had to drop. Burpees weren't fast, but were consistent. Pushed it on the last run to keep from being passed by James.
C&J: 95, 115, 125, 135, 140, 145 (PR), 147.5
Jess ordered me to slow down and only lift every two minutes, which helped me get my act together on the jerk, my weak spot. A five-pound bump on my PR.
WOD: 12:50, but with a 90-pound barbell, just shy of RX. Two rounds for each of the three sets.
6am with JB
Clean and jerk
Had no intention of going heavy today and my first few cleans reinforced that. No speed and was being soft in my catch so kept it light.
Wod in 10:26
Push press/jerk were 14-7, 5-5-5, 5-4
Went out on the last run and saw Matty was only a 1/4 block ahead. Thought about catching him but after seeing the look on his face when he turned around decided to let him have his day.
6am with the LADIES
C&J fiasco today. Beat up from Murph.
Did reps from 135 to 185. I'm giving myself a few days off after today's performance.
WOD 9:20 Rx
21, 8-7, 9
Burpees were awful. My upper body was feeling it.
BK tried to gently guide me into some oncoming peds on the second run. Couldn't catch Kayleigh, as I'm sure was mentioned. But she'll be thinking about my footsteps all day. Fun WOD. See you all next Monday I'm on vacation mode now.
Not sure if 7am class heard the news but Brendan officially made the switch this morning to 6am!! No going back now.
6am with Brendan B
Worked up to 215# which surprisingly felt very solid. Could have gone for a PR but I decided not to push too hard post Murph.
WOD Rx'd in 10:15
I knew Steve had me on the runs so I had to do my best to push the middle portion so I can honor my blood oath with Kayleigh. Success but barely.
In the huge 6 am split class.
Made 155# on the C+J and a spectacular bail of 165# behind me after my chin ever so slightly touched the bar on the way up and distracted me.
WOD Rx'd was 14:38. Push presses got difficult after the first round and broke the second two sets up into small pieces.
Plus one for the fish share. I just signed up too. LOVED it last year!
10am with Lady Fox.
C&Js felt good for a change. The Oly lifts are a huge weakness of mine, largely because of my shoulder mobility. It's always frustrating to struggle with a 135# clean when I have a 370 BSQ and 425 DL. This said, today moved better, and Jess' cues to get my ass (sorry, "hips" — btw, hips and ass are the same word in Japanese) back and get aggressive served me well and I was comfortable getting to 140# feeling like I had more to go.
On the WOD, I did something like 16 and change and was still doing my burpees as most people were wrapping up the run. That said, I did this Rx and realized I've done my last 5 work outs Rx including Murph going back to the 225# deadlift workout last week. So given I'm still getting re-acclimated to WODs, I don't feel bad about coming in last at pretty much every class now.
A pleasant mid day lift to break up the day
Back Squat
Chinese Rows
Strict HSPUs
10, 8, 6, 4, 4
Lay on the couch for 1.5 hrs
6am with the usual crew
C&J was all over the place. No missed reps but lots of catching super high and then squatting it. Did a couple reps at 215, but nothing higher.
Metcon in 7:40. All unbroken, but the burpees were pretty slow.
Much needed rest day tomorrow
Meh mid morning session
Power Snatches
High Hang Clean + Power Jerk
Clean Pulls
93%x3, 98%x3, 103%x3, 85%x3
These all felt Heavy AF and I like there was no way I'd ever cleaned that at much weight. Rest day tomorrow.
C&J: 93, 103- good advice from Noah about getting agressive-103 was strong, 108-113- 118(f)
Know I can have 118, I was just tired!
WOD: 11:11 RX'd Did them as push jerks 11-10, 4-4-4-3, 3-3-3. Shoulders are fried!!!
6:30 crowd checking out the 6am class on the white board:
"Yeah, that's crazy…"
"Must just be completely unbroken…so.strong."
"Well they get up at 5am so they're totally crazy"
I'd just like to say that there are some 6:30/7:30/8:30pm folks who get up at 5am too. And we're working out after a long day's work. We might not be as fast, but we're just as hardcore!
#TeamPM #6amfanclub
C&J: 83-93-103-113-123x4x4F
Should've made a 5# jump after 113. Shoulders are still tired from Murph.
WOD Rx'd in 10:35
Runs: always slow
S2O (push jerks): 21, 9-6, 9
Burpees: Slower than usual- shoulders burned from the S2O
PC:2 Rounds:
12 GHD back extensions
12 lemon squeezes
A) Romanian Deadlift: 45kg x 3 x 12
B) eccentric ankle dorsiflexion x 3 x 10
3 cleans + 1 jerk, 6 attempts starting at 65%
Clean Pulls # 95% x 4 x 3
BSQT 60% x 3 x 10
PC Part II:
3 Rounds
5 thoracic rotations
5 yoga push ups
1 arm shoulder press 2 x MAX effort of 100% 8-12
first round: R: 14, L: 15
second round: R: 12, L:12
Power Snatch: 60% x 3 x 3
Power Clean + Power Jerk: 60% x 3 x 3
500m Row
EMOM- 10 minutes:
-even: 7 cal assault bike
-odd: 15 KB swings 16kg
250m Row
Actually took my shirt off the last round. First time, ever. Liberating.
CFTeens was crushing it next door. Super thankful for the vibe during my wee crussfit session next to them.
cashout: ample hills made me do it…. damn it
7:30 with DO
C&J. worked up to 108, hit it a few times. Felt some sharp pain in my wrist so I called it a day before I caused any real damage.
WOD Rxd in 11:40. My upper body is still fried from murph so the burpees were really slow. My triceps and shoulder were not happy with me.
5:30 class
Clean and jerk worked up to 235# which felt good but my jerk wasn't low enough
245 missed the jerk
255 missed the jerk
I'm just not getting low enough on the jerk. I need to practice it or move to the push jerk. A little frustrated about that
WOD in 9:07
Everything unbroken; went too slow on the burpees