Clean and Jerk
EOMOM 16 Minutes (8 total reps)
1 Clean & Jerk
Start at 70% and work up to a heavy single
Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean + Push Press or Jerk
Add weight across the 8 reps appropriately
Be patient and don’t rush the pull from the floor.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
20 Unbroken Wall Balls
20 AbMat Sit Ups
Noor A. gets ready to Back Squat at Iron Maidens 2016
The Inaugural Iron Maidens Lift ‘n’ Learn Session: This Sunday, May 1st at 2:30pm!
We want to keep the Iron Maidens energy and community connected between Competitions, so we thought it would be fun to get together semi-regularly to train and learn about lifting (and maybe other stuff!) from women achieving great things.
We’re happy to invite you all to the first Iron Maidens Lift n’ Learn session on Sunday, May 1st at 2:30pm.
What: 90 minutes of lifting, followed by a 30-45 minute talk/workshop/dialogue
When: May 1st, 2016 at 2:30pm
Where: CrossFit South Brooklyn, 597 Degraw Street (608 space)
Who: IM participants, and anyone’s who’s curious about IM
How Much: Free!
Our first session will likely feature: You! Bring your ideas for people and topics you want to us to cover in the future to help shape the program.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat |
3 Ways to Recharge and Achieve Goals Fitness HQ
Where Are the Girls? Pacific Standard
What is the metcon!? I stayed up an extra 30 min to read that thing…lol! Don't judge!
730 last night
BSQ performance : 3×10 #225
Mistake 1 : Skipped lunch
Mistake 2 : Forgot to pack my lifters
Mistake 3 : Didn't consult a coach about the size of the jump relative to last week
First set fairly easy with some rest at the top every so often. Second set reps 7-10 were tough. Third set reps 5-10 were real tough and I had to pause at the top after all of them for a few breaths. Next week I need to be smarter about this.
DL 1×8 @ 225
Grip felt good throughout and the lift itself wasn't too heavy but both Noah and Whit pointed out stuff I need to work on. Namely keeping my hips higher at the start and keeping my shoulders back on the way up. Will have to keep these cues in my head for next time.
Metcon # 95
16:26 I think
Partnered with Hunter. We were both considering RX but backed off out of concern the Presses would be too much. In hindsight I think we could have managed RX in under 20 minutes. T2B were the highlight for me. A major hassle usually, I was able to string my kips together for every round. I have no idea how I did it, but I did. Push presses at 95 were fairly easy, squats were easy, and DU unbroken 3 or 6 rounds with 2-3 breaks in the other 3. Fun WOD.
Partnered with Broccoli Cysner for Clean & Jerks. I ended up getting some great notes from Both Jess and JB that I started to get in my head and make some stupid mistakes. Once I was able to shut off my brain a bit I started to hit the lifts. Worked up to 209#.
NFT Work was fun and made it through 4 rounds.
Did one round with the 30 pound slam ball which has zero bounce off the wall and is almost impossible to catch in a good position. That led to some impressive fails.
My shoulders are asking politely for a rest day tomorrow.
7 a.m. w/Jess & JB. Special guest appearance by Taco the CrossFit Dog (TM).
EOMOM Clean/Jerk: up to 165×2 (+1 clean/F on the jerk). Generally moved well up until the highest weight, when my tendency to not want to get my head fully under the bar showed up. Didn't feel at my strongest today but the mechanics on the clean in particular were solid.
NFT work: 4 rounds, 3 at 20#/10', 1 at 30#/10'. Partnered with Brendan, who is much faster than I am, so I had to give him some grief by grabbing the slamball for the last set. Did not get through that round unbroken (10, 3, 7), and the form took some getting used to (as MattyChm said), but it was a fun experiment. Putting the 20# ball away felt light at the end!
6am with J^2
Clean and Jerk – 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195×2 (PR)
Clean and jerk was feeling on point today. First jerk at 195 had a press out but the second was solid. I'm one of those weird people who's clean and jerk was more limited by the clean than the jerk but feel like my clean has really improved the last two months. Second week in a row I've been told by DO/Jess that my clean looks good (and second time ever). Learning to be patient through the first pull and not just ripping the bar off the floor has really helped me. My collar bones also thank me for improving my clean.
Actually completed all 5 rounds for once
Wall balls – 3 rounds with 20, 2 with 30# slam ball. For the slam ball I think I got 14 and 12 reps. Usually would go until the ball would puff a cloud of sand into my face. That 30# ball really makes sure that depth on the squat is not an issue
Sit-ups – 2 rounds unweighted then felt guilted into using a 15# db after seeing NFT extraordinaire Joy doing them with the 15# db. Those got tiring.
7am with Jess + JB
C+J – 115 / 125 / 135 / 145 / 155 / 165×2(5# PR) / 165F (Jerk)
I didn't realize it was a PR at the time. Didn't feel particularly heavy despite some very sore shoulders from all those push presses the other day. Last jerk I just got distracted and dumped it before even attempting. Cleans are my favorite thing.
NFT – 4 rounds
Just did standard Rx for all. Chas made me look like a chump busting out the 30# slam ball.
C&J: 103, 113, 123, 123, 133, 138, 143F(Jerk), 143
Last one felt solid – no press outs, just got down. This is just below my PR of 148, so pretty happy with the results.
NFT: 14# WB for all rounds. First two sets of sit-ups unweighted, then grabbed a 10# dumbbell for the last 3 sets.
The deadlifts and squats soreness from yesterday kicked in immediately after this, so just played around with a few things before calling it a day:
HSPUs: A few singles with 2 abmats and a plate
Pullups: 4-3-3
Row: Relaxed 5 min row, staying around 800 cal/hr throughout.
Noon class
Clean and Jerk
154-176-198-220-231-242-253-259 (got it overhead but egregiously pressed out)
Pretty happy to get that heavy, especially since clean and jerks felt awful the other day. 259 would have been a 2 lb PR for the full lift. Got stuck at the bottom of the clean and had to fight to stand then didn't fully commit to the jerk. Jess said it looked like I gave up right before the dip.
I then sandbagged the NFT by doing 5×15 wall ball shots mixed with a few planks. Some might say I Mele'd it. Fun vibes in the gym this morning. I think Broccoli really set the tone early on.
did a major hamstring workthrough and then 12
negative pull-ups- I really want to nail strict pull-ups.
10 AM with Jess
did the fitness bit with push presses
my back really didn't like the hang @125, so I went back down.
did the metcon with a 20# ball- my abs were not happy with two hard abs days in a row.
good day at the gym.
6:30pm with Whit and Ro.
128 was a split jerk PR, 133 was a full clean PR, and jerk PR, 138 was a power clean PR/ not sure I showed enough control to call the jerk a PR and the PC was really ugly and high. Commitment issues lolol.
Whit reminded me to shrug the jerks high helped a lot. Cleans felt solid until that last attempt. Very happy with this as I felt like crap coming in today.
NFT- I mistakenly grabbed the 25lb DB and had to stick with it which was VERY difficult! I couldn't keep my feet on the floor at all towards the end.
Wallballs with 14lb to 9 foot target- unbroken except round 4 when I dropped the ball on the fifteenth rep. I made sure my feet did not leave the ground throughout (I always jump!!) Someone tidied away my ball so I had to use the 20lb ball to 8 foot target for the last round.
Today was one of those days I was feeling super lazy and tired and wasn't sure I should come in because I was really sore, but moving was exactly what I needed.
Hey CFSBK, it's been a long time. Some of you may have heard that Paul and I have moved to San Francisco. I figured it's time to get my ass back in shape and I also need to meet people so why not join a CF gym out here? I picked one near my house, but they were super cool, their culture reminds me of SBK and I think I'll feel right at home. They wanted to check me out, since it's been 4 years since I've done CF regularly. Well, I passed their test with flying colors. And we were doing snatches! It has to have been 5 years since I did a snatch. They said "clearly you were well trained". So thanks Coaches of CFSBK! I may have taken some time off, but your training has lasted!
Yeah, Sarah! That type of comment makes my day 🙂
113 – Missed press out on the Jerk, Whit said it was super closed, kinda got lazy, arms were toasted.
5 rounds – sit ups unweighted
3 WB rounds with 12# to 9'
2 WB rounds with 14# to 9' – after 10 on each round I held the ball, never touched the ground, so does this count as unbroken?? 🙂
Great AR. I really am upset I work during all the AR's on the schedule right now!! It was blissful to hit both class and AR tonight. Thanks coaches!
lucky me, weaseled my way into taking 5:30pm class instead of coaching because it was a small one! i was hungry to lift today.
C&J performance programming:
did some three position cleans at 35kg, then some singles at 45kg, 50kg. EOMOM was:
50kg, 55, 55, 60, 65, 70, 73F, 73-PR
73kg = 160.6 lbs which is technically a tiny .6-lb PR! I'll take it, since I haven't successfully cleaned 160 more than that one time last year.
Was under everything really well today. felt strong and put together in the whole lift and tight/fast turning over and receiving. made a point to focus on UP and not getting stuck at the bottom of heavier squats. I was half-way up on the first attempt at 73#, just my usual loss of strength past parallel and giving up a bit. really committed on the second attempt.
very happy with this quick session. haven't been C&J-ing consistently at all in the past monthor so. great to see my work elsewhere on strength balance is paying off.
Accessory: 3 rounds
8 high pull each side (16kg kb)… hard! a bit of nerve-y twinge on L side near full ROM.
8 hollow hold with hip/shoulder hinge