Ring Dips (or Close DB Bench Press)
Tempo Ring Dips (32X1):
4 x 6-12 Strict, 1 x Max Reps
Perform 4 sets across to 2 reps shy of failure, then 1 max effort set to failure. Perform a full range of motion on all reps. Rest as needed between sets. Goal is to add total reps each week by increasing the sets across and/or the max set.
Tempo Close Dumbbell Bench Press (32X1):
4 x 6-12, 1 x Max Reps
Perform 4 sets across to 2 reps shy of failure, then 1 max effort set to failure. Rest as needed between sets. Start with a load that feels almost easy for 12 reps. Keep elbows in close to mimic the bottom of a dip.
The tempo note (32X1) means control the eccentric (down) portion for a 3 count, pause at the bottom for a 2 count, contract concentrically (up) as fast as possible, then hold the top for a 1 count before beginning the next rep.
Post loads/work to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
5 rounds for time:
12 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
12 Box Jumps 24/20
Post time and Rx to comments.
Steve L. demonstrates a good landing position at the top of a Box Jump
- Schedule change: Tomorrow night’s 6:30pm Active Recovery class is cancelled.
The Look Feel Perform Better Challenge Winners: 3rd Place!
We’re so proud of everyone who recently completed the Look Feel Perform Better Challenge, our 12-week collective kick-start toward healthier nutrition and recovery habits in the New Year. Among the dedicated CFSBKers who rethought their diets, counted macros, and put in quality time with the foam roller, three women and three men stood out to us as winners, and we’ll be announcing them over the next three days. We’ve also asked them to tell us a bit about the “secrets” to their success. Today we’re pleased to announce the 3rd place winners: Francine and Mauricio.
Francine D.
“So excited to know that I was one of the top 3! This challenge was so much fun to do because I was doing it with a group of like-minded people. It was so helpful to have the daily tracker. Tracking macros was so much easier than counting calories or eating strict Paleo, where, in my case, I just found myself eating tons of fat and meat because I could. I also ate more frequently, which I believe proved better for me than the intermittent fasting I had been doing previously. And while my diet remained essentially plants and animal proteins, counting macros was actually liberating instead of confining because it helped me to realize how out of balance my consumption had been prior, and I finally allowed myself to eat a larger variety of clean foods with greater frequency. I also cut out alcohol pretty significantly, reserving it for special occasions, and it was awesome to learn how to drink moderately again. I never felt deprived and am motivated to keep eating for performance.”
Mauricio A.
Before (L), After (R)
“It’s hard to believe I made it to the top 3! Woohoo! I started this challenge as any other competition, with a goal to win it. After a few weeks, I realized this was ALL about having to change old habits and focusing on healthier choices. The challenge provided the necessary tools and the right amount of time for me to truly change everything I was doing wrong. The group meetings and lectures provided the guidance, the gym and members provided the motivation, and the tracker put it all into place. It is amazing how different I feel after 3 months. I lost 16lbs by the end of the challenge (and counting). I feel stronger and happier. I’m keeping up with the life style change and I cannot wait to see what 6 months, 9 months, 12 months will do to my body and mind. Thanks CFSBK for putting all together and thank you to all of the people who participated! You guys ROCK!”
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch | Power Snatch + OHS, Bar Muscle-Ups, Burpees
Understanding Training Stressors Training Think Tank
Way to go, Francine & Mo! If you missed Mo's post about cookie cravings during the challenge I highly recommend it. Funny and informative, like the man himself. (I'm glad the dog made it through OK, Mo.)
As for the workout, I did 7 a.m. w/Nick & McDowell.
Close Dumbbell Bench: 45×12, 45×10, 55×6, 55×6, 50×5. Went a little too hard & felt a little too much time crunch here, wound up really gassed by the end.
Metcon: 6:42 Rx'ed. Lost some time moving my box during the first round because I was bouncing down onto the platform over in 608 rather than the rubber floor (a real shock to the knees), but otherwise went through this pretty steadily.
Mo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go! Thanks for the push throughout the competition!
Yay! Congrats Francine and Mo!! Amazing results- well done!
Good job, challengers. I didn't make it past 6 weeks and am impressed by your stick–to–itiveness.
7am with NickDowell
Dips – 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 6
Thought it was 3 rounds + rep out last week, so dropped a rep for the sets across knowing I fell short on the rep out last week. 3 rep improvement overall.
Metcon Rx – 6:22
Unbroken and fast the first three rounds. Unbroken and slow in round four. Broken and sad in round five.
3×10 GHD cash out
Congrats Franny and Mo! You guys are awesome and did a great job staying consistent over the past several week! Excited to see this progress continue!
Congrats Franny and Mo! Mo's cookie post is highly entertaining.
6am with NickDowell
Dips – 6, 6, 4, 5, 3 on the rep out
Didn't take enough rest before the 3rd round. Had enough of tempo dips by the time the rep out came.
WOD – 5:52 Rx. Wall balls unbroken, box jumps slow especially during that last round. Little burner is quad-city. Guess Fox doesn't want anyone competing with him in Broville.
Anyone have a spare laptop they're willing to rent out for about a month? Mine decided to take the big dirt nap riiiiiight before graduation. Won't be able to afford a new one until I start my new job in May. LEMME KNOW! I'LL PAY YOU! THXxxxXXXxx
@K HarpZ
I just emailed you. I have tons of spares at work. What do you need. I can drop it off tonight at CSBK
Strength Cycle @ 6:30 am
202.5 x 3 x 3
They were not pretty, but they happened.
So it turns out that it's not, like, the BEST idea to do a "10 rounds of unbroken push-ups to failure" workout in AG the day before benching.
Last Monday, I managed 155 x 5 x 3. Today, I couldn't do a single rep at 157.5. So we dropped to 145, and I failed that, too! Finally got a set of 5 in at 135, but it was a struggle.
Also, I was feeling fairly proud of myself for opening with a set of 35 push-ups yesterday, until Jeremy told me that he holds the gym record at 101. WHY DO I EVEN TRY?
255 x 5 x 1
Not bad.
Congrats, Francine and Mo!
Well done Francine and Mo. I will not read the cookie post right now because I just had a cookie as a reward to myself for not buying a box or 7 of Girl Scout cookies yesterday. Good job to all who made it through the challenge…what Brendan said.
7 am with Nick and McDowell
25 x ?, 30 x 8, 30 x8, 30 x 8, 35 x1 (wow!) so 30 x 8 again.
WOD 7:30 with a 12# ball and 18" foam box because I never want to jump on a wooden box again. I was surprised my jumps were so lumbering, I felt like I weighed an extra 50 pounds during them today.
3×10 GHD cash out, which was fun. I have peen staying off the GHD recently because of my G and my H but feel ready to get back to the routine.
DIY Cash out – 2 -1-1 strict pull ups with 30 sec rest between. It's the first day of my new pull up plan.
Jack – I don't think that LBBSs are ever pretty. I think the prettiest lift is the clean but then it gets jerked. As far as push ups, you're more than a third of the way to Jeremy status? Dang! That's why! Keep up the good work!
Congrats Franny and Mo! Awesome work!
Tempo Bench: 30# x 10 x 4, then 8 on the rep out. Just had nothing left to give at that point. Happy that I scaled back the weight from 35 to 30 for this week to go for the higher, consistent rep count. Keeping count and being consistent with the tempo was the hardest part last week for me, so I wanted to have a better baseline set of data for this week.
WOD: 5:03 Rx. Holy quads. Really tried for sub-5, but just couldn't make it this time (one trip during round 3). Wall balls only unbroken because my competitive side pushed me through.
Session with Nick to continue knee rehab.
Menagerie floor workout (zombie, bear, lizard walks) + some other goodies.
Some attempts at pistols, which I can't do at all.
6 sets of barbell box lunges:
1x 5/5 @0#
1x 5/5 @45#
3x 5/5 @55#
1x 5/5 @0#
12 minutes of 1 minute of squats followed by the amount of pushups calculated as 45 – # of squats
Started at 60, dropped to 50, settled on 45.
I was right around 35-40 on the squats, then did the requisite pushups.
Fun workout.
Knee is getting there.
Forgot to add my congratulations to Mo and Francine- great work!
Congrats Mo and Francine!
6am with most of the crew
Dips: 9-9-9-9-10
More volume than last week. Probably stricter about the pause too.
Metcon in 5:26 – I dropped the wallball after 10 on the last round and then realized I had to do 2 more – oops. Legs felt pretty heavy after the 2nd round.
Great day today.
First, noon class with NickRo
Dips: 6,5,5,5, – Repout was 6. These were hard.
Forgot my time for the metcon.
Then a great lunch on Alfredo's deck (with Jason).
Nice work Francine and Mo! That cookie post just about killed me.
Congrats Francine and Mo!!
3 rounds:
5 ea lateral box step up 24”
10 push up shoulder tap
5 DB Squat press out @5kg
10 shoulder passthroughs
Front rack box step up: 3×10 @ 70# (95% of 10RM)
(L10, R5 only, 1min rest between)
*This was exceedingly hard on the L side. all out effort. some were not bad, others were pretty ugly. focus on staying vertical, neutral chin, driving elbows up. HR spiked after.
1 arm high pull: 3 x 8 @ 16kg – 100% 8-12 RM
rest 45 seconds between arms
-fine. a little clicky in the shoulders and some of these i came off my heels.
Conditioning Death…
2 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
26 Hand Release Pushups
400m Run
26 KBS, 53/35
400m Run
26 Sit-Ups
400m Run
26 Hip Extensions
There were two more legs of this (programmed from comp train), but I knew I'd be in a time crunch so I dropped them (box jumps and double unders).
L pinky finger is strained I guess… something happened to my hand yesterday during the WOD and when I did the first set of push-ups it got really painful. Ended up taking out the KB swing in the second round, since I didn't want to put more tension… and let's be honest I was miserable.
Time: 25:25
The full thing probably would've taken me close to an hour. Running so slow after the first three sets. Felt good to be in the warm sun… until I was red-faced and hot AF. Running for any length of time just sucks when I don't train it… so tis the season to start adding this in to my programming!
Congrats Francine!
Thanks everyone for the super cool positive vibes. Looking forward to seeing 2nd and 1st place.
Nice work Mauricio and Francine. Congratulations!
Yesterday's Work-out solo
8 Single arm high pulls 8kg ea side
8 Shoulder press 8kg ea side
Pause Snatch
Bbell warm ups
25kg x 2, 30kg x 2, 35kg x 2
70% – 37kg x 2 x 5
Warm up for EMOM
– Supine hang :20, 10 lat activations
2 rounds of
– 10 kip swings, 1 power snatch @35kg
– 10 ring rows, 1 power snatch
– 3 strict pull ups, 1 power snatch
EMOM x 3 of
– 5 power snatches, 5 OHS @35kg (77#)
– 5 jumping bar muscle ups
– 12 burpees
Today's workout
Tempo DB Bench press
20# x 10, 25# x 8, 25# x 10
5 rounds of:
12 Wall balls 14#, 9'
12 Box jumps 20"
3 sets of 10 V-ups
Lap with 10# wall ball, 5 squat thrusts & 5 squats at each corner
I've heard of "Fran Cough" but never had it happen before tonight. Still coughing. Boo-hoo. Help.
Performance 7/7/7/5 Max 5
WOD Rx 6:21
WB unbroken