Bear Complex
Work up to a heavy load for one cycle through the Bear Complex:
Power Clean + FSQ + Push Press + BSQ + BTN Push Press
Jerks are acceptable for the shoulder-to-overhead portion of the complex.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
800m Run
30 Dumbbell Power Snatches, Alternating
30 Burpees
550m Run
20 Dumbbell Power Snatches, Alternating
20 Burpees
400m Run
10 Dumbbell Power Snatches, Alternating
10 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
Azam P. mid Box Jump | Photo by Thomas H.
- Today’s CrossFit Kids classes are cancelled. CrossFit Kids programming will resume tomorrow with new classes and a new schedule!
- Our new 8-week programming cycle starts tomorrow. Check tomorrow’s blog post for the new training template!
Catching Up with the CFSBK Classifieds
Did you know that we offer a classifieds section of the website for our members? Well, we do! Here are a few examples of goods and services up for grabs at the moment:
- Charles S. wants you to know about the Kickstarter for Pistol Lake, a new active wear company that makes clothing from sustainable materials. Check it out! He also recommends his nanny, who is looking for a full-time position.
- Fatima A. offers her services as a Paleo-friendly chef.
We hope you’ll take advantage of this fun feature. Many CFSBK members have found roommates there. Why deal with Craigslist when you can live with your workout partner?
These Are the Top Words People Say to Their Dogs NY Mag
Why Some People Can Eat More Carbs Than Others Greatist
5 Wall Walks
15 Hollow Rocks
Then: Handstand Pop Practice w/ partner
EMOM 8 Min
3 Muscle Up Negatives
AMRAP 20 min
550m run
40 Pistols/Squats
30 Burpees
20 Toes 2 Bar
8am with The Foxes
Bear Complex – 135#
Failed 145 on the BTN Push Press. That was definitely the limiter for me with this complex. That was a ton of fun, though.
Metcon – 19:42 @ 45#
I effed up the second run and only did 400m. Went back out and went to 3rd and back and added 20 seconds to my time. This was also (somehow) kind of fun. Good morning at the gym.
8AM with Foxes.
Bear Complex up to 115#. This was so much fun, cant wait to do this again. Limiter for me was catching the bar on the back of my next after first press, need to practice using my legs as shock absorbers.
Metcon @ 45# in 20:30. Love how my legs on those post snatch/burpee runs feel like mile 12 of a half marathon after only a few hundred meters.
8 AM with the Foxes.
Bear Complex to 115#- Really enjoyed this. 115# felt heavy and worthwhile- glad to have some weight work back in during crush week.
Metcon @40# in 23:00. Went heavier than my instinct, which was a good decision- didn't fly through it- my legs were dead and that's what I need.
Fun day- crush week ovah!
10am with Fox and Nick
Bear Complex
63#, 93#, 113#, 118#, 123#, 128#
First time doing this. Had some trouble organizing the jerks and push pressed all but the very last BTN one because I like to make things harder for myself :/ Inadvertently PRed my shoulder- to-overhead! I would like to do this more often as it was fun!!
WOD with 40# DB in 18:36
Was conservative on the DB weight and had to take the snatches slowly as I hurt my back the last time I did these. Crush Week was a lot of fun and I will miss it.
2 x 15 GHD sit-ups
3 x 5 T2B
Pull-up pyramid
10am class today:
Bear Complex:
83, 103, 123, 133, 143
-I love the bear. And while I love the challenge of the full 7 round bear, I liked being able to go heavy for just one round. Did all push presses from the front rack (143 might be a PR?) and did Split Jerks for all the behind the neck presses. Those were definitely the most challenging part.
-I could probably do this complex every day and not get bored. Kind wish we had more time to get heavier and see where I would have maxed out.
20:32 with 45#
-this was tough especially on a pretty fatigued back. so glad the reps descended each round but that last run just felt like torture.
Yesterday's Partner WOD:
-partnered with Rob and we did 205# on the DL and 24" box. Wasn't sure how this would feel since I haven't deadlifted more than 150 since I had a back spasm. Moved deliberately though the deadlifts and all felt good. First 2 rounds unbroken, then finished with 7-5 for the last 3.
I was not going to come in today due to my back being smoked by yesterday's WOD, but the Bear complex is one of my favorites and I requested it on this very blog not too long ago So I will be in for OG to do it.
Bear Complex: 83-103-113(F BTN jerk)-113-123
I don't think I have actually done the bear complex, but I really like it. Took me a while to get comfortable with the BTN shoulder-to-overhead movement, but some great pointers from Jess about wider grip and practicing with an empty barbell, which definitely helped. Something I would like to try again in the future.
WOD: 17:03 with 40# DB. Part of me is wishing I had gone for the 45#, but my back is thankful that I went a little lighter with the snatches.
10am w/ Fox and Nick.
Worked up to 85kg on the bear complex. My back felt like cheese, particular during the back squat. Jerks were not pretty, no speed getting under the bar today.
Metcon: 19:30 w/ 65#. The last round was my best DB snatch form. Probably would have been quicker if I power snatch-ed instead of muscle snatch-ed rounds 1 & 2. Nice to day for a run.
Noon class
Da Bear
Felt good to move.
WOD w/65# in 19:34? I forget exactly now. Inside work was fast, runs were slow and I walked a few meters twice, just to enjoy the beautiful day a bit longer.
Bear Complex: 63, 83, 93, 103, 108
My jerks weren't so good today. Hate bringing the barbell onto my neck so stopped there.
WOD in 19:17 with 35# DBs
Snatches and burpees were fairly fast, runs were terribly slow.
Really appreciated that Bill Starr article about overtraining that was posted on Thursday–thanks, blog team! Came in for my first-ever open gym on Friday evening to do Saturday's work. Realized after finishing that (1) I'd done six straight days of workouts despite two intercontinental flights and (2) I was, as referenced in the article, too tired to fall asleep. Working out keeps me happy when things are stressful, but I decided to take my foot off the pedal a bit.
Spent Saturday (already my programmed rest day) tearing up the dance floor at a friend's wedding in Maryland and today on a NFT 3-mile jog with some sit-ups, lower-back work, and A/R after.
When I was younger, I hated that phrase "listen to your body," but hey, that's how you avoid injury and get stronger. Can't improve if you're constantly grinding yourself down.
Bear complex is the best EXCEPT for dropping the bar on the shoulders. I had a lot more to give but couldn't handle putting the bar behind my neck :*(
Wod: maybe it's the drinks and late night last night or the fact that I have not been keeping up with my running… But I feel my engine going and I don't like it one bit!
18:34 @30#. Snatches were heavy for me, had to break them up a lot. Runs were hard.
AG was awesome. I really think I'm just a few steps away from a strict muscle up. Negatives were great practice, need to work on making them slower. Did 3 muscle ups in that harness thing which were SO easy– tried a strict muscle up and it was 6,000x more challenging and still a no go.
Then a fun wod to follow… But I was pretty smoked, so didnt make it a full 2 rounds.
12pm with Noah and Nick.
Had a lot of fun with the Bear complex: 145, 155, 165 and finished with a ugly but successful 175lbs complex, where the main challenge was bringing the bar into my back (almost slipped back, ouch). I couldn't wrap my head around a split jerk from behind the neck, so I did split jerks one way and regular squat jerks from behind the neck. Happy with 175# since my heaviest clean and jerk is at ~190#.
The WOD was awful, I'm a slow heavy runner, the 30 burpees got me into red line territory very fast, the cold has my lungs complaining still. Did it in 23:00min @ 55#, thanks to Dan for the tip to go 5lbs heavier than what I expected. I feel like I could have gone with 60lbs here and it would not have added a ton of time.
Generally happy to move around after a few days fighting a cold.
Clean and jerks, worked up to 113 and failed at 118
Back squats. worked up to 3 heavyish singles at 185
Ab stufffffff. Dips. Etc.
Romwod 15 mins. Too sleep and hungry to metcon