The CFSBK Fighting Tacos’ season is underway! | Photo by Coach KHarpz
Sign Up for Our Seasonal Fish CSA! Discount for Early Birds
Last summer, we brought in a new fish CSA partner and were blown away by the quality and freshness of their fish! Lucky for you, registration is now open for the 2016 season, which runs weekly from June 11 til late fall.
Big City Fish Share, now in its fifth season, delivers sustainably caught, never-frozen, super-fresh seafood from Montauk to New York City. You can sign up for a weekly share of either 1 pound or 2 pounds of filleted fish, littleneck clams, or oysters. Sign up by June 7th, and lock in $16 per pound for the whole season. After June 7th, the price will go back to $17 per pound.
The delivery window will be Saturday mornings, 10am to 12pm, starting June 11. This is a weekly, not monthly, share.
Customers can sign up for 4 deliveries at a time, and can easily place their orders on hold through the website if they go out of town. Any funds left in your account at the end of the season will be returned to you by check. Expect a good variety of fish, including big-eye tuna, squid, founder, fluke, swordfish, black sea bass, bluefish, porgy, and monkfish.
Any other questions? E-mail bigcityfishshare [at] For general CSA questions, e-mail Michele at mignyc [at]
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Ring Dips | Burpees, Deadlifts, Hang Power Cleans
Slow Elbow Syndrome WODprep
At 100, Still Running for Her Life NY Times
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Add weight to last week. Use full ROM and control.
3×5 LP
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Warm up and perform one heavy (and perfect) set of 8 reps, heavier than last week. Touch and go is permitted.
5 Rounds NFT:
3-5 Bar Muscle Ups
15 Calorie Row or Bike
Rest as needed. For the BMUs, if you don't have them you can choose to either perform jumping bar muscle ups or chest to bar pull ups + dips. For the row, play around with stroke rating and damper setting to find what works best for you. For example, long heavy pulls at a low stroke rating with a higher damper setting might likely allow you to pull the 15 calories in fewer strokes but require more strength, may take more time, and may leave you feeling more fatigued depending on your strengths.
Rope Climbs
B. Pull ups
5 attempts to find a max single for the day.
3 Rounds
Minute 1 – 1-2 Rope climbs
Minute 2 – 10/15 cal erg
Minute 3- 8-10 hand release push ups
Minute 4 – 10 Box jump overs
Minute 5 – 20 V-Ups
6am at Brick Crossfit in Boston
2 rounds
20 empty bar strict presses
15 light KB swings
E2MOM for 18min of strict press
Rnd 1 – 3: 5 reps each round, did 115#
Rnd 4 – 8: 3 reps each round, did 135#
Rnd 9: 8-10 reps, did 115#
3 rounds for time
20 cal row
20 KB swings at 70#
20 HSPUs
Rest 2min between each round
Did the metcon in 14:56 at the Rx weight. The HSPUs were awful after all of those presses and I bailed about 4 of them over the course of the workout.
7am with Jess doing Wednesday
BSQ – 145 x 10 x 3
Still feeling good for another 10# next week. Really hoping this is the cycle I break through to 200#.
Deadlift – 245 x 8 x 1
Felt better than last week.
NFT ~3 rounds
Did 2 BMU per round thinking I had more time to get all the rounds in. Still have trouble stringing these together. Tore in my 3rd round and called it quits. First time on the assault bike and kinda liked it.
6am with McDowell – small class, y'all afraid of the rain?
Back Squat: 130kg 3×5. Starting to feel the weight.
DL: 167kg 1×8. Did this touch and go since its so many reps. Will switch to individual pulls at a higher weight when we drop to 5 or below.
Two classes in twelve hours. Would not ordinarily do that but the NFT work convinced me it'd be possible. First, 8:30 p.m. Monday w/DO.
Tempo Close Dumbbell Press: 8-8-6-6-7 @ 50#. Went up in weight and managed to maintain a certain consistency. Felt good on the whole — David's pointers at the outset re not overextending or resting the shoulder blades at the bottom were helpful.
Metcon: 17:16 @ 115#. Whuf. Slow burpees, but the real limiter here was my grip. All movements unbroken until the 3rd round, when I started doing 5-4 on the hang power cleans, but it was a struggle to hang onto the bar by the end, resulting in longer breaks when they happened.
Second, 7:00 a.m. today w/Jess doing Wednesday's work.
BSQ: 180.7# (or 82 kg for you un-American types)x10x3. Should've done 83.5 kg and gotten closer to 185# but bar math is hard, guys. Anyway I'm kind of glad I didn't because these went surprisingly well, except for one rep in the second set where I let my bracing slip a bit and my hips decided they'd rather not come through without herculean corrective efforts. Glad to have a good BSQ week after a rough one last session.
DL: 245#x8. This is where my shot grip caught up with me. Lots of resetting myself at the bottom, but I got through it.
NFT work: 3 rounds, jumping bar m/u's. Fun experiment all around.
LBBS: 175 x 10 x 3.
Last reps in each set were tough.
Deadlift: 280 x 8.
285 sounded intimidating, so only went with a 5# jump. Moved fine – we'll see what next week may bring.
Got through 4 rounds of NFT. Was able to do some jumping bar muscle ups from the 24" box, some close attempts at 20".
McD used the word amplitude today when discussing kip swings. This pleased me greatly. I have been using this word in my classroom no less than 100 times a day for the past two weeks discussing trigonometric functions. Math in life.
Little sled and carry fun with Jess during the 11am hour
8 rounds nft
Sled forward about 20m
Sled backward about 20m
1-arm carry left about 15m
1-arm carry right about 15m
Used 32kg for all the carries. Started at 55lbs on the sled and worked up to 125, I think. We'd move directly from the sled to the carries and then rest a few seconds until the sled came back.
Monday- Weightlifting Club
A. Jump pull, snatch, jump pull, snatch
63 x 5
B. Halt C&J ( 3 sec pause @ knee, 5 sec split
83 x 3 x 5
C. Snatch lift-off (3 sec pause @ knee, 5 sec eccentric)
83 x 3 x 2
93 x 2 x 2
103 x 1 x 3
D. Snatch
53 x 3 x 5
Major magical snatch moment again thanks to Frankie's cue which would probably make things go insanely wrong for anyone else but somehow worked for me- lock your legs and jump. Going to test it out again today to see if it still works!!
So much make-up posting to do from Fri, Sat, and Mon. I'll aim for broad strokes:
SNATCH: up to 57kg (125.4#, 97%)
(failed 59kg, which is my PR, twice and called it)
Partner WOD with Brett (From wednesday's group classes):
12 rounds total (6 ea):
10 Push Press (115/75#… i went RX… he scaled up to 135#)
20 DU's
Time: 11:37
everything unbroken. really fun!
SAT: with comp class
Waiter Squats: 3×10 each side, 28kg. these are still very hard. L side have to support with R hand for last 5 reps of each set.
Partner MURPH with sandbag (pull/push/squat one partner holds bag while other works, divide work evenly so each does half):
run 1 mile (both running, trade sandbag… I did 2 laps with it, Brett did 1)
100 pull-up
200 push up
300 air squat
run 1 mile (both running, trade off… he did 2 laps with it, I did 1)
Time: 37 and change… can't remember. but we came back from behind since I was so slow on that first run!
Front Rack Box Step Ups… find a 5RM on each side:
L: 88×5 (93×3, fail 4)
R: 103×5… Maybe could've done 108?
Jerk (from rack, in kilos)
45kg, 50kg: 2 push 1 split
55 1 push 2 split
75 (added belt here): F, make (PR match!)
79 F, F, make! PR (4kg, 8.8#)
80 F
Focus: commit down, footwork (back foot turn in more, front foot reach)
3 rft:
20 thrusters
1 min rest
(Unbroken, 12-8, 12-8)… hated every moment of this
MU Accessory work… did 4 sets of 2. L hand/wrist started hurting again so called it there.
Worked on some things with McD today with notable success
1) Discomfort tolerance —
5 Rounds For Time:
5 KB snatches L (12kg)
5 KB thrusters L
Sled push 50' (medium-heavy)
5 KB snatches R
5 KB thrusters R
1:00 rest
Highly uncomfortable. Rounds got progressively faster from 1:16 to 1:05
2) Party Tricks —
Picked up the 80# boulder, walked around with it, threw it over my shoulder a couple times. Never did that before.
3) Butterfly Pull-ups —
Did a good job practicing this today. Feeling close on this.
530 PM with Jeremy
HBBS: 215x10x3
Deadlift: 245×8
6:30 with whit, skipped AG to go to Punderdome at Littlefield. While I had high hopes the puns would be worth it, I'm knot even kidding that I might've rather been climbing rope.
Ring dips: 4 each round,4.5 on rep out. Focused on depth and consistent tempo. Bummed I couldn't do more today.
Wod: had high hopes of 85#, but went with 73… Usually my goals are a little too lofty or I'm a little too wimpy. This was the appropriate weight, and got great feedback from Whit on how to cycle them! Yay! 11:47