David L. sets up for a set of Deadlifts
CrossFit Kingsboro and CrossFit Waldwick!
This Saturday from 7am-12pm CrossFit Kingsboro is having a party to celebrate their new, much larger location on 1000 Atlantic Ave. CFK was founded by three former CFSBK’ers, Charmel R, Cloyde M and Steve P and are celebrating their expansion. Everyone is invited to come by! Details on the website.
Another former CFSBKer, Brandon R is also having his grand opening this Sunday from 2-6pm for his new affiliate, CrossFit Waldwick in Waldwick, NJ! If you know if anyone looking for a place to train in north Jersey send them to Brandon!!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Paul Astuto is your April Athlete of the Month. Congrats, Paul! You truly are a model CFSBKer!
2. We’re giving away 4 free entries to the Rugged Maniac race in Brooklyn on June 25th. Go here to find out how you can enter, and get sandbaggin’!
3. Did you know that Coaches Jess and Chris Fox were present at the signing of the Declaration of Independence? They seem to take that loaded barbell everywhere they go. Don’t you get tired, guys?
4. Eduardo C. recently founded an education non-profit with some friends, and they need some help to get going. Here’s how to donate!
5. Have you signed up for our CSA with Common Hands Farm yet? Get on it and secure your veggie supply for the Spring/Summer/Fall!
6. The first Iron Maidens Lift & Learn session will take place this Sunday, May 1st. We want to keep the Iron Maidens energy and community connected between competitions, so we thought it would be fun to get together semi-regularly to train and learn about lifting (and maybe other stuff!) from women achieving great things. Here’s everything you need to know!
High Stakes Street Football in New York City Vice
Add weight to last week. Use full ROM and control.
3×5 LP
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
5 Rounds for Time:
5 Power Cleans 155/105
10 Front Rack Reverse Lunges 155/105
7 Pull Ups
270m Run
The power cleans should be a medium heavy load and the lunges are 5 each leg. Bands or Ring Rows are subs for pull ups. On all runs, exit on the far side of the roll up gate and head toward 4th avenue and back.
6am making up Thurday's with DO
240# is my PR but I wasn't feeling it today. Thanks to DO for the tips about dropping straight down for the jerk.
NFT WOD: 20# wall ball for 5 sets, then hit the GHD machine with DanL for 10,12,12,12 reps each each (skipped the 5th to stretch).
Thursday's work at 6am
C&J E2MOM (kg)
80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105 (f) 105 (PR), 107(PR)
Old PR was 102. 107 was a little dicey on the jerk, but locked it out with maybe a tiny press-out, so I'll count it for my records.
Fail at 105 was just not committing to the jerk
NFT was fun – 20# WB x 5, 4 sets of GHDs
Boy, are Dan and I getting some serious blog shade this week! Anyway, here's a photo we took yesterday –> https://www.instagram.com/p/BEv3BvoSlDL/?taken-by=brooklynrob
7am with McDOwell doing Saturday's work
FSQ – 135x10x3
Still feeling good. Another 10# jump next week.
Metcon @ 115# in 17:15
Thought about 135# for a second. Probably should have gone for it. Cleans in four touch-and-go, then reset and went into the lunges on the fifth. Lunges unbroken with a pause at the top before rep seven the last two rounds. Pull-ups all 4/3. Need to get better control of my kip so I can just do longer sets. Runs were "active rest." Really liked this one.
That video about street football is SO GOOD. Here's a great article I found about the Carver Mobb.
Whoops, linky: http://www.sbnation.com/longform/2015/1/21/7865563/new-york-city-street-football-carver-mobb-profile
7am doing Thursday's work: had a bad link in my neck after push pressing Wednesday!
C&j: 83-93 (back knee not bent enough)-93-103-113(press out)-113 (failed clean)-108 (not low enough on jerk)-108 (solid until I couldn't stand up the jerk) boo! Frankie's class is definitely helping though!!
All wallballs unbroken 14#9ft… Made up 5 at the end due to some no reps. Stuck with regular sit-ups. 2min cool down? on the assault bike.
Almost pulled a Kayleigh and was going to do a hspu/pull-up combo- but decided against it after realizing there are 35 pull-ups tomorrow!
@kcaps the ONE Thursday I can't make 7:30 ar, you go! :*( i hope to see you next week!!
6am squats with McD
FSQ 185 x 10 x 3
Moved well, last rep or two got a little tiring. Definitely huff and puff a little more after these compared to the HBBS.
WOD: 15:53 at 135#
Total reverse lunge workout. McD advised us to pick a weight where we could do the reverse lunges all unbroken. After warming up at 135# I quickly realized that wouldn't happen at 155#.
Power cleans – 5, 5, 4-1, 1-3-1, 4-1
Reverse lunges – unbroken and generally uncomfortable both mentally and physically
Pull-ups – unbroken
Run – slow and would have made MattyChm proud.
Got in a (very) little noon lifting
Press (heavy 5)
Pull Ups (strict)
There's a typo in the time for the opening part at Crossfit Kingsboro – it starts at 7 PM, not AM tomorrow 🙂
12pm class today with McD making up yesterday's programming.
EOMOM Clean and Jerk
50kg, 55kg, 60kg, 65kg, 70kg, 75kg, 80kg F jerk, 80 F jerk
-the cleans at 80kg (176#) felt so good and relatively easy. The first attempt at the jerk wasn't great and soft. 2nd attempt felt great but I just couldn't stand it up and get my feet together. Fox mentioned that my right elbow got a little soft which probably contributed to this. Would have been a 3# PR and this is there. Haven't gone heavy in this in a bit so happy to know that this is there!
20 Wall ball, 20 situps
1) 16#, 9ft unbroken, no problem
2) 16#, 10ft…so much harder! had a couple no reps when I missed the wall. had to adjust to a more forceful push towards wall. feet left the floor for these.
3) 20#, 8ft unbroken, no problem
4) 20#, 9ft unbroken, no problem
5) 20#, 10ft hard and max effort! 15 unbroken then took one to the neck. missed the next and realized that those 15 took everything out of me. finished the 5 to a 9ft target but barely.
-situps were situps.
Probably gonna sign up for the Crow Hill meet now…
Overhead squat: 63×5, 73×3, 83×3, 93×2, 103×1,113×2 (+3 lbs over my 1RM PR from last week). No belt.
Snatch: worked up to a single at 82 (1lb PR). It was a little soft in the shoulders but I caught it much closer to parallel than my old 81# PR from the Fall.
Messed around with some double unders, pushups and planks.
Fantastic piping tonight at OG
Back squat
Saturday's Metcon: 23:30 ish
This was brutal. The lunges were like being put in a choke hold. Definitely did forge not Elite Crussfit