Front Squat
3 x 8
Add weight to last week. Use a full range of motion and control.
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
A) From 0:00 – 5:00
700m Row for Time
B) From 5:00 – 10:00
3 RFT:
7 each 1-Arm Dumbbell Push Press, as heavy as possible
12 Toes-to-Bars
Go heavy, but the goal is unbroken. Start with your non-dominant arm and do 7 reps before switching sides. Scale Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg Raises or Hanging Knee Raises as appropriate.
C) From 10:00 – 15:00
5 RFT:
25 Double-Unders
10 Sit-Ups
Scale Double-Unders to 50 singles or 10-15 attempts/makes as appropriate. The Sit-Ups are unanchored.
Today’s three metcons should be sprints that allow you 1-2 minutes rest in between.
Post times and Rx to comments.
Jake auditions for the artsy sequel to Pumping Iron
- Several CFSBK TFBAs—including Cam C., Bethany E., Francesca R., and Adele R.—are down in Philly today to compete in the USAPL Philadelphia Freedom Championship. Let’s wish them luck and send them lots of love!
Sign Up for Our Seasonal Fish CSA! Discount for Early Birds + Call for Co-coordinator!
Last summer, we brought in a new fish CSA partner and were blown away by the quality and freshness of their fish! Lucky for you, registration is now open for the 2016 season, which runs weekly from June 11 til late fall. We need 6 more people to sign up to make the program go!
Big City Fish Share, now in its fifth season, delivers sustainably caught, never-frozen, super-fresh seafood from Montauk to New York City. You can sign up for a weekly share of either 1 pound or 2 pounds of filleted fish, littleneck clams, or oysters. Sign up by June 7th, and lock in $16 per pound for the whole season. After June 7th, the price will go back to $17 per pound.
The delivery window will be Saturday mornings, 10am to 12pm, starting June 11. This is a weekly, not monthly, share.
Customers can sign up for 4 deliveries at a time, and can easily place their orders on hold through the website if they go out of town. Any funds left in your account at the end of the season will be returned to you by check. Expect a good variety of fish, including big-eye tuna, squid, founder, fluke, swordfish, black sea bass, bluefish, porgy, and monkfish.
If you are interested in splitting a free share in exchange for volunteering to run the Saturday morning pickup every other week, contact Michele, below.
Any other questions? E-mail bigcityfishshare [at] For general CSA questions, e-mail Michele at mignyc [at]
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
West Regional: Emily Abbott CrossFit
When Members Drop an Empty Barbell
Felt good after guest coaching a few classes this morning and being fueled by some delicious oysters, squid, and pasta at Left Bank in the West Village last night (if you like good food then go) so was expecting great things from today's session. I instead performed mediocre. Could have been the few Negronis?
Snatch, heavy single
I'd like to have 185 be an "any time, any place" number at the end of this cycle.
Clean and Jerk, heavy single
215-235-250 (slight press out on jerk)
Should do a few more technique drills and warm ups next two lift heavy day on these.
Back Squat, heavy single
295-315-335 (5lb PR)
These felt good and the last two are the most weight I've squatted in months. I hadn't tested a high bar single in a long time but am happy to walk away from today with a small PR.
9AM with Melo and Fox.
HBBS: 205×8, 205×5 (fail on 6th rep), 205×7 (fail on 8th rep). Will try this weight again for 6 reps next week. Some ugly reps in there with way too much upper back rounding. Thanks to Fox for the advice on doing some barbell rows to get stronger in the upper back, and to Melo for pointing out I had my toes pointed out way too wide. Onwards.
Modified WOD with V-ups and strict presses in the second round. Finished the first and second WOD in around 3 minutes and third one with about 30 seconds left.
A little late today after cheering on BKHalfers this morning, hit 11am:::
FSQ up to 255x5x2. No time for the 3rd set after working up to 255. Would like to have done 260 today but I was worried about having enough recovery time. I totally get why this happens, but I'm going to have to shift my workout schedule so I do long runs on Saturday and then hit either group class or OG on Sunday, bc 15 minutes isn't enough later in the cycle 🙁
Really liked today's WOD, even though situps are my CF kryptonite.
Part 1: 2:18. This was very hard, but not quite 100% effort. Let it slide under 1:40 pace the last 200/250m.
Part 2: 2:39 w/45# and half volume strict t2b. Push press was much easier than I thought it would be; t2b made me feel a little sick. Forearms were really burning after this.
Part 3: SITUP WIPEOUT. All doubles fast and easy, only tripped up once. Situps were incredibly slow and hard. 4 rounds + 12 doubles at 5 minutes.
Fox is right: Left Bank is pretty great. Go!
10 AM with MeLo, whose music choices are always on point.
HBBSQ 170x8x3, which somehow felt easier than 165 did on Wednesday. I'll take it.
WOD: part A run around the block in 2:37, part B 14 Russian KB swings at 24kg/V-ups in 2:45, part C Rx in 5:01 (I wasn't going to let one situp stop me when time was called). Pro tip: When doing double-unders, wear pants that fit properly. Pretty sure I would have finished this in time had I not been yanking at my waistband every 30 seconds.
Front Squats with Ali
125 x 8 x 3
700m row – 3:01
Found a pace at 2:10, tried to keep it there and speed up at the end.
7 ea DB Push Press / 12 T2B – 4:10
30# DB fine, lost my lat power pretty quickly on the T2B and had to break them up
25 DUs / 10 sit ups – 3:30
Unbroken 🙂
Back squat
Overhead Lunges
20 wall balls
25 DUs
400m run
Off to Cali for a week!
Super fun morning at the gym.
Started with 10 am yoga with Whitney, because I've decided that this is going to be my #summerofmobility.
Then 11 am group class w/ Jess and Whitney.
Front Squat @ 157.5 x 5 x 3.
WOD (with some really angry music selected by Fox):
Row in 2:33.
Push presses @ 35# + knee raises. Forgot to look at my time for this segment, but I had more than two minutes of rest after.
For final segment, subbed 10 DU attempts per round until the last round, where I managed 18 in a row. Finished at 14:20something.
Really liked the structure of this workout.
Everyone should listen to the new Justin Timberlake song. Especially Fox.
10am class
These felt pretty good. I think I've chosen the right weight every time this cycle because I'm come thiiiiiis close to failure on the last 2 reps each time on the BS and FS.
I liked this WOD, the row really got the heart rate going
Row in 2:21 with a low 1:40s split
3RFT: DB PP @60 in 3:45
5RFT: 4:45
Now off to the Bowery hotel for a 20's themed wedding!
Did about 10-15:00 of Movement prep and mobility
3 Rounds
10 Cals Assault Bike
10 Push-Ups
10 Knee Jumps to 6" Box
Paused FSQ 155x3x6
6×6 Strict Pull-Ups
5 Rounds NFT
6 KB Snatches R (16kg)
6 One Arm OHS R
6 KB Snatches L
6 One Arm OHS L
OHS: 63×5, 73×3, 83×3, 93, 103, 113, 116F, 116F, 116×2 (PR!). No belt.
Failed getting it overhead the first two times. This was a 1# PR (hit 115×2 on 5/8).
Snatch: 63 felt snappy. Worked up to 78 which felt really heavy today for whatever reason.
Today's WOD with a good sized crew.
1) 700m row in 2:54
2) PP at 25#, 12 TTB in 5 mins on the dot.
3) 3:40 ish, but I got started a little late since I took so long on the 2nd part. Damn toes to bar.
Attempted one arm OHS with 20lbs after seeing DO outside. I couldn't do these with full ROM a few months ago because of mobility. Did 3 sets of 3 on each side. Meh.
10am with Jess and Melissa
FSQ 75, 95, 105, then 110×3. i should probably go up next week since ive hovered around here for a bit and doesnt feel super heavy. i just keep finding things to improve on and kinda disregard the weight progression. today it was gripping the bars more at jess' guidance.
WOD – 2:32/4:10@30lb/basically 5 minutes@50su. wow that was a spectacular disaster. not totally surprised my t2b swiftly fell apart after a few hits since i only recently learned how to do one. ill keep on practicing. this kinda winded me and made all of metcon (c) feel terrible.
then some much needed and always welcome AR.
Training Post…
Have been sick with sinus infection all week. Didn't work out sunday – thursday. woof. slept about 9+ hours every night and focused on trying to breathe like a human.
Saturday (comp):
1. Squats…
I did 3×10 each side Waiter Squat @ 20KG. didn't have to support with my hand on left side! IMPROVEMENT!!!!
Superset with 3×7 each side 1 Arm Seated DB Press @ 30#
2. Clean and Jerk
EMOMx10: 1 Clean and Jerk
kilos: 50, 55, 55, 60, 63, 65, 68 (150#, 93%), 70-F (154#, 96%) 70-F
First fail at 70 was just soft. i pulled it well and almost got under it too quickly… just let the bar crash on to me. dumb. second one i anticipated staying tight in the catch which resulted in me just rushing everything and it was way out in front. still, happy to hit 150 quickly when fatigued.
3. Gymnastics Pulling
50 Strict C2B Pull ups for time. 10 min cap.
ha … ha ha
before this i had never done a strict C2B Pull up (only CHIN UPS). so… got about 20 in the 10 minute time cap. i'd say about 7-10 of those had a bit of "oomph" at the end to help get my chest to the bar, so not 100% strict. good practice.
4. Conditioning
With a running clock complete 5 rounds of 1 min at each station:
1. As many cals as possible on bike/erg
2. 10 Power Cleans, 135/95
3. 20 Wall Balls, 20/14
Your score is accumulated calories on the bike.
yowza. I shared the erg with Mel. thought i'd have to sandbag this a bit based on how i was feeling/breathing, but i felt better than expected.
Cal: 15-12-10-10-10 (57 total)
scaled to 7 power cleans so i could get that done in :40 and still have some rest time to get my breath back.
did WB unbroken except for round four: 13-7
15 min hip stretches and cool down!
Open Gym.
Took two rest days in a row because I hurt my wrist on Wednesday bailing a front squat.
Back Squat (Wendler 5 week)
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 180 x 5, 207.5 x 5, 235 x 8 (rep out)
Kinda messed this up as I was filming and my phone got knocked over on my seventh rep because i left it in a stupid place so then I got distracted and lost my will to keep going. I think I would have had at least two more reps if I had stayed in the zone. Oh well.
Was supposed to front squat 125 x 10'x 5 but my wrist was having none of it so I moved on.
Press (Wendler 5 week)
58.5 x 5, 67.5 x 5, 76.5 x 7
Bench press
100 x 10 x 5
Then messed around with some weighted pull-ups. I was trying to continue with the pyramid from AG but for some reason 25# was too heavy today. Had to give up on that too.
I was feeling a little discouraged and frustrated but then I decided to do today's workout with Jenny and Thomas and Matt and that actually went pretty well.
A)715m row in 2:54 (thought it was 750m)
B) finished at 9:17 with 30# DB (T2B were hard today!)
C) 13:08- moved fast through this.
Then 1 mile cool down run.
So glad I did the metcon! Feel so much better now!
Recovery Day
1 min cat cow
1 min each, sciatic nerve floss
1/2 Tabata
20sec: 10m side shuffle
10 sec: air squats
4 rounds
10m forward Spider crawl
50m each, farmers carry w/ 53lb KB
10 cal row
12min EMOM- 6 cycles
3 BTN Jerk @ 93
6 burpees box jump –24inch box
FQT: 115x8x3
Stayed more upright than usual. Lighter than where I should be bc I've missed three exposures and used a belt today when I normally wouldn't at this weight.
A) 3:03 Rowed 750m by accident.
B) 4:16 Worked on stringing T2B together. Used 30# DBs.
C: 6:13 Went over bc my dubs are not good. Did 12 situps on at least one of the rounds.
Last year I ran a lot before Murph. Realized I haven't run in a long time on my own so ran a mile. It was supposed to be a Fartlek mile, but my sprints were more like fast jogs.
Handstand walking practice. I'm getting worse at this.
Heavy single work today.
-worked up to 50kg (110#) which is just above 94% of my 1rm
Clean and jerk:
-hit 80kg (176#) for a PR here. Have hit these numbers before in each lift individually but not together. Caught the clean with elbows low but knew standing it up would be no problem. Actually felt like I got good drive in the jerk and surprised myself. Hardest part was to recover my feet back together!
-worked up to 120kg (264#) for a fairly easy single. This is only 11# off of my best and definitely the heaviest I've squatted in a long time!
Finished with 3 sets of 10 weighted back extensions @ 15# and 7-10 toes to bar.
Good training day!