Lots of fitness happening in this great photo by Thomas H.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
So it’s Memorial Day weekend and you’re ready to catch up on this here blog. What happened this week? We’re glad you asked!
1. Murph Day is this Monday! Have you signed up yet? We’re also looking for volunteers to help clean up after the event. CFSBK will provide one keg, burgers, and sasuages, but please feel free to BYOB and more delicious foods. Please contact Events Coordinator Danae at Danae [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn [dot] com to let her know you’d like to help out.
2. This year we’ll also be raising money to benefit K9s for Warriors, an organization that provides service dogs for veterans suffering from Post-traumatic Stress Disability, traumatic brain injury and/or military sexual trauma as a result of military service post 9/11. You can start donating here! The suggested donation is $25 (the cost of a drop-in) or the dollar equivalent of your “Murph” time.
3. Sign-ups for our seasonal fish CSA with Big City Fish Share are open until June 11th.
4. Last weekend, several CFSBK TFBAs were in Philly to compete in the USAPL Philadelphia Freedom Championship, and we’re lucky to have this awesome report from Cam C.
5. Also, Ryan L. dropped into to CrossFit Max Effort in Las Vegas and gave us the full rundown on what sounds like a great travel gym.
6. We introduced you to Katie Rose Hejtmanek, a new member and professor of anthropology at Brooklyn College who will be doing some really fascinating research at CFSBK over the next year. Welcome, Katie!
7. CFSBK Movie Night returns on June 24th at 8:00pm (after Open Gym). We want your suggestions as to which movie we should show, so please let us know in the comments section of the event page.
8 All CrossFit Kids programming is cancelled this weekend (May 27th-30th) for Memorial Day. Enjoy the long weekend!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rack Jerk | “Diane”
“Murph” Strategy WODprep
Which Rock Star Will Historians of the Future Remember? NY Times
Brad says
Stephanie we have enough religious arguments on this blog for one day…please don't start the programmers or engineers argument.
Additionally, Katie Rose has cancelled her membership and study of CFSBK…todays blog comments have completely skewed her research to the point the study here is completely invalid.
Thank you Gerry! Finally some progress on this blog today.
Michael C. says
Oh my god there's a page 2?
Andrew Shay says
Hello Sharks, I am asking for $100,000 for 20% of my ringworm production company.
Lil JB says
I am pretty sure this is going to take a up a full chapter in her book.
ariel says
I'm definitely considering going shirtless at open gym tonight.
André says
On top of taking my shift off mid workout I will now shirtless truffle shuffle at the end of WODS!
BROTIP for the non six pack people concerned about removing their shirts, tattoos have a slimming effect so just cover your self it tats (do not tat a six pack though) and you will appear 6.3% slimmer at right angles
Cam says
As I mentioned on KHarpz's fb I will be working OG FD tonight and putting out a bin to dump your shirt in as you check in.
Then I will wear all of your tees and slowly remove each layer every 5 minutes
yahS werdnA says
This is not important to the overall direction of todays trending topic but is Ariel a male or female? It just one of those names…
Ringworms says
Thanks but no thanks.
Chas C. says
Steve, I think I have you beat on the sweat leaderboard. I start sweating when there's even a mention of working out. I'm sweating right now, typing this message, in my air-conditioned office. I had to wipe down my computer after signing up for Murph.
I don't take my shirt off because (1) yeah I'm pretty hairy (2) I'm definitely more Rick Ross than Rich Froning yet lack the confidence/math skills of Future President André and (3) the shirt actually does a pretty good job keeping the sweat contained — if I took it off I worry that the puddle that usually forms around me during a WOD would expand to a full-fledged Olympic-length swimming pool. While that would probably make my slow times look more impressive by flushing out everyone else trying to finish the same workout, I don't think it'd be fair play.
I do think it's fine for folks to take their shirts off, though, regardless of their physique, gender, Chewbacca-esque back hair… go for it. I'm sorry anon feels otherwise, but I agree with Dan L. — mere discomfort with a part of the human body that's frequently publicly displayed (at the beach, on basketball/handball courts in public parks, etc.) isn't a reason to ask everyone else to cover it up.
James's Man Bun says
I don't let James take his shirt off mid-Wod. It takes away from my beauty.
Michael "Mr. Stupendous" C. says
Andrew, I think your valuation is a little nuts, so I'll tell you what I'm going to to offer. I'll give you the 100k, but I want 25%, and a $1 royalty on every sale until I make back my initial investment.
K HarpZ says
Ok YES @cam and be sure to play this song every time you derive yourself: https://youtu.be/P5mtclwloEQ
Dave Fung says
I think we might set a new record for blog comments. Think the record is 107 when the question was:
What's something we probably don't know about you? Hidden talents? Unusual interest? Ultimate Claims to nerdom? The weirder the better!
Jack L. (Shirt Enthusiast) says
The best way to deal with feelings of resentment and inadequacy sparked by another's shirtlessness, I've found, is to convince yourself that, deep inside, the shirtless person hates himself.
Sure, he has those huge guns and rippling abs, but is he happy?
Give it a try!
Dave Fung says
Also, Whit is levitating the barbell with her trex arms.
K HarpZ says
*disrobe yourself. Dang autocorrect
Cam says
Wait can we actually play that song tonight KHarpz??? "Shirtless Playlist"
Andrew Shay says
My favorite part about the blog is that the coaches cant cut me off by saying "we werent asking for a whole story. It was a yes or no question" during question of the day.
In my opinion we are thinking about all of this too literally…what is a shirt really when you think about it?
Dmitri Shirtsoff says
As a card carrying member of the Shirtsoff movement I feel it my duty to chime in. I would first like to reach out and send my condolences to Anon, I fear there are some real issues left unresolved tthat might benefit from some long term psychodynamic psychotherapy…I.e insecure attachments to parental figures, nipple trauma, painful images of less than perfect pectorals.
After I blast pecs I like to go into the bathroom and look at them , immediately. Keeping my shirt on and having to remove it in the bathroom in order to gaze at my engorged pecs would slow me down and detract from my satisfaction. I fear I would also face the same challenges following GHD sit ups, as well as Bicep curls.
After forging elite fitness, some males enjoy sitting out in the sun and basking in post-wod glory, I often walk over to car windows because something about the upward angle of them
, or maybe the slight degree of convexity makes you Look huge. Not being able to partake in this activity woukd also detract from my pleasure.
Or….it could be that one way of avoiding walking around with a soaking wet shirt in my bag is to simply take it off before I drench it…
Charles says
@Brad- I second Gerry's recco of Martin Plumbing.
9:17 with Nick after warming up with hamstring work.
Ido Portal mini Cartwheels, starting to get better at these- need to commit.
Spiderman walk- lower and quieter.
Martelo kicks
Back squats:
3x5x155# PR and a ticket out of broville as I've reached my bench PR!- one legged bridges during "rest"
Strict presses:
metcon in 5:26
3 rounds:
full lap sled drive @608
5 kipping leg raises
10 no-jump burpees
Leg raises got a little squirrely. fun sprint.
finished off with a 500m row and 3 sets of 5 piked hspu- need to get my legs straighter on these.
ariel says
I am female.
Nice to meet you.
Charles says
We were talking about shirts and then @KHarpz went into cloning. big jump.
K HarpZ says
@Chalres Yeah that escalated quickly. Back to that playlist @Cam https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1YQt62zsAwM …..plenty more where that came from. I'm full of ideas
Mare (Lurking from Seattle!) says
These blog posts are reason #101 why I FREAKIN miss CFSBK sooooooo much!!!!!
ariel says
I'll be the one with no shirt, boobs, and brand new stomach tattoos as per andres brilliant suggestion.
Dave Fung says
Shirtsoff Toosoon says
Do you guys have any tips on how to prolong shirt removal? Sometimes, when I get really excited about a workout, I remove mine prematurely. It feels really good, but my WOD partner always seems a little disappointed when it happens.
Informative Post says
It appears that many people are monitoring this thread so I think it is a good time to remind everyone that a Pringle is not a chip. I was brushing my teeth a few weeks ago and was wondering what they do with the ends of the potatos that are too small to make into a pringles chip. There never was a full potato to begin with…They are just potato flakes mashed together. I hope everyone can still enjoy their holiday weekend…
steph paddock says
You guys! This is no laughing matter. It's why I stopped coming to CFSBK.
Dave Fung says
Jay-Star says
Crossfit shirts are to be worn when you are not doing Crossfit so that everyone knows you do Crossfit not for actually doing Crossfit.
Michael C. says
Man, Jay your post just made me do the real life version of the "let me think about that for a second" emoji.
steph paddock says
Just kidding you guys! If you got it, flaunt it! And even if you don't, it's hot as balls in that gym so do what you gotta do.
Dmitri says
@Shirtsoff toosoon
One of the bedrock principles of the Shirtsoff association is that every member has discretion as to when they go shirtsoff. Some wait until mid wod, when they can maximize aesthetic effect via increased blood flow coupled with the sheen of sweat. Others go shirtsoff early on when they feel the most subtle of pec engorgement, this should be applauded. The Shirtsoff Association (TSA) seeks not to limit liberty.
Shirty Mcshirt Face says
Crazy theory…what if Anon is actually an ad trying to sell us shirts. I can never tell the difference between sponsored content and real information these days.
Last night I was reading an article on time.com and the next thing I know I'm reading an ad for GEICO. So I click out of that and try to read the news story — but it's not a news story it's a slideshow, and I'm looking at the worst celebrity plastic surgery jobs ever.
Matt Katz says
Don't knock Time.com. I hear a hot shirtless dude who looks like Bradley Cooper does Game of Thrones recaps on that Internet website.
Cam says
dude, Matt if this turns out to be some viral promo for you, I will totally HULK SMASH
Ryan says
Also lurking from six time zones away.
I wish I still taught teenagers because I'd have some cool phrase to use like "this thread got me deadass right now," about how entertaining this has been to read. But I don't, so….
Missing CFSBK a lot today. See y'all in September. 🙂
Michael C. says
Matt, I think you have to go shirtless in your next Thrones recap.
Give the people not what they want, but what they need.
comment on fleek says
this thread is bae
sorry, anon. says
turns out people don't like to be body-policed.
Game of Thrones #1 Fan says
The guy in that Game of Thrones time.com video looks like he ate Bradley Cooper. I bet he has to buy special shirts just to fit his arms inside. I wish I could be his shirt because then that would mean that he would technically be in…well use your imagination.
Rob Underwood (@brooklynrob) says
Noon class with Melo. Saturday workout.
Front Squat –> 3 x 6 Performance at 160#
WOD with Brian. 16:20. It was HOT and alternated between 9' and 10' on wall ball. Did 40 SU as sub for DU. Brian was fast as s**t on the DUs and I probably represent 10 minutes of our time.
6 of us did the Saturday work out and we had a 50% topless rate: Ellie, Whit, me.
Gerry M. says
I think we can make serious bucks putting a paywall on this comment string.
Rob Underwood (@brooklynrob) says
@Andrew Shay — is the $100k pre- or post-money on the ring worm business? Can we do it as a convertible note? What sort of dilution protection are you open to?
Charlie says
Lol I love when the lurkers come out to play.
Bethany says
How about a compromise and we all wear crop-top tanks?
Mark Cuban says
Andrew, what are your sales year to date?
Manu says
Relevant: top post on Reddit right now (NSFW-ish): http://m.imgur.com/NZyoTQB