Bench Press
Bench Press
1-1-1 @ 85%+
Warm up and make 3 singles at 85% or better of your 1RM. If it’s feeling great, then go for a new 1RM. If not, hang back a bit and make three heavy reps.
Bench Press
Find a heavy 5-rep Bench Press. You should feel like you can do 2-3 more at your heaviest weight. No failing.
Post loads to comments.
“Cindy Row Your Boat” | LFPB Capacity Test
AMRAP 10 minutes:
5 Kipping Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
Rest 2 minutes, then:
AMRAP 3 minutes:
Max Calories Rowed
Sub Ring Rows or Banded Pull-Ups as appropriate.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Snickers showing off her levitation skills during 16.4 | Photo by Thomas H.
News and Notes from CFSBK Members
We love the crew of brainiacs and all-round talented people who help make the gym a special place. Here are just a few recent news items about CFSBKers:
- For the past two years Chris Y. has been working exclusively with a very small (now Vitamin D deficient) team on a considerably hardcore piece of software. It’s been one of the most difficult and challenging experiences he’s had as a designer. And now he’d like to introduce Knoto! An app that uses face recognition to make sending photos fast, simple and easy: from organizing photos by person to seamless AutoSending (and everything in between). Do you keep forgetting to send those group selfies? Send them as soon as you take them. Do your folks want more pics of your kids? Share every moment with them as it happens. Do you just want more photos of yourself? Get every one, every time, in real time. Knoto – photos that know where to go. It’s free and available now in the App Store. Let’s all congratulate Chris and start using Knoto!
- Gerry M. riffed on the latest doings in the presidential race for The New York Times Closeup on NY1 News (starting at 25 minutes into the program). Well done, Gerry!
- Packer is looking for people to join him in forming a team for a Ragnar Trail race. Follow the link for details, but the way it works is: everyone runs three times, a different trail each time; in between, you’re camping out, hanging out with friends, making new friends, and enjoying time outside the city in a beautiful spot. He’s considering two races: 1) Wawayanda Lake (Sept 30 – Oct 1, about 50 miles from NYC) or 2 ) Big Bear Lake, West Virginia, (Aug 12 – 13). E-mail him at David [dot] Packer [at] gmail [dot] com to let him know you’re interested!
Got something of note going on in your life? Let us know! We want to hear about your promotions, events, art, personal victories, discoveries, media campaigns, and small government coup d’états, or you can just share interesting links. We also always love hearing about any CrossFit/athletic-related goals and accomplishments. Send awesomeness to Josh [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn [dot] com.
Open Leaderboards
Wondering how you stacked up against your fellow CFSBKers in 16.4? Well, here are a whole bunch of leaderboards!
- Overall Leaderboard
- Men’s Leaderboard
- Women’s Leaderboard
- Men’s Masters Leaderboard (40-44)
- Women’s Masters Leaderboard (40-44)
- Men’s Masters Leaderboard (45+)
- Women’s Masters Leaderboard (45+)
(NOTE: There are technically a few divisions between 45 and 60; however, in the latter two, we only had a couple of competitors in each division. We combined everyone 45+ to make it easier to view.)
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Feminine Muscularity: Reshaping The Cultural Understanding of Beauty Huffington Post
Potential: How Women in CrossFit Are Transforming the Definitions of Strength and Femininity CrossFit
Late night with the 6am-ers led to a rough morning but glad i made it in.
Bench Press
Hit 225# and then got greedy and tried for a PR of 250#. A big jump I know. Failed that but happy with how fast 225# moved. I'll take it all things considered.
Rowboat Cindy
10 rounds even and 55 calories on the row.
This is a 15 rep and 2 calorie improvement from January.
Bench Press fitness:
worked up to 130 and didn't struggle all that much on the 5th rep. felt good.
7 rounds plus 12 reps- mixed in 7 pushups on my knees and used a band for the pullups.
51 calories- completely destroyed- my entire body was jelly for the row. hadn't done this workout previously.
Bench 5×135 145 155 (f) 150 (f) 145. A little annoyed as I hit 5×155 a few weeks ago, but I've missed two bench days since so I shouldn't be surprised I guess. However…
Metcon: 8 rounds + 13 (w/ring rows), 60 calories. This compares to 5 rounds + 28, 50 calories 3 months ago, so pretty thrilled! I lucked out with the timing as the first go around was my first group class after foundations, but super happy with the progress. I broke up the pushups 5+5 from the get go which helped alot, pretty sure I powered through 3 unbroken rounds then did sad 3s and 2s last time.
6am with Jess and McDowell
Bench – 195, 205, 215, 225F
230 was my previous 1RM but I have missed most of the bench workouts this cycle so not surprised
WOD – 9 rounds + 9 reps and 61 calories
42 rep and 2 calorie improvement from January. Pushed the pace more and became more willing to push through discomfort this time.
Some amount of irony doing the final LFPB capacity test hungover.
Bench, 95×6, 135×5, 175×5, 185x5x2
Felt good
WOD/ Rowboat Cindy 7rds + 10 (Or was it 8rds?) 53 Cals
I can't count rounds in WODs. I had my whiteboard, but didn't use it until the end of rd 3.. or was it 4?
6am with Jess and McDowell
Bench Press
185, 205, 215. This is not a PR, but was fine for today.
Rowboat Cindy
6 Rnds + 11, 64 cal.
9am with Jess
225(85%) – 245 – 265 (PR tie)
Cindy Jumps In A Shipwreck
10 rounds even + 53 Cals
Died a little about 90 seconds into the row. Defintly had flashbacks to 16.4
You 6am peeps sure know how to get after it!
Thanks CFSBK for the Knoto shout out! It's our initial launch, and there're a lot of improvements coming down the pipe, but please do check it out (it's FREE). Get all the photos you want and send all the photos your friends & family want automatically. It's like getting some Icelandic beast to do 16.4 for you, while you still get all the gainz… which is an app that I desperately need.
6 AM has all the fun!
7 am w/Jess & McDowell.
Bench: up to 195×1 (PR!) — almost got 205 but did not, in fact, get 205. Next time.
Metcon: 7 rds + 2 (blue band strict pull-ups 1st 2 rds, ring rows thereafter); 61 cals. That's 32 reps and 10 cals better than January, and with less scaling on the front end. Progress!
I should never try to do math in my head.. 12 rep improvement for me, not 42.
12pm with McDowell and Arturo.
5 X T2B
8 X DB press @25#
10 X OHS yellow bar
Bench Press
45 X 5, 75 x 5, 95 x 4, 115 x 2, 125 X 1, 135 x 1, 145 x 1, 155 x 1 (PR)
So happy! One of my goals this year was a bodyweight bench press. As of this morning this was 10# over bodyweight!! I failed this weight the week after Iron Maidens so yay!
8 rounds 12 reps plus I did 20 squats in the first round so including that, I made a 46 rep improvement on my last attempt at this in January. Pull- ups were good today- push-ups were really hard.
47 cals on the erg which is one cal more than Jan. I wasn't able to push here at all- just really didn't want it enough.
Ran to and from the gym. Beautiful day for it!
10 AM with Jeremy.
Bench: 170×5, 175×5, 180×2 (fail on 3rd rep).
Test WOD: 7 round + 4 pull-ups on + 47 calories.
6am with Jess and McDowell
Bench: 5 @ 150# felt good. Might have done 155# but might have failed there.
WOD: Improved by one round with 6 rounds + 7 push ups this time. It definitely became all about the push ups for me. Improved the row by exactly one calorie. I'll take it. haha.
Jess's tip of "Don't be creepy and lead with your hips" on the push ups was very helpful. haha.
I just want to reiterate Jake's point from yesterday re: Josh Bridges 16.4.
There was not a single deadlift or HSPU done to games standards on that video from any of the 4 guys doing the workout. It's even worse that he "won" the event. I could have squeeze out at least another 30 reps with that horrible form! 🙂
Hate Hate HATE!
5:30 class today, hit 185×5 on the bench (bodyweight!) (PR!). Heavy but I think I could probably hit 190…
WOD, compare to:
um… did a little better today. Carbs: it's what's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
1/2 cindy: 8 + 22 –> 10 + 2 today, a 40 rep improvement
row: 53 -> 58 today, a 5 calorie improvement
Yay! I actually had a little bit left after both sets, and was exhausted but not broken after the row. Could definitely have finished the pullups in round 11 if I had just pushed the air squats a little. No way I could have gotten through 11 though.
Sadly I stopped doing the level 2 challenge 2 weeks ago so I could switch over to doing a new diet with my wife (for some reason she didn't want to weigh her food and cut fat with me?!?!). But I learned a lot, it was super interesting, and I've been carrying over a lot of habits from the first 10-11 weeks that I completed. Thanks for organizing this Fox — at first I was put off by how long it was, but it took a month before I really noticed any changes so the extra time was really where things got better for me.
Now, if only I could perform the open WODs…
Encouraged KHarpz to fill up her preworkout container that was on its last legs with water…damn near killed her. Sorry pal!!!!!
Snatch @ 65% 2×4
Clean @ 75% 2×4
Snatch Pulls 99% 3×4
Back extensions 3×15
Pull ups (assisted) 3×8 —goddamn weakness.
Beautiful day.
Oops, 42 rep improvement! I have whatever Steve has.
Ugh, 40. Whatever! Gotta eat something.
Shout out to TFBA Snickers – telling the barbell who's boss!! And to Thomas for such a great shot.
I'm so happy to be slowly ramping up after a bunch of PT that has forced me to back off while I retrain basic hip/glute/hamstring patterns so I can once-and-for-all give my lower back a break. While I've had to skip the Open, it turns out that skiing hard in Italy for a week (PT-approved!) helped reinforce good movement patterns.
225 on the bench. Bench cycle was fun – miss that one.
10 + 8 on 1/2 Cindy. About a round improvement, all due to standing right beneath the bar and not moving. On a metcon like the smallest transition is just wasted time, which is what I did last time.
53 cal row.
7:30 with Noah and Melo
worked up to a single at 95 on the bench which flew up. I didn't want to go heavy because pushups are hard enough as it is. Maybe I'll attempt 110# for a PR this weekend.
LFPB capacity test:
6 rounds+ 7reps vs 5 round + 3 reps in January ( 34 rep improvement). Pull ups felt great, pushups fell apart early on.
Row: 51 calories vs 47 in Jan. Very happy with that because I didn't think that would improve.
7:30 w Noah and Melo
Bench Press 175/190 fail/190 fail
Probably should have dropped the weight but 185 is my 1RM and it had been about a year since I tested it, so I wanted to try. Alas it did not want to happen. Oh well.
LFPB challenge:
11 rounds + 13 reps // 58 calories. This is waaaaaay better than January when I got 8 rounds + 16 reps // 52 calories. I'm super happy about this. Looks like all the discipline of consistently showing up and being very mindful of my diet and lifestyle has really paid off. I want to celebrate with a pint of ice cream but I'll wait until Sunday when the challenge is over so I don't loose points ?
Yeah, Snickers! She killed those deadlifts!!
45, 75, 95, 105, 110, 115, 120
Most of these flew up! 115 and 120 were a little sticky at the top, but still moved relatively quickly. Felt SO easy without a pause. Was tempted to go for a PR at 125 but so many pushups were in my future.
1/2 Cindy: 9+11, 42 calories
11 reps and 3 cal improvement. Super happy about this because I was supposed to be working on pushups to improve my score, but didn't really. Push-ups fell apart early, but made up time by going AFAP on the air squats. Now I just need to get better at rowing.
6:30 with MeLo and Noah
Bench 2×5 @185,195 2 reps at 205. Failed on the 3rd.
WOD: 7 rounds plus 10, a 2 round improvement from the baseline test in December. I was fresh out of strength cycle going into that test and challenge so I lost a lot of conditioning. Glad to see I kept most the strength gains from strength cycle and got my conditioning back to pre strength cycle. We also did this workout on 9/21 and I got 7 rounds plus 15 so 5 reps off my all time best.
Row – 58 calories, 10 calorie improvement from baseline test.
Overall for the challenge I am down 13lbs, 10 more to go to my pre strength cycle weight which is my goal by the end of April. Next time I do strength cycle I wont through my eating habbits out the window and will add in some conditioning work.