4 Rounds NFT
15 Erg Pulls
5-10 Pull-Ups
5 HSPU or 2-3 Wall Kick-Ups/Walk-Ups
Start the HSPU with 3 AbMats and work your way down to the ground.
Post work to comments.
2011 Regionals Event #1
For Time:
1000m Run
30 Handstand Push-Ups
1000m Row
At the 2011 Regionals, there was a 15 minute time cap on this event. We will not be imposing the 15 minute time cap but aim to use a Handstand Push-Up version that allows you to move through them relatively smoothly without failing early on. Kipping is allowed but you must maintain control of your bodyweight with your arms, i.e., no crashing or resting on your head. The 1000m Run is 1 lap + 4th Ave. to 3rd Ave. and back. All runs start in the direction of 4th Ave. Subs for Handstand Push-Ups are as follows:
Reduced ROM: 2 AbMats, 1 AbMat
Reduced Load: Box Piked HSPU, Dumbbell Push Press
If substituting with DB Push Press, then choose a challenging weight that you can perform 7-10 reps unbroken when fresh.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Like the looks of this seafood bounty? Then sign up for our seasonal fish CSA!
- Today’s 9am Yoga class with Jaclyn K. is cancelled. Thursday Yoga with Jaclyn will resume next week.
- Don’t forget that our CrossFit Kids progamming is on a one-week hiatus. We’ll be back Monday with a new schedule!
Sign Up for Our Seasonal Fish CSA! Discount for Early Birds + Call for Co-coordinator!
Last summer, we brought in a new fish CSA partner and were blown away by the quality and freshness of their fish! Lucky for you, registration is now open for the 2016 season, which runs weekly from June 11 til late fall.
Big City Fish Share, now in its fifth season, delivers sustainably caught, never-frozen, super-fresh seafood from Montauk to New York City. You can sign up for a weekly share of either 1 pound or 2 pounds of filleted fish, littleneck clams, or oysters. Sign up by June 7th, and lock in $16 per pound for the whole season. After June 7th, the price will go back to $17 per pound.
The delivery window will be Saturday mornings, 10am to 12pm, starting June 11. This is a weekly, not monthly, share.
Customers can sign up for 4 deliveries at a time, and can easily place their orders on hold through the website if they go out of town. Any funds left in your account at the end of the season will be returned to you by check. Expect a good variety of fish, including big-eye tuna, squid, founder, fluke, swordfish, black sea bass, bluefish, porgy, and monkfish.
If you are interested in splitting a free share in exchange for volunteering to run the Saturday morning pickup every other week, contact Michele, below.
Any other questions? E-mail bigcityfishshare [at] gmail.com. For general CSA questions, e-mail Michele at mignyc [at] gmail.com.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Nasty Girls V2
Bill Starr on Overtraining
$1240 Dumbbells? Yes, $1240 Dumbbells
MattyChm says
Three Crush Week workouts in a row and certainly feeling it. I think I nodded off in the elevator just now.
WOD Rx'd in 15:24.
The run was at a good pace but far from what I would call fast.
The HSPUs were 8/3/2 and then singles thereafter. Failed a handful in there.
The row was at a 1:52-1:54 pace for the most part and dipped into 1:40s at the end.
So ready for a rest day manana.
Sean says
830 last night with Noah
Nasty Girls w/ scaled MUs : 16:08 or somewhere around there
I was going to do V.2 but decided that since i was going to give MUs a shot that the pistols would take too much time. In retrospect I should have done the pistols. First time hitting MUs in a WOD for me so very happy about that. First round did 3 strict, second round 4 with a kip, and the 3rd round did the 7 with a kip all of these as singles. Need to learn how to stay up on the rings next.
Squats were fine round 1 unbroken, broke round 2 into 35/15 and round 3 30/20 just cause.
Hang Power Cleans at #135 also were fine. Broke up all 3 rounds as 5/5 probably could have gone unbroken for atleast rounds 1 and 2 but my focus was mainly on the getting MUs so I wasn't overly concerned about speeding through the clean, or the squats for that matter. Fun stuff, hopefully see this one again and I can do RX.
James A says
6am with Jess and JB
16:35 Rx
Well at least the run went well – partnered with Steve H for a nice brisk jog.
HSPU 5-4-2 until 21 then singles rest of the way.
Row kept 1:55 and under.
Definitely taking tomorrow off. Around 600m into the row I felt yesterday's pistols sneaking up on me. Something about hydrogen ion, ask Fox. My lactic acid theory was shattered this morning.
jonathan g says
7am with jess
really great couching from jess around keeping momentum with kipping pull ups. practice practice practice.
regionals event was a little rough. decided to try the kipping hspus and i think, for me, this was an exercise in pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and learning how (not) to do something. finished around 19:29 (srsly those hspus were rough) but had the thurs team cheering me to the last row. thanks guys.
Charles says
8 AM with Fox.
Kicked up to a few handstands, did my first pullups (I think ever) in the
first part of the class (squealed a bit).
9:36 for the WOD with piked HSPU on the box.
Fox suggested some push presses so I did 30 of those after @25#.
more p/u work after.
This was my jam.
BK says
6am w/ J^2
10:12 Rx. My goal was 10 minutes today, and it was in my sights leaving the wall. Some might consider my run a jog this morning. Probably should have run. HPSUs were good today, 14-9-4-3. I came off the wall a bit, forcing me to reset on the last 3. I felt all 150 pistols in the row today, no leg power.
Run: 4:30ish, HSPUs: 1:30ish, Row: 3:47 plus transitions. Transitions killed me, especially getting the erg after coming off the wall at the 6min mark.
Brendan B says
7am with Jess and JB
Metcon – 14:32
I avoid HSPUs like the plague. Today was the day to suck it up and try them. Failed my first three kick ups warming up. Got the fourth and just started moving, first to three ab mats, then two. Did enough that I figured going to two ab mats in the workout would be cool. All were strict in 6/6/4/4/3/3/2/2. Two kick up failures in there and 2 fails to lockout on a couple sets. Failing those things sucks. Stoked to be able to have some version of these in the arsenal now.
Run was fast and rad. Row was slow and miserable — struggled to stay under 2:00 pace.
Chas C. says
8 a.m. w/CTMFox.
Tried my first-ever wall kick-ups. Did not succeed, but got good tips on trying again. Getting up to the wall but in a sort of cringy way and then falling over. Afraid of stretching my legs out, it seems. Recurring theme for me in recent weeks, between this and movements with the bar over my head: fear of commitment! (go ahead, say it: THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID.) Will try to iron this out in warm-ups going forward.
Metcon w/box-piked push-ups: 12:06. Fatigue led me to sandbag the row a bit but Fox called me out on it and got me to finish strong. Thanks, Fox!
michele says
free fish? really?
I'm looking for someone to split the Fish CSA coordinator duties with me. You would staff the pickup one or two Saturday mornings per month from 10am-12 noon; for every Saturday you work, you'd get a free fish share that same day.
Email me if you're interested: mignyc at gmail dot com.
Steve says
6am with Jess^2
15:59 Rx
Run with James in around 4:05-4:10
HSPU 9-4 then 3s, 2s, and singles all mixed in no sensible order. Two fails mixed in as well.
Row at 1:48 pace until last 100m when Jess had me pick it up to 1:35 pace
Fun workout. Two things I am good at sandwiching something I suck at. Second time doing kipping HSPU so happy to get all 30. Jess told me during the warm-ups to make my kip bigger and wish I had remembered that before HSPU #25 since it made them so much easier..
lady fox says
11am solo
15:31 rx'd
-this was a hard one to do solo. I didn't run very fast (~4:40), rested a lot between hspu's and died on the erg. kinda surprised that I didn't just quit.
-went in thinking that I'd be able to do 5's on the hspu but only got one set of those and then mostly 3's and 2's. my shoulders and triceps are smoked from the past days programming so these felt incredibly challenging today. took about 5 mins here.
-row started out great and around a 1:59 pace. That was my 2k pace so I thought for sure I could hold it for 1k. wrong. held it strong until 400m where my legs kindly reminded me of yesterday's pistols. dropped to about 2:15/2:20 splits and just tried not to cry.
i also am welcoming a rest day tomorrow.
Fox says
10am class
Did this as row/hspu/row in 15:11. Very frustrating day for my handstand push ups, right shoulder felt jammed up so I would up doing 15 sets of 2…
Inspired by JB and Harps, I signed up for the Crow Hill Open in July. Can't let Arturo be the only old guy having fun throwing barbells around.
Kayleigh R says
WOD with piked handstand pushups in some amount of time – honestly not sure. I think I remember seeing 18 something on the clock and had a 5 minute delay, so lets just say 14 minutes. Was more focused on the row time – tried to keep the split under 2:00 the whole time and was happy to finish that in 3:54.
Brad D says
6am at stone coat crossfit in rocklike Maine.
12 minutes of diy-ish hspu work. I worked up to paralettes with strict hspu.
Workout was nft. I got through 4 rounds in the time left during class but it was written as 5:
250m erg sprint
5 hang snatches
10 hspu
15 t2b
My initial impression was that this is a perfectly serviceable travel gym for the duration of my project, but not a place I'd want to train for a long stint. Facilities were nice and the staff seemed to have it together, but the programming from what I can see in the last few weeks seems unsophisticated, and I got a few coaching tips this morning that I actually strongly disagreed with. I'll be going back in the near future though, so we'll see if my opinion evolves.
Ben Lock says
5:30 class with Ro and Whit
WOD RX'ed in 10:34.
Finished the run in 3:45 only because I took #Pennythepup with me and the run turned into a sprint right off the bat
HSPU: 12/8/4/3/3
Row: 3:50
I got off the wall about :40 later than I planned at 6:40 bc I failed 1 HSPU.
I fell off the wall once or twice that took a few seconds off but otherwise I don't think I could have gone any faster except speeding up the row.
I haven't been at the gym consistently for 2 weeks since I moved which is frustrating me. It'll get better once I get my bike back in action.
KLove says
WOD in 17:26 with 1 ab mat
Run: sandbagged it and took my time. Probably should've pushed myself harder but wasn't in the mood.
HSPUs: 1 ab mat, sets of 4 quickly went to singles. It took me 6.5 minutes to do them but I'm SO happy because I haven't ever done that many reps in a WOD with 2 ab mats.
Row: 4:16
Charlie says
500M row
2 rounds
5 x T2B
10 x OHS
10 x push-ups
45 x 5, 60 x 5, 65 x 3, 68 x 3, 77 x 3
Bench press
70 x 10 x 5
5:30 class with Whit and Ro
5 x HSPU
5 x pull-ups
15 erg pulls
WOD- Rx in 14:59
HSPU's were tough- 5-5-3 then mixed sets of 3, 2 and singles. Whit told me to bring my knees further apart during the warm-up and it finally clicked towards the end when they got really hard. Happy with how these are coming along. I managed to save some energy to really sprint the last 100m of the row. Which is never fun.
Went for a run straight after- managed 6:74 miles at 8:40 per mile which was one hell of a cash out! Ran down to the piers and back. So pretty outside tonight.
Ran today so I can rest tomorrow 🙂
Jenny M says
7:30 with Ro and Nick
WOD with 14 hspu (no ab mat). I was going to do 15 but I failed the 15th twice so I moved on so I didn't come crashing down onto my head.
Run was 4:20, row was 4:05
Did 20 minutes of Romwod after.