Ben L. Overhead Squats as the Big Ass Fan sits idle (for now) | Photo by Thomas H.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
What time is it? REVIEW TIME!
1. We’ll be running on our normal schedule this Easter weekend. Nothing is cancelled!
2. Interested in food entrepreneurism, sustainability and investing? Coach Margie is working on a conference called Food + Enterprise, and they’re looking for some workshare volunteers. The Food + Enterprise Summit is happening April 8&9 at the old Pfizer building in Bushwick, now devoted to cultivating some of the best artisanal food makers in NYC. If you’d like to attend, and are willing to help out, check out this link to the workshare track for a drastically reduced ticket price.
3. Our top marathoner Nishi U. filled us in on how CrossFit and her marathon training complement each other. Read all about it!
4. In this week’s “Better Know a Member,” we learned all about soon-to-be attorney, Yoda fan, and beloved CFSBKer Meredith R. She has some excellent advice for Crossfitters. Lift you must!
5. We also caught up with news and notes from your fellow gym-goers. Have you downloaded Chris Y.‘s app Knoto yet? Do it now so you can say you knew about it before it was cool!
6. Big things are happening in the CFSBK Open Intramural Team Competition! What are those things? All we can tell you is that they’re big and they’re happening and you can click here to find out about them.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Run/Power Clean
How “Anxious Reappraisal” Can Turn Anxiety into Success The Atlantic
The Strange Tale of Echo, The Parrot Who Saw Too Much Digg
Saturday's Programming
Open Workout 16.5
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Thrusters 95/65
Bar-Facing Burpees
This workout begins with the barbell on the floor and the athlete standing tall. At the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” the athlete will perform 21 thrusters, then 21 burpees, jumping over the barbell for each rep of the burpees. They will then perform 18 of each, then 15 of each, etc., until the last round of 3 of each. Every second counts in this workout. Your score will be the time it takes to complete all 168 repetitions. There is no time cap for this workout.
This workout ends when the feet land on the other side of the bar on the final rep. Time will be recorded in full seconds. Do not round up. If you finish in 7:49.8, your score is 7:49.
If you do not use standard-sized bumper plates on the barbell, you will also need a second barbell set with standard plates to jump over for the burpees, unless you are Scaled Masters. Scaled Masters will be permitted to jump over an empty barbell on the burpees.
Ben is a very strong dude. Respect.
First day back after a week totally off from vacation and food poisoning
Did yesterday's work. PC up to 225 in the warm-up. Moved well.
14, 13, 11, 10, 10, 11 (69 total) Rx'd
This was a good one for me. Tried to not push too hard on it because it was my first day back in a bit and I'm shooting to do 16.5 tomorrow.
Cool photo!
Mini pity party: I was totally stoked to test my unpaused bench 1RM on Wednesday. Then on Tuesday after work I was exiting a door and the guy in front of me let the door swing back really hard. I raised my left hand to protect my face. That would be the side with the tendinitis. So, now my wrist is worse (although, thankfully, nothing seems to be broken).
End pity party. Even if the door thing hadn't happened, 16.5 would have been inadvisable for me, but that kinda sealed the deal. I'm not saying I'm happy I got hit, but I'm not at all sorry not to be doing this workout, if you know what I mean.
So instead I came in for an OG lifting session this morning, in the spirit of just seeing what I can do. It looks like the answer is that I can still squat the regular bar as long as I stick to high bar (low bar, which was OK earlier this week, is ouchie), and press/bench press the football bar. We'll see about deadlift next week.
Worked to 160x5x3 on the high bar squat, 65x5x3 on the football bar press, and then did some time on the assault bike. Fun to cheer on teammate Brendan, who soldiered through 16.5 despite getting a cramp early on.
7am with McDowell doing Tall Man Kryptonite
16.5 Rx – 29:51
Came in thinking I was going to do this around 20-ish. Planned to break the thrusters into triples an just try to keep moving on the burpees. This worked out real well through the round of 18. Was moving well and even surprising myself on my time. Then in the early part of the round of 15, my left calf just seized up. Tried stretching it out a couple different ways, but just no dice. Plan switched to just getting through it as pain allowed. In the end, I got lucky. On my final jump over the bar, the cramp shot me to the floor and there was no getting up. I like to think I looked just like LeBron in the 2014 finals. Probably just like that. Yeah. I'm basically LeBron James is what I'm saying here, folks.
Thank you Stella for yelling at me from the Assault bike. It was like the IRL version of the Little Mac training sequence in Punch Out.
7 am with McDowell 16.5
Well it happened. Got through 16.1,2,3 and 4 Rx. 16.5 handed it to me. I don't know that I have 21 reps in me at 65, not to mention then 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3. Even at 45, I didn't exactly fly through: 21:02. I'll take it with thanks that it's over and more thanks to Natalie who was a champ at Rx and a great, encouraging judge. My right hamstring is crying. I'm thinking it might be nerve not muscle.
@Stella, 1) Go to HJD! Seriously. 2) Ask Fox why one should wear a full face helmet.
Haha that's my resting b*tch face.
1. Fun working out this morning instead of last night. Kept 16.5 in mind… 58 reps at 93#
2. Feel better, Stella. seriously sucks.
3. Ben, your resting b@tch face is THE best.
4. Inspired by Kate who did 16.5 is 13:– today. Want to try to enter that pain cave on this one. Good job Shawn and all! I'm nervous.
10am with McD
Worked up to 165# on Thursday's workout getting 51 reps. Probably could have gone faster on the run and heavier on the cleans, but I know that 16.5 is lurking in the not so distant future.
Noon with McNoah.
Did Thursday's workout @135lbs: 9, 10, 10, 9, 10, 11 = 59 reps.
OG – Making up for missing Thursday's workout, but wanted to switch it around a bit.
First, did a 10min EMOM of 3 Touch & Go power cleans @ 205 to make up for the heavy cleans.
Then, did Helen to get some running in. 9:06. Way harder than I remember it.