“What Deadlifts with two legs in the morning, four legs in the afternoon, and is swole all day long?” It’s the Traveling Foxes, of course! Legend has it that the Sphinx forgot its famous riddle when confronted with this feat of strength | Photoshop by Cam C.
- Tomorrow is the last day to register for the CFSBK Open Intramural Team Competiton, and Thursday is the last day to register for the CrossFit Open.
- Schedule Changes: 6:30 pm Active Recovery and 7:30 Anti-Gravity are cancelled.
The Starting Strength Challenge at CrossFit Gantry
Looking to compete in another powerlifting meet in the spring? The Starting Strength Challenge will be hosted by Zilber Coaching at CrossFit Gantry (in Long Island City) on April 24th! Three attempts to establish a one-rep max in the Squat, Press, and Deadlift will be judged by Starting Strength Coaches.
Not only will you get to compete against the lifters that attend your local meet, but your results will be compared with the competitors from all FIVE of the other locations nationwide that are holding the same exact meet during the same weekend!
The best male and female lifter from the combined meet, calculated using the Wilks formula, will be awarded with their own York Barbell and other awesome prizes!
You can also register as part of a team. To do so, please indicate your team name in the COMPANY/ORGANIZATION field of the registration page. Your final team roster is due via email by Friday, April 22nd at 11:59pm. Go team CFSBK!
This is a great opportunity to experience a competition, lift some weights, set personal records, and see how you stack up against athletes both locally and in other parts of the country.
Go here to register!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch | Double-Unders, Thrusters
The Complete Guide to Breaking Your Smartphone Habit Art of Manliness
Maddy Myers Sets New Junior American Record hookgrip
Wednesday's Programming
Work up to a max triple for the day. No failing, no loss of position. Touch and Go is permitted.
AMRAP 20 Minutes
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
In it's best form, this classic triplet is performed unbroken with stamina/cardiovascular capacity being the limiter. For most, it's either pull up and/or push capacity that slows us down. If you can perform the reps, then do Cindy as Rx'd. Otherwise, scale the Pull-Ups to Ring Rows and the Push-Ups to the knees as necessary or reduce the rep scheme to largely keep moving. In 2009, Chris Spealler score a whopping 38 rounds at the Games, and Gillian Mounsey scored 28. You're a heavy hitter? This is a CFSBK leaderboard workout. Tell a coach you're gunning for it so we can keep you in sights!
AG is canceled today. We will resume next Tuesday!
8:30pm last night
Worked up to 125 on the snatch complex. Some good, some bad but was happy that I was getting deeper into my squat when catching the bar.
Metcon : RX'd in 8:12. Thursters unbroken except for set of 9 (6-3). DU unbroken for 50 but had to split the sets of 40 and 30 into random blocks. Heart rate and breathing through the roof for this one.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA that photo caption is amazing!
What happened to Monday's programming post?
Since it was a no-show, I had to make up my own.
And it involved pizza and beer.
6am doing Wednesday's work
Deadlift: 135×5,225×3,315×3,365×3,405(F), 405×1. This was a disaster given I've pulled 440×3 and 475×1 in the last 3-4 months. I just didn't have it today. Lack of sleep, weight loss, all back/no legs are all possible culprits, but it was rough day for DL.
Cindy: 11 rounds + 4 pullups. Stayed on the bar for 5 pullups at a time which is new for me, pushups in 2-3 sets per round, squats unbroken, but methodical. I'm relatively happy with this effort given the way the day was going.
7am with McDowell doing Monday's work
Snatch Complex: 110#
Failed 115# a few times. Was able to power snatch it each time, then the snatch from the hang was just not in the cards today. Got under it once and caught myself by surprise and just didn't stand it up.
Metcon Rx in 13:40
These are two of my worst movements so just happy to even finish it. In the first round it looked like BK's doubles and Steve's jump rope skipped rest day and got some work in. Turned out to be a Tupac hologram scenario from the round of 40 on.
I forgot to credit the magnificent Cam C. for the 100% real photo of the Foxes. Will update when I can get to a computer!
@Chris: yesterday's post is showing for me.
8 am doing Monday's work w/ Jess
Snatch Complex
75-85F-85 (Not a fail but hideous)-75-75-80
These were pretty awful. 85 isn't typically a struggle for me but it felt so very heavy today.
WOD 9:17
I've resolved to start going heavier in WODs even if it slows me down, so I went with 80# on the thrusters. And yes, it did slow me down a whole lot.
At first, I was determined to do all of the doubles, but I got to rep 45 of the first set and realized the workout was going to take me 20 minutes if I continued at full volume. So I dropped to half for the remaining sets.
Despite my poor performance, fun morning with a fun crew.
@Josh – Yes, I see it now! When looked yesterday morning, the time stamp said Sunday, so I just accepted it and immediately moved on to pizza.
haha props to Josh for that caption though!!!!
In case you missed it, or ICYMI as the cool kids say…
AR is cancelled tonight., I apologize. My back is in spasm and we've got half of our coaching staff away somewhere warmer. I must've tweaked it looking over at that Sphinx while deadlifting…I should know better.
@Fox – Hope your back heals up fast.
@Josh & Cam – you rock
Finally made it in for some fitness yesterday.
Crossover Symmetry
Snatch Complex — Last rep was at 93#
Starting to feel a little more powerful in my power snatches
Work-out Rx in 6:14
Did the first set of each unbroken, and then was pretty winded for the rest. Thrusters felt hard and excessive tripping on the rope.
Cleans felt good, but Jerks are elusive — can't seem to stick it past 130#
Dropped down to 100# and did 4 to drill it in, but this was too light.
Worked on some weaknesses with McD today. Too many to recount
Light deadlifts: 215-225-235-245-255 (partnered with the hella strong Marie)
11 rounds (strict pull-ups) on Cindy
Worked on deadlifts with Ryan. Got up to 315 but had trouble keeping my back flat. Did the last set of 3 at 275 and felt much better composure. I definitely need to practice this movement.
Got 21+10 on Cindy, which I'm happy with, but I think I started too fast. The inevitable push-up failure started very early and I could barely string together four by the end.
Feel better, Fox.
Sucks when AG is cancelled!
6:30pm private with Lauren S & DO. I felt so drained emotionally & physically today (maybe getting sick?) and only wanted to watch netflix on my couch after work…. but SO GLAD (like always) I came.
PR'd my snatch/power snatch at 73#. Must be something to having that one-on-one instruction. Almost got 78. Thanks, David!!! Gotta stay balanced mid-foot and keep chest up.
WOD: Knew itt'd suck. Prepared for it two days…then felt like I blew it.
DUs: 25-20-15-10-5 (single/du combos) Felt like a fraud only doing half reps.
Thrusters 63# Broke up ridiculously out of sheer unwillingness to push hard through the uncomfortable-ness.
I was negative the whole time and it showed. I didn't really feel like being there and I didn't fix my mindset before doing the workout, even with a snatch PR. >:(
I'm going to take a break from the blog. I keep comparing myself and feeling negative and that's NOT what crossfit should be about. Bye, guys!!!! <3
ALSO: it's so easy to push hard on WODs you like and have movements you're good at. A true athlete goes hard no matter what: strengths OR weaknesses. Shoutout to Lauren S because she really did exactly that tonight.
@Allie- I'm going to miss reading your posts! I wish you wouldn't be so hard on yourself. You've come so far in such a short amount of time. Also- that was a good time for this WOD and 63# thrusters are no joke. It's OK not to push as hard as possible for every workout. Sometimes we need to take it a little easier. I was pissed with myself yesterday after this workout too- it just sucked.
A wise man once said to me that 80% effort a lot of the time can be more than enough for our purposes and made me promise to only do that for a couple of months because I kept getting hurt and I was generally feeling like crap. It was good advice- my body responded well; I chilled out overall, but still worked on my goats on the side.
I hope you don't mind and I don't know if you even want it but my advice to you would be to save your 100% effort for the Open workouts AND the stuff you are awesome at (which is a LOT!) The rest will fall into place bit by bit. You work hard- you'll master those things eventually.