Rack Jerk
Work up to a max single for the day. Press-outs are missed lifts.
5 Rounds for Time:
30 OH Kettlebell Swings 53/35
20 Box Jumps 24/20
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coach Jeremy delivers a fist bump after one of Serene K.’s successful Squat attempts. Big congrats to Serene on winning her weight class! | Photo by Thomas H.
- Be sure to submit your individual scores to the CrossFit Open website by 8pm tonight. Team Captains: please submit your team score to the intramural spreadsheet by 12pm on Tuesday.
- Schedule Change: This Thursday’s 7:30pm Active Recovery class and this Saturday’s 10pm Yoga for Athletes class are cancelled.
Better Know a Member: Maya Ommi
Welcome back to a newish feature on the CFSBK blog, Better Know a Member! (The name is a play on an old Stephen Colbert segment, Better Know a District.) You all love Underneath the Hoodie and Behind the Desk, and now, in a similar vein, we’ll be profiling members from across the CFSBK community. In our inaugural installment, we introduced you to Monique L. Today it’s time to meet Maya O.!
Name: Maya Ommi
Where were you born and where did you grow up? Born in Tehran, Iran.
How long have you been CrossFitting, and how did you arrive at CFSBK? I found CFSBK online, before moving to the U.S. from Australia. And I really liked the photos of the gym’s atmosphere and energy. So I chose to train at CFSBK.
What are you up to when you’re not at 597 Degraw Street? I’m an illustrator. I love anything creative and visual. Mostly when I’m not training I’m drawing, writing, reading, seeing art, and going to the theater or to a concert.
What’s the first movie you ever loved? It’s a classic French movie called “La Grande Vadrouille,” a movie that makes me laugh every time I watch it.
You have friends or family coming to visit from out of town. What do you take them to do in NYC? I love nature and parks. So, I would take them to Prospect Park or Central Park.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Open Workout 16.2
The Gilded Age’s Only Female Tycoon Lived in Brooklyn to Avoid Paying Taxes Atlas Obscura
Kara Webb Does 16.2 in 15:07 Again Faster
Any chance of repeating 16.2 during or after one of tonight's classes? Feel I can do a lot better than where I'm at currently. No problem if not.
@Sean, what class are you going to? We can judge each other.
6am with Nick and McD
Rack Jerk: Worked up to 225# with MattyChm. Core was a little wobbly at the end but I maintained good speed underneath the bar.
WOD: 11:41 Rx. Did the first set of KBs unbroken, then 11/11/8 for the rest. My lower back feels like soft cheese right now.
Woke up this morning feeling like I had broken glass under my skin when I made a fist. So naturally I came in for heavy jerks and kettle bell swings.
I cant remember the full progression but I started with 185#x5 and ended with a single at 215#. No belt for any of these although I really wanted it during the longer sets.
WOD Rx'd in 14:31
The first set of swings was unbroken and then 15/15 and then 10/10/10 and then I threw some 5s in there. This was all lower back for me.
@Ben, most likely 830 but 730 is possible depending on when I leave work. Hope that's workable.
7am with NickDowell
Rack Jerks
95×5 / 125×5 / 135×3 / 145×3 / 155 / 170
Thought my PR was 165, but looks like it was 160. Cool. McDowell pointed out I was rushing forward to land on my front foot a bit. The couple times I was able to catch myself felt wayyyy better. Some more weight to move here which is exciting as I'm over bodyweight now. Jerks without the clean before always feel kinda awkward to me.
Metcon Rx – 15:20
All lower back. First three rounds moved quick, but those last two sucked hard.
Jerk: Worked up to 195, failed 205. It is there, just soft in the shoulders. Liking how we can work on jerks in this cycle.
Metcon: 12:54 Rx. Took some liberties with rest today, ie:. 5 second rests turned into 25 second rests towards the end. I was concerned this would get grippy but not the case.
Joy: check out Snapchat. it is a thing…
6am with NickDowell
Jerks – 95×5, 115×5, 135×3, 155×3, 175×1, 185×1
Push jerks through 135. Started split jerks at 155 and I quickly realized that I haven't split jerked in what feels like 3 months and it showed. First one was like the leaning tower of Pisa before I got my stuff together for the next two. 175 was pretty solid and 185 was good but sloppy footwork.
WOD in 13:16 Rx. KB swings unbroken, 20-10, 15-10-5 x 3. Just had to keep moving. My traps now feel like they did 150 overheard kb swings.
@benlock I will be at 430 or 530p, I need a judge too – can you help a sista out? I can judge if you and sean aren't able to meet, also. thanks!
I loved watching Iron Maidens this weekend – what a beautiful display of female strength – really inspiring, and extra hugs to my amazing 7 AM partner Shawn who killed it. Also thanks Cafe Grumpy for outstanding coffee!
95# jerk at 8 AM today, which ties my own PR; I think I could have hit 100# but time was out. And for the WOD: my first time trying dynamic jumping since breaking my pinkie toe 5 weeks ago, it felt totally fine, so for better or worse, looks like box jumps and burpees are back in my life!
10 AM with Noah
First ever Jerks (all split)
65×5, 75×5, 85x 3, 105×3, 105×1, 115×1
wobbly as hell on the last.
WOD in 12:50;
20KG KB swings, 1st set unbroken, 2nd & 3rd, 15×2, 4th and 5th, 10×3.
bad calf, so step ups to 20". a bit wasted for sure.
@Sean — I thought scores had to be entered by 8 PM tonight in order to count?
6AM with McD & Nick
I worked up to 185# in 95×5, 125×5, 145×3, 165×1, 185×1
Missed a set of 3 in there somehow. My plan was to do a triple at 165, but I ended up just dumping it after the first rep.
11:14 Setups to 24" unbroken (still resting my strained calf so didn't jump for any)
20kg KB 30, 20-10, 15-15, 10-10-10, 10-10-10 (American)
I tried to limit my breaks to 10s or less.
Fun to walk out and see the Sun.
@stella thanks for pointing that out… I had thought when i looked last night it said 7pm Pacific time. Guess the mind sees what it wants. I am SOL on the redo it appears. Should tried again last night at open gym. Oh well.
Maya!! Yay- love knowing more about you! Always a warm person to be around.
I find it hard to gather and condense my thoughts after an event such as Iron Maidens so bear with me!
What an incredible day! This is definitely the most fun I have had at a meet. I finally got over my nerves and once I had hit that first squat and it felt so good, I treated the whole thing like more of a show than a test and this was key for me. Margie had told me once that the more meets I do, the less scary it becomes and it seems like 4 was the magic number for me.
I went 9/9 and I don't think I got a single red light? This is huge for me as I have struggled with depth and confidence and hitching and you name it in the past.
So it went like this.
I had planned on 285 but decided to be conservative because I wanted to reserve energy for my other lifts. I think this was the right move.
135/150/152.5 (PR)
This felt heavy but good.
315/330/340 (PR)
Anyone who was in the room for that part of the day will agree that the energy was absolutely incredible. I attribute 80% of my strength at that point to adrenaline and the buzz from the crowd. Better than any drugs. I swear that was one of the most emotionally charged half hours of my entire life and I felt like I could have moved a mountain. So amazing to have my sisters Serene, Kayleigh, Stella and Mo and all the other ladies pulling 300+ (and 400+!) to the sounds ofBeyonce and Eve and a massive cheering crowd of friends. Just wow.
My Total at Iron Maidens last year was 715- this year was 772.5 and I am 6.5lb lighter.
Awesome to have my friend Amanda, Lauren, Latasha and Aileen there spotting throughout and being judged by Jess and Whit was the best and I hope I made you guys proud! And Sam Peltz for saying really lovely things. So great to see Mare too!!
Big thanks to Margie for, like, everything! And Jeremy who handled me and talked sense to me before each lift. And Fox for letting me bounce my last minute strategizing off him. And DO because duh.
To win my weight class was incredible but to win the Wilks was really special. I've been cutting weight since the beginning of the year which is not ideal going into a meet, but worked in my favor here. I also have been doing a lot of CroossFit so I wasn't expecting to PR at all. But somehow I didn't let any of that get in my head on the day and that's because I was too busy having fun!!
Dude, Charlie, you made EVERYBODY proud! <3 <3 <3
@Maya – nice to learn more about you and check out your awesome illustrations. You are very talented! I have a children's book idea so someday I'll know whom to come to.
This is a great new feature on the blog — I think I've said that before.
Noon class today – happy to have a chance to focus on Jerks which are a weakness
Jerks with Adam
85# x 5
95# x 5
115# x 3
120# x 3
130# x 1
140# f — cue from Fox that really resonated. I started punching up with my arms before finishing extension with my legs. I realized I felt the weight with my arms which freaked me out and never got the power from my legs.
140# x 1 — easy!
Workout Rx – 10:59 — this felt crappy throughout. Kind of considered giving up during the first round but I have a firm rule agains that. It was great to work next to Katie who is a demon on box jumps.
Yesterday — 16.2 at OG, Rx 173. Thanks to Jake for being a great judge, Arturo for picking the right tunes and keeping me moving, and the OG crew who stuck around to cheer me on — that work out, together with the smoothie I chugged before-hand, made me feel ILL
Saturday — Volunteered at Iron Maidens which was an incredible event. Exceeds expectations every year. So many awesome people and athletes were in attendance. I enjoyed meeting the AM athletes checking them in, and loading bars for the PM athletes. The energy at the end was exhilarating. I was exhausted by association.
@Charlie – Congratulations again. You are incredible!
I think that about covers everything and makes up for my not posting to the blog in a while..
Redo of 16.2 with Nick. I took way too many breaks during the second set of T2B on Friday and thought I could get deeper in if I changed that approach. At 5 reps into the cleans at 135 I realized that I was actually on a slower pace than the first time so I stopped. Rested about a minute and then did the 13 cleans at 185 for good measure (or something like that).
I've never repeated an Open wod until today. I should have kept my streak alive!
Starting with Iron Maiden – went round trip to Hartford on the Friday before to see my daughter's dance performance. Never ever hit that much traffic. Took over 4 hours so no dinner. Got home after midnight and couldn't sleep. Still, felt excited to lift and totally energized by all the strong and wonderful lifters, buoyed by those working the event and the crowd, and grateful to the sponsors and contributors. I freaked myself out by missing my first lift of the day (depth) so I stayed conservative. No PRs but I got three scores on the board and felt beyond pleased. I was sorry to not be able to stay for the afternoon sessions (back up to Hartford but in the normal 2.5 hours). What great pictures and videos. Special shout outs to Charile, Kaylleigh, Serene (glad you ignored your ailment!) and to Hella Stella!
Today 7 am with Nick and McDowell except for when I went across the street for 4 mins to get 65 reps doing 16.2. I really wanted to get to the bar for an attempt but 10 double unders off isn't really all that close given I gotta go single, single, double still. At least it made me understand the temptation to try again. Thought that was crazy before!
Came back to the gym and jumped on everyone's rack to jerk until I got to a rack that had 93#. It was OK given that I didn't properly sequence my way there.
@Jynne. First, you're here posting comments! Yay! Hi! Second, you're the best and third, wowee on those jerk numbers!!! Glad your baby toe is good to go!
WOD 14:40ish. 12kg KB cuz I feel all beat up. 20" box – looked high today.
Oh! Gave 16.2 a whirl this morning at 9 ish OG with Bob, Matt Katz, Lauren S, Brian B, Micheline and Christina. I was surprised to get out of the first round (which was my goal) I really couldn't believe just how heavy those cleans felt. Unfortunately I didn't have a whole load of energy left, mental or physical, to give the rest of the workout my full effort. And I really had no desire to get back to the barbell, if I'm honest!! 165 reps Rx- I got to place my hands on the bar and think about cleaning it, which probably would not even have happened if I had tried!! I had a feeling this was going to be REALLY hard because every single person I saw doing it was wiped at the end. This was REEEEALLLY hard.
Jess Fox is a boss.
Rack Jerk
WOD Rx 16:24
KBS 12/10/8 BJ 9/7/4
HOLY CRAP CHARLIE! What amazing progress! I love this.
View of Iron Maidens from the spotter's position: a non-stop thrill ride, my friends. Afternoon team was an awesome group, and while we were very focused on keeping the lifters safe, it was impossible not to get emotionally invested in each and every lift, seeing faces both familiar and unfamiliar step up for their big moments. Grateful to have had the chance to observe up close that Iron Maidens is exactly what Margie set out to create — and overwhelmingly positive and supportive celebration of female strength. Also want to give a special shout-out to all of the amazing coaches that participated in this day, y'all make this such a special place to be each and every day. Woo-hoo!
Iron maidens was a blast yesterday! Really loved the energy, kudos to all the lifters, organizers and volunteers.
Also loved learning more about Maya!!!
16.2 Today 174 as Rx'd (9 cleans at 185)
This workout and all the potential outcomes have been haunting me since being announced. Really helped to watch several people do it and come up with a game plan very specific to me. The toes to bars and double unders were my money makers, so I tried to push hard there. When I got to 135 it wasn't as bad as I thought and was able to keep up a respectable clip. My plan was to cruise through round one as quickly as I could and then make round two hurt as much as humanly possible to get back to the barbell. Once I got to 185 it wasn't as heavy as I thought it was going to feel which was incredible at that point. I just pulled as quickly as I could and told myself that my legs had to fail before my will did.
530p class
Push Jerk: 5-5-3-3-1-1-1
63-73-78-83-93-98-103, 108 is my PR here I believe
Opted to do 16.2 Rx: 85 Reps
DU are the one movement that have HAUNTED me and I knew if I could just conquer them in this workout, I would be a happy girl. Was able to not only get thru them but also get in 10 cleans at Rx.. now, I'm getting all greedy and cannot believe I left 5 cleans on the table.. ehhh, I'll get them next year.
Iron Maidens round up-maybe one of my all time favorite days at CFSBK. I had always heard of the amazing energy and support in the room, but you really cannot fully feel it until you have 200 lbs on your back for the first time, squat down, stand up and feel the adrenaline rushing through your veins. It was incredible, I am so proud to have been part of the day. Thank you to all the coaches, but a special shout out to Whitney who has by far taken my strength and skill to another level. I feel so much stronger inside and out (pls excuse the cheese line but its true)!
Final total was 547.5 and I PR'd all my lifts!!
Squat 200# – I know I have more here, I hit 195 and should have gone for 205 but I really just wanted to solidify my place in the 200 club 😉
Bench 97.5#
DL 250#
Maya!!! We should talk sometime from one illustrator to another!!
Iron Maidens was so fun!! Had the best time seeing everyone do awesome and the vibes were so good!
Squat – 200#, failed my third attempt at 210# which was my PR from October's meet, pretty sure it was just a positioning issue and know I can come back to own it again! am happy I hit all the cues which is what made me the most nervous ever!
Bench – 105# which is a gym PR match, but when I did it about two weeks ago I messed up on cues and sooo glad I didn't mess this one up at all! So happy to finally get in the 100s on the worst lift!
Deadlift – 245# match PR, looked a little uglier than my October meet one which flew up so fast, this time I was tired with shaky legs! Good to know that even when I was super exhausted I still got it up, at that point I was at the gym since 11am and it was close to 7pm for my final lift.
I'm happy overall that after taking a two month break post October meet, then ramping up a super fast 8 week training to my numbers that my strength came back waaaayyy faster than I thought! Going back to starting strength class next week which will help!
GOOD JOB ALL MY LADIESSSSS!!! Xoxoxox SO HAPPY TO HAVE SHARED YOUR AMAZING MOMENTS WITH YOU, big ups to Margie, Spotters, Judges and Staff! Love you all!!
Redid 16.2 because my DUs were an embarrassment yesterday. Also my first time redoing an open workout. Intramurals has us all like…
Got 86 reps which is a 6 rep improvement. T2B were about 10s faster today because my back wasn't as tight so I could string some together. I took lots of breaks on the DUs to compose myself which helped greatly. When I got frustrated I alternated double, single double. Still pitiful, but an improvement. Maybe I should have attempted cycling a few cleans, but probably wouldn't have been able to…
Tempo press: 3×6@25# DB
Handstand walks. Went about 4 ft. Haven't worked on these in a while.
Agreed, Cam! So much fun and congrats! And KCaps!!!! 200 SQUAT! NIIIICE!!!
Maya is the nicest! Your illustrations are wonderful!! Glad to know you better.
Jerk: 73X5, 83×5, 93×3, 103×1 *Felt scared to reset for 3, 113×1, 118 (Failed; would have been a PR)
WOD: When I heard "yellow" KB, I knew I'd do pretty well. 10:53. KB swings unbroken every round, box jumps were steady no breaks.
Stayed after for a hot second to do some DU practice (I feel I'm on a roll). After whipping a gym member and then some pedestrians, I called it quits… however, I fortunately strung 14 together for the first time! BAM! Maybe lack of depth perception has something to do with struggling so hard with DU's? Who knows. Sorry!
Yeah Maya! What a nice interview! It's always nice to WOD with you and I'd like to add that you are an excellent role model in stretching and foam rolling before and after class!
Lbbs: (45×10, 95×5,135×3) 145x8x4
-first time using my lifters and knee sleeves as I work back up. Noah pointed out I shifted forward a bit on a couple in the early sets which is something I've been trying to work on. Overall felt good though and I'll go up 10# next time.
-also paused between a set or two to cheer/judge/chain plates for those doing 16.2.
Press: (45×5, 65×5) 70x10x3
-continued my LP here even though it has been about 2 weeks since I pressed. Will still make 2.5# jump next time.
Judged McD while he crushed 16.2
Then tested box jumps as I planned to do group class wod, but my knees weren't feeling it. Instead decided to do:
EMOM 5 handstand push-ups for 10 rounds
-all rounds kipping and unbroken. Pretty sure we'll see handstand push-ups and/or muscle ups in 16.3
Did 16.2 today, it was as fun and dreadful and challenging as it seemed.
Ended up with 170, 5 cleans in the 2nd round- should have been 6 but I missed one forward, which is pretty rare for me. T2B were fairly strong, 10/8/7 in the first round and 5 then triples, doubles, and fast singles in threes after. Had more trouble with DUs than normal, 2-4 misses a round which was disappointing but I was able to keep my head screwed on and keep moving. Wasn't able to dig quite as deep into the well as I'd like- my body is still sort of auto-governing and slowing me down when things get to that sketchy end-of-a-WOD place, which I'm totally OK with!
Fun workout. Very gratifying watching ol KHaprz absolutely demolish it a few hours later- a really gritty and gutsy performance on top of the obvious requisite skill, strength, etc needed.