Back Squat
75% x 5
85% x 3
90-95% x 1
85% x 3
75% x 5
If you’re feeling good then hit 95%. If not then back off a bit and hit 90%.
Warm up to a medium heavy load for 5 sets of 5 reps.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds For Time:
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings 72/53
20 Lunges
10 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
Our Competition Team was off and running in yesterday’s beautiful weather | Photo by Thomas H.
- Schedule Change: Today’s 2pm Anti-Gravity class is cancelled.
Judges Needed for Video Reviews
Since the inception of the CrossFit Games regional competitions, Coach David has worked as the Competion Director for the North East and Canada East regions. This means he leads a team that reviews Open Workout videos and works at the Regionals leading judging and scoring teams, as well as determining appeals and making sure the competition element runs smoothly.
Part of his task is to assemble a team of 9 people to help watch the top videos in his regions in order to ensure that movement standards have been met by all the athletes heading to Regionals. We’re looking for 2 more people to help lead the charge on this! You would be responsible for watching 5-10 videos per week and giving them the thumbs up or down regarding performance standards. Coach David will assist you on any tough calls or questions you have a long the way.
The only requirement is that you pass the online judges course.
If you’re interested in helping out, please e-mail David [at] as soon as possible!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Muscle-Ups | Open Workout 13.2
What Is Life? Is Death Real? Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
AG is canceled today! Enjoy gravity!
Gravity +1
8am with Les Foxes
BSQ – Worked up to 175#
Metcon – 11:02 Rx
Slowed down a little bit the last two sets. Lot of running in the sunshine yesterday made those lunges more taxing than they should have been. Oh well.
Squeezed out another MU today between squats and conditioning. Going to keep trying to pepper these in.
2×10 GHD cash out. Didn't have a third set in me.
Yesterday's OG life:
Lots cool TFBA Ladies up in that piece! Had a great time working with KLove!
185#x3, 190#x2, 180# 3×2
95#x3, 100#x2(PR !!!!), 90# 3×2
210#x3, 220#2, 205# 3×2
REALLY STOKED ON THAT BENCH PRESS. it has been the biggest mental block for me/worst lift. for the past couple of days i was so nervous to hit this weight. i told myself if i hit that 100#x2, i will buy a new pair of leggings, and i did! talk about motivation??? after the lovely Charlie shot the video of me, i was like 'g'damn i have the longest arms no wonder why this is the worst'. Really excited for Maidens!!
Cash out of eating bbq at Hometown!
9am w/ a family of Foxes.
HBBS: 205×5, 235×3, 260×1, 235×3, 205×5. Squats felt very good for not squating in over two weeks.
Metcon: 8:27 Rx. Fun facing off w/ Steve. He kept me honest on the swings forcing me to go unbroken. I opted not to pull down on the bell to accelerate the movement, just lightly let go of the bell at the top of the swing to save my grip. Lunges and burpees felt snappy.
10am with the Foxes
Opted to front squat since I'm on a M/W backsquat profession leading up to IM
105 x 5
120 x 3
130 x 1
120 x 3
105 x 5
Not pushing up into the back enough in front rack; this felt very uncomfortable after taking some time off. Happy there is no FSQT in the meet 🙂
WOD with 20 kg bell: 11:24
Burpees were major wind suckage
Doh-9am with team fox
9am with the Foxes
HBBS 215×5, 245×3, 260×1, 245×3, 215×5
All moved really well. Should have gone heavier for the single. Hip felt good.
Wod – 8:45 Rx
Knew the only way I would beat BK was to push him hard enough so that he would break up the kb swings. I got close in the last round but he was stubborn. Got to the burpees about at the same time and that is a losing proposition for me. Legs feel like jello.
Makeup from Saturday OG. Amazing energy in the gym, lots of PRs and new discoveries skills all around.
LBBS: 220 x 3 x 3, 220 x 1
Did one extra just to check in with depth.
Bench: 110 x 3, 115 x 1, 120 x 1 (PR), 110 x 3
The singles were pause bench. Before today, by PR was 115 without a pause, so adding 5lbs and a pause feels awesome. Probably helps to be lifting not post-WOD. Many thanks to Bethany who provided the encouragement to make me go for it.
Pullups: 3-3-3-2-2
Wanted some cardio, rowed 500 m and decided I needed something more explosive.
Mini-WOD: 5 rounds of 3 C&J and 3 T2B. 4:15. Just what I needed, and would have done more rounds if I had more time.
Today: Since I squatted yesterday, deadlifted instead.
Deadlift: 275 x 2, 295 x 2, 315 x 1, 330F. My back was sore from the previous day, so wasn't my best effort. Didn't want to push it and round my back at all, so stopped after it got off the floor. Need to retest this after a rest day.
WOD: 7:47 Rx. Just kept pushing on this one.
11am with Katie/DO/Ro
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 185 x 3, 210 x 5, 240 x 3, 265 x 1, 240 x 3, 210 x 5
First time squatting in class in over a year! Kinda cool to know I can get it done in that short amount of time!
WOD in 8:37 Rx (24kg)
10am class
Missed a lot of back squatting last cycle so I need to get back into it this one.
All felt good, 300 felt really good. I shift around too much at the top in preparation for the next rep so I need to work on that
WOD rx'ed in 8:29. I was trying to keep up with Kayleigh but that was a lost cause from early on! Felt good though, broke up rounds 3-5 of swings in 12-8 with really quick breaks between. I'm trying to break up sets when I need to but reduce my rest times so I don't red line too soon on workouts and stay consistent all the way through.
HBBS: 225x5x5
WOD: 11:12 @24kg
10 am w/ Fox and Katie
A day of firsts for me: first time trying performance programming and first time Rxing a WOD. (Well, first time Rxing a WOD that involved weight. I did Jerry during my first crush week, but that was just running and rowing.)
165 x 5 / 185 x 3 / 195 x 1 / 185 x 3 / 165 x 5
This progression was fun, and everything moved well.
I've really been wanting to Rx something for a while now. Almost tried yesterday but chickened out at the last minute.
That red kettlebell sure is heavy. I got through the first set unbroken but had to break up the rest. By the fifth, I was down to sets of 4 and 5.
I was so relieved to be done that I forgot to look at my time. I was definitely the last to finish. 12:something, I think.
12:00pm Group Class
KB/LG/Brp Metcon
10:49 as Rx'd
I struggle with the red kettlebell so my performance goal today was to do all the swings unbroken, even if it meant going slower on the calisthenics. The last two rounds were tough to stay on but happily I was able to do it. In retrospect, I think if I'd broken it up I doubt I would have moved any faster with the lunges and burpees 😛
Post Class:
4 Rounds NFT of:
1 Rope Climb
15 GHD Sit-Ups
A couple static handstand attempts on parallettes
I have to take away the Rx from my WOD- grabbed the wrong KB. I'm a math teacher who is on vacation- I'm blaming it on that. Starting tomorrow I have no excuses.
10 am w/C. Fox and Katie.
Squat with Dan L. 235×5, 270×3, 300×1…
met con: 9:10 rx'd
(did not really do the met con with Dan, who finished nearly two minutes faster)
@ David Osorio: I noticed that your swings were American (or at least pretty close). And it didn't look like you struggled too hard. Kudos.
1:00 pm with Katie and Ro
HBBS as follows: 245×5, 275×3, 295×1-295×1, 275×3, 245×5
I did the WOD RXed in 14:16. I went the first 2 rounds unbroken then broke into sets of 10s on the last 3 rounds. The burpees sucked big time! They're just horrible. I tried to pace myself on this one…but i just got so winded after round 3 and couldn't go any faster.
Finally dragged myself out of bed for 1pm after a long night.
Perf. Squat: basing percentage work off of 410 again, so that's a successful day in and of itself.
Back down the ladder.
Metcon: no gas. Too much booze and not enough sleep. 11:21 rx.
12 o'clock class today, got off to a late start this morning.
HBBS 265×5, 300×3, 325×1… these all felt totally fine, if we do this scheme again next week I'll add 10#. I was pitching forward a bit on the first set of 5 but managed to fix it. Kind of curious what my 1RM is these days, but I want to wait a while before testing it… If those online 1RM calculators are remotely accurate I should be able to hit 2x BW, which has been a goal for a while now. Maybe I'll come in to OG to test it at the end of this cycle…
WOD, uh, we ran out of red KBs and I didn't want to run across the street to get one and start later than everyone else, so did this at 36kg instead. I wish I'd pushed harder, not particularly happy with my 12:31 time… I did the 5th round faster than the first four, could have shaved some decent time off if I wasn't worried about falling apart. All KB swings unbroken.
Noon class
And back down. All felt good. Used a belt for the single.
3 rounds in about 4:40 then DNF. Back was lit up and I threw the towel in. Bummer, since I had a nice pace going.
Back Squat
75% 260# x 5
85% 290# x 3
90% 310# x 1
85% 290# x 3
75% 260# x 5
Metcon Rx 10:05 all unbroken sets
Did front squats since I back squatted and deadlifted yesterday.
125×4 (closer to 80% so did one less rep)
Still tipping over, but didn't lose tension at the bottom.
WOD in 8:58 20kg KB
Kayleigh, you are right. We grabbed a white KB which is 20kg. All we had to do was read the bell to see we grabbed the wrong one. Oh well. Vacation brain.
Cash out: 4 mile brisk walk through my hood and Brooklyn Bridge Park to enjoy the nice weather and catch up on Serial!
HBBS: STILL struggling with depth! I don't get it. Thankful Fox called me out and gave me some advice on staying braced.
115×5, 125×3, 135X1, 125X3, 115X 5 . By the last set, all were solid.
Maybe I should have done 5X5 at 125 or something. I honestly don't know. If I could afford personal training, I would. I need to figure out my life & squats; I'm especially afraid of missing a rep at IM due to lack of depth. Not sure what I need to do differently. : /
WOD: 8:22 with WHITE bell. Def would have used green if I was not mathematically inept and a crowd follower. Let's stick with colors from now on, people!!! Fun workout regardless. I love feeling my chest burn.
Great posts on the blog yesterday. Shout out to Ben (and Ben's dad), Josh (and the open article), & the ladies who killed it at OG (wish I could've been there to see all those PRs!)
I was sad I'd have to miss AG today; now I don't have to have FOMO! (
12pm group class:
Lbbs: (45×10, 95×5) 115×10, 115x8x4
-meant to do sets of 8 for all but forgot during the first set. Still all barefoot with no gear and all feeling good.
8:26 rx'd
-all swings unbroken and tried to move fast and steady. Need to be faster on burpees!!!
One week till Crash b's!!!