Every other minute on the minute for 16 minutes:
1 Snatch
Start at about 70% and work up to a heavy single
Snatch Deadlift + Hang Power Snatch + OHS
Start light and add weight across the 8 reps as appropriate.
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Exposure 3/8
15-9-6 Reps for Time of:
1-Arm Kettlebell Thruster, Left
Calories Rowed
1-Arm KB Thrusters, Right
Calories Rowed
Post time and Rx to comments
270m 1-Arm Farmer Carry
Post load to commentsCoach Noach and his CrossFit Teens class. Read on to learn more about this program! | Photo by Coach KHarpz
- The first Iron Maidens Lift n’ Learn session will take place today at 2:30pm. See yesterday’s post for more details!
CrossFit Teens at CFSBK!
Have a teenager who is looking to gain a competitive advantage in their sport, improve their fitness, learn new skills, and have fun in a supportive, social environment? CrossFit Teens is a strength and conditioning program that is specifically designed for teenagers and helps them develop a lifelong love of fitness. In a group setting, teens participate in fun and engaging workouts that deliver measurable results and prepare them to be well- rounded athletes. The workouts consist of constantly varied, functional movements that deliver a fitness that is broad, inclusive and general and scalable for any participant at any level.
Classes will begin with a warm-up and icebreaker-style question. Each class will include skill practice and a strength development aspect, specifically designed to be accessible and appropriate to teenaged athletes. Classes will finish with a WOD, or Workout of the Day, designed to test work capacity, endurance, skill, and strength in a fun, competitive, but inclusive environment. As the school year starts, post-class homework time will be included to take advantage of the increased mental capacity brought about by movement and physical exertion.
Tuesdays: 4:30p – 5:30p
Thursdays: 4:30 – 5:30p
Single Class Drop-in: $35
10 pack: $300 ($30/class)
20% discount for siblings (do not have to be registered for the same class).
There is a 3 month expiration on the 5 pack and a 6 month expiration on the 10 pack.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Front Squat | Power Cleans, Reverse Lunges, Kipping Pull-Ups, Run
Photo Ark National Geographic
Baby Has Sinking Feeling He Left Home Without Oversize Multicolor Plastic Keys
Snatch: 78, 83, 93, 98, 103F, 103F, 103, 103F
Everything hurt today and was having commitment issues (full extension in the middle especially). Was hoping for a few attempts at 108, but today was just not the day.
WOD: 8:08 with 16kg KB. Took about halfway through for the thrusters to feel organized. Could have pushed harder on the row..
After, inspired by David and Charlie (and a large breakfast I'm going to consume at Tom's in a bit), decided to try my hand at Isabel. Would definitely like to try this again when I am fresh and feeling 100%, but happy to have a baseline. 7:28.
9 a.m. w/the Foxes.
EOMOM Snatch: 95, 105, 105, 115, 115, 125F, 125, 135F. Some very helpful tips from both Foxes on points of performance: maintaining a strong starting position (particularly w/taut hamstrings), being deliberate and controlled off the floor, and then committing to getting under the bar when it's heavy. Fox pointed out that because I'm used to ripping the bar off the floor, really feeling the heavier weight when I bring it up smoothly is probably a psychological deterrent. Gonna work that setup with lighter weight until it's solid; I know I can get to 135, which would be a PR, if I practice my coordination.
Metcon: 10:49 w/a 24 kg bell. Again, coordination, not strength, was the limiter here for me. Kettlebell thrusters were a new thing and I defaulted to trying to grind them out with my arms instead of popping up with my legs. Once Jess & Fox both reminded me not to do that, they got a little faster, but not much.
Suggested blog link: they just re-discovered Walt Whitman's manifesto on healthy living, which includes paleo gems like "let the main part of the diet be meat, to the exclusion of all else" and extremely poetic encouragement to wear sneakers at all times.
A) WU: Tabata Squat/Pushup
B) 10 min EMOM: Pullup Negatives/L or Tuck Sit
30 second Handstand
1 Handstand Pushup
30 second Handstand
2 Handstand Pushup
30 second Handstand
3 Handstand Pushup
30 second Handstand
4 Handstand Pushup
30 second Handstand
3 Handstand Pushup
30 second Handstand
2 Handstand Pushup
30 second Handstand
1 Handstand Pushup
10am with Fox and KH
Snatch: Hit a new 5# PR at 180#. Fox gave me some good tips on pulling later and moving my hands out wider. I really like the E2MOM work for these complex movements.
Metcon: 6:26 Rx. My legs and butt are on fire from yesterday's lunges + a 12 mile "cooldown" bike ride I did afterwards. Pushed hard with the row and just tried not to stop.
Also – any recs on Crossfit gyms in DC?
8am with Foxes and Dogs
Snatch – 90 / 95 / 105×2 / 115×2 / 120F / 120F
115 is my current PR and hit both at that weight pretty clean. Feeling like I own that weight now, and moving up is just a matter of confidence and not getting soft at the bottom of my catch. I echo Mike's sentiments on the EOMOM work. It really allows me to relax and be patient. Much harder to get frustrated when you're nice and zenned out approaching the bar.
Metcon @ 20kg – 7:25
Reached for the green bell initially and thought I wouldn't be able to make that happen on the left side. After the first five reps I realized I was mistaken. Next time.
12 noon with Kharpz and Noah
I rarely get Noah as a coach and I forgot that I tend to make strides when he is around. Something about his notes and cues always work for me. His noticed my butt was coming up a fraction of a second earlier than my hips which resulted in the bar coming forward on me. I fixed the problem and the end result was a 7#PR! New PR is 184.8#. Deal with it!
WOD Rx'd in 8:00. Everything unbroken but I guess I could have pushed harder on the row and sped up the transitions.
Off to see The Jungle Book.
1pm class
Let's move on
WOD w 24kg
Could have rowed harder.
@MttyChm – it looks excellent, and that was something I reread many times as a lad. Please post a review. (He: "Do you like Kipling?" She: "I don't know. I've never KIppled"). I digress.
Hive mind: tweaked what I am guessing was my rhomboid on the left side doing that thruster thingy on Wednesday – advil and lax ball helped, and on Saturday morning, "yowch!" – hurt like a ton during front squat warmups. Smiled my way through it, and brunch, and the rest of my day, but woke up to intense discomfort at around 2. Accupuncture scheduled for Thursday, but in the interim, what do I do besides lax ball and rest? Arnica? Heat? Cold? Budweiser? Arnica in the Budweiser? Thanks.
Yesterday: 100 10×3, wod at 63# in 17:16 or so. Came in thinking I'd do it at 83. HA! Those lunges were so hard… If I wouldn't have been so hungover probably could have pushed a little heavier, but I went light and just kept steady. Couldn't beleive how easy pull-ups were; all unbroken– they were the resting period of that workout! I'm going to incorporate lunges (weighted!) in my warm-ups.
Snatch: 63-63-68-68-73-73- 75(f)-75(f)
Great having Kelly as a partner. Consistent feedback: be more patient, don't let it bounce off from my hips! >:( Had the height and errything for 75…just got to lock out arms.
WOD: 9:16 or 9:26 can't remember. Blue KB. Thrusters were easy and fast. Rows were hard, although I decided to make the damper between 4-5 thanks to some helpful advice from Fox- made a huge difference in my ability on the rower!
AG fun as always- some great air squat/push-up practice, beach body abs work on l-sits, l-sit pullup negatives, and some crazy handstand work. Rawr! Big class too!
Hung around at Iron Maidens for awhile. Did a pull thingy of 90 pounds which made me feel like I wass training for a tough mudder, taught Colleen the Cartwheel Queen how to skin the cat.. then called it because I was tired.
I love Sundays at the gym! 😛
10am class.
40kg, 42.5, 45, 47, 49f, 50, 52f, 54f
-the rep at 50 felt so good and as Katie pointed out I actually surprised myself ok that one. Missed 52kg because I didn't finish my pull and feet didn't really move. Fox told me to go up and I just missed 54. Pull felt good but just didn't commit to the catch. That is there though.
7:39 rx'd
-all thrusters unbroken. Could have pushed harder on the erg.
Thanks to all who didn't freak out about 3 pit bulls in the house this morning!
Fsq: 145x10x3
Wod: 17:02
-that was hard!
Hi all, my Nike romaleos lifters are missing from the gym; black women's 9/mens 7 – my last name, Snisky in blue on the backs.
Please let me know if you come across them or if they were taken by accident – Thanks! lsnisky at gmail
solid sunday sesh with a strong crew
BSQT 85% x 3 x 8
65% x 3 x 3
70% x 2 x 2
60% x 3 x 3
65% x 2 x 2
Snatch High Pulls 85% x 3 x 5
Slayed two Entenmann's Donuts right after… was real excited to see them on the table. Went home and ate a sandwich the size of my face…2 meals in 1, right RP?
Lazy day at OG
Rack jerks: did some doubles up through 93#, then a bunch of singles at 98. Things felt okay today. Little hungover…
Then did today's WOD, but just realized I swapped the order and did the rows first. RX weight in 9:00.
This was spicy!
68-73-78-78-78-83-88-95 (2# PR)
Fun partnering with Allie! I think she was my good luck charm today. Snatches went well. Caught the 95 unevenly, had to press out with the left arm, stayed patient and remained at the bottom until bar was stable and Katie yelled at me to stand up.
WOD in 8:07 with 12kg KB
Thrusters were super easy but haven't lifted in 10 days so wanted to take it easy today. Probably could have pushed harder on some parts of the row.
Tabata squats and pushups. Did 13-16 squats per round and 7-9 pushups. Kept a steady pace and didn't push it on these.
Pullup negatives and tuck sit EMOM
HS Hold/HSPU WOD. Didn't get through it. Stopped on the second set of three HSPUs. Shoulders were tired and want to be able to work out tomorrow.