Muscle-Up Work
Perform 10-15 transitions on the low rings.
Focus on achieving the correct positions throughout and not just getting from A to B.
Watch these 2 short videos before coming to class: Video 1 Video 2
Every other minute on the minute x 7:
3/2/1 Strict Muscle-Ups
Use a false grip and be sure to start with extended elbows.
Post work to comments.
In teams of three with one person working at a time, partners alternate full rounds…
30 total rounds for time of:
12 KB Swings 32/24kg
6 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20″
Post times to comments.
Lauren B. after cranking out a set of Deadlifts in 16.4. Isn’t it weirdly satifying to bail a Deadlift? | Photo by Thomas H.
- Schedule Change: Today’s 11am Active Recovery class is cancelled, but you can still get your AR in on Sunday at 11am!
Inka H. Is Back!
Our beloved Inka H. is back in Brooklyn for a hot minute and available to do some bodywork at CFSBK. Many members can attest to her magic! Here’s what she’d like you to know:
“I left Brooklyn about 2 years ago to study some of the most cutting edge techniques in bodywork, and I am excited to be in NY for a short time to offer some bodywork to my old CFSBK fam! I have been fortunate to study the KMI method of Structural Integration (AKA Rolfing) with Tom Myers, Nerve and Artery Manipulation with Kirsten Schumaker, Anatomy in Motion (AIM), and advanced biomechanics and visceral work with Liz Gaggini.
I’ll be offering sessions April 2nd through the 5th, and April 11th at the gym . Please email me directly for times and to set up appointments: inka.hodes [at] gmail [dot] com. First sessions are typically 1.5 hours ($140 per session).”
Crazed Heavy-Metal Drummer Accompanies “I’m a Little Teapot” Boing Boing
Worked on MU transition on the low rings.
Partner WOD in 27:15 with Allie C and Alex
Lots of fun!
Swings: Did the first 2 rounds +10/12 on the third round as American swings. Round 4/5 were Russian, rounds 6-9 were half American/half Russian, round 10 did 9-3 American/Russian. First WOD where I did 24kg American swings. I've only ever attempted the 20kg bell a few times so that's some major progress! Some Amer. swings were not quite high enough or I didn't get my head through but it's a start!
Burpee box jumps: Took a few rounds for us to figure out how to do them efficiently.
10am class today.
Muscle up transition work went fine. I really thought I was going to get my first MU during 16.whatever, but I stood there at 10 reps for most of the workout. I feel like I'm –> <– this close to getting my first muscle-up…
Partnered with Paul and Samir for the WOD, which I really enjoyed! About halfway through Samir got into a very graceful burpee-to-box transition and I followed his lead for the rest of the workout. RX weight, 5 rounds american then 5 russian. Switching to russian gave me just a little extra energy to go all-out on the burpees, which felt really good ("good" in this context means just starting to redline at the end of each round). We finished in 26:11, everyone moving very smooth throughout.
HEY RUNNERS! We're looking for a few intrepid souls to join us for a Ragnar Trail event at the end of September! Come for camping, trail running, friends, and questionable post-race nutrition decisions! Here's the race we're looking at, 50 miles from NYC:
Email david (dot) packer (at) if you're interested!
10AM with McMelo
Did one strict muscle-up per round for the first six rounds, then two per round for the last two to finish up with a total of ten muscle-ups.
WOD @24kg bell and 24" box. Partnered with Packer and Paul. We finished in 26:0x. Paul and Packer used a 32kg bell.
Good times.
Packer is right. We finished in 26.11.
1pm class
Worked on strict MUs which are hard. I got a few though. The more I focused on keeping close to the body like superman the better they went.
Partnered with MKatz and Andrew
Scaled up to the blue 36kg bell and finished in 24:55. Closest I've felt to meeting pukie in a loooong time.
Then AMRAP puppy play which was much more enjoyable.
My heart wasn't into doing today's WOD solo after coaching a few afternoon classes so…
Racked after 8. Move to 205 for 3×8 next week.
Superduper set
Swol central bros!!
Had fun streaming this live while Bobby and I got a workout in @ CFPOP
Jerk @55% 3×5~ felt ok, no pain, but slowly building back up sucks
FSQT @75% x3
@ 85% x 3
@95% x3
used a belt cause back feels kinda fried…. consensus: I don't like belts…at all
2K Row
3 R
10 GHD situps w/ 14WB
10 stability ball hamstring curls… old school
Muscle Up work is always interesting – tried to focus on not jumping too much to work on ring dips a bit). My team finished the WOD in 27:29. Definitely the most times I have ever had 24 kg overhead, but went better than I thought. Tried to work efficiency on the later rounds of burpee box jumps by not doing a stutter step before jumping. Watched BK a lot on this one as a model.
Saturday OG:
I came in determined to break through on my snatches. Spoiler: it did not happen – yet. I feel like I own 103 now, but 108 is illusive (a one time PR). Failed forward, failed backwards. Lots of good tips from the Foxes. Went home and watched a few that I had recorded and had a major realization. My left foot always comes a little forward when I clean and snatch, which until now, has never been an issue. But today, the difference was noticeable and caused my right knee to keep coming down on most reps. I foresee a lot of footwork practice in my future.
Repeated the 1/2 Cindy from last week and was happy to improve this time around: 6 rounds plus 1 pull up.
Back Squat
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 165 x 5, 190 x 5, 220 x 5
Front Squat
95 x 10 x 5
135 x 5, 185 x 1, 200 x 5, 230 x 5, 260 x 5
Think I need to lower my training max for deadlift as this felt heavy today.
1PM class with Fox and Noah.
Muscle-up transitions- they didn't make me want to cry today so that's progress! Watching the videos posted above before class actually helped a lot as did the coaches' demo.
WOD with Dan and the amazingly fast Steph ( love you blog lurker mwah!)
26.55 Rx
Got over my fear of swinging ing that green KB overhead. Need to remember- wrists forward, arms locked out. This was fun and hard!
2 rounds
15 x GHD sit-ups
10 x abwheel.
Pull-up pyramid
Couldn't get the second set of 5 today.
Snatch practice- pause at knee, pause at high hang, high hang snatch. Focused on weight in back of heels at high hang and jumping up without dipping or jumping forward. Over and over at light weight.
Soooo awesome to see Inka today! Looking forward to hopefully booking in with her while she is here. If you get a chance, do it- she is incredible.
Congrats Arturo! That's an amazing accomplishment, especially considering you were on crutches this time last year. So inspiring.
Ro!!! So awesome!
OG today
OHS: 63×3, 73×3,83×3, 88×2, 93×1 PR. 95F , 95F
Overhead was shaky. Need to externally rotate better.
Snatch: worked up to 73 and hit that with varying degrees of prettiness about 10-12 times. A few fails, several power snatches and a few good ones.
Did some t2b and rowing after.
RO takin home the hardware!!!! HAIIIIIIII!!!
CJ, Heavy Single (80,85,90%)x2 of HS
Snatch (80, 85, 90%)x2
255, 275, 285
275, 290(f), was feeling good so went for the 290…just didn't put the head through.
FSQ, 75%x3x6
Heavy rack holds