Back Squat
Work up to a max triple for the day.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds for Time:
10 Pull-Ups
20 Alternating Lunges
30 Sit-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Wall-Baller: Jenny M. doing 16.4 | Photo by Thomas H.
Got Kids? Check Out Our CrossFit Youth Programs!
Our CrossFit youth programs emphasizes physical development through games and age appropriate “workouts”. Most importantly, we’re all about having FUN! Developing a positive association between fitness, physical activity, and the joy of movement is the primary goal of our programs. Our Preschool and kids classes are comprised of obstacle courses, relay races, basic gymnastics, games and other engaging physical activities. Our teens class begin to look more like CrossFit with basic weight training, calisthenics and conditioning workouts. Think of it like the gym class you wish you had growing up!
CrossFit Preschool (3 – 5 years old):
Run! Jump! Skip! Roll! Through playful games and fun activities, children learn to move safely and gain basic coordination and body awareness. Together we explore tumbling and movement using fun, kid-friendly scenarios and games. Your preschooler will flex their mini-muscles as they build their confidence and develop their fine and gross motor skills.
You can also read one of our articles about this class with sample programming.
Mondays 4:15 – 5:15p
Sundays: 10:00a – 11:00a
Single Class Drop-in: $30
5 pack: $135 ($27/class)
10 pack: $250 ($25/class)
CrossFit Kids (6 – 11 years old):
Building on the skills they developed in CrossFit Preschool, our Kids classes are designed to build strength, further develop coordination, and encourage a lifelong love of fitness. Age-appropriate programming includes calisthenics, basic tumbling, running, climbing, throwing, and other modalities to stimulate bone density and vestibular system development while improving fine and gross motor skills, coordination, and flexibility. On top of physical development, social and cognitive growth is encouraged through teamwork, problem solving, and building the confidence that helps them make healthy choices.
Mondays: 5:30p – 6:30p
Wednesdays: 4:30 – 5:30p
Fridays: 4:30p – 5:30p
Single Class Drop-in: $30
5 pack: $135 ($27/class)
10 pack: $250 ($25/class)
Sign up here!
CrossFit Teens (12 – 17 years old)
Have a teenager who is looking to gain a competitive advantage in their sport, improve their fitness, learn new skills, and have fun in a supportive, social environment? CrossFit Teens is a strength and conditioning program that is specifically designed for teenagers and helps them develop a lifelong love of fitness. In a group setting, teens participate in fun and engaging workouts that deliver measurable results and prepare them to be well- rounded athletes. The workouts consist of constantly varied, functional movements that deliver a fitness that is broad, inclusive and general and scalable for any participant at any level.
Classes will begin with a warm-up and icebreaker-style question. Each class will include skill practice and a strength development aspect, specifically designed to be accessible and appropriate to teenaged athletes. Classes will finish with a WOD, or Workout of the Day, designed to test work capacity, endurance, skill, and strength in a fun, competitive, but inclusive environment. As the school year starts, post-class homework time will be included to take advantage of the increased mental capacity brought about by movement and physical exertion.
Tuesdays: 4:30p – 5:30p
Thursdays: 4:30 – 5:30p
Single Class Drop-in: $35
10 pack: $300 ($30/class)
20% discount for siblings (do not have to be registered for the same class).
There is a 3 month expiration on the 5 pack and a 6 month expiration on the 10 pack.
“My son recently started CrossFit Kids and loves it. He’s played sports and gotten a lot from his experiences, but on the way home from CrossFit the other day he was so pumped and proud of himself. He felt strong and powerful, and he couldn’t stop talking about what he did. I’m so excited that he has the opportunity to get stronger mentally and physically at CF kids.”
–Adele M.
“My kids loved CrossFit Kids yesterday! I got an earful when I got home from all three at once trying to explain what they did. Then I had to feel their muscles. David and Janelle wore them out pretty well because at around 7pm they asked if it was okay to skip bath and book and go right to sleep.”
–Matt C.
Want More Information?
For questions about our Preschool and Kids programs, contact Janelle [at] for questions about our Teens program, please contact Noah [at]
How Long Does It Take to Lose a Skill? Hopes&Fears
Sara Sigmundsdottir’s Reaction to the 16.4 Announcement Gfycat
4 Strict Toes 2 Bar
6 Dip Negatives
8 Candlestick 2 Squat/Pistol
Rope Climbs
5 Rounds
1 Min Row for Cal
1 Min Air Squats
Score is total Cals+Squats
7am with Nick & Fox
BSQ – 165#
Nick pointed out some shitty form so kept it light. Still feeling banged up from 16.4 and hope that had more to do with it than anything.
Metcon Rx – 12:25
I suck at situps. On the bright side, my back feels better from all the core work.
10am with Fox
45×10, 95×5, 135×5, 165×5, 185×3, 200×3, 210×3, 220×3
That was good for today. 210 is a high bar PR! Felt pretty good despite the major soreness from 16.4. And the slight hangover.
WOD Rxed in 10:42
A couple of pull-ups admittedly of dubious height but I amorous to say I rxed this as it's probably one of the first times I have done full volume kipping pull-ups in a WOD (aside from AG) Need to remember to keep my feet together and definitely need to practice kipping more often.
Our visitor Char was banging out the butterfly pull-ups- seriously impressive. I hope to get there some day.
Ran to and from the gym. Gotta get those miles in.
*am proud not amorous hahahaha.
9am with Nick and Fox
Woke up feeling extremely tight pretty much everywhere. My intention for today was to show up early and get a bunch of AR out of the way and then just see how it goes.
Ended up working up to 245# for a set of three which is higher than I thought I would hit for sure.
WOD Rx'd in 11:41. Sit ups. Ugh.
Definitely feeling all of 16.4 today (including the remains of the cough).
LBBS: 185×3, 195×3, 205×3, 215×3 Fox noticed that I bias my right side – definitely something to look out for in the future.
WOD: 11:31 with 7 pull-ups per round instead of 10.
Fun 11am today.
I struggled all day Friday to justify doing 16.4, but ultimately concluded I wasn't going to risk my back over one workout. Yesterday's "16.4 strategy" posting made me feel better about this — "In my opinion, if you can't do sets of 8-10 unbroken reps with perfect technique, then you have no business attempting the Rx'd loads." I went for an 80 minute jog at 80% MHR instead (10-12mm… gotta start somewhere).
Made up for it today, felt great in class. Worked up to 310×3, heavy but not maximal. My last rep was kind of junky, came forward, but I don't think it was the weight per se. Happy to hit 310.
I'm super slow at situps and burn out quickly, so I knew this WOD was really just going to be, "how fast can I do 150 situps?" With that in mind, I grabbed a 25# plate and held it overhead for the lunges (didn't seem to slow me down). I think i finished in like 15:39, had to break up the situps a lot. My one goal was to not let Nick lap me (success! barely!).
Cashout: easy 15min row, about 3.1k. Thanks coaches for indulging me on the wod and cashout!
Amorous bwahahahaha! Autocorrectian slip?
Got to 205 on the back squat, which was way heavier than this weight normally feels, but then it's not like I have five minutes to twiddle my thumbs between sets like we do in Strength Cycle.
WOD with 5 strict chins/round, 11:05. Then I judged visitor Charlotte, who as Charlie said kicked the crap out of this workout. Other than the chins, I kept moving without a rest, just…not very fast. Can I blame how slow my situps are on my height? ๐
Much-needed AR afterward.
Brendan…Shhhh…not supposed to tell anyone about the secret 7am Sunday class.
Charlie – you did have quite an amorous look about you today, I figured it was just that spring is in the air ๐
Noon class
Hella sore from 16.4 and possibly coming down with something so just wanted to move.
BSQ (went with high bar today)
Paused first reps of each set. Felt pretty good, and legs feel much better for having squatted.
WOD Rx'd in 9:55
Sit ups got slow by the end.
Really funny to hear everyone's answers to the QOD.
Man I'm so impressed with everyone working out today after 16.4
I am completely destroyed!!
11am ar
12pm class: kept it light, worked up to 115 3×3 on back squat.
14:31 for the wod. Took long breaks on the pull-ups, but did full volume. Reading Charlie & Kayleigh's times makes me wish I went faster but I honestly didn't have it in me!
All I can say is I have not been this sore in a looooooong time :/ good job guys!
AG w/ Noah
Will be back squatting tomorrow morning in Strength Cycle, so decided to skip group class today and do Anti-Gravity instead. Good decision! Rope climbs are really fun (but slightly terrifying on the way down). And the row/air squat WOD was much spicier than I thought it would be. Need to start coming to this class every week.
12pm class, with tight hamstrings after 16.4 yesterday (even scaled, 55 deadlifts are a lot). Back squat wasn't feeling great today, so stopped at 205 and did a few sets there for technique. WOD in 14:21min, the sit-ups were really slow by the end. checkout minute 1:36 for a nice "hey I know that shirt" moment…
12p with Noah and Whit
Worked up to 225# on the squats and just stayed there for all 5 (or maybe just 4) sets. Like most people today was feeling really beat up from yesterday's deadlift marathon. Was nice to have an easier day with some light cardio.
WOD 10:39; 3 rounds of butterfly pull-ups then switched to normal kipping. Sit-ups definitely caught up to you on this one. Glad I stopped feeling sorry for myself and came in for some squats.
It's me! ๐
Came to OG tonight to do today's programming.
HBBS with a very sore lower back.
175×3 felt surprisingly strong (85%)
WOD RX in 13:07