Brad L. getting after “Nasty Girls” on Wednesday night. What has been the toughest Crush Week workout for you?
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Tomorrow’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class with Coach Whitney is cancelled, as are our Saturday and Sunday kids classes. Our CrossFit Kids programming will return Monday with new classes and a new schedule!
2. And this week we annouced that new schedule as well as some changes to our kids programs, which will help us better serve our growing community. Next week is a perfect time to check out a CrossFit Kids class if you haven’t already!
3. Evan H.—one of the nicest, funniest guys you’ll ever meet—got the “Better Know a Member” treatment this week. He tells us to always listen to Coach Ro, which is good advice because…
4. Coach Ro took 3rd place in the 2016 National Masters Weightlifting Championship. Congratulate him next time you see him!
5. Into trivia? Check out Stella Z.’s Smart in DUMBO night!
6. Into seafood? Sign up for our seasonal fish CSA with Big City Fish Share!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: 2011 Regionals Event #1
I Only Look Like This Because I Have Good Genetics… Miranda Oldroyd
David Osorio says
Saturday's Programming
Team WOD
In teams of two (Male + Female), partners alternate full rounds to complete 10 Rounds for Time of:
12 Deadlift 315/205
12 Box Jump 30/24
Partner 1 completes 15 Deadlifts and 15 Box Jumps, then Partner 2 Completes 15 Deadlifts and 15 Box Jumps, alternating until both partners have completed 5 rounds each.
Load on the Deadlift should be heavy for you, upward of 80-85% of your 1RM. The box should be a challenging height for you as well.
Post partners and times to comments.
Allie B says
Read tomorrow's workout and shuddered in fear remembering the 55 155# deadlifts in the open and the fact that I had a fever and thought I had the flu for two days after that workout.
I am actually AFRAID of trying a deadlift tomorrow. Oh gosh… Who wants to be my partner at 75#!?!?
Crush week was really, really fun compared to the open. Lol. The hardest one for me was def the 50s wod on Monday: hardest to power through. I cant wait to have 50 pistols and muscle ups though, so I can try nasty girls v2 someday!! It's been a really fun week!!! Good job, guys!
Sean says
730 last night
WOD rx'd 12:06
Run in 3:54
HSPU 3:42
Row 4:30
Run was easy. HSPU broken up as 5/5/5/5/4/3/3. Row was miserable for the first 800 meters. Emptied the tank the last 200. I dislike rowing… especially 1000 meters.
Class finished the WOD with 20 minutes or so to spare so everyone started doing random movements on their own. Did some jump rope work (Alternating single foot, DUs, and Crossovers) and worked on some bar muscle ups.
Sean says
And I'd have to agree with @Allie…. Mondays pseudo regional workout has been the hardest so far. We'll see if that changes tomorrow.
MattyChm says
Each of these Crush Week workouts had one element that stuck out.
50 Ring Dips from Monday
150 Pistols from Wednesday
30 HSPUs from Thursday
Predicting 75 deadlifts at 315# on Saturday and the 100 Bar Muscle Ups for Time programmed for Sunday will be just as terrible.
Steve says
6am with McDowell doing tomorrow's work.. woof
30:24 at 275# partnered with BK. 75 heavy deadlifts are a lot. 275 is 78.5% and I would have really struggled to go much heavier.
Deadlifts 5-5-5 for first round then 6-5-4 for next 4
Box jumps slow and steady – used the 30" foam boxes and I highly recommend them since both BK and I ate it a few times and your shins will thank you.
This one takes the cake for me for being the toughest. Thankfully it was a partner wod so got some rest between deadlifts. That last round is something special. Switch grip, especially for volume, really bothers my hip so I did these all hook grip. Holy hell my thumbs feel like I put them through a grinder. Kudos to Super Karl and anyone else doing this at 315#.
I refuse to pick anything up for the next day so if I drop anything on the ground I will just stare at it for the next day.
Stella says
I initially intended to do tomorrow's workout today, but then realized: hey, I don't have to modify it at all, and I don't have to bug a coach to figure out how to modify yesterday's! So I did yesterday's, and…oof, I'm both excited for tomorrow to do a Crush Week workout Rx and scared to do 75 deadlifts at 205.
Anyway, yesterday's work with a second 1000m run instead of rowing, and 40# DB push press right arm only, in 13:45. I just had a cortisone shot on the left wrist yesterday and it's feeling considerably better, but definitely not all the way fixed and I figured I had no business putting any stress on it at all.
Brendan B says
7am with Nick doing tomorrow's work
24:32 @ 225# with Juan
It took me a solid week to feel more like a human and less like a walking bag of cells after 16.4. Needless to say, tacking another 25 deadlifts onto the killer portion of that workout made me nervous. This is 75% of my 1RM and moved much better today. 8/7 for the first few rounds, then 7/5/3 and 5/3/3/2/2. Box jumps at 30" were much harder than anticipated. Thankfully didn't eat shit.
Monday's workout was definitely the toughest for me. That's a big set of ring dips.
Charles says
15:32 with Howie @125#
splits 1:20-1;23 for the first 3, then 1:37 and 1:41 to wrap.
worked on some pullups after and got 2, count 'em 2 in a row twice. (woohoo).
cashed out with 500 m row. I need to get a deadlift max to make this more realistic.
First ever crush week.
Wednesday was my toughest, by far, as measured by the closest to make me puke scale.
I need the day of rest tomorrow.
Natalie says
6 am with McDowell doing tomorrow's workout. I had to take 2 days off after 16.4 and haven't been deadlifting reguarly so I tried to stay conservative on the weight at #165 which is about 75% for me (I think). I did the first and last round unbroken and split the rest up 8-7. I wore a belt and am so glad I did b/c my lower back doesn't hate me right now. Box jumps were to 24" and I wiped out on a couple woops! My legs were so dead after this. We finished this one in 29:27. Fun way to get back to it after going on vacation for a week!
Shawn Campbell says
7 am with Nick
I partnered with Rachel. I did 125# which should have felt lighter given that I did 155 55 times for 16.4( though it took me nearly 13 mins.). It just felt so heavy and I was going to back off but Nick kept me honest and safe by directing me to set my back each lift. Most of the last two rounds were singles. I'm not sure of our time but it was way more me than my partner….28 mins plus?
24" box jumps are high when you're 5'2" and I crashed onto my knees three times. I'm madly in love with the foam pyloboxes and would not have the nerve to wood box jump 24" 75 reps. It just hurts too much and scars too permanently and I do think it might get warm enough someday for summer clothes.
Yes, this was the crushiest of crush week.
Samir Chopra says
10AM with McNoah
Thursday's workout with 1000m rows and 35lb DB push-presses. Finished in 11:31
Lauren says
Open gym extravaganza
Feeling confident today
Hit 45 a few times and went right for 50kg which felt easy! My best is 51 so I made 3 attempts at 52kg.
First attempt was right where I wanted it, but I think I was shocked and just dropped it in front. Other two attempts I didn't commit in the shoulders.
3 sets of:
Skin the cat
Lever :08 with left leg bent
Lever :08 with right leg bent
Skin the cat
Fun! Like old times.
500m at 2:10 pace, which is pretty much maximal for me, then continued with
1500m w feet out of straps focusing on cues from Nick. Gradually increasing power.
Really feeling my hamstrings, esp left
113 x 3
133 x 2
143 x 2
153 x 1 x 2 – this is 2# less than my best single so wanted to get a double. Third attempt I bailed the first – lost thoracic position. On all of these at 153 I was having trouble getting a good breath to brace out of the rack
3 rounds
16 GHD
10 GHR — :02 pause, last round arms overhead
10 push ups — :02 pause on tension at the bottom, paying close attention to positions to trouble shoot left shoulder pain
Took a long yoga class this afternoon and was really looking forward to lifting tonight. I like this combination in the same day, but not immediately back to back.
Great night with everyone in the gym 🙂
Jenny M says
OG tonight. Everything felt heavy
Hbbs: worked up to 3×3 at 163. (80%)
Front squat: 3×2 at 143 (85%)
Clean and jerks , did a bunch of singles at 95.
Did some strict pull ups, kipping pull ups and then a double under showdown.
Hoping tomorrow feels better.