Paused Clean and Paused Jerk
70% x 2 x 5
5 x 2
Use a load that allows you to perform 5 technically sound doubles.
Pause the clean at the knee with the weight back towards the heels. Pause at the bottom of the dip and ensure a strong rack position with weight balanced towards the heel. OK to bail and reset between reps.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds for Time:
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings 53/35
20 Hand Release Push-Ups
270m Run
The kettlebell weight should be light today, light enough to go unbroken on all sets on the top end. Scale Push-Ups with the same goal, or to complete them in no more than 3-4 quick sets.
Throwback Thursday: Charlotte and Nick (and Linus) practicing Capoiera at the Lyceum in 2009
The Inaugural Iron Maidens Lift ‘n’ Learn Session: Sunday, May 1st at 2:30pm
We want to keep the Iron Maidens energy and community connected between Competitions, so we thought it would be fun to get together semi-regularly to train and learn about lifting (and maybe other stuff!) from women achieving great things.
We’re happy to invite you all to the first Iron Maidens Lift n’ Learn session on Sunday, May 1st at 2:30pm.
What: 90 minutes of lifting, followed by a 30-45 minute talk/workshop/dialogue
When: May 1st, 2016 at 2:30pm
Where: CrossFit South Brooklyn, 597 Degraw Street (608 space)
Who: IM participants, and anyone’s who’s curious about IM
How Much: Free!
Our first session will likely feature: You! Bring your ideas for people and topics you want to us to cover in the future to help shape the program.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Squat/Deadlift | Row, Farmer’s Carry
Gamechangers: The Unsung Heroines Instagram
Samir Chopra says
That ain't just any old capoiera practice. Charlotte is, I think, 8 or 9 months pregnant with Linus.
Steve says
6am with J^2
Clean and jerk
95, 115, 135, 155×2
Felt good to clean and jerk again. Pause during the jerk felt a little weird but definitely helped my tendency to drive forward. Weight felt nice and light this morning.
8:21 Rx. Fun little workout. Kb swings unbroken, push-ups mostly unbroken except for a few breaks smooshed into the floor. Runs at a decent clip.
FYI the floors smell interesting. Guess I have never been nose first into them before.
Stella says
Love this #tbt pic! Charlotte is badass.
Ben S says
Excited to be C&Jing. Up to 110#, felt good and lots of room to go up in the next few weeks. Smacked myself on the bottom of my chin on my final try of 115# which shook me up a bit and I decided to call it a day.
Metcon RX in 11:03. Those pushups got very slow in rounds 2 and 3. Spent lots of time smooshed into the floor between reps thinking that 3 days of crossfit in a row is alot.
Brendan B says
7am with Jess & JB
C&J – 115# x 5 x 2
Went performance instead of working up as I wanted to keep it light. Pause at the knee was causing me to come forward a bit, but that got corrected with each set. Last one felt really crisp.
Metcon Rx – 10:03
I definitely did 30 push ups in the first round like a moron. Thankfully realized this 17 into the second round.
Asha says
Hey folks – wanted to check on my missing rope!
Has anyone seen my RPM speed jump rope? It has blue metal handles and a bare steel cable.
The rope has my first name in all caps white-taped on the handle, and was in its microfiber black case, also with my first name on it. I keep it just in front of my lifting shoes in the shoe closet, but it has been missing since a few weeks ago. Also, fwiw, the cut side of the cable has a jagged edge.
Cam and I searched the closet pretty closely a couple weeks back, and I've also looked upstairs in 608.
If you do find it – could you post to the blog or e-mail me at: asha <dot> banker at
Thank you!!
Jenny M says
@Asha- I haven't seen it, but I don't want my RPM rope anymore. I'm not sure it's the right length for you but you could totally try it out and if you want it, it's yours. Sorry in advance that it's ALL PINK 😉
Kayleigh R says
C&J – 108# x 5 x 2
Realized how much I was leaning forward on the dip before the jerk. Once I corrected that and was more vertical, I almost felt like it would fall behind and had much more power. Need to incorporate this more into warmups.
WOD: 9:44 Rx
Pushups went really well the first round (I would even say unbroken). Not so much after that.
Work after:
Pull Ups: 4-4-4-3-3
GHD: 12-12-12
Chas C. says
8 a.m. w/Fox & a soundtrack courtesy of Southern California's finest export, the legendary band Hot Snakes (clearly the best Drive Like Jehu/Rocket from the Crypt side project).
Paused C&J: warm-up, then 125x2x4, 135x2x1. Really liked this. Felt like I hadn't done the full C&J in a while, and this was a great way to reinforce certain positions at key points in the lifts/ensure in particular that I wasn't tightrope-walking when I landed the jerk.
Metcon: 10:16 Rx'ed. Cursing myself for not sprinting on the second run (that's where I tend to make up time) in order to get under 10 minutes, but feel OK on the whole about this. Particularly glad I seemed to get into a good groove pacing my push-ups (rather than going to failure and then flopping around on the deck like the saddest marlin).
HacÃa frÃo, pero ahora no.
lady fox says
11am solo doing today's programming
Pause Clean and Pause Split Jerk:
(35kg, 45kg) 50kg (110#) x 2 x 5
-these felt heavy today so kept it at around 65%. The last 2 sets felt like I was finally dialing them in though. Positional work is so much more challenging but needed.
10:12 or 10:31 rx'd
-it's written on the whiteboard but I can't remember exactly right now. all swings unbroken and pushups were apparently not as rigid as David would have liked. 😉
Beautiful day in and out of the gym!
Fox says
Noon class
C&J complex at 70% (176) which felt pretty heavy. Mixed bag of success and semi-success. No misses just not super crisp.
WOD Rx'd in 10:15
Asha says
Aww, thanks, Jenny. I'd love to try it. Open gym tomorrow eve? I hear hot pink is the new blue! I may also try to convince you of RPM's awesomeness.
As long as my other rope is making someone else's double under dreams a reality, I feel a bit verklempt, but all good…
Lauren says
Awesome photo!
Noon class
Pause Clean & Pause Jerks
45kg (70%) x 2 x 5
Workout Rx 9:34
Jenny M says
@ Asha- I'll be there! 🙂
David Osorio says
@Chas, yo soy frio, pero es porque mis padres nunca me abrazó.
@Steve, The floors smell great! Blood, sweat, tears and bleach!
Pulled a muscle in my back on Sunday night cleaning so have been working around it the past few days.
30 Calories Row
3 Rounds
8e Step-ups 24"
8 Push-Ups
8 Ring Pull-Ups
4 Sets
15 Reverse Hypers
15 Hollow Rocks
Push Press
Rob F says
@ my Garage gym
Bulletproof Legs Performance Care
Sciatic Nerve Flossing
Sumo Stance Inch Worms x10
Sumo DL: 2×10 @ 105% 10 Rep Max = 185
Paused C&J
Haven't done these in a while so,
75×2, 85×2, 95×2, 105×2, 115×2, then 120x2x3
30 RKB @#35
300M Row
RKB were all unbroken (too light)
HRPU were in sets of 10
Rows were sprints
Cam says
wth we need more hot snakes blasting at the gym
Allie B. says
Fun workout tonight!!
C& J at a little over 70% 2×5… 83#. Really focused on dropping low under the bar in the clean and staying really braced during dip & jerk. Went SUPER well… I thank Whit's coaching & Frankie's Oly Class!
WOD in 9:20. My shoulders are still fried from tempo ring dips & 30-20-10 pushups on Tuesday! Yowza. Think I snaked a lot of these :X
Go Brendan and his 4:00 plank.
Allie B. says
Also, really active & really fun Active Recovery.
Only David would pull a muscle, not from crossfit, but from cleaning.
ariel says
i'm sooooo happy to be back. i love cfsbk!
KLove says
C&J @93#x2x5. Close to 75%. Oops
WOD in 11:15
Swings: fast
Pushups- first round decent speed, second round tough, third round super slow
run: always slow
Yeah, great job Brendan on that plank!!
joseph says
Performance (*should have done fitness)
2 set 165# *Garbage
WOD *Modified push ups replace by ring rows
KLove says
Oops, stuff went missing from my post.
Snatches and OHS @53# unbroken
Burpees in 30-32s