Back Squat
3 x 8
Add weight to last week. Use full a full range of motion and control.
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
1 x 6
Warm up and perform one heavy (and perfect) set of 6 reps, heavier than last week. Touch-and-go is permitted.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
In teams of three with one partner working at a time…
AMRAP 18 Minutes:
7 Thrusters 95/65lbs
7 Box Jumps 24/20″
7 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
Partners alternate full rounds of the triplet until the call of time and must “tag” the next partner in. The barbell and kettlebell weights should be on the light side and certainly done unbroken. The Box Jump is Rx’d as a two-foot take off.
Post rounds, reps, and partners to comments.
Nate O. works out on the rings during Open Gym. Want to get better at gymnastics? Read on! | Photo by Thomas H.
Want to Improve Your Gymnastics Skillz?
When: Sundays from 6 to 7:30pm | 6/5, 6/12, 6/19, 6/26
Price: $100 for 4 weeks
Cap: 8 participants
Basic Skills
Tight Body
Week 1
Rings Support
L Seats – Rings/Parellettes
Basic routine
Week 2
Basic routine
Week 3
Warm up
Basic routine
Week 4
Warm up
Basic routine
Ken’s Bio
Ken was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton, MA and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
Hiring Front Desk Staff
CFSBK is looking for new talent to staff the Front Desk. Responsibilities include handling inquires from walk-ins, managing basic membership issues, light cleaning/organization, and other miscellaneous duties. Ideally, we’d like to hire from within so that candidates are already familiar with CrossFit and CFSBK, but we are open to talking to new folks if they’ve got good people skills and are committed to joining the gym. On top of an hourly wage, FD staff will also receive a comped membership. We are looking for people who keep a consistent schedule and commit to six months of work with us (barring extenuating circumstances).
We will be interviewing this month and training a new hire for immediate training will begin next week. The shifts we are looking to fill are below, so before applying, please make sure these openings fit with your schedule:
- Tuesdays, 4:15p – 9:45p
- Wednesdays, 4:15p – 9:45p
- Sundays, 7:45a-12:00p
Email Janelle [at] to inquire and include Front Desk in the subject line.
Josh Everett: The Hook Grip CrossFit
The Lingering Legacy of Psychedelia The New Yorker
6am with Katie and McDowell
HBBS – 255x8x3 – Heavy. Was dreading this weight in the way in. Never felt in danger of failure, but happy to go to 6s next week.
Deadlift – 375×6 – touch and go with a hook grip. Moved well.
Partner WOD with Ben and Roy – got 21 rounds plus 4 thrusters. This was a fun one
7:30 AG last night
Warmed up with lateral box step ups, reverse lunges, and squat press outs. Next did some pistol work. Left leg much stronger than right with these. Plus not much ankle mobility on either.
Max weight pull ups #45
Missed my triple the first attempt and barely got the double on the second. Singles after that were ok. I was doing last weeks singles #55 so this was a step backwards.
Metcon :
5 rounds
130m sprint
10 plyo push-ups
130m sprint
10 T2B
Don't recall my time but prob around 11 minutes maybe. As usual T2B were my limiting movement. Can't string more than a couple together. Sprints were just that. Wouldn't mind seeing more sprints in general for the programming. PUs were easy.
Stuck around for the 8:30 class with JB
BS: 3×8 #235
Same as last week. Didn't make a jump bc AG had me winded a bit. Moved well no real issues except not getting low enough on a couple.
Metcon : partnered with Stefan and JB graciously joined us to make a team of 3. Got through 6 rounds or so. Fun stuff. Kept everything moving well and box jumps were quicker than normal thanks to JBs pointers.
7 AM with HarpzDowell
HBBSQ 165x8x3. Can't wait to be done with 8s!
DL 225×6. This is the weight I should have done last week instead of going way too heavy like an idiot and failing.
WOD with Alyssa (sp?) and Hal, 20 rounds plus thrusters plus 6 BJ. Rx except one-armed DB thrusters 35#.
Has anyone ever done Murph at another gym? I'm planning on it since I'll be visiting my family for Memorial Day and I can't say I'm looking forward to Murph-ing among strangers!
6am with KharpDowell
Fun morning at the gym.
Back Squats 240# x 8 x 3 This felt heavy pretty much the whole time.
Deadlifts 325# x 6 Touch and Go.
Partner WOD with AOTM Paul and Strong Scott. 21 rounds plus another 17 reps from yours truly.
I really liked this one. The rep scheme was short enough that you could go hard each round and the rests were just long enough to lower the heart rate a bit. Thrusters felt fast and crisp throughout. KB Swings were light and easy. Switched to bounded box jumps for the last two rounds which were kind of disorganized because I don't do them enough.
7 AM 4evah. Exciting guest morning appearance by Coach Katie! Who made us put our hands on the outside sidewalk. Ick.
Thrilled and stunned to hit 3×5 backsquat at 110# and have it still moving a-okay. A PR by far and I can't wait to see how much more I will get to this cycle. Finally after two years of Crossfitting really feeling leaps and bounds stronger!
And as always I LOVE partner WODs even on sad days when ace partner Shawn has already worked out the day before. Agree with above it was just the right amount of time to catch breath and then sprint again. 7 rounds for me.
7am 4evah x 2. Jynne, you're a baller.
Shoutout to my awesome partners, Molly & Nikhil! 20 rounds + 3 reps for us.
Forgot to list my DL the last two weeks…. 1×6 #255 w/ hook grip last week, 1×6 at #275 w/ hook grip last night… focusing on keeping my chest up, back straight, and shoulders rotated as opposed to just the weight. Touch n Go both weeks. Lost my grip on the 6th rep last night however.
Really fun morning.
Back Squats 245# x 8 x 3 Moved pretty easily.
Deadlifts 365# x 6 touch and go.
Partner WOD with Matt and Paul: love these partner workouts – fun to have a little jolly competition with other teams, and this kept us honest without slaughtering us.
Heavy Single 105kg
(80, 85, 90%) x1x2
(70, 75, 80%) x1x2
67, 71*, 80kg
*Missed 71 on the 2nd wave
70% x3x6 (97kg)
@Jynne the next time I drop in as a surprise morning coach we'll be putting our hands on the sidewalk…..and THEN we'll touch our faces! : P…gotta keep it constantly varied here at CFSBK.
Also really enjoyed the teams that tagged in using code words. PIZZA! Donuts! BREFFUST!
Only had 30 min to train so I went for a heavy snatch single for funsies:
35×3, 45×2, 50×1, 55 (F), 55, 60(F), 60, 64(F), 65(PR!), 66F -pulled it high but didn't commit
So 143#. Clearly I have some work to do with all of those fails sprinkled inbetween. But I've made a huge improvement in my ability to get under it lately. Shoulder is currently at 95-98% these days. Which is an incredible feeling, it's been a looooong road! Anyway, ffun little snatch PR before I hit the AMTRAK train home for the week for some graduation activities! Later gaterz. See you all when I return!
I tried to get my team to say Ninja Panthers but it didn't stick 😛
6am with Katie and McDowell
Squat – 300x5x3 – Moved well, except for middle set where misloaded bar led to a 5# difference on right side. Always surprising how destabilizing 5# is.
Deadlift – 395×6 – Touch and go, moved well.
Partner WOD – 21 rounds plus 1 thruster. This was a fun one
Front Squat (Wendler 5 week)
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 115 x 5, 130 x 5, 150 x 5, 170 x 9 (rep out)
Lost position on the tenth rep and bailed it. Big thanks to Fox and Mirko for helping me through this.
Back Squat
180 x 10 x 5
Joined 12pm class for deadlifts
135 x 5, 185 x 4, 225 x 2, 265 x 1, 285 x 5.
Gave up on the sixth rep- just didn't have it today. The squats took a lot out of me. Need to look at either switching deadlift day or dropping it altogether for the rest of the cycle.
WOD with Jess Fox and Katie Egan
29 rounds plus one thruster.
This was really hard but a lot of fun!
5:30 —
275x8x3. I was worried about squat weight today because I ran morning & evening yesterday, but I broke the sets up differently and it went well. Heavy but not max effort; definitely going up 10# for the x6s next week, maybe 15.
DL: 250×6. "a work in progress."
WOD was fun, partnered with Matt and Mo and finished 21+20 (I got to do the bonus round, 1 second short of the last kb swing… ):
I went through each round pretty fast, but never managed to really push the intensity all the way. Started bounding the box jumps towards the end which made it a little harder, but I think I really should have done this with a 32kg kb to get the right kick.
29 rounds is unreal btw, congrats Charlie+Jess+Katie! Other than bounding the box jumps I'm not sure how I could have moved much faster…
Work with Nick-
Ido Portal floor work, some iffy capoeira kicks.
front squat:
3x5x140# (pr) felt pretty good.
some mashing and bridges mixed in between
3 rnft:
3 strict knees to chest
5 piked hspu
10 165# dl
15 24kg kb swings
20 cal row
great wod. 165 was a pr not very long ago so to move through 30 felt great.
last round on the row was 22 pulls for 20 cals- easily the best I've done there- focused on pushing the heels all the way through to the end of the row.
@jynne. I missed you too and woulda loved to have high fived your awesome lifting. You're sorta Dorthy here- you've been able to do this longer than you think. Trust yourself and click your heels together three times!
6:30 with Melo and Noah
Hbbs 165x8x3 belted.
Deadlift 195×6 belted.
Wod RXd with Allie and kelly. Did 22 rounds plus 6 thrusters.
Yesterday's work:
HBBS: 235x8x3
DL: 265×6
WOD with Andrew and Alec (who did a scaled-up version): 21 rounds.
LBBS: 155x8x3 Went up 15# by accident which was fine bc I'm still 10-15# lower than where I should be. Used a belt today. Tipped over a bit on the last few reps.
Deadlift: 205×6 TNG
WOD with Allie and Jenny. 22 +6
I was able to keep my elbows and chest up better than usual on thrusters.
Love these 2:1 rest:work partner WODs!!
And damnnn Charlie, Jess and Katie!