Sumo Deadlift
Work up to a heavy triple for the day. No failing. No loss of neutral spine.
Post loads to comments.
5 rounds for reps:
1 Minute Russian KB Swings 53/35
1 Minute Box Jumps 24/20″
1 Minute Rest
Post reps and Rx to comments.
These CrossFit Kids are off and running under the watchful eye of Coach David
- Reminder: We’re running on our regular schedule today. Hop on over and get your fitness on!
Catching Up with the CFSBK Classifieds
Did you know that we offer a classifieds section of the website for our members? Well, we do! Here are a few examples of goods and services up for grabs at the moment:
- Stella Z. is giving away two free(!) tickets to an April 17th performance of Mozart, Bach, and Mendelssohn by the Calidore String Quartet.
- Actually, that’s it for now. Nothing else has been posted recently! Get on there and post some more! CFSBK members have advertised everything from juicers to furniture to cars (no illegal exotic pets, please).
We hope you’ll take advantage of this fun feature. Many people have found roommates there. Why deal with Craigslist when you can live with your workout partner?
Getting Rid of the “Butt Wink” All Hands on Fitness
How Running and Meditation Change the Brains of the Depressed NYMag
You want to participate in the 2016 CrossFit Open, but you live on a farm in rural Romania with no box, no equipment, a bunch of chickens and a dog that doesn't give a shit? No problem.
This kid Barni Bojte is CrossFit.
Now that the Open is over we are transitioning back from a skill development model to a strict strength model for some time. There will still be skill learning, but more of a focus on positions and getting stronger in them.
550m Run
10 Seated Box High Jump
:20s Hollow Shaping
:20s Arch Shaping
5 Pullup Negative
5 Ring Dip or Matador Negative
Pushup Annie
Double Unders
If I were to come to group class could I do 16.5 or do I need to go to OG tonight to make it up?
Hey everybody! Just wanted to let you all know that Stella runs a Trivia night (evening) at my bar on second and fourth Sundays. It's lots of fun and you can win free drinks and of course the drinks are cheap anyway because I'm making them 🙂 68 Jay St Bar, DUMBO (on the corner of Water St.) 5pm today and on second and fourth Sundays every month. Come have some fun! Kids are welcome!
8 am with Fox and Jess.
Sumo Dead Lifts- Felt pretty good.
3×205#~ ish. wobbly and weak.
3×205# soild
1×210# pr.
wod- 257 total reps- 155 kettlebell swings RX'd and
102 box jumps. started by stepping up to 24", last set was jumps to 20"- should have done the entire workout there.
excellent music and even better prodding and guidance from Fox and Jess this morning- much appreciated.
perhaps too late but you could have done it just would have needed to get your own judge or charm someone who was at the gym to stay and judge you
Woohoo, a day without modifications! (well, not counting warmup, since the dumbbells are apparently not my friends right now)
Worked to 255×3 on sumo deadlift, a pleasant surprise. This is my first time doing any kind of deadlift since I got hit by the door and I wasn't sure whether my wrist was going to cooperate. The last set felt like I was definitely at the limit of what my wrist could tolerate, but I did all of it safely. Yay!
WOD: 175 KB swings, 105 box jumps, Rx. I can swing the kettlebell with both hands, which is also a pleasant surprise. I went in thinking I might have to one-armed bandit this one.
Yes please come to pub quiz! You can win by knowing more right answers than anyone else, obviously, but I also award a prize to the best WRONG answer of the evening. This means you can make me read your dirty jokes out loud, and it also means that being funny can be as rewarding as being a brainiac.
Noon class
Sumo DL
Felt pretty good. Hadn't pulled sumo in some time.
KB – All 20
BJ – All 15
Really chased mediocrity on this one. Just needed to sweat a bit.
8 a.m. with the Foxes.
Sumo deadlift:
1X240 – gotta be a PR, since I can't recall doing these before!
WOD – forgot the numbers but mid 150's for the kettleball RX and around 70 for the 24-inch box.
10am with Fox and Katie
5x T2B
10x OHS
Sumo Deadlift
135×5, 185×5, 225×3, 255×3, 275x3x2*
Had trouble extending fully at the top so I am not sure if these reps even count. I maintain that my quads were in my way. Not a good version of this lift for me for whatever reason, but the weight felt light!
WOD Rx went something like this.
KB 40-41-40-41-42
BJ 20-18-20-19-21
I used this workout to practice bounding box jumps. They're kinda scary and I have to take them slowly but I'm going to try and get better at them. Fun workout!
Pull-up pyramid
2 rounds
10x abwheel
15x GHD sit-ups
8 am w/the Fox Force.
Sumo DL: 135×3, 185×3, 225×3, 250×3, 275×3, 300×3 (like Gerry, I've never done these before, so I'll take that as a PR!).
Metcon: 166 swings (33 4 rds, 34 5th rd); 82 jumps (17×3, 16×1, 15×1). Still unfurling slowly in my box jumps, like a funny-looking Swiss Army knife.
Cool down: putting on a suit & going to see my family for Easter, NFT.
Happy holidays to those celebrating!
Dropped into 10am because I couldn't resist the chance to try out Sumo Deadlift since I see a lot of ladies in the powerlifting community lifting this way.
Sumo Deadlift – worked up to 215×3 and the last rep of that was slow. I like sumo but wouldn't say it felt easier or better than conventional for me. For comparison I did 215×6 conventional earlier in the week.
Metcon: 99 box jumps and 149 kb swings with Charlie and allll the ladies.
Beautifully written piece about a beautiful soul, inside and out. Whitney is one of the first people I remember from when I started- she was so warm and welcoming from the very beginning and made the place that bit less intimidating. She's a constant inspiration to me and many others and as a coach, she somehow explains things in a very visual way. I don't get to too many of her classes but any time I do, she gives me at least one cue which helps immensely. I also love reading her blog posts and seeing how hard she works and what an awesome athlete she is. Thanks Whit! You're the bomb!