Video of the Week: “The Story of Nuno Costa” is a short documentary about a top CrossFitter’s journey to find meaning in movement
Common Hands Farm CSA: Sign Up Today!
Happy Spring! Getting fit and eating well starts now. We have your direct hook-up to fresh produce grown upstate, and its time to sign up to reserve your membership today!
In its fifth year, Common Hands will deliver CSA shares right next door to 575 Degraw (Brooklyn Boulders) on Tuesdays from 6 to 8:30pm.
What is a CSA Share?
It is a membership to a farm where you get an exclusive deal on fresh organically grown vegetables delivered straight from the farm to you! Once you pay the upfront membership fee (payment plans available) you receive a weekly delivery from the farm starting in June through November.
Why Should You Join?
Beyond receiving freshly harvested and health-giving food, grown cleanly with no pesticides or herbicides, you are also putting your money where your mouth is, and supporting the local food economy. This is food from real farmers, and by buying a share you are supporting small organic farms. We grow food for you, period. We are not a distributor or large conventional farm with lots of employees, but real down to earth people. On our farm, a team of less than ten people work to grow food for upwards of 200 members each year… and we care what you eat!
We offer Full and Half Vegetable Shares that can be paired with the optional Full or Half Fruit & Egg Share. A Full Share picks up weekly, while the Half Share picks up bi-weekly. Veg shares are $615 for a weekly (“full”) share or $375 for an every-other-week (“half”) share. Fruit and eggs can be purchased in addition to Veg Shares and are bundled together: a full share is $280 and a half share is $140. Pending interest, Flower Shares may be available as well.
Remember, your pick-up location is just down the block at Brooklyn Boulders!
Go to for details or click here to sign up directly! Questions? Email the farm at commonhandsfarm [at] gmail [dot] com, or the gym’s CSA coordinator, Michele, at mignyc [at] gmail [dot] com.
Double-Under Progression for Beginners WODPrep
Have Fun Trying to Reach the Poles of Inaccessability Atlas Obscura
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Leave a rep or two in the tank. 12s again next week so these should not be max effort sets. Use full ROM and control.
3×5 Linear Progression
Start your LP light enough to increase weight by 5-10 lbs each week over the next 8 weeks.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
1000m Row
Rest 4 Minutes
270m 1-Arm Farmer's Carry
Go hard on the row. Carry 1 heavy object to 4th and back, switching arms as needed. Top end load for the farmer's walk would be about 1/4 x body weight all the way to 4th in one hand with no rest, then all the way back in the other with no rest. Start light if you've never done these before. Any time the object goes down you must switch hands. Stay braced and as upright as possible.
Post times and Rx to comments.
6am with McD and Jess
Time traveled to Wednesday this morning for some squats:
Metcon: 1000m row in 3:41. My legs felt dead after those squats. Did the farmer's carry with a green kettlebell. switched hands once in each direction (so a total of 4 "reps"). I think I could've held out for longer to switch hands but wanted to keep things fair and balanced like Fox News.
Did a 10min E2MOM of 2 strict muscle ups, and an 10min EMOM of 6 Toes to Bar in 608 afterwards.
What's the deal with these new warmups I read about over in the current programming cycle page? When do we start doing them?
7am (!!) with Mcd & Jess
HBBS: worked up to 125x12x3 (61% of 1RM). These were pretty easy so I'll probably jump to 140+ next week.
DL: 150×10. (68%). Felt fine. Touch and go.
1000M in 4:04. 1 arm farmers carry with 25 lbs. Did both arms unbroken so 30+ probably would have been more appropriate.
6am with McD doing Wednesday
Didn't feel heavy, but felt awkward after so rarely squatting recently.
Touch and go the whole way. Happy that these felt relatively easy.
1000m row in 3:27.5
50# db farmers carry with only the single switch at 4th ave. Last 20 ft were grippy in both directions.
7am with Jess doing Wednesday's Anti-Broville Programming
BSQ – 115# x 12 x 3
I'm projecting my BSQ 1RM is somewhere around 200. This felt like a good starting point and will make a 5-10# jump next time around.
Deadlift – 205# x 10
Touch and go. Felt like a dream compared to the sets of 15 @ 225# last week.
Row in 3:42
Farmer's Carry @ 20kg (~27%bw). Was able to make it the whole way for both sides, slow and steady. Tougher than it looked.
6am with McD
HBBS 205x12x3 felt plenty heavy for today
DL – 315×10
Row in 3:23 and farmers carry with a 45# dumbbell. Did one arm each way down the block with a quick break at the corner
A very cozy 8 a.m. class w/McDowell doing Wednesday's work.
BSQ: 155x12x3, a little over 56% of my 1RM. Form pretty good. Some isolated weirdness in the third set but was able to correct. McDowell said this was the right weight for me to start at and I (through some huffing and puffing) agreed.
DL: 185×10. Very careful on these. Going to beat this rounded-back problem.
Row: 3:29.4. Could've been a touch faster to close it out but my hamstrings got tight.
Carry: McDowell told us to go conservative so I took 45# out for a spin, both of us Wednesday folks shirtless in the pouring rain ("most CrossFit thing ever," we agreed on returning). Only switched at 4th Ave and it felt easy — should've done 50.
6am with McD
HBBS 185 x 12 x 3 – I still have residual soreness from all those deadlifts so 185 felt like a good point to start. First set felt horrible and I considered calling it after 6 but convinced myself to keep going. Second set felt better but still slow. Third set I finally got in my groove and knocked out all 12 with no breaks and felt pretty good. Glad I kept with it.
Deadlift 255 x 10. Moved fine, had zero desire to see 275# on the bar again.
Row – 3:30 Head cold + rowing = unpleasant death like feeling
Farmer's carry 45# – I was soft during this and switched hands multiple times.
Sorry for the late post!
2 rounds
10 band pulls
10 Blackburns
5 kip swings
Kipping Pull ups
Push ups
sit ups
Run 550m
Box Jumps
I went into my session with McD feeling under the weather today, but I left feeling great. I took it easy and just moved around. McDowell did some motivational speaking, though I couldn't get him to recite poetry.
Somehow I deadlifted 155# x12 without difficulty. This is somewhere upwards of 70% of my 1RM and a weight that once intimidated me for reps, so, on a bad day, this is giving me more confidence with this lift.
Call out to an old friend – Radhika, by way of Nick –
Wednesday Lifts:
LBBS: 155x12x1, 165x12x2. Probably too heavy to start out. If I go up in weight next week, will make it minimal.
DL: 255×10. Touch and go. Felt surprising good since I am still mildly feeling Saturday's deadlifts.
Row: 3:44
Carry: 16kg bell. 20 kg is over 25%, but probably should have gone for it because I was able to make the full distance without stopping.
Mid-morning AR
10 Minutes mat work
20 Minutes easy row
10 Minutes mat work
10 Minutes mat work
20 Minutes easy:
10 Cal Bike
100# Sled Push 20m
20m 1-Arm Farmer Carry 53# Left
20m 1-Arm Farmer Carry 53# Right
7 Rounds with about 20 seconds to spare
Reading peoples posts for the day I realized I owe an addendum… Deadlift:
Deadlifts were all from a dead stop… no touch & go. Wasn't sure if that was the intent, but historically that's been the case when we deadlift heavy outside of a metcon, so I hedged my bet.
9am today doing yesterday's programming solo:
Did new Burgener Warmup Option A with 15 hollows sprinkled in between rounds. (Sorry early birds, we started them with the 10am class once we got the board updated!)
Tempo Matador Dips
maxed out the last set at 5 too.
-that pause is no joke. Will shoot for 6 reps during the worksets next week.
5 1-arm thrusters (12kg, 12kg, 30#, 35#, 30#)
7 split squats (unloaded)
5 bench levers
-right shoulder wasn't feeling strict ttb so I subbed the levers. still tough stuff!
Had 1min left before 10am class so decided to cash out with a 250m erg sprint:
48.6, 1:37.2 avg split, 42spm
-thankfully McD was there to explain the new warmups to the 10am class! 😉
Wednesday's WOD
LBBS 125x12x3: Legs fine, lower back on fire.
Deadlift x10 TNG @170#: Felt great
1000m row: 4:10 (2s PR, lol)
Farmer carry with 16kg KB. Right arm to the corner, left arm back. Unbroken.
Leisurely mile which was only 8s slower than my best. Pretty happy about that.
Great mash-up of Monday's WOD & AG today. Perfect combo.
Tempo Dips fun but hard! 4×4, then 6
NFT: Thrusters up to 30# (right side could def handle more), Split squats 20# every set
AG: Fun warm-up, great kipping pull-up and butterfly practice, then fun bodyweight wod in 17:36? Did NOT anticipate having to do push-ups from the knee. Switched after the round of 30… I guess the dips got to me :/
Good times!
Wednesday's workout with JB/Kate
HBBS @ 175# (3×5)
Deadlift @ 225# (1×10)
Both felt good and with room to grow, although mr. Chris Fox standing nearby told me I wasn't properly tightening my back on the deadlifts. Need to be more careful there.
Row 1000m in 3:43min, then carried a green kettlebell to 4th ave and back, switching hands once on the way there and once on the way back.
I'm so happy with the pace of the WODs this week, it's good to catch my breath after last week's crush.