Back Squat
3 x 10
Add weight to last week. Use a full range of motion and control.
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10lbs to last week’s work weight.
1 x 8
Warm up and perform one heavy (and perfect) set of 8 reps, heavier than last week. Touch and go is permitted.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
In teams of two, with one partner working at a time, complete 12 rounds total (6 each) of:
5 Toes-to-Bars
10 Push Presses 115/75
5 Front Squats 115/75
20 Double Unders
Scale T2B to lower volume or Hanging Knee/Leg Raises as appropriate. The barbell weight should be on the light side and ideally done unbroken. Scale doubles to 10 attempts or 50 singles.
Post time, partner and Rx to comments.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another… a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should Deadlift several hundred tonnes together. We’ve been keeping you updated on the Foxes’ travels around the globe, but did you know they also like to travel through time? Here they are at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, totally getting the stinkeye from Franklin and Jefferson (both of whom were decidedly unswole).
Donate to Eduardo C.’s Education Non-Profit!
Dedicated CFSBKer and all-around great guy Eduardo C. recently founded an education non-profit called School Empowerment Network. Their mission is to help underserved students gain access to top quality education.
Eduardo and his colleagues recently got an amazing grant from the Walton Family Foundation to open eight new schools in high-poverty, high-need areas of NYC. The Walton Foundation is funding about 60% of the project, and School Empowerment Network is fundraising to make up the difference.
Let’s help them out! You can donate here, and feel free to contact Eduardo directly if you have questions!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
The Right Dose of Exercise for a Longer Life NY Times
In Tokyo’s Library-Hotel, Guests Sleep in the Bookshelves Quartz
Bwaaaaahahahaha that photo is EVERYTHING
Hey folks –
Is anyone in need of some brand new lifters? I have a pair of white Adidas Adipowers (mens size 11.5). They're still in the box. I'll give them to you for $100 (so cheap!). They're normally $179:
Email me: morganclendaniel [at]
6am with McD and Whit
Metcon: 16:58 with James. Push press gets grindy in the later rounds.
you are missing the "L" in my name.
6:30 AM class at Uniontown Crossfit in SW PA.
good warm-up- wall facing squats, pvc squats and
assorted stretches.
WOD first in this box.
10 over head squats, 1 burpee pullup
then 9 ohs and 2 burpee pullups
until you're at 1 ohs and 10 bpu's.
I did this in 12:40 with 65#
Strength and skill (ab work):
4 rounds of
5 rollouts
10 v-ups
10 knee hugs
5 v-ups
5 knee hugs
30 sec side plank each side.
took about 15 mins- gonna be sore.
Very friendly box. Wow do I take the cleanliness and organization of
CFSBK for granted. home tomorrow.
6am with Whitdowell
220# X 10 X 3 This felt heavy and it might be time for a 5# jump next week.
295# X 8 Touch and go the whole way. This felt light and fast.
Partnered with Michael A. and finished in 15:12. This was way harder than I thought it would be. T2B and front squats were easy. PPs were torture. Tripped up DUs on the middle rounds but started and ended unbroken. I pulled an Affronti and came out guns a blazin at the start which was a mistake.
Fun morning.
6:30 am Strength Cycle
LBBS 205 x 3 x 3
Creeping up on my prior 1RM (215). Sure feels heavy.
Press 110 x 3 x 3
Struggled through the last set but made all the reps.
Weighted Chins (10 lbs) 3 x 6
Ended with a little kipping practice. And then bopped home to The Pretenders' Don't Get Me Wrong on repeat. It's better than you remember.
Yesterday AG
HSPU skill/strength work- worked on getting my knees all the way down tp my elbows to get a better kip.
Even: 5 plyo push ups- blue 45# plate
Odd: 10 Renegade Rows- 35#, 40#, 45#… I think Val and I would have had 50# if we had started heavier.
This was fun!!
10 min AMRAP
5 pull ups
10 lunges
20 double unders
I got either eight rounds or nine rounds.
I love this class so much! Good vibes last night- great (big) group of awesome people and well thought-out class.
6am with Whitdowell
275x5x3 Recovery squats are almost over as the weight goes up.
355×8 Touch and go the whole way, and not too heavy. Not sure how well this translates to heavy DL where my main issue is right off the floor, but happy to see these go up.
Partnered with Paul who was visiting and finished in 18:04. Got through all Toes2Bar with newly learned kip, which is awesome. All barbell reps unbroken, but mental struggle with push press. DU was 10 attempts and a typical disaster.
Fun morning.
Jack: one of my karaoke favorites! <3
@DanG, had to start the next class across the street and missed you at the end. Shoot me an email :
AG last night:
After many failed attempts, made one kipping HSPU with two abmats and a plate. It's been a struggle – so happy to finally be putting the pieces together.
WOD: Finished 8 rounds. Ran to the bar with enough time to do 2 more pull ups, and then ripped (of course).
This morning:
LBBS: 170x10x3. Felt right for the day. Heavy, but not terrible.
Deadlift: 265 x 8 then 275 x 5. Thats what I get for trying to mix kilos with pounds (and I'm technically on spring break, so my math mind has taken a vacation). Realized I must have made a mistake as I finished the set, and McD confirmed by wandering over an handing me a 5. Good suggestion on his part to hit the weight, but just lower the volume. Felt solid still – all touch and go.
WOD: Managed to squeeze in my last round right before the cap. T2B unbroken – was on the high bar, so committed to the full set before falling. Still not kipping, but had a good rhythm today. PP and front squat unbroken. DUs ranged from unbroken to 4 trips in one round.
Played around with kipping HSPUs afterwards. Worked up to a triple with two abmats and a plate and a single with two abmats. Progress!!!
HBBS: 110 3×10
Deadlift: 150×8. Thanks to Megadeath (aka Meredith) for being the push I needed to do 150 instead of 145! She also is crazy and did them touch and go! Amazing!
Wod with Richard @63# 19:26. I did 10 DU attempts.
1) watching Jess Fox and Charlie absolutely crush this workout was really inspiring
2) Normally have done 53# for wods like this, feels good to be moving up!
3) I've got to practice double unders.
7 a.m. w/WhitDowell.
BSQ: 175x10x3. I did not get a lot of sleep last night and woke up feeling stressed so my first set of these was total garbage — thankfully Whit set me right and the remaining 2 sets were each better than the last.
DL: 225×8. As Whit pointed out, when I get out of rhythm I try to squat my deadlift, which is, you know, not what you're supposed to do. Exploring cues for getting my hamstrings on perfect tension. A little frustrating after moving decently last week, but it's a process.
Metcon: capped out but that's OK — we did good! I got through 5 rounds + 5 TTB @ 95# (sub s/u's). All the rest day posts and McDowell's warning put the fear into me about this one, but I really should have done it at 115# (and really need to practice my doubles!).
The Foxes could definitely take The Founders in pretty much any given workout. Although Washington was like, what, 6'4"? He probably crushes all those erg-based ones.
83 x 3 x 5
63 x 3 x 4
Front Squat (Wendler '3' week)
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 3, 150 x 3, 170 x 8 (rep out/ PR for reps) No belt.
Back Squat
155 x 10 x 5
135 x 8, 185 x 8, 215 x 8, 245 x 8
Totally forgot to decrease reps as I added weight when warming up. Also dropped the bar from the top of the last rep- I'll do it properly next time. This was my first week doing this in class. Oops.
WOD with Lady Fox in 11:17
Jess is very, very fast and my rest periods were extremely short!!! I was kinda praying for her to trip up on the DUs so I could breathe lololol!
I was happy to be able to do everything unbroken aside from a few trip-ups on the DU's- t2b went well, push press was pretty tough and my legs might have been more useful and faster at the squats if I hadn't just squatted all that beforehand, but I think I did well and didn't give Jess tooooo much time to rest.
This was a fun find today…popped up on "youtube videos you might like" : )
@Dan G – If your trouble is off the floor then I'd recommend doing dead stop on all non-WOD deadlifts.
Noon class
Building back up in high bar, finally starting to feel a bit heavy.
Felt pretty good. Happy to be able to pull a little bit again.
WOD w/Nate O
Rx'd in 16:33
This was crazy hard, I couldn't catch my breath very well after the first round. All T2B unbroken (I try to imagine that I'm Arturo when doing these, he makes them look effortless). All Push Press unbroken straight into the FSQs until the final round where I did 9 + 1 + 5. Let's not talk about how shitty my dubz were today.
It's an odd mixture of awe and loathing, watching my wife move so fast on certain workouts. Today was that.
It was really intense to be in the same room with those guys in the pic above. Whipple was the man though!
Icelandic workout 2
5 miles of walking/hiking in really cold weather today!
5 rounds NFT
Lunges down the hotel hall (about 40 ft)
10 push-ups
25 air squats
3 minutes accumulated handstand holds against a wall
Had originally planned on doing another 5 rounds but I crashed. Didn't sleep much last night. And freezing for 12 hours straight today was exhausting.
5:30 class today::: felt really good to move some weight. This is my fifth day on and… I am so looking forward to taking tomorrow off!
High bar: 245x10x3, definitely getting heavier. Up 10# next week.
DL: Kept it at 225×8 since I have a hard time keeping my low back in alignment. These feel so heavy by the end.
WOD: shoulder has been feeling impinged so kept it at 95#. Sprinted each round which worked really well, except I can't string together t2b so those were pretty slow. Most doubles unbroken, but tripped up a bit in round 3.
These rounds were a good duration for me — I figured if I went as fast as I could on PP, I wouldn't have time to regret it. Wasn't until I was walking home that the burn really set in. In retrospect I could have gone heavier, but I like that I was able to do each round unbroken and potentially faster than the last.
6am Whit-Dowell
bSquats @195# 10×3; felt great. 205 next week.
DeadLifts @275#; felt better than last weeks 265
WOD – partnered with Brad D 16:58 Rx
Push Press was a nightmare; broke up starting in 3rd round.
Brad D made my top 5 CFSBK list of incredible athletes today with his extraordinary showing of strength and stamina. All rounds were unbroken in a hurry. In doing so, he subsequently made my top 5 CFSBK list of athletes to avoid getting partnered with during a WOD.
Cheers Brad on 45 seconds and less per round
LBBS: 130 x 10 x 3
3 Sets x 7 Reps – Single arm press with 25# DB
Whit Special
400m row
20 DU
7 Push Up
300m row
15 DU
7 Push up
200m row
10 DU
7 Push Up — whole thing took me 10 min and change
— whoa didn't look so bad coming out of the gate but the push ups fell apart quick, also gotta work on those DU per usual. After 4 days in Nawlins, I'm happy to be moving toward a healthier body (and liver)!
12pm class.
(45×10, 115×5, 145×3) 165x10x3
-all fairly easy so will still make a 10# jump next week.
(135×5, 185×3, 215×2) 245×8
-used a hook grip and all touch and go. Got tiring. Will probably still do a 10# jump next week but maybe not touch and go.
Wod with the amazing Charlie
-this was fun! All TTB and barbell unbroken and fast. Only 2 rounds of doubles unbroken.
-Charlie was a great partner and was equally fast…don't let her fool you! Partner wods always make you move a bit faster and we both pushed the pace on this.
7:30 with whit and Noah
Hbbs: 145x10x3. Not easy
Wod with 63#. Most rounds in 1:15-1:25.
Toes to bar the only thing not unbroken.
I liked this one!