Lots of fitness happening in this great photo by Thomas H.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
So it’s Memorial Day weekend and you’re ready to catch up on this here blog. What happened this week? We’re glad you asked!
1. Murph Day is this Monday! Have you signed up yet? We’re also looking for volunteers to help clean up after the event. CFSBK will provide one keg, burgers, and sasuages, but please feel free to BYOB and more delicious foods. Please contact Events Coordinator Danae at Danae [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn [dot] com to let her know you’d like to help out.
2. This year we’ll also be raising money to benefit K9s for Warriors, an organization that provides service dogs for veterans suffering from Post-traumatic Stress Disability, traumatic brain injury and/or military sexual trauma as a result of military service post 9/11. You can start donating here! The suggested donation is $25 (the cost of a drop-in) or the dollar equivalent of your “Murph” time.
3. Sign-ups for our seasonal fish CSA with Big City Fish Share are open until June 11th.
4. Last weekend, several CFSBK TFBAs were in Philly to compete in the USAPL Philadelphia Freedom Championship, and we’re lucky to have this awesome report from Cam C.
5. Also, Ryan L. dropped into to CrossFit Max Effort in Las Vegas and gave us the full rundown on what sounds like a great travel gym.
6. We introduced you to Katie Rose Hejtmanek, a new member and professor of anthropology at Brooklyn College who will be doing some really fascinating research at CFSBK over the next year. Welcome, Katie!
7. CFSBK Movie Night returns on June 24th at 8:00pm (after Open Gym). We want your suggestions as to which movie we should show, so please let us know in the comments section of the event page.
8 All CrossFit Kids programming is cancelled this weekend (May 27th-30th) for Memorial Day. Enjoy the long weekend!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rack Jerk | “Diane”
“Murph” Strategy WODprep
Which Rock Star Will Historians of the Future Remember? NY Times
Or maybe crop-top mesh for ultimate ventilation? https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d7/e9/79/d7e979dc7ca13c3fb11bc400aa37f2e4.jpg
Well Mark, I began this project over 3 years ago we have over 17 million in preorders.
Oh, HTML works here?
3 Years? Any business that after three years isn't profitable isn't a business, it's a hobby. YOU'RE DEAD TO ME.
Sweaty…topless…shirtless…pantless…even shoeless (JESS FOX) friday at gym.
THATS ALL I HAVE…OH yeah I squatted some weights with Elli and tossed around a wall ball.
If anyone is actually interested, this is my Game of Thrones recap on Time.com this week. It would be cool if you could at least click to get the views up. For every click I will keep my shirt on for an average of 10 seconds longer each day.
So dont forget to check out my Game of Thrones recap. Help me get a few more views! PLEASE.
my morning:
830-1030 clients
1030-1145 : read blog comments, receive hilarious text messages about blog comments, laugh
1145 actually start working out
WU: 3 rounds
8 10# squat press outs
8 each side 1 leg jump and reach… this was FUN and HARD! i'm going to make y'all do it in warm-ups sometime soon… muahahaha
10 push ups
Front Rack Box Step Ups:
3 sets: 10L side, 8R side
Rest 1 minute between each leg.
-L side getting better but still feels like a small death every time i do them. pushing off R leg less. R side still easy.
3 position clean + 1 push jerk + 2 split jerks :
Then jumped into Sat group class WOD to partner up with Ellie!
Time: 13:03, scaled UP to 16# wall ball 🙂
@ANDRÉ : the heat in the gym had me SO tempted to remove my crop-top-barely-counts-as-a-shirt-anyway before the count of 3,2,1,GO! but I remembered your scientific fact-cicles and held off until we were 50% through with the WOD. I'd say the performance increase was at least as much as your aforementioned 12.6% guarantee.
Post lunch check of CFSBK blog…100+ comments!? Did someone have a baby? Is it David O's birthday? Noooope…we're talking about man boobs. Good times!
I'm team @Allie @Andre etc. No way do I have a six pack. I simply don't have the dietary discipline. Burritos and bourbon do not = six pack city.
There is no way I go faster or lift more without a shirt on. Let's not kid ourselves. But it just feels better when it is hot out and my Irish skin can use all the vitamin D it can get.
HOWEVER – If anyone is offended the next time my shirt comes off, please let me know and I'll put it back on. Unless I'm offending Ben Lock. Kiss my ass Ben.
DO – If you make the Murph shirts crop tops…they will easily sell out #Anon'nIt
guys somebody is pretending to be me and is rickrolling everyone
also we made it page 3 yay!
Sure Matt…somebody else. And pringles are real chips. Nice try.
@Ryan L: Did I mortally offend you or something?! Or was it my awesome elite fitness that has you all antsy in your pantsy! Next time I see your shirtless nips there might be some pinching involved!
Also, if you guys could really just watch Matt's Game of Thrones Recap, this one is much better and more original than what other Matt is trying to get you to watch!
I love lamp!
I heard there was a reunion here today. Matt Katz shirtless is one of the things I miss most about SBK. If it weren't for Arturo, I'd probably move back.
Okays Bens…leave some room for the rest of us to post.
Too many Bens and Ryans here
new phone, who dis?
I'm actually more concerned with how powerful Coach Whitney's telepathic powers have become…
This thread brings to mind the old "Tough Titsday" controversy of '14. Seems like the bare nipple is a real (wait for it ….) hot button topic at CFSBK.
Jay – You are my hero.
Hey, seriously … this is the piece I did for Time a couple weeks ago about breathable fabrics. Definitely check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmcA9LIIXWw
See you all at open gym in a bit
Jay –
That's kind of what I was indirectly alluding to with "tough man boob day", which is now, forever, May 27. Happy Tough Man Boob Day! TMBD Baby!
Rob U
I'd ask for a link to get educated about Tough Titsday as it pre-dates me, but I have a feeling I already know what @mattkatz will provide
I hope Anon + this comment thread encourages everyone to bear more skin at SBK this summer.
Active recovery day:
15 mins for quality :
250m row
20 sec supinate grip bar hang
10e KB suitcase deadlifts (#70)
10e plank shoulder taps
4 Rounds
10e single leg box hamstring curls
10e lateral leg swings
15 single RKB swings
50m farmers carry, #53 in each hand
Mini conditioning
10-8-6-4-2 burpees
10 KB swings 16kg
Dripping. Tempted to take my barely there tank off.
Worked with Taschie to get her rehab exercises in and then we went off to Cafe Luluc to HOUSE pancakes. Cause if I'm going to grow a 6 pack, I gotta eat ma' carbs. Body feels totally shot and destroyed. Time for a nap, heading upstate tonight and laying like broccoli in the pool all weekend.
Good luck keeping your shirt on during Murph!
Sorry – it was 2013
@Ryan L – the link to the Tough Titsday controversy is here: http://crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com/workout-of-the-day/2013/5/6/press.html
I only know this bcoz it was the same day I was announced as AOTM and I thought initially there was some sort of revolt on my selection!! 😛
Even out here in NorCal I've been continuing to go Shirtsoff straight outta the gate. Diablo Crossfit members have welcomed my shirtless torso with glee, Especially when I flex my pecs and make them dance to the beat of whatever song is playing.
Guys I have nothing to say I just really wanted to be a part of this.
Me too! Another lurkity lurker here. Poor Anon has probably gotten their answer about a potential no no-shirts policy, but just to make a little clearer what’s been implicit in the comments, one of the awesome things about crossfit (at its best, aka, here) is the ethos that bodies are for doing awesome TFBA things, not for looking at/being objectified/whatever.
And while I generally hold the position that male-bodied persons of the demographic that frequent this gym really need no additional defending, if someone tried to tell me what to wear or not at the gym, I’d tell them to go f-off. I defend to the death the right of all female persons to wear whatever they want or not, and I suppooooose that should go for menfolk, too.
My only consolation for anon is that you very quickly stop noticing the shirtlessness. I mean, after a while, it’s just sort of like ‘oh another six-pack? yawn, time to go squat now.’ Abs are just this gym's moving wallpaper.
Also if man people want to talk sports bras, happy to help, anytime.
I did not know this blog existed until today! Very entertaining and also looking forward to sharing comments, scores and PR's on the Blog.
@BrooklynRob – Great partnering up with you today and thanks for posting our time. Had I fully understood all this drama prior to the WOD i would have jumped on the shirtless bandwagon for the day – Next Time!!!
– B Mala
I actually continually find myself attracted to men without six packs because I am so sick of seeing so many abs all the time at the gym. Enough already.
So, we're all going shirts off at OG tonight, right?
Ya JB. It's the rule tonight. I'm even wearing booty shorts just to make people extra uncomfortable.
As a Never-Nude I have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for the brave bare chested men in this gym. Before I joined CFSB, I couldn’t even shower shirtless. Now I’m down to my jean shorts only. These guys deserve their own Hero WOD. Just sayin.
#whenaherocomesalong #withthestrengthtocarryon #lookinsideyouandbestrong #andyoullfinallyseethetruth #thataheroliesinyou #nevernudes #inspired
MEREDITH FTW!!! Well said 🙂
Argh! My plan to start selling star shaped censor pasties is falling through. Guess I should cancel the order of nipple tassels.
I've never been happier to be on my way to open gym. I love you guys. <3
You guys, meaning, tough man boobs, of course.
@Dave Fung
I'll take a few tassels, camo and purple please!!!
Can you picture double unders with nipple tassels!!
I already worked out today, but now that I'm comfortable in my own skin (and hair, and droopy man boobs that bounced up and down during the double unders), I am thinking I should stop by OG and just walk around shirtless. If you're down with the plan, I need to hear some "TOUGH MAN BOOB DAY" love or otherwise I may instead crank out some more work.
hey guys, long time no comment but it was like i felt the pull of a dozen sweaty shirtless bodies pulling me back to the blog today. i come from a much sweatier place now, the humidity is topping out at near 200% lately, and really you gotta do what you gotta do to survive the heat.
also man boobs and woman boobs aside, i left because of the near constant parade of dog nudity at the gym. like, benson have some decency already.
Shout out to Anon for not making us type anonymous all day…see less is more
Anon was me the whole time! Y'all are making me feel super bad with shirtlessness
Well said and hilarious! Nothing to add except that I did soulcycle this evening and laughed at the many females donning nothing but sports bras (and many with no bras in the locker room) :p yay human hotness. Sad to miss og
Megadeath FTW!!! Lololol moving wallpaper!!!
Also…. GINA!!!!!
We're almost at 150 comments!
DO is working hard at regionals. I wonder if he's even seen any of this yet!
Aw, I've never been so sad to have opted for a rest day run instead of noon class or OG! Poor DO… and all because Matt Katz wanted reassurance about the community acceptability of his shirtlessness? Or to get the blog to 150 comments? Or to make whatever is going on up there with his GOT recap happen???