A cool shot of CFSBK OG Kevin R. climbing the knotted rope
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. The final LFPB Q&A Info Session —”The LFPB Is Ending. What Now?” —is tonight at 6:00pm. You’re almost there, LFPBers!
2. Coach David reflected on his Open Workout 16.3 experience. It’s a fun read and a good example of how to plan a workout simply and effectively.
3. In our continuing series “Better Know a Member,” we profiled hardworking CFSBKer and all-around great dude Frank H.
4. Wondering how you stacked up against your fellow CFSBKers in 16.3? Here are all of our leaderboards!
5. Going into the final workouts of the CFSBK Open Intramural Team Competition, it’s shaping up to be a real nail biter. It’s going down to the wire. These teams are fighting tooth and nail. You can feel the electricity! It’s anybody’s game. Everyone’s giving 110%. Or pick your other favorite sports cliche. Here are the Week 3 Standings!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Power Snatch | Recovery Run or Row
If I Were a Ballerina The New Yorker
Saturday's Programming
Open Workout 16.4
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 Deadlifts 225/155
55 Wall-Ball Shots 20/14, 10/9'
55-Calorie Row
55 Handstand Push-Ups
Prior to starting this workout each athlete will need to stand against the wall and measure and mark their foot line for the handstand push-ups (details in Movement Standards section). This workout begins with the barbell on the floor and the athlete standing tall. At the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” the athlete will perform 55 deadlifts, then move to the wall and complete 55 wall-ball shots, then to the rower to pull 55 calories, then back to the wall for handstand push-ups. If 55 handstand push-ups are completed, the athlete will move back to the barbell and begin another round.
Your score will be the total number of repetitions completed within the 13-minute time cap.
The scoring for this workout includes a tiebreak. At the end of the row, time should be marked. When you submit your final result, your score will be the number of reps completed. There will be another field in which you will enter the elapsed time at which you completed the 55-calorie row. In the case where two athletes have the same score (total number of reps), the athlete with the lower tiebreak time will be ranked higher.
Note: All tiebreak times must be reported in elapsed time, not in time remaining. If you are using a countdown timer, you must convert to elapsed time before reporting your score. For this reason, it is recommended you set your clock to count up.
Post rounds and reps to comments.
8 am with McDowell
Got 16.4 out of the way. 42 reps Rx'd, which sounds sad but is much better than I thought I'd do. 225 is pretty heavy for me (about 80% of my 1RM), and I always struggle to maintain good form during high-rep deadlift workouts. So I took it slow and fairly steady and am happy with the result.
7 AM 16.4, 144 reps.
Deadlifts went by pretty fast, then I did the wall balls as singles. I can throw the ball but it's really painful to catch it, so I'm delighted that I got through all of them and managed to put a decent number of calories on the erg (again, I had to stick to light pulls to keep my wrist happy).
Good learning experience: 1) I can do wall balls, just not cycle them; 2) I can row, just not hard.
Props to my 7 AM sista Shawn, who made it through all the deadlifts. As I put it to her, percentage-wise what she did was equivalent to me doing the men's Rx. I don't think I could have done it. Good on you, lady!
7am with McDowell
16.4 Rx – 145 reps
Came in hoping to get to the HSPU. Those deadlifts were 75% of my 1RM and got heavy in a hurry. 53 reps were clean. 2 were very ugly. Went out last night and had some cold ones which did not help my conditioning. Wall balls and row were slower than they should have been as a result. Oh well. Have told myself I wouldn't repeat any of these but might try this again over the weekend and see if I can make it to the wall.
Shouts to Captain Stella for making wall balls happen and Shawn for bossing through the deadlifts.
6am with McDowell
16.4 rx'd 165. tiebreaker 10:52
DL: 10×3, 5×5. Slowed down a bunch after the first 30 but finished in about 3:45. This was about the right pace.
Wallballs: 15, 10×4. This took about 3 minutes and should have been faster.
Row: roughly 22 spm working up to around 950 cal/hr. Roughly 3:45. This should have been more of an all out effort, but I was (laughably) thinking of recovering some energy for hspu attempts.
hspu: got to these with more than 2 minutes left. Rested for a minute, got a drink and tried 1 attempt that wasn't close. I've never gotten one and after all this work it was not going to be my first.
Overall I'm happy to get a open wod that was a bit heavy and had movements that favored tall people. Next year hopefully I'll have hspu and be able to use the last 2:10 of my time.
7 am 16.4 with McDowell
and with Stella as judge without whom I would have 3 reps.
Ended up with 57!
I had no idea, no clue, no sense of what would happen today. Usually I at least think I know. At some point I asked Stella, "Is this just stupid?" I was thinking of taking whatever reps I had at that point and tossing off weight to move into wall balls, etc. Stella encouraged me to stick with it since the bar was still coming up and stayed on me to set my back.
Thanks Stella for keeping me going as safely as possible. Nonetheless, I anticipate attending active recovery tomorrow! T.hanks to McDowell too for getting me going at the end. "Pick it back up now," he said very matter of factly.
Stella was a beast on the dead lifts, by the way.
10AM with McD
Did 16.4 with 155lb deadlifts. Finished the rows and got 15 regular push-ups. My partner Chris A. crushed it RxD, getting 4 HSPUs in the bargain. Respect.
6 am: Did 16.4 and got 165 reps with a tie-breaker time of 9:48. Dang hspu! I knew these would come up and I would not have them. I gave it a few good tries. Oh well next year! Everything else I loved. Wore a belt for the first time ever on the deadlifts and I'll have to do that whenever they come up in a workout. My back is thanking me. Allie C was a great judge and also killed the workout–she was so close to getting a hspu!
After went across the street for a few light snatches and c+j complexes.
Tentative plan for 16.4:
Deadlifts 5 sets of 11 with short rests
Wall Ball 15-15-10-10-5
Row: Not sure, probably about 1000-1100 cals per hour depending on how I'm feeling. If the walls are crashing in I may drop to the 900s
HSPUs: Normally I do these strict, but because they're just one huge set to get through I'll need to practice my kip and do a bunch of submax sets. I have no idea how much time I'll even have on these, need to watch a few people go through this to get the pacing feel for the first three movements.
good luck to all!
Also, fun fact I risked life and limb to take today's picture from the other rope!
10 am
16.4 169 Reps RX
Got to the HSPU with less than a minute and could have busted out more that 4 if I didn't think I was going to throw up while upside down.
Last HSPU attempt was a beautiful and well deserved NO REP. Thanks to McD and John for keeping me honest.
16.4 at noon today with McDowell
I was very scared of the 225 RX deadlift weight – 70% of 1RM.
In fact, I just looked back in my logs… until today I'd only deadlifted 225# (or greater) 106 reps, ever, grand total, across three years of WODs.
And historically it's deadlifts (and thrusters) for speed which have put me on the shelf with injury (lumbar compression). So I was determined to grind through the deadlifts slowly and responsibly, in no rush, with no goal other than perfect form.
I strapped on a belt and banged through them, with a goal of > 5 per minute, and sure enough, after about ten minutes they were done! Then tacked on 30 more wall balls, five or ten at a time.
This is my third open, and in the first two years, something – an injury, the flu, an impossible movement, etc. – prevented me from scoring all five weekends RXed. This year, so far we're four-for-four RXed… fingers crossed for 16.5 to bring it home!
10 am
169 reps as rx'd.
Opened with 10 dls and soon dialed back to sets of 5. More or less the same plan with the WBs so I wouldn't redline completely.
The row is the worst, for realz. Strategy was not to stare at the display, which I find 100% discouraging when tired and rowing for many cals. Just glanced occasionally to make sure I was keeping at about 1000 miserable cals per hour. "Infected" came on as I was strapping in. Thank you Bad Religion for being the distraction I needed and keeping me from crying. And thank you Samir, you mad man, for shouting encouragement, calories left, and weird percentages. You actually made me laugh during the row, which was bizarre.
Came off the erg at about 11:30 and realized I had absolutely no plan for HSPUs, which I'm pretty bad at, even when fresh. Sucked air while wandering to the wall, kicked up. And surprise, I suddenly felt not so bad. Knocked out 4 ugly singles. The last one may have been a bit funky, but since I'm not registered and no one called 'no rep,' I'll give myself a Friday gift.
Off to dive for a week in Saba. See y'all later this month.
YEAAAAAHHH ARTIS! That is badass!
@David – I was wondering how you did that, I thought you had a drone!
Shawn!!! Oh my god!!! That is more than my 1RM deadlift. I am amazed.
"Pick it back up now" is classic. Thank god so often for MacDowell's calm.
12pm class doing 16.4
187 reps, 9:29 tiebreaker
-deadlifts in 15-10-10-10-5-5 (done in less than 3:00)
-wall balls in 15-15-15-10 (finished around 5:20)
-row kept above 800 cals though I hit the 900 cals several times.
-hspu's in 5-5-3-3-3-2-1
this is a good workout for me. The deadlifts are fairly light which led me to start out moving too fast. Had to remind myself that I had ALOT of work ahead so intentionally slowed myself down a bit. Should have pushed for one final set of 10 instead of 5-5. Wall balls were no problem and I knew that I could stick to 15's with short rest. The row wasn't bad…thank you crash b's! If I were to redo this, this is where I'd push harder and keep my cals in the 900 range. Probably took about 30 secs before my first set of hspu's. No fails or no reps. Really remember to point your toe down to the floor to help clear your heals over the line!
Good luck everyone! this is a fun one.
I think Jess and I have very different ideas of what fun means. hahaha
I planned to go to the LFPB talk but got out of work late and decided since I was already 15 minutes late to just get into 16.4.
Got 168 reps with a tie break of 12:10.
My.Back.Hates.Me! The DLs are 75% of my 1RM so this wasn't an easy weight for me. They took much longer than expected and really got to me around rep 25 or 30. Didn't push it harder than necessary on the row because I didn't want to be too tired to get at least 1 HSPU. I was happy to get 3 in a row which matches a PR for unbroken reps.
I gotta say, the final minute when I could feel everyone at OG cheering for me, it was a really cool feeling- thanks guys!
Jenny!! That's amazing!! Well done!