Every other minute on the minute for 15 minutes (8 total reps):
1 Snatch
Work up to a max for the day.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds for Time:
10 Push Presses 95/65
10 Pull-Ups
25 Double-Unders
Scale weight as appropriate so the Push Presses are light enough to be done unbroken. Scale volume or degree of difficulty (Ring Rows, or Banded or Jumping Pull-Ups) with the same intention. The sub for Dubs is 10-15 attempts + makes, or 50 Single-Unders if your Doubles are a work in progress.
Post times to comments.
CFSBK Open Intramural Team Competition: Final Results
The run up to Open Workout 16.5 was shrouded in secrecy. After Your Pace Or Mine? had punched, kicked, and eye-gouged their way into a one-point lead by Week 4 over The Little Lebowski’s Urban Achievers, both team captains denied the media access to their practices and locker rooms.
Sources close to the team have indicated that Urban Achievers captain Duane Roggendorff banned the soothing California soft rock of The Eagles from his locker room and repeatedly held mandatory screenings of The Big Lebowski until his players ran out of the room screaming “Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man!” And according to another source, Your Pace captain Michael Crumsho reportedly took his team members’ smartphones away while gruffly muttering “Smartphones weaken knees,” although that sounds like Mick from Rocky to me (probably shouldn’t trust that source).
The Open Intramural Team Competition was decadent and depraved, if you consider ending in a tie to be decadent and depraved, which I absolutely do. There’s an old saying in sports: “A tie is like kissing your sister.” It’s a pretty weird saying when you think about it, unless you’re this dude from Yahoo Answers who thinks the tie is a necktie. In that case, it’s extremely weird. Anyway, both teams brought their best in Open Workout 16.5. Your Pace posted an excellent score of 18 points, but it wasn’t enough to overcome the Urban Achievers backboard-shattering 15 points, their best score of the competiton. After rounding, both teams finished with 21 points. You are encouraged to suggest comical tie-breakers in the comments.
Around the rest of the league, All Castro Oiled Up successfully defended their claim to 3rd place. You guys can stop being oiled up now. No, seriously. Please stop. It’s worrying everyone. The Sore Winners weren’t far behind in 4th place and were nearly disqualified after rumors swirled that Barbara K. was using PEDs (turned out it was PEZ, the candy). In the battle for 5th, Blue Steel prevailed over It’s My Open. The lesson here is that trash talking kind of works but not really.
This inaugural season was a complete success. Thanks to everyone who competed, captained, cheered, and made it fun.
Current Ranking – Team – Overall Average (Week 5 Points)
1. Your Pace or Mine?: 21 (18)
1. The Little Lebowski Urban Achievers: 21 (15)
3. All Castro Oiled Up: 25 (22)
4. Sore Winners: 28 (21)
5. Blue Steel: 30 (26)
6. It’s My Open and I’ll WOD If I Want To: 31 (30)
Open Leaderboards
Wondering how you stacked up against your fellow CFSBKers in the Open? Here are all of our leaderboards!
- Overall Leaderboard
- Men’s Leaderboard
- Women’s Leaderboard
- Men’s Masters Leaderboard (40-44)
- Women’s Masters Leaderboard (40-44)
- Men’s Masters Leaderboard (45+)
- Women’s Masters Leaderboard (45+)
(NOTE: There are technically a few divisions between 45 and 60; however, in the latter two, we only had a couple of competitors in each division. We combined everyone 45+ to make it easier to view.)
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Row/Front Squats
The Deranged True Story of Heavy Metal Parking Lot Deadspin
Exercise Slows Brain Aging By 10 Years Time
Brad D says
Just watched the video of Ro vs. Boz in 16.3… 2017 open goal is beat Ro and Boz.. and DO.
Brad D says
I suggest a tie breaker of 14.4 during OG on Sunday night. Little Lebowski Urban Achievers FTW!!! Prepare for war!!!
MattyChm says
6am with JB and JF
It has been a while since I have done a full squat snatch and these actually went pretty well. Started at 115# and ended up at 165#. Came forward on my toes a few times but was able to stand it up.
WOD Rx'd in 7:42.
Push Presses all unbroken
Pull Ups unbroken except for the last two rounds because ugly things started to happen to my kip.
DUs went well. One trip up on each of the second and fifth rounds. The rest were unbroken.
Stella says
Tiebreak: Best finish at the crossword tournament? C'mon guys, it's this weekend! (And it's the only way I'd ever be able to contribute to my team's success.)
Brad D's Mother says
Are you late-night drinking and blog commenting again?
Charles says
7 AM with Jess and JB.
ugly, ugly snatches, but they feel great when you hit them:
started at 65#, got decently under 75#, failed miserably @80# and ended with
one that felt great at 70#
WOD is 8:55 with 65# push press (all unbroken), jumping pullups and singles.
fun wod for me.
shouldn't the tiebreak winner be the team least in Bro-ville?
Chas C. says
7 a.m. w/Jess & JB.
EOMOM Snatch: got to 125 and then got it to go up after a few missed attempts. Some helpful reminders from JB & Jess on the way meant more good lifts than bad this morning, as well as a plan to correct my form and to break through this plateau I'm kind of at now. As noted CrossFit star Sheryl Crow once sagely told us, "every [snatch] day is a winding road."
Metcon: 10:36 @ Rx'ed weight, 1/2 vol. blue-band strict pull-ups, s/u's. On the one hand, wanted to be sub-10 here. On the other hand, very happy I learned from 16.5 and was able to burn through the push presses using my legs and not turning them into jerks. Pull-ups still a work in progress but need to keep at them rather than defaulting to rings.
I second the crossword tournament tiebreak option. Crossword, crossfit… same prefix, same thing. Facts.
Daniel (possible James doppelgänger) says
Hi CFSBK. Yesterday was my first time ever, I came for the early 6am and I felt compelled to come clean about leaving my weights out after the workout. I was really tired and this nice young strapping man came and put them away for me. Very grateful to that kind stranger with the tone calves and big biceps. ?
I did happen to notice that a few people were picking on this James character and I do apologize. He sounds like a great guy that got blamed for something he wasn't even a part of. Truly sorry mate. Looking forward to spending more time here and getting stronger!
Michael C. says
Only one fair way to resolve this intramural logjam – both teams take a crack at the taco leaderboard. Should no one dethrone Jeremy and ascend to the top spot, sole possession of first place goes to the team that eats the most tacos.
Brad says
I'll do a tie breaker. Obviously Brad vs. Brad has to be one of the matchups.
MattyChm says
Well I think it's clear that we all owe James an apology.
Ben S says
7am with Jess and JB.
EMOM snatch up to 85#. Insight- the snatch is a humbling movement that can go wrong in all sorts of ways. But it feels really friggin good when you hit it.
Metcon- 11:00. Scaled to 85#, 5 chin ups, 15 DUs so I could finish in a reasonable time. Had to break up the push press into 6-4 in rounds 4 and 5. Fun, love shoulder-y wods.
James's Man Bun says
Brendan B says
7am with Jess & JB
Snatch EOMOM
Worked up to 115# here for a new PR. Form felt real good today, and actually had a couple fails because I wasn't expecting the bar to go up as fast as it did. Limiter for me was standing it up, which I guess means I need to do some OHS work.
WOD @ 85# – 12:02
First round unbroken on all movements which was big for me. All other rounds were 5/5 on the push press. Doubles only had a couple trip ups total through the 4th round, and then the 5th was a mess. Pullups in sets ranging from 5s to doubles. I have no idea how I finished so slow. Really didn't feel like I stopped moving. JB thinks I maybe did a sixth round. Will go with that to make myself feel better about it.
Stella says
Just saw Brad's comment yesterday (about DO preferring an astronaut nutrition pill to food). Yeah, I remember that QOD, and I remember the surprised look on DO's face when everybody else in class immediately answered, "duh, I'd rather have food than a nutrition pill" without so much as a whiff of internal dialogue.
Yup. Food all the way. And why does it have to have calories?
James A says
6am with the lady J's
Warmed up to 95# and stayed there. Shoulders said no more.
WOD 10:14 Rx. Major issues on the double unders today. 3 then trip, 2 trip, 6 trip. Everything else was unbroken.
Wow Daniel, that's great to hear. You sound like a standup guy. No big deal about the weights yesterday glad Matty was there to help out. Can't wait to meet you. Welcome to CFSBK good sir.
Steve says
6am with Jess^2. Very entertained by the intramural write-up. I'd like to see a Michael C vs DO taco eating contest for the win.
Hip and back are still bothering me from the clean workout so just took it easy at 95#. James did have two barbells out for the snatch and kept giving people bambi eyes when it came time to clean up. Maybe if he would have let his man bun down and expose that luxurious mane.
WOD – 11:05 Rx. Took my time to make sure I had good bracing on all of this to avoid aggravating my back/hip.
Push press – 10×3, 7-3, 6-4
Pull-ups – 10×2, 7-3, 6-4, 4-3-3
DUs – trip up first round then unbroken. I went back to my old cable and they came right back but man that thick cable tires out my arms
Oh and I was 10/10 on Corgi Butt or Slice of Bread
Kayleigh R says
Snatch: Started at 83, worked up to 103, then two fails at 108. The road up to the last two snatches was feeling solid – no fails and just one long walk Matty style save at 93#. But 108 is my PR and the number easily gets in my head. I've realized in the past few months that I have been really consistent with my heavy olympic lifts (which is a positive), but unable to break new PR ground. More of a mental game than anything else now.
WOD: 9:54 (or was is 52) with 6 pull-ups per round instead of 10. Doubles got better each round. Push press all unbroken. Pull-ups mainly 3-2-1.
Josh S. says
tbh I sort of agree with DO. Before 5pm, astronaut pills would be great. after 5pm, food all the way.
David Osorio says
Yesterday's picture made even me uncomfortable!
2016 is the year of eating food for me! If I plan to crack into that top 6 range next year I'm going to need more than astronaut pills and bar muscle-ups. Especially if I want to handily beat Brad D instead of this kissing your sister tie business.
Very happy with my open performances this year! My goal going into it was top 10 in the men's division and I squeezed into that 9th place slot after two tough performances in .4 and .5. Looking back over my performances I can clearly see that raw capacity was my biggest weakness. 16.4 in particular was a workout that made me more anxious than I've felt about a workout in a while, felt much worse than I thought it would and then afterwards took me way too long to recovery from. I hated it so much!
Onward to Jamaica this week!!!
GD says
Finally back in Brooklyn and spending the last bit of spring break getting back into the swing of things. Currently blogging in bed with Cassidy sprawled on top of me.
Came in with Bobby & Cass this AM. Had to see coach before he's off to Nationals
Power Snatch + OHS (2+1)
65% x 4 — these were ok~
Power Clean @ 70% 3×3
~ felt unorganized
3 Rounds, increasing weight
8 pendlay rows 35/40/45kg
8e Bulgarian split squat with WB 14/18/20#
Went into workout without a meal and just intraworkout protein/carb drinks…had a hefty bagel after. Happy to get back on the eating for performance train.
Whit H says
The blog comments these past few days!! You guys are hilarious!
2016 Open Stats and Reflection:
Region: 721/12,626 = 5.7%
World: 7787/130,180 = 6%
Last year…
1033 in region
11262 in world
Pretty stoked to see this improvement in how I stack up on the leaderboards, even as the field of competition has grown. But the biggest win of this year's open for me was my approach to and plans for the workout.
16.1: When I saw that 20min amrap pop up as the first WOD with oh lunges, I simultaneously knew I could do pretty well with it AND also had the potential to blow up. Doing a little test run and creating a real clear, specific pacing strategy/game for myself made all the difference when I got into the thick of it.
16.2 is the only open WOD that I've ever re-done. Funny thing is that I paced and performed much better the second time, and was on track to finish another full round and break into the next one, but I just let myself give up. Again, happy with my plan of attack, but didn't have the follow-through for the pain cave on that one.
16.3 was a good practice in just having fun and hoping for the best. Previously had only ever done 1 bar MU. Was doing the workout while on the road in Montana (with GIRTHY pull-up bars!) and just didn't want to take myself too seriously (and/or injure myself). Uncovered a good area of opportunity: skills and drills for bar MU's!
(side note: totally bummed that ring MU were not in the open at all this year!)
16.4: again it was all about forethought, strategy, and pacing here (as well as having MeLo whispering sweet nothings in my ear during the wall balls) to have a shot at performing to my potential. In hindsight: just needed to be more conservative on HSPU sets after the first 2×5!
16.5: What a m*therf*cker. I went in determined to not let my mind get the best of me on this one. Again, pacing/strategy was key and I definitely pushed right to my edge.
LOVED the team aspect this year and supporting each other week to week!! GO CFSBK!
Ben Lock says
4:30 with the whit
Snatch felt pretty decent but by no means light today
Started at 145 worked up to 200 in 10# jumps.
Went for 215# which I got overhead and promptly dropped on my head, just like one of those fail videos on YouTube. Would have been a 5# PR but I need to pull back and work on form a little more.
WOD RX'ed in 7:56
I kept tripping up on the heavier rope. It's time to get my own!
Moving to Astoria tomorrow. Still keeping residence at Cfsbk though!
lady fox says
unexpectedly awarded the 9am to move around a bit:
EOMOM for 8 rounds–Hang Power Snatch
63, 73, 73, 83, 83, 93, 93, 98
-didn't want to pull from the floor to guard my back. all felt great though!
Today's WOD:
-push press rx'd, deliberate and unbroken
-scaled pullups to challenging ring rows as I didn't want to go into a dynamic hollow/arch yet. 1st 2 sets unbroken then 6-4, 6-4, 5-3-2. (dudes, ring rows are hard!!!)
-du's only unbroken in rounds 2-4.
@josh, your write-ups for the intramural teams have been fantastic!!! well done. Also, my team captain might not want to put it out there, but if we break it down to the nitty gritty, it's apparent that Your Pace is the winner. #justsayin' But, I'd be happy to do a taco eating contest as a final showdown! Especially since David will just eat a pill instead of eating actual tacos…I think our team has them beat!!!
And final recap on the Open…it was fun, but I'm glad it's over. Got a few bumps and bruises along the way but happy with where I ended up. Finished among the women in the top 5.7% worldwide and 5.4% in the region. Fun to see that as a 37year OLD female, I can hang with some much younger peers! I always say that I wish I started CF when I was in High School…
@david, you're probably an internet sensation with yesterday's photo. 😉
and yes, you all have been killing the blog comments lately!
Ryan L says
Fun night at CFSBK with Ro & Whit.
140 snatch PR. 145 was overhead twice but just out of position on the catch. I'm relatively terrible at this lift and it is by far my favorite. So challenging.
metcon in 7:11 RX.
Charlie says
5 x T2B
10 x push-ups
5 x HSPU
10 x OHS
45 x 5, 55 x 5, 65 x 5, 70 x 5
Bench Press
70 x 10 x 5
5:30 with Ro and Whit
Snatch EOMOM
Stayed at 78# and focused on jumping up not forward.
WOD 7:50 Rx
You guys I got 10 unbroken pull-ups! That's a major PR for me! All DU's after the first round were unbroken. Pull-ups were intuitive three sets after the first round. Fun workout!!
2 rounds
15 x GHD sit-ups
10 x abwheel
Ran to the gym then afterwards ran to the park and did the loop and ran home and I beat last week's time by like 7 mins!! Was chatting with Asha before I left and she inspired me to try running a bit faster. Still figuring out my pace but this was 8:38 minute mile for 6.74 miles which is not too shabby, I think?
Beautiful evening.
JakeL says
Haven't been posting for while.
About 5 weeks away from Nationals in Salt Lake…
Snatch. HS, (80, 85, 90% of HS)x2
(231, 253,264)
CJ (80, 85,90%)x2
(308, 330, 352)x2
Back squat: 80%x3x6
Forgot how crushing this program is.
Charlie says
**Pull-ups were in two or three sets.
Allie B says
I've been keeping a low blog profile (really trying to focus on personal goals and not compare myself–like Whit touched on in the great interview!)
had to give a shoutout to *THE* most consistent team at CFSBK: All Castro Oiled Up. It was such a blast and great to get to push each other and surprise ourselves. Matt was a great captain and our team was super dedicated and supportive.
Josh, you'll feel less concerned when you touch our team's silky smooth skin after we've washed off the oil!!
Anyway, proud I RX'd every workout during the open, got chest to bar pull-ups and now hate burpees more than I ever thought possible.
Also PR'd my snatch tonight at 73# (FINALLY), so that was cool. Bye! Good job everyone!
KLove says
@Josh S. another hilarious write up about the Open. I'm totally game for a "tiebreaker" but one that is more in line with eating or drinking. LFPB Challenge, Iron Maidens, then the Open…physically and mentally exhausted even though all of it was incredible!
@Charlie 10 unbroken pullups!!!!!!
Nice PR @Allie!
Rare 7:30 appearance. Hope I can sleep tonight. Not looking good at this point.
Snatches: 68-73-73-78-83-88-95(F)-95(F)
The bar went up easily for each rep. Bar was too out in front and arms were too soft at the bottom of my attempts at 95. But super happy that I was SO close after a 7# jump! Ro said I pulled the bar off the floor in slo-mo. DO gave the same feedback a few weeks ago so have to remember that next time.
WOD Rx'd 9:33
Goal was unbroken PP, PUs and to do as many DUs as possible in 45s. Almost achieved.
PP: Unbroken but with some pauses.
PUs: first four rounds unbroken, then 8-2. SO close but I lost momentum and was flying all over the place and had to jump off the bar and reset for the last two reps.
DUs: Decent! Mostly done in two sets. I have a new approach to these which consists of resting for 10-15 seconds before I start (Asha taught me that) and to stop as soon as I feel the rope getting all wonky. Choosing to stop instead of missing reps saves energy and frustration. That method worked today and makes me want to redo 16.2 (for the third time!) bc DUs were my limiting factor.
I took a few seconds to breath before each movement. Wish I had pushed a little harder on my transitions except for my pre DU break.
Fox says
Friday at 10am
Snatch EOMOM X 8
145-155-165-175-185-195-205(PR tie)-210 PR!
Thought about another 10# jump to 215 but was conservative since it was my last attempt. Super stoked to hit a snatch PR, first in a very long time. Great cue from McD to stay back and be patient. I was still shifting forward a bit but the bar felt light on all reps, and speed was there.
Metcon Rx'd in 8:31
Was going at a good clip through 3 rounds, all unbroken, then felt like I was suffocating under the pull up bar for the 4th round. Wound up breaking the last 2 sets of pull ups up into 4/3/3, and 5/3/2 with lots of unneeded rest. At least double unders in my lifters weren't an issue. Whatever…I made a snatch PR.