Work up to a clean that’s a bit heavier than the weight you’ll use for the metcon.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
7 Front Squats 185/125
7 Muscle Ups
Cleans come off the floor, and the first Front Squat can be a full Clean. The Front Squats should be heavyish but unbroken. If you can do a a few deep ring dips and are stable on top of the rings but don’t yet have ring Muscle-Ups, substitute Jumping Muscle-Ups. Be sure to catch the transition at the bottom of the dip.
3 Round For Time:
400m Run
10 Front Squats 135/95
20 Push-Ups
Same as above: No rack—first Front Squat can be a full Clean. The Front Squats should be heavyish for 10 but unbroken is the goal.
Throwback Thursday: Jacinto B. and Allan E. at CFSBK’s very first Fight Gone Bad
- Schedule Changes: Today’s 9am Yoga and 7:30pm Active Recovery classes are cancelled.
- Open Workout 16.3 will be announced tonight at 8pm EST. Go here to watch the live annoucement!
Etiquette Tip of the Week: Wash Yer Dang Cups!
Art by Jen Murray
Rub-a-dub-dub one cup in a tub, and nobody’s gonna wash it but you! We love you guys, but you’re kinda messy sometimes. Here’s a refresher on drink and sink etiquette:
- Feel free to use any of the cups in either of the racks at 597! But once you’ve finished you drink or finished class, please wash it with soap and water and return it to the drying rack so somebody else can use it. Same goes for dishes and utensils.
- You can keep your cup on the counter until you’re done with it. Please don’t bring open containers onto the gym floor.
- You can, of course, also leave your own water bottles and shaker cups on the counter, but don’t forget to take them home after class! Protein shakes get smelly real fast, and the neighbors (especially that busybody Martha) are starting to wonder about our large collection of water bottles.
- Nespresso pods and K-Cups are available at the front desk for $1.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Burpees, Deadlifts | Thrusters, Row
Here’s the Thing About Cardio… Weightlifting and Conditioning Catalyst Athletics
A Civil War Love Story The Hairpin
Alan E is an OG CFSBKer? I had no idea! Is that the Lyceum? Alan… Prepare to have your brain picked
6am with Jess
Worked up to 235 on the squat clean. Felt easy, which is great given that it's only 10# off my best single and I did it in nanos.
Metcon – 12:20 Rx'd. The FSQ were nowhere near as difficult as I thought they would be. I used a belt, which probably cost me a minute getting it on and off for all the rounds. Wouldn't have done that in retrospect.
6am with Ms. Fox
Hit 215# on the squat clean but I was feeling uneasy today and kept landing on my toes so I stopped there. Maybe not wearing my lifters played into that.
WOD Rx'd in 15:10.
Echoing Dan L, I thought the front squats were going to be way harder. They were still hard but I managed them unbroken. The runs were intentionally slow and I probably could have pushed harder. Muscle ups were on point. Managed 3 or 4 to start each round and then fell into singles. I am finally opening all the way up at the bottom.
Cleans: Worked up to 143#. Tried 153 a few times (my current PR), but was not in the right mental state at all (thought about not being in lifters and that threw me off). Definitely got the bar plenty high and kept hitting my collarbone, just wasn't committing.
Fitness WOD: 11:44 Rx. Runs and front squats were fine. Push-ups deteriorated more and more each round, ending in quick singles for the last 12.
Excited to see what 16.3 will bring tonight.
6am with Jess
Cleans worked up to 215#. Felt like usual, anything past 200 takes for seems like forever to stand up.
WOD 18:09 @155#
Probably should have just down the front squats @185#, 155 was too light. Muscle ups made the mistake of trying to put together 5 in a row on the first round and failed it. Doubles and singes for the next two rounds. Matt made a great point on my last round about trying to head butt someone on the other side of the rings and it definitely helped.
Can't wait to see what the announcement will be for this weekend.
7am with Jess & Nick
Worked up to 175# which ties my PR here. My 1RM FSQ is 180# so I know what I need to work on to up the weight.
WOD mashup in 12:29 (12:2_ <–fill in the blank I kinda forget…)
Did FSQ @ 10 x 115# and it was way too light. Really shoulda just done 7 x 135# in hindsight. Jumping muscle ups were good. Really worked on keeping the arms close per Jess's cues. My arms look like I have road rash from a bike spill.
Worked on my kipping muscle ups after. Almost ate shit on one, chalked up and nailed the second, and called it after losing the transition on my third.
2×10 GHD cash out. Foxes pointed out they just aren't the same without the lettuce. I feel that.
6am with Jess
Cleans worked up to 175#. Felt good and feel like I am pulling less with my arms. Slowly improving here.
WOD 13:35 at 165# and jumping muscle ups
Agree with everyone else that the front squats were easier than I thought they would be. Would have gone heavier if I had confidence in my clean. Liked the jumping muscle up practice. Makes me feel like I am closer to getting on to the high rings..
6am with Jess
Worked up to 185# on the cleans. These felt solid.
WOD 12:21 at 135#/ jumping MU, and was on the erg. (still babying my strained calf)
I should have gone heavier here, but I was happy with the pace.
8 am with Fox
The weather was glorious.
Worked up to 135# on the squat cleans (~85%)
WOD in 12:something
FSQs @ 115#, Subbed in 5 Jumping MUs per round
Did all of the the squats unbroken but missed the first clean on the third round. Bar just rolled right off my arms at the bottom of the squat.
Jumping muscle-ups were fun. Need to work on catching lower.
Ended with a bit of doubles practice.
Hit 10a class today:
Worked to one clean at 215, felt sufficiently heavy in my sneakers, oof.
Scaled the Performance WOD to 5 muscle ups a round, its been probably 9 or so months since I've done MUs in a workout, and have only really demo-ed strict singles sporadically since then.
Finished in 14:10, runs were fairly deliberate (but damn it was nice out), FSQs felt heavy but the 7th wasn't too much slower than the 1st each round.
Broke each MU set in 3/2 and was surprised with how good they felt and was happy not to miss any- I purposely attempted a few that I was 50/50 I would hit, just to reset my barometer on how these feel, and was able to hit them all, even if I caught a little low and had to organize a bit before the dip. Feels nice to fly again!
12pm class
Cleans: worked up to 154#
-that was plenty heavy for today while in my metcons.
WOD in 12:59
-rx'd volume/load on the fsq's but scaled to 4 jumping muscle ups per round. I knew that those ring dips would add up
-overshot one of my transitions and nearly ate it. Thankful to be practicing these on low rings where my feet can save me because I definitely don't want to make this mistake on the high rings!
-Props to Borducci for sticking with the rx'd weight for fsq's!
Yesterday's Programming
Deadlifts + Burpees
135, 185, 215, 225, 225
I started light wanting to feel out this weird g-g-groin thing that's been g-g-going on. But it ended up being a non-issue.
Thruster + Row (aka Pain + Death)
Scaled: 75#
I didn't time it, but I kept moving throughout.
Had work done on my back yesterday and didn't want to be too dynamic today. Snuck in some lifting though.
Front Squat
Felt easy, but taking it easy. At least my press was below my front squat. I got a day pass from Broville.
then :30 hard, :30 easy for 20 rounds on the bike
"Bro, did he forget about us today?"
"It's like I don't know him anymore."
Thanks Jess!
And Fox's pec drama is very entertaining. Will they get back together?
Felt heavy today. Finished with 2 reps at 60kg.
Glad to do this workout with the Foxes — Chis encouraging me to do a performance version and Jess doing it alongside me.
Finished in 15:03
First 2 sets of squats unbroken, 4-3 in the third — 125# fsq is 80% so I figured it would be rough but very happy I tried and succeeded unbroken for 2 rounds
Failed 2 dips in the first two rounds and 3 in the third — Good to practice jumping MU transitions and kipping dips but took a lot of time. Got back to the rings at 12:12 on the last round and failed the first three dips, waited a bit before finally getting the last 4.
45 X 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 165 x 3, 185 x 5 x 3
Kept it light today,
45 X 5, 65 x 4, 75 x 3, 85 x 1, 95F, 90F
I had a theory that maybe my press had improved because I've been benching so much but alas this was not the case! Ha! My old 1RM was 95#… Guess I'll have to start training this lift again some time.
4:30 group class with KHarpz
Worked up to 123 on the cleans in my non-lifters which felt weird but somehow we're better than usual. Katie told me I should go for the performance workout and sub 20 x push- ups so that's what I did. I didn't think I could clean that weight in a WOD but I could even though I had to power clean because I was really wobbly on my feet. I also had no idea I could front squat without lifters do that's pretty cool. Maybe I should do that more often.
So performance WOD Rx weight (sub 20 x push-ups) in11:22
Good workout! Thanks Katie for the push!
Pull-up pyramid
3 sets
15 X GHD sit-ups
10 X abwheel
Cant wait to be back to 6:30 next week. Late nights are rough! I also miss Thursday night AR!!
Cleans: 108×2, failed 113. I've cleaned 118 before so I'm a little disappointed.
Performance/fitness mashup:
400m run
93×7 fsq
4 jumping muscle ups
Watched 600 videos on bar muscle ups (had a feeling). Attempted before and after class because it looks so easy! But it's not :*( good luck to everyone doing the open tonight!!!
7:30 with DO
Worked up to 113 on the cleans.
Fitness wod RX in 15:10…? I think?
The push-ups were a real bitch.
great old shot!
7:30 with David
Worked up to PR of 205 on the clean. It wasn't my most beautiful lift but I stood up. Feeling more comfortable with cleans each time out. Did some triples at 185 which all felt very solid so progress is being made.
Started the metcon RX and got through 3 reps of the front squats but was moving slow after that run. Dropped down to 135 and got back at it. Finished in 11:17 and felt pretty good about it.
Jumping muscle ups felt strong and after class I listened in on David's quick tips on bar muscle ups and hit about 5 or so. Was my first time hitting those as well so all in all a pretty fun night. Just hope I remember how to find the top of that bar muscle up come