Front Squat
Leave a rep or two in the tank. We’ll do 12s again next week, so these should not be max effort sets. Use full a full range of motion and control.
3×5 Linear Progression
Start your linear progression light enough to increase the weight by 5-10 lbs each week over the next 8 weeks.
Post loads to comments.
5 rounds for time:
9 Deadlifts 155/110
6 Hang Power Cleans 155/110
3 Push Press 155/110
25 Double-Unders
The load on this riff on the benchmark workout “DT” should be medium heavy for you. For almost everyone, it will be the Push Press that’s the limiter. In it’s best capacity, the barbell complex is done unbroken. If breaking the reps up, consider doing 8 of the Deadlifts, then taking the 9th into your first Hang Power Clean. Same strategy for taking the Hang Power Cleans into the Push Press: do 5+1 then aim to make all the Push Presses unbroken. Jerks are no reps today for the shoulder-to-overhead.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Nate O. puts skills learned in Coach Ken’s gymnastics class to good use | Photo by Thomas H.
Sign Up for Our Seasonal Fish CSA! Discount for Early Birds
Last summer, we brought in a new fish CSA partner and were blown away by the quality and freshness of their fish! Lucky for you, registration is now open for the 2016 season, which runs weekly from June 11 til late fall.
Big City Fish Share, now in its fifth season, delivers sustainably caught, never-frozen, super-fresh seafood from Montauk to New York City. You can sign up for a weekly share of either 1 pound or 2 pounds of filleted fish, littleneck clams, or oysters. Sign up by June 7th, and lock in $16 per pound for the whole season. After June 7th, the price will go back to $17 per pound.
The delivery window will be Saturday mornings, 10am to 12pm, starting June 11. This is a weekly, not monthly, share.
Customers can sign up for 4 deliveries at a time, and can easily place their orders on hold through the website if they go out of town. Any funds left in your account at the end of the season will be returned to you by check. Expect a good variety of fish, including big-eye tuna, squid, founder, fluke, swordfish, black sea bass, bluefish, porgy, and monkfish.
Any other questions? E-mail bigcityfishshare [at] For general CSA questions, e-mail Michele at mignyc [at]
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Clean and Jerk | KB Swings, Hand Release Push-Ups, Run
The Sugar Conspiracy The Guardian
3 rounds
20 x DU
10 x push-ups
10 x ring rows
45 x 5, 55 x 2, 61 x 5, 70 x 3, 77 x 5 (rep out 95%)
Bench press
70 x 10 x 5
10 x HSPU negatives
Snatch Complex
Pull, Snatch, Hang Snatch, 2 x OH squats
Did some pauses at the knee and high hang for my first few sets. Did 5 sets. I forget what I worked up to but I think it was about 77#? First time using kg at the gym. Amanda made me do it! Heavier than I have snatched in a while. No misses but caught some of the lighter ones high, but I felt like I was getting it towards the end.
Clean Compkex
Pull, Hang clean, Front squat, Jerk. Again I wrote the weight on a whiteboard but forgot to transfer it to my notebook. Just did three sets.
Today's WOD with Jenny and Ryan.
Didn't warm it up as had no time and thought I'd be ok after the cleans but this was a mistake because I went too heavy. Took some weight off after the third round, thought about it and put it back on and just got through it. The cleans were the limiting factor for me. Funnily they got better though- I remembered Jess shouting 'fast elbows' at me a few weeks ago and this helped immensely! It's like I finally figured out how to do them mid-WOD. All that said, finished it in 10:02 Rx.
Pull-up pyramid
5-5-5-5-4 🙂
I've made a new goal for this year and that's to be able to comfortably Rx the weight on cleans, snatches and overhead squats in WODs. Need to figure out how I'm going to work towards this.
Tried to take it easy today & mostly succeeded. Going to have a tough workout tomorrow.
fsq 155x3x5, light.
wod @ 115, subbing fsq for push press b/c it seems I have a little shoulder impingement. I thought I'd fly through it at this weight, but the doubles really gassed me. The good news is that my doubles were really "on" today, the bad news is that they spike my heart rate.
Solid start
WOD Rx'd in 10:35?
Doubles were shit today and push press were hard! Off to Mexico now for a week!!!
10 a.m. w/McDowell & Melissa. McDowell mocked my childlike expression of bliss during hip openers but if it was between that and another recitation of "Pioneers! O Pioneers!" I'll take the mockery.
FSQ: 135#, 3×12. Felt OK. Some back-rounding towards the end of the second set but MeLo got me to roll it out a bit after, which was good and helped the third set finish out strong. Will go up to 145# next week.
Metcon: 9:23 @ 135#, sub 2x s/u's. Not the prettiest power cleans or push presses I've ever done, but I got through 'em.
A/R thereafter, con DO el FrÃo. Despite our chilly instructor the class was lovely, especially with the breeze coming in through the open door. Now back out into this great weather!
9am with McDowell and MeLo
FSQ – 170x12x3 – Felt better than the HBBS did earlier in the week
Metcon in 6:47 – did the first round unbroken and the rest 8 – 1 + 6 + 3. Push press got challenging in the last round
155 x 12 x 3 everything moved well def think I'll make a 10lb jump next week.
Metcon in 8:24 at 135# broke the deadlifts up by 8 reps, shook it out then did the rest of the complex unbroken. Few trip ups on the double unders but all in all pretty consistent. Can't even imagine doing this Rx.
Heading to LA on Tuesday. Any recommendation on good gyms on the west side?!?!
1pm with Whit and DO
Perf. FSQ: 12 is so many.
Metcon: 9:26 Rx. Did all rounds as 8/1-5/1-3. One trip up in round 3 of the dubs. Should have pushed harder as the push press never caught up with me like I thought it would.
10min EMOM: 5 pullups
10min EMOM: 5 strict HSPU… had to kip a few in the 9th and 10th sets.
Front squats with Kristin 90# 12×3. Breathing is honestly the hardest part
Wod: More proof that diet and sleep really impact success on a wod! Started out at 73#, went down to 63. 10:26 I think? DUs getting better… But actually took intentional breaks- now that I can string them together, it's an intense experience for my wrists and forearms! Today wasn't my best effort, but I'm glad I came!
Fun accessory work with Kelly and others at 608 after!
Beautiful day, enjoy it y'all!
Today OG
15 x erg pulls
10 x push-ups
20 x OH lunges 25# plate
5 x T2B
Back Squat
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 195 x 5, 220 x 3, 245 x 4 ( rep out 95%)
Front Squat
95 x 10 x 5
Snatches EMOM for ten mins. Did my drills and worked up to 88#. Not feeling it today.
3 rounds
400m run
21 KB swings @16kg
12 pull-ups
12:08 Rx
Only the second girl I've Rxed. Pull-ups were iffy today. Was only stringing together three at a time in the beginning and singles towards the end. Had a couple of no reps in the last round. It's a rhythm thing. And a feat thing because I was higher than usual! Really strange doing pull-ups on the outside bar!
Thanks Jake for giving me the idea to do it and Ryan for doing it with me (way, way faster) and David and Ellie for the encouragement!
This was hard and I'll enjoy beating this time by a lot in the near future 🙂
FSQ: 165x12x3
Modified WOD: Deadlifts and Cleans @115lbs, light (25lb DB) presses. Finished in 11:05
@ Adam Brick is pretty good but I have no idea what side of LA its on.
5 Rounds For Time:
20 Calorie Row
10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
10 Dumbbell Thrusters 50 lbers
90# x 12 x 3, these were heavy by the last two reps, got to stay tight in the squat and not 'bottom out' – Allie B great partner!
WOD at 73# and single unders: 10:13
With a walk to get tissue (and wash hands) tail end of sickness still on its way out, ugh!!
Cool ring work Nate!
@Adam – I have had good experiences at Paradiso Crossfit. They have locations in Marina Del Rey and Venice
I'm 2 for 2 on bringing one rascal with me to open gym and actually getting a work-out in without verging on losing it !
Warmed up & squatted with Ellie
3 rounds of mixed bag —
5 inchworms
18 box step ups 20"
:20 handstand hold
:20 hollow hold
FSQ 3 sets of 12 @ 70%
45×10, 95×5
110 x12 x 3
3 RNDs
3 strict HSPUs 1 abmat
10 single arm high pulls ea side 8kg KB
12 ab wheel roll outs from knees
Bbell drills, up to 45kg. Hit one, missed forward – shoulders felt creaky
Stripped bar, more drills
Then tried Iron Scap for the first time ..burn
FSQT @110#x12x3
Easy on the legs, hard on the core. Whit taught me how to take a deep breath into my belly. Form improved but still difficult.
WOD in 9:14 or 9:09 @83#
DLs: 8+1 with a rest in latter rounds so the cleans could be unbroken.
HPC: unbroken but form needs work
PP: unbroken
DUs: first round took over a minute, the rest were unbroken except for one trip up, but had to rest 10-20s before starting each set.
Performance 3×12 @185
WOD @135 time 11:47