Front Squat
75% x 5
85% x 3
90-95% x 1
85% x 3
75% x 1
If you’re feeling good then go for the 95%, if not then back off a bit and hit around 90%.
Post loads to comments.
Every 3 minutes for a total of 5 rounds:
5 Push Presses 115/75
10 Deadlifts 115/75
15 Box Jumps 24/20
Score fastest and slowest rounds. Any version of the Box Jump is acceptable today: Bounding, Stepping, Jump Up/Step Down, Step Up/Drop Down, etc.
Post times to comments.
Coach Whit and Brett F. took on 16.3 at CrossFit Flathead in Montana, and Kate R. was on the scene to take photos
- Team Captains: please submit your team score to the intramural spreadsheet by 12pm today.
This Friday: The Final LFPB Q&A Info Session, “The LFPB Is Ending. Now What?”
Attend this Look Feel Perform Better Q&A Info Session, the last of our bi-monthly Q&A Info Sessions. As always we’ll have a brief lecture followed by an open Q&A.
The LFPB Challenge is coming to an end, and you may be asking yourself some questions. What now? Will you keep tracking macros? Can you eyeball portions now? Should you switch to tracking macros from a Level 1 approach? Tonight we’ll discuss strategies you can use to maintain the progress you’ve made and solidify the healthy habits you’ve established.

Where: CFSBK’s second floor Annex
When: Friday, March 18th at 6:00pm
Open Leaderboards
Wondering how you stacked up against your fellow CFSBKers in 16.3? Here are all of our leaderboards!
- Overall Leaderboard
- Men’s Leaderboard
- Women’s Leaderboard
- Men’s Masters Leaderboard (40-44)
- Women’s Masters Leaderboard (40-44)
- Men’s Masters Leaderboard (45+)
- Women’s Masters Leaderboard (45+)
(NOTE: There are technically a few divisions between 45 and 60; however, in the latter two, we only had a couple of competitors in each division. We combined everyone 45+ to make it easier to view.)
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Elbows in the Press CrossFit
This Is, In Fact, The Greatest Tattoo of All Time Metal Injection
6am with McNick
Front Squat:
Back down the ladder
Metcon: :45/:39/:38/:39/:40. First round I did the box jumps as jump up, jump down, but no rebound. The other rounds were rebounding.
Some pullup and handstand pushup work in 608 after class, with a few bar muscle ups sprinkled in cause they're super fun.
6 AM with NickMcD
Front Squat:
115×1 (pr)
95×5 x 2 plus some empty bar work to get used to that awesome feeling of the bar in my throat.
.52/.53/.53/.56/.47 75#. need to get those push presses heavier. Box jumps (20") were more like running up steps.
6:30 am Strength Cycle
Squat – 180 x 5 x 3
Strict Press – 95 x 5 x 3
Strict Chins – 3 x 7
I expected this to be a tough morning, because I only got 4 hours of sleep. But everything felt fairly easy. Maybe sleep is what's been holding me back all this time. Ya think?
6am with McNick
Front Squat:
This felt heavier than I hoped it would, but we haven't been squatting much, which might explain it.
Metcon: :51/:54/1:00/:54/:57. All jump up/step down, except 3rd where I tried fast step up/downs to see if they were faster – no, they are not.
Front Squats
WOD Rx'd
Best 53 sec.
Worst 55 sec.
I don't know how you people did this faster.
On behalf of my awesome fellow 7 AMer Shawn, can we please fix the Women's Masters leaderboard to include those older than 49?
I came in for a solo lifting session, knowing that the Strength Cyclers would be around to beg a spot from (and generally pal around with). I think I'm going to keep doing OG once a week on Mondays, because the left wrist is getting less happy and I think powerlifting is better than Oly lifting for now.
Bench 120x5x3, wrist complained a lot during my middle set. I think I need to be exceptionally careful at heavy loads, or else give the football bar a try. 🙁
Deadlift 225×5, no problem.
Then 3×8 GHD situps and 7 minutes on the assault bike, just so I didn't feel like a total slouch. I still hate the assault bike!
leaderboard fixed
@Matty Chym – What do you mean, you people ?
Hi, When will sign up for veggie CSA be available?
@Stella – thanks for your advocacy. @David – thanks!
@ EVERYONE – PARTY AT MY HOUSE – SATURDAY NIGHT, anytime after 7:30 (friends and family welcome). Call or text for address 347-525-7887 or friend/message me on facebook! The more the merrier.
Front squat (yesterday) with Jess
Front squats were weirdly falling apart for me last cycle and it's been ages so took my percentages off of 100# rather than 110. Felt surprisingly light so stayed at 95% and 85% on the last two sets, respectively. I think I like a grippier grip.
Met Con – 1:14 was slowest (2nd) and :59 fastest (last). 75# on the bar. Step ups rather than jump because my knee hurts. Why?
AG with Ro
Blackburns or blackbirds?
Held a couple good pauses on the handstand itself.
HSPU – Got to one abmat for strict and can kip off the floor. Tried strict off the floor. I just get nervous coming down so I end up resting there. Gotta work on my nerves to figure out if strength is there.
Mini Barbara (Barbie?) 14:07 or 14:17? I think the hands off the ground push ups mess with my form. Push ups slowed me down the most.
Thank you DO!
Shawn – Blackburns
Noon class
Worked up to a heavy 5 instead of getting up to 90%
Felt good
Fastest was 49 seconds, slowest 56. Going in I was geared up for AMRAP 10 Minutes of this, a la 13.2. I was relieved to remember that I had programmed it differently!
AG last night was fun as always. Got some strict HSPU's to one abmat but still can't quite manage no abmats. Did some deficit kipping HSPU's for the first time which was pretty awesome! Best was a single with two of those grey slabby things on either side. Kinda hoping HSPU's come up in the Open this week even though I am far from good at them.
Ran to and from the gym today- what a beautiful day!
Pull-up pyramid
I have a feeling I'll be stuck on this one for a while…
12pm with McD and Ro.
10 X front squats
3, HSPU for first round then 10x push-ups afterwards
5 X t2b/k2e
Front Squat
150 X 5, 170 x 3, 190 x 1, 170 x 3, 150 x 5
Judging by how easy that single felt I think my 1RM might have gone up substantially. This was a beltless PR.
WOD- best 0:44, worst 0:50. Lady Fox was flying through this one. Very inspiring! Could almost keep up with her on the bar but not a hope on the box jumps. I do love having someone really fast to chase 🙂
Tried to bound a couple of times but couldn't organize it.
8AM with Nick.
Front Squat:
Slow WOD: fastest time was 1:16, slowest was 1:22.
12pm class:
-some banded walks, glute bridges and clam shells before class
2rnft: 10 push-ups, 3 strict chin-ups, 10 front squats
(95×5, 135×3, 150×2)
-realized after the set at 190 that this is the highest I've either front or back squatted in a long time. Felt heavy but doable. All unbelted.
:43, :40, :34, :32, :34
-first two rounds were jump up, step down to warm up my calves. Then finished out with bounding box jumps to see how fast I could go. Felt really good. Almost ate it in the last round so I think that would have been my fastest time without the hiccup.
-hardest part were the push press because of some pretty sore/achy shoulders but overall this is in my wheelhouse.
32 seconds!!! Oh snap – teach me your ways, Lady Fox (bows humbly in admiration).
And to think I was so proud of myself for that hyperlink…
@Matty Chym – What do you mean, you people ?
Front Squats
230/260/90% 275/260/230
WOD Rx fastest: 59 sec slowest 1:13
Bounding UB
:32 is ridiculous… after my round of :38 I don't see how breaking :35 is possible. Jeebus Jess.
OMG seriously Jess is my hero.
6:30 with Fox. Whose dog was the adorable one tied up next to the GHD? We bonded before class, I would like to petition for regular visitation rights.
Front squats up to 95% of 300: 225×5, 255×3, 285×1, … I think before this cycle where we've been squatting less frequently, my true 1RM was a bit over 300. Still, feeling pretty good about hitting 285 and not feeling it as a max effort. 225 felt really heavy the first time around but I guess that was just me clearing out the cobwebs.
WOD — I really enjoyed this. Kept a smile on my face the whole time, except when I was grunting or panting or whatever. Fastest round was about 1:01, slowest 1:06. No-repped myself in the last round where I pulled up on the DL before it hit the ground, or I think it would have been my fastest. 115 is just heavy enough that it feels clumsy to cycle the push presses.
In other news, I got into the NYC Marathon… so my exercise plan for the year is shaping up a little differently then I had expected… probably going to have to shelve my stretch goal of squatting 405 this year (WHY CAN'T WE DO EVERYTHING SIMULTANEOUSLY ALL THE TIME?)
You guys are crazy. I think my fastest was 0:58. Slowest was 1:12 (first).
I refuse to do bounding box jumps so let's blame it on that and not my very slow and ugly push presses.
153×1 (90%).
4:30PM group class tonight! fun surprise (client canceled)
FSQ: 95×5, 115×3
WOD: RX+ for fun! scaled up to 85#. just seemed like the right thing to do.
:42, :40, :37, :38, :37
bounded all box jumps. had one weird off balance moment in maybe the fourth and fifth rounds, so maybe could have been a hair faster if that hadn't happened. fun one!!
3 posiition snatch @ 63#, 83#
123 (95%)
131F, F, F (would be a 1# PR)
Felt good to hit a solid 95% at 123#.
The misses at 131# were, of course, because I didn't pull under fast enough and commit/head through at the bottom. Video review showed that I hesitated at the top of attempt #2, still going up up up and back when I should already be reversing under the bar.
It's high enough! Just gotta effing get under the weight!
6am McNick
This is my first official week! So excited! I am trying to figure out my weight range so apologies if they're all over the place.
Front Squat
I think I can go higher for my max. We shall see next time!
WOD RX: at 63lbs fastest 1:24 and slowest 1:38