In case you missed it: Coach David recently appeared on Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength podcast. Rippetoe calls us “the best gym in NYC,” and who are we to argue?
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Coach David was also interviewed for a CrossFit Journal article about community building and had lots of interesting stuff to say. Check it out here!
2. Registration for the Subway Series started last week. These events sell out quickly, so sign up now!
3. Sign-ups for Murph Day, one of our biggest community events of the year, opened last week as well. It’s a tough workout, but there will be plenty of scaling options and you’ll be supporting a great cause!
4. Have you signed up for our CSA with Common Hands Farm yet? Today is the last day to sign up and secure your summer/fall veggie supply.
5. But wait, that’s not all! You can also sign up for our seasonal fish CSA with Big City Fish Share!
6. Chris M. recently started a health and nutrition podcast called The Daily Lipid that’s sure to be of interest to CFSBKers. Notes from each show can be found on his blog.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Power Clean | Power Cleans, Push-Ups
Gut Science FiveThirtyEight
Before Emoji, There Was The Print Shop The Atlantic
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat
3 x 8
Add weight to last week. Use a full range of motion and control.
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Post loads to comments.
A) From 0:00 – 5:00
700m Row for Time
B) From 5:00 – 10:00
3 RFT:
7 each 1-Arm DB Push Press, as heavy as possible
12 Toes to Bars
Go heavy but the goal is unbroken. Start with your non-dominant arm and do 7 reps there before switching sides. Scale Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg Raises or Hanging Knee Raises as appropriate.
C) From 10:00 – 15:00
5 RFT:
25 Double-Unders
10 Sit-Ups
Scale dubs to 50 singles or 10-15 attempts/makes as appropriate. The Sit-Ups are un-anchored.
Today's three metcons should be sprints that allow you 1-2 minutes rest in between.
Post times and Rx to comments.
6 am with David:
Worked up to 113# in the 5 min EMOM, thanks David for the assist on the pullups 🙂 I thought I would work up to 123# for the clean but underestimated how hard they would be after pullups.
Then did the workout in I think 3:15 or 3:20 but not totally sure with 8 pushups on the minute mark at 103#. I don't think I've cleaned that heavy in a workout ever, so that's exciting. They didn't feel too bad. I so wished I had snuck in one more before the 3 min mark b/c I only had one more after that fourth set of pushups.
After worked on handstand holds and hspu piked from a 24" then 30" box. Tried to kip a couple to three abmats and failed. I need to make it to AG more often!
6am with MeLo
Front Squat – 205x8x3 – felt pretty good. Only a 5# jump from last week, which was my plan
Metcon(s) in 2:19/2:36/3:2? Abs were not happy about doing sit-ups after toes to bar
Yesterday at 6:30pm(!?)
Worked up to 243 on the power clean. Failed 257, which would have been a PR
Metcon in 1:15 Rx'd – got 18 in the first round and had basically nothing left after that. Did the last 2 reps as bailed singles
I believe that David was trying out new crossfit kids warm up routine on us this morning.
FSQ: 200×8, 200×6, 200×8. 5# jump. Technical failure on the 2nd set, just dropped into the hole and lost tension and elbows dropped. Third set felt the best.
Metcon: 2:29 / 4:10 @ 50# / 3:39. DB push press unbroken, just a reset between arms. T2B fell apart in the 2nd round. One trip for all 5 rounds, but that first situp after T2B felt awful. Abs didn't feel right for a bit.
7AM with David.
Performance EMOM work: cleans @135, 145, 145, 155, 155
WOD @135 lbs + 7 push-ups: finished in 2:45.
7 AM lifting club with Karina 🙂
Press, football bar: 65x5x3. It's been a couple of weeks since my last exposure and it shows.
3 rounds max chinups followed by 12 GHD situps (gross!). 6,5,4 chinups. Dammit. I had 7 for a while; need to figure out my diet. I'm not weaker, just heavier!
Then we did tabata double unders and tabata plank to finish off. I'm not good enough at double unders for the first half of this to have been a real metcon.
6am with DOLo
FSQ – 215 x 8 x 3
Heavy but good speed through the sets. First set felt the worst. Going to be boom or bust with the 10# jumps.
Row in around 2:22
2nd part in 4:23 with 45#db. T2b were 12, 6-singles, 6-singles.
3rd part was unmitigated disaster. Think I got 15 du into 4th. Realized at the end I had my hands way too high which caused me to trip repeatedly and hate life
Noon at Commonwealth Crossfit in Somerville, Mass., here for my daughter's graduation (with a wallet notably lighter after four years of Tufts tuition.) The coach knew of CFSB through our alum Miranda, who is soon off to DC.
Crazy 8s AMRAP for 16 minutes Rx 135/95
8 hang cleans
8 bar over burpees
I made it through four rounds and then through four hang cleans all at 105 – but subbing front squats for the OHS. Nobody went above 95 for the normal workout. A very nice, welcoming crew.
FSQ: 155 x 8 x 3. Belted. Felt okay.
WOD: 2:33 / 4:30 / 3:15. Row was okay. Scaled to 8 T2B so that I could finish in time. DUs were good today, all unbroken except for the last.
I will not be able to make it in to the gym to pick up my kettlebell kitchen before it gets tossed tonight. If anyone at open gym wants some free food, you're welcome to it.
Saturday's work @ Pacific Strength Crossfit in Oakland
Basically operating on zero sleep and just missed their last class for the morning. Wound up doing our programming during open gym. Really really nice space and great owner.
FSQ – 165 x 6 (oops) x 3
I couldn't have been more beat from a long flight and coach seat. Knew 8 was going to be tough so just cut the reps early. Still a 10# jump from last week.
A – 2:21
B – 3:58 w/ 35# db
C – 3:05 with a few trip ups in round 2. Went unbroken a couple times with a foreign rope though so that's cool.
Cash out – Fried chicken and waffles followed up by a 4 mile hike
Got there super late so squeezed in a short workout
Front squat: 128x8x3.
Power clean workout from yesterday with 98# and 5 pushups. 2:56. Should have done more pushups.
Pushups after: 6 sets of 5.
then some planks/v ups etc.
2 Rounds
10 KB SQT push outs
5e lateral step ups
5e hip hurricanes
Kossacks 3×10, rest min btwn each leg, ascending weights
E: 3 BSQT (65%, 70%, 75%)
O: 8 ring row negatives
–every two rounds, bump % up
20min erg cool down
Movin and groovin day at OG. Lots of good lifts done by the crew this evening.