Team WOD
In teams of two (Male + Female), partners alternate full rounds to complete 10 rounds for time of:
12 Deadlifts 315/205
12 Box Jumps 30/24
Partner 1 completes 12 Deadlifts and 12 Box Jumps, then Partner 2 Completes 12 Deadlifts and 12 Box Jumps, alternating until both partners have completed 5 rounds each.
The load on the Deadlift should be heavy for you, upward of 80-85% of your 1RM. The box should be a challenging height for you as well.
Post partner, time, and Rx to comments.
Amanda Mc attempts a Snatch at our Next Level Weightlifting Club
- Schedule Change: Today’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class with Coach Whitney is cancelled. Looking to try something other than group class this weekend? Check out Active Recovery today at 11am or at 11am on Sunday, and don’t forget about Anti-Gravity at 2pm on Sunday!
Kelly Starrett Talk and Book Signing
Everyone’s favorite mobility expert Kelly Starrett will be at the Barnes & Noble in Tribeca on Tuesday, April 26th at 6:00pm to discuss his new book Deskbound: Standing Up in a Sitting World. It looks like a super interest book, and it’s sure to be a fascinating talk! Round up your fellow MobiltyWOD fans and roll on over.
Here’s How a Month of Exercise Affected My Brain Fast Company
Emily Abbott Does “Isabel” CrossFit
I'm feeling pretty darn smart for deciding yesterday that I would do this WOD today instead of yesterday morning, seeing as how yesterday the rounds were 15 and 15 instead of 12 and 12 😀
Woohoo, I did a Crush Week WOD Rx! I went to singles VERY quickly on the deadlifts, just because I figured I'd be faster if I kept dropping the bar from the top. Took the box jumps carefully (I REALLY didn't want to bite it lest I land on the unhappy wrist) and everything was fine. Where by "fine" I mean "awful in that Crush Week way, but no aggravation of injuries."
19:12 with Brent as a partner. This WOD really put the OUCH in Couch Stretch afterward!
Tweaked my back a week+ ago, each day is improving, although staying away from barbell movements (for the most part). Hitting accessory stuff. Trying to just put underwear on every day and be consistent.
Headed up w/ Bobby this morning to coach/move
20 min erg
3 Rounds:
10 yoga push ups
10e bulgarian split squats w/ #20 WB
10e DB press #30
…lolly gagged, texted coach to complain, brief tear session, angry enough to do a bit more…
3 Rounds
10 TTB
15 weighted situps
45sec side planks
Mental game is a real struggle this week. Goal is to be consistent and just get in there in move. Hope the back/hip will sort itself out and I can get back to the lifts ASAP. Will check in with Dr. Sean next saturday.
Incredibly grateful to Ro for his constant encouragement, support, and friendship. Missing Mom sucks, but the network of support I've got is irreplaceable.
Hope to pop in to OG tomorrow night.
Back Squat
175 x 3, 205 x 3, 225 x 8
Front Squat
95 x 10 x 5
10am class with Noah and McDowell.
I had a hot date with Kayleigh and we did this in 9:49 Rx.
Deadlifts unbroken because Kayleigh did them first. I was praying she would break up the last set so I could but no.
Was grateful for the soft boxes because this is hella high and I missed three times.
Very little rest between rounds.
Fun workout, awesome partner.
Jenny, you have inspired me to post about ROMWOD here so I actually do it. 21mins of that. Much needed hip stuff.
Noon class
Partner WOD Rx'd with Pierre in 19:45
My subliminal Catholic guilt had me doing 15 reps for the first round. I realized when Pierre did his 2nd round. All deadlifts 5-4-3 (except for the first round of 9-6) and all box jumps slow and methodical.
That's cold, Fox.
Hot date indeed with my swolemate Charlie.
9:49 Rx. As she said, we both stayed unbroken with the deadlifts because the other person kept going. There were definitely some pauses at the top in the later rounds around reps 8-9. Would have had much more nervous about the jumps if we hadn't gotten the soft box (definitely wore long pants and high socks after my spill earlier this week). Much enjoyed this one.
Pull-ups after: 4-3-3-3-3.
11am crushed week
Partnered with Mark the Mighty today.
17:46 @ 255#
Deadlifts 8-4 first round then 6-3-3 every round after.
BJs first 6-8 bounded then step down with assistance from the box.
255 was definitely the right weight. Glad I didn't let Mark talk me into 275.
Can't wait to see what crushtacular WOD will be in store for tomorrow.
OG last night
Gym was packed and space was at a premium. Worked in with Jay and Paul on the bench press. Kinda rushed into it since I didn't want to mess them up.
10×135, 7×165, 4×185, 2×205, 1×205, 3×185
I think thats accurate. Haven't benched in a while so happy with the work I was able to get in.
Back Squats
7×135, 5×185, 5×225, 5×255, 5×275, 5×275
Piece of cake. Rested at the top as needed. Bar moved fast the whole way through.
Got some bar MU work in before leaving. Warmed up with hip to bar pulls. Missed first couple of attempts but then was able to consistently get singles. About a dozen or so I wasn't really counting. Failed every time I tried to string more than 1 together tho. These remain a work in progress but very happy with how far I've come since 16.3.
Noon class today
WOD 21ish minutes deadlifts @ 275/255 Box Jumps RX'd
Partnered with Thomas. Started at 275 for the first round with sets of 4 reps. That turned into singles after the 9th rep. Decided to drop to 255 after that with sets of 4, then 3 towards the end. I consistently had trouble keeping my back straight and shoulders back towards the end of each round and had a bunch of what felt like really ugly pulls. David gave me some pointers to help but it never felt right. Got it done tho.
Box Jumps just kept it moving as best I could. Missed one attempt in the last round but other than that no issues. I was totally spent after this but my walk home in the rain was definitely worse.
Yesterday — ran a fundraiser "indoor relay marathon" thing with coworkers at the Armory (168th street, sadly, not the brooklyn one). This was SUPER fun & a good way for me to test my mile pace (repeatedly). Went a lot better than I thought it would. I've been running a lot more recently, but all long slow distance around 80% MHR (ie "race walking").
Today — respectfully declining to do high rep deadlifts. Came in to OG to do Monday's workout instead. Thanks Coach Lauren for helping me find a spot! So many people fitnessing today.
Scaled to 40 reps and just finished at the 21 minute mark.
Rings dips are hard; had a little debate with myself about scaling to 30 but I heard Captain Osorio telling me to just f!@#$! stick with it. Probably did not perform all of them to games standards (P=1), but I tried. Wall balls only sucked a little.
What's the theory behind box-over jumps? I guess if I wanted to cycle them it would be harder than a regular box jump, but since I am merely human it kinda just felt like I got a little extra step and turnaround of rest. If I'm not cycling does it make more sense to do regular box jumps?
@GD – Keep coming in. You're in good hands with Ro as you know and we're all here for you.
@Kayleigh – you and Charlie amaze me! Congratulations on obliterating this work-out.
I got in early and did 4 rounds of:
20 reverse lunges
3 strict HSPUs w 1 abmat
1 rope climb
Workout in 15:50 with Paula
12 Deadlifts @153 — 2 sets of 6 with 3 breaths after first set
12 Box jumps @24" — consistent
This was a deadlift challenge for me. Each round which was fine in the first set given the rest, and increasingly difficult in the 2nd set. The difference bw dead stop and bounce was huge though so I'm glad i was able to keep it to 2 sets. I'm also happy about maintaining my back position. I really tried to fight for the last couple reps with my legs and not my back. It felt super hard but not "bad"
OHS: worked up to something heavy. 95×3 PR (PR from last week for 1 rep was 93) then 100×2 PR (!)
15ish Snatch singles at 73, tried 78 a few times but just didn't commit. I have to work on being patient with the pull and not shooting my hips up at the start.
Strict press 63x3x3. This was unreasonably hard for whatever reason.
Didn't do today's crush week WOD because I knew I'd be too sore to properly workout for a least 3 days. Instead I did a quick one in about 7 minutes.
5 Hang power cleans
5 pull ups
5 burpees
15 minutes Romwod. Charlie- glad I can inspire you in any way 🙂
Amanda Mc!!! The best!!!
4 of 4 crush week wods done: will I wake up not so beat up that I can do tomorrow's? Time will tell. I did today's at 115# a solid 80% of my 1RM as instructed, but by round three was having to break it into singles, to keep my back properly set. A really tough one for me and in awe of Stella, Corinna, and the other awesome women in the 9 AM who rocked it at vastly heavier weights.
OMG you guys! I am getting such a kick out of weightlifting class lately, and having Josh catch this magical lil moment of triple extension on a snatch attempt (103#, I eventually made it, in this photo the bar flew over my head) was icing on the PR cake! I was just getting used to working on technique and then Frankie started to let me handle heavier weights over the past couple weeks. Good news/bad news, I ripped my hand for the first time this week and had to go into the archives for the excellent hand care articles on the blog. First time for everything.
I also love seeing all the new people coming into class, too, like Latasha, Kiana, Carissa and Juan. But where oh where is my swole sister Jenna J.? An emotional roller coaster is part of the package with weightlifting, to be sure. Still, when I put my head on the pillow each night I like to think about lifting. That's how much I love this class. Thanks for the great pic!
Two posts… starting with OG last night::
Finished Thursday's workout in 10:36… which included a frantic minute of finding another erg where the monitor would actually turn on. I think without that I would've finished well below 10:00. Run was 3:45. Came off the wall at around 5:30 by going 20-5-5 on the HSPU. Pulled a few strokes on the erg and realized the monitor wasn't going to cooperate… thought about quitting but fortunately another erg opened up. Really curious what my actual time would've been.
Did the DL Box Jump thing at noon today. Got crushed by the DL Rx. I think we finished around 22 minutes. Happy with that considering heavy DL are my most feared movement in light of a sidelining injury 18 months ago. 60 DL at 315 is probably as aggressive as I've been on DL in recent history.
Looking forward to whatever is on tap for tomorrow.