Clean and Jerk
Warm up to a Clean and Jerk weight slightly heavier than the one you’ll use in the metcon.
Be patient and don’t rush the pull from the floor.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
5 Rounds for Time:
10 Clean and Jerk 135/95
400m Run
Should be a weight you can power clean and jerk with ease, possibly being able to do unbroken sets in the first few rounds.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Matt E. pulls a heavy Deadlift | Photo by Thomas H.
Common Hands Farm CSA: Sign Up Today!
Happy Spring! Getting fit and eating well starts now. We have your direct hook-up to fresh produce grown upstate, and its time to sign up to reserve your membership today!
In its fifth year, Common Hands will deliver CSA shares right next door to 575 Degraw (Brooklyn Boulders) on Tuesdays from 6 to 8:30pm.
What is a CSA Share?
It is a membership to a farm where you get an exclusive deal on fresh organically grown vegetables delivered straight from the farm to you! Once you pay the upfront membership fee (payment plans available) you receive a weekly delivery from the farm starting in June through November.
Why Should You Join?
Beyond receiving freshly harvested and health-giving food, grown cleanly with no pesticides or herbicides, you are also putting your money where your mouth is, and supporting the local food economy. This is food from real farmers, and by buying a share you are supporting small organic farms. We grow food for you, period. We are not a distributor or large conventional farm with lots of employees, but real down to earth people. On our farm, a team of less than ten people work to grow food for upwards of 200 members each year… and we care what you eat!
We offer Full and Half Vegetable Shares that can be paired with the optional Full or Half Fruit & Egg Share. A Full Share picks up weekly, while the Half Share picks up bi-weekly. Veg shares are $615 for a weekly (“full”) share or $375 for an every-other-week (“half”) share. Fruit and eggs can be purchased in addition to Veg Shares and are bundled together: a full share is $280 and a half share is $140. Pending interest, Flower Shares may be available as well.
Remember, your pick-up location is just down the block at Brooklyn Boulders!
Go to for details or click here to sign up directly! Questions? Email the farm at commonhandsfarm [at] gmail [dot] com, or the gym’s CSA coordinator, Michele, at mignyc [at] gmail [dot] com.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Squat | 1-Arm KB Swings, Reverse Lunges, C2B Pull-Ups
Muscle-Up Transition Tips WODprep
Can Mindfulness Reduce Mindless Eating? NYMag
Can we all agree Matt has the best lifting face/hair at CFSBK?
Make-up post from yesterday's 5:30 class
I've only made it to the gym 3 times in the past month due to moving and a little vacation so my legs are all sorts of sore today.
BS 225x12x3
These felt pretty good but the last one or two of each round got tough. My second set was the most consistent with pacing and bounce out of the bottom.
DL 315×10
This was a bit too heavy, I broke it up 7/3 and felt my back round a bit on the last one. Didn't feel bad just didn't feel proper.
Got through 2 rounds of the NFT work with the white KB. At this point my legs were letting me know that I haven't done anything in a month and to stop pushing.
Cool to see Matt performing live at CFSBK. He's an awesome frontman.
6am with David and Nick
Finished the WOD Rx'd in 18:17. Steve kept catching me on the run so I had to speed up my clean and jerks to keep him at bay. It worked but barely.
6am with David and Nick
Worked up to 215 in the warmup – power clean and push jerk
Metcon in 15:03 – really wanted sub 15 but couldn't quite do it
First 3 round unbroken touch and go then 5 touch and go and 5 singles
6am with DONick
WOD 18:42 Rx. I just wanted to be friends with Matty but he kept running away from me ๐
830 last night
No energy last night. I felt gassed after a warmup lap around the block. Everything was a struggle.
BS : #205 12×3 These didn't ever feel heavy but my heart rate was through the roof for reps 10-12. Paused at the top every 3 or 4 reps for a few breaths each round but really was a grind.
DL : #225×10 Again, a struggle. Started to round my back towards the end.
5 RNFT : 1 arm KB swings, reverse goblet lunges, c2b PU
I got through 4 rounds and called it a night. Swings were weird but unbroken with the white KB. Lunges were much tougher than expected. PUs were cake. I did not want to be in the gym one minute longer once 9:30 hit.
7 AM with Coach Nick and David. I haven't had David for a long time so that was a special treat.
Worked up to 78# C&J, then dropped back to 58# for the WOD in 20:51. I could have gone 5-10 lbs heavier on both but my new goal is to consistently make all five classes a week even if it means going a little gentler day by day. I've been in a bad pattern of so overdoing a WOD that I pull something/can't walk/have to rest an extra day and only make it out to 4 classes. So current experiment is one of restraint. Really loved this WOD (uh maybe because of taking it a little light). But also because I do love C&Js!
Shout outs to Kirby who I saw with a very heavy bar for the WOD, and to Vanessa in front of me who was having her first class ever and did great!
WOD in 16:15 Rx.
C&Js were 5-5, 3-3-2-2, then 3-2-2-1-1-1 for the last 3. Realized that when I cycle these I keep the hook grip in even through the jerk. Took me about 100 yards each time to rediscover my legs on the runs.
6am w/ David and Nick
Metcon: 17:47 Rx. C&Js in singles. My runs turned into jugs and then into some sort of leg shuffle. Crossfit should really do away with running.
7am with Nick featuring special guest DO
C&J – 155#
Nothing special here. Everything felt great. Wasn't sure what to do for the metcon. DO noticed that which resulted in…
Metcon Rx – 25:21
First two rounds unbroken and feeling good. Third round I took a chinner and failed my last rep, both clearly caused by rushing the lift. Slowed it down and worked on good positioning for 4 and 5. The extra two to three minutes it took was worth it. Fun one.
Thanks again for all the kind words yesterday and support through the challenge, team — didn't get to post on the blog until late last night but I'm still blushing. Congrats again to everyone who participated, and thanks to Fox, David, Jess, and everyone else who made it happen.
Now back to our regularly-scheduled programming: 8 a.m. w/Noah.
Up to 165 on the power clean/push jerk warm-up, which I think is a PR for a push jerk for me. (Helped that Noah made me be his demo guy for talking about how to pause momentarily in full extension at the bottom of the jerk to avoid the wonkiness that comes with rushing through it. Had to do the whole lift in front of the class. No pressure.)
Metcon: 21:39 Rx'ed. Slow and steady may not win the race, but, to quote DO's favorite, "Dune," the slow blade penetrates the shield (the shield in this metaphor being the stubborn vestiges of my whisky gut).
12:00 class with RObo cop Ruiz
Worked up to 175 on the power clean push jerk
Metcon in 19:03 as Rxd
Clean and jerks felt light and quick
"Run" would be a generous description.
Great crew at noon today.
RIP Prince : ( : ( : ( You all better be playing purple rain on repeat at the gym tonight!!!!
Prince is not on Spotify or Pandora… sorry everyone!
Also, I went bouldering for the first time in a long time after class today. Felt super rusty so just did 3 V0s three times each to get my bearings on being on a wall again. Let me know if anyone is interested in doing some afternoon bouldering occasionally, usually Fridays or Thursdays
David I'll go with you one Friday afternoon when my half day Fridays start in May! Being a member at Brooklyn boulders is how I found cfsbk ๐
RIP to the Purple One…We can just play the Tom Jones' version of 'Kiss'…. that has to be on there, right??? Also, chuckled so hard at Samir's comment.
Strength Class today
Squat: 200 3×3
Couldnt commit mentally the first two sets, somehow this made me nervous, needed to go about 1/2in more down, but nailed it on last set on the last two reps from a Margie pep talk. Yeah this was a tad heavy today but still moved well.
Press: 67.5 2×3, rep out of 60×10
This moved pretty fast for the most part
Pause Deadlift: 155×5
David don't worry you can buy it on iTunes.
Prince? Nooooo! ๐
Doing the functional fitness thing: hubs and I did a 5-mile hike in Hong Kong earlier this week and I know I wouldn't have felt nearly as good afterward were it not for SBK. I miss squatting and I miss you guys!
Yesterday's knee rehab session with Nick:
1,000 m row warmup
2 rounds of hamstring stretches (Moveskill version with bands- great)
all 10 secs down, 2 secs at the bottom
with banded abductor work in between sets
5×165# (pr)
3 rnft:
1 gym length of half cartweels
6 bar leg lifts
3 hand stand wall walks
10 medicine ball "dunks" @9 ft. ended at 20#
12 burpees
that was a really fun metcon- knee is feeling much better
David I'd love to go any Thursday.
45 x 5, 55 x 5, 65 x 5, 75 x 7 (rep out)
Bench Press
85 x 10 x 5
5:30 with Whit and Noah
Clean & jerk
Really happy as I didn't press out this time so these were legit PR's and feel good! Why, oh why am I better at push jerk than split jerk.
WOD Rx (sub row) in 17:25.
This was a lot of fun. I guess I can Rx Grace at some point. Great cues from Whit mid WOD when I was push pressing and landing on my toes.
16:32. My legs are ouch. Love working out in this weather.
1) Prince RIP! Few know how good his music is (Rainbow Children, anyone!?) because he limited its access online SO MUCH. Now maybe it will be available!? Hopefully!
2) DO, Jenny M, Charlie: I'll go with you guys! Wanna go next week (any day): I'm on spring break!
3) 93# on push jerk/clean. Had trouble getting under the bar so stayed there for about 4 reps–don't know why I was having an off day. Did 73# on the WOD. All singles, namely because I'm afraid of cycling and bringing the bar back to my shoulders…so scared of injuring myself. Maybe I should have done 63# and focused on cycling. Oh well, took me 20:12. Kept pace with the crowd even though my clean & jerks took forever.
4) Fun AR semi-private with Whit, Penny, & my AG/AR buddy Kevin! Everyone should go to AR because it's a forced hour of mobz stuff. I find it really hard to make the time for as much as I need otherwise!
QOD: tonight I showed up for the 6am group class at 7:30p
Worked up to 175# felt ok
WOD 19:18 Rx
Singles the whole way. Good WOD. Just didn't want to get lapped tonight.
Power clean +Power jerk
319 (F)
23: ish….and dead last…
This is the kind of work-out I get excited for and underestimate the suckiness of.
Each run started out terrible and felt ok halfway through. Had a cramp traveling through the right side of my torso for the duration.
Clean & Jerks were all singles – practiced going right into the jerk dip from the clean, which worked out well.
18:33 Rx
DO and bouldering gang,
I'll go but alas, I cant in the afternoons, but evenings, and weekends.
Oh, and me too, thats how I ended up walking into CFSBK! WOOT