Flashback Friday: On March 13th, 2013, CFSBK hosted Lindsey Valenzuela and Annie Thorisdottir for the live annoucement of Open Workout 13.2. Hear that excitment in the crowd? See the camaraderie between the competitors? That’s what the Open is all about, and that’s why we want you to register! It just so happens that 13.2 is programmed for tomorrow. So come give it a try, relive the glory, and see what all the fuss is about!
- SCHEDULE CHANGE: Tomorrow’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class with Coach Whit is cancelled.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
Because we love you and we don’t want you to miss any of the awesome stuff that’s happening at the gym right now, here’s your weekly recap.
1. Our new programming cycle started this week, and it’s a little different from the way we’ve done things in the past. Check out the details here.
2. In another installment of “The Iron Maidens of CFSBK,” we profiled TFBA Morit S. We’re now just about $1,000 away from our $20,000 fundraising goal. Thank you all for your generous contributions and your diligent fundraising! Go here to donate to a lifter’s campaign and help us push past the finish line.
3. Over at Inside the Affiliate, Coach David just published an interesting new piece entitled “How To Give Newbies Their First Taste of CrossFit.” It’s an excellent reminder of how lucky we are to be part of a gym where the managment puts so much thought into programming and works so hard to create an inclusive environment.
4. We’re less than one week away from the annoucement of CrossFit Open Workout 16.1. Guys, this is getting serious. You best get registered!
5. Speaking of the Open, this year we’re adding a new twist in order to promote some friendly competition. We’ll be organizing intramural Open teams for those who are interested. Go here for more details, and here to sign up. So far, 24 out of the 53 CFSBKers registered for the Open have signed up for the Intramural Team Competition. We want more of you to join in on the fun! The deadline to sign up for intramurals is Wednesday, February 24th.
4. We have a ton of your personal belongings in our Lost and Found, and we want to give them back. Do any of these shoes belong to you? What about this other stuff? Please claim it before we donate it to CHIPS!
5. Movie night returns on Friday, February 26th! From 8 to 10:30 (after OG), we’ll be screening Fittest on Earth 2015, a behind-the-scenes documentary about last year’s CrossFit Games. Come watch it with your fellow CFSBKers and other CrossFitters from local affiliates. Go to yesterday’s post for more detals.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch Balance | Overhead Squats, Run
Allow These Two Olympic Runners to Demonstrate the Motivational Powers of Belonging to a Team NY Mag
Which Type of Exercise Is Best for the Brain? New York Times
Peru’s Mysterious “Boiling River” The Telegraph
Saturday's Workout
Muscle-Ups + Open Workout 13.2
Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes:
1-5 Muscle-Ups
Choose a rep scheme that challenges you but allows for no misses. The goal is to do these unbroken. Spend no more than 15 seconds of each minute performing your reps.
Post reps to comments.
5 Rounds Not For Time:
3 Low Ring Leg Assisted Transitions
3 Tempo Dips (31X1 tempo)
3 Challenging Ring Rows
Use a false grip for the Transitions and the Ring Rows. Perform the movements deliberately, and try not to use momentum.The Ring Tempo Dip emphasizes a controlled negative phase of the movement.
Open Workout 13.2
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
5 Shoulder-to-Overhead 115/75
10 Deadlifts 115/75
15 Box Jumps 24/20"
The top scores in 2013 on this WOD were 12+ rounds for both women and men. Most mere mortals, however, were somewhere around half of that. If you can handle the Rx'd loads, then go for it!
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
I missed out on Wednesday strength cycle due to food poisoning. 🙁 Good to be back at 608 today!
Pause squat: 165x3x4. This is a step back from last week, but it still felt heavy (not surprisingly)
Pause bench: 125x3x3. Also felt heavier than normal.
On the plus side, I did more chins this week than last week, perhaps because being sick caused me to lose a couple of pounds 😛 6,6,5,4,4 (last week was 6,5,4,4,4)
Did Frank's programming over at 608 this morning: Single snatches working up to 63#, 5×1 c&j at 88#, 5×10 back squats–first set at 113# and the rest at 123#
Then did Saturday's WOD. It was a fun one, but definitely not the same doing it alone. I got 5 reps short of the 6th round, Rx. This was a hard one! I wasn't able to cycle 73# sto just a few weeks ago and today it felt pretty good so that's cool!
7:00 am with Nick and McDowell
Did yesterday's run/OHS combo. It was tough running in the cold. It was even tougher doing the OHS unbroken after running in the cold…lol. We finished in 21 minutes and some change and I did it RXed and went unbroken on the OHS for all five rounds. On a lighter note, my ohs moved like a well oiled machine today. I have to give credit to AR for helping to heal and restore range of motion in my damaged left shoulder. Also, thanks to coach Nick who suggested that I squat in my lifters today. It made a huge difference.
7am doing Saturday's work with McDowell
Did the fitness skill work pretty quickly. The leg assisted transitions were really helpful and I was feeling alright so goofed around on the actual rings. Hit my first kipping muscle up ever on the second try, and first MU of any kind in like 8 months. Excited to practice these more so I don't lose it.
Metcon Rx – 5 rounds + 9 reps
I used to be good at box jumps. I'm no longer good at box jumps. What happened?
6am with NickDowell
WOD – 5 rounds + 23 reps Rx
Legs felt dead today and really slowed me down on the box jumps. Should have gotten well into the 7th round. Barbell work was light and easy.
Got some new ink that presented a problem trying to go overhead or support a bar in the front rack, so:
Safety Bar Squat (top 10)
75 (bar), 165, 215, 235
Deficit Deadlift
@brendan all those gainz make box jumps harder!! Too much muscle mass to move around ow ow!
@everyone not signed up for the open: sign up! I had no idea what it was last year, but signed up anyway because I'm a robot. It was worth it! Did most things scaled, but I was able to do one or two workouts RX'd and it was a huge accomplishment. It was really fun to see how you measure up against people all over the world! And it was cool to be a part of the larger Crossfit community doing the same workouts as other people everywhere! A cool human experience. Plus the wods are programmed anyway… And the cfsbk intramural teams will be so fun!!!
@everyone signed up but not signed up for cfsbk intramural teams: sign up!!! Seeing where you stack up internationally is one thing, but a little local competition is WAY more fun! We can talk smack and celebrate accomplishments across the gym. Plus we're all nice and I don't think anyone would be judgemental or *truly* care about winning. Seriously if someone judged somebody for not getting many reps or something then they obviously have some issues to work through. (Don't sign up if that's you!) AND we get to exercise our creativity by coming up with team names. AND it's like a 6-week?-long partner WOD which everyone loves. AND we love Crossfit for the sense of community which this encourages. AND it's ok if you miss a workout! AND yolo!
Last non-cfsbk workout this week:
Heavy single powerSnatch 70#. Bar still coming out in front. I think I need to do some high pull drills.
Amrap 12:00
10 power snatches (55#)
5 push-ups
400m run
3 rounds + 10 snatches + 3 push-ups
3 rounds:
15 ghds
12 Russian ball twists
12 TTB
:15 l sit on paralettes
I needed some ab accessory work bc I drank way too many pina coladas this week. Like I said, yolo!
I am 43 years old. What the hell does "yolo" mean?
One of my favorite nerd jokes:
From the free-spirited grammarian: YLOO
(@Joy, "YOLO" means "you only live once," and I'll let my fellow grammar nerds giggle over YLOO)
To participate in the 2016 CFSBK Open Intramurals – are we penalized if we are unable to do all five workouts each week?
NVM … just read the details.
For anyone else who is interested here's the extra info, " If you have to miss a workout (due to travel, injury, etc.), it won't negatively affect your score, since your team score will be an average of submitted scores."
I'm 47. "You Only Live Once."
I'm almost 30. Tom & Joy, meet me at the cigar lounge and we can drink some Balvenie 40 and listen to Gene Krupa while looking up terms like YOLO on urban dictionary. Stella, you bring the grammar rule book so we can discuss misplaced modifiers. (This is of course, after our team gets first place in the cfsbk intramural open and places 1,408,897 in the actual open.)
Noon class with some jabronies
Snatch balance: I have to say I have really grown to love this lift, feel more more stable and efficient these days
62-72-82-92-97. Could have gone up ran out of time, PR here is 103
WOD Rx with Kate in 22:25
Runs were cold but fine, OHS all unbroken except first round 9/1 where I just rushed through and lost my balance forward. Got better with each round in my opinion
Cash out bench press (paused) 80 x 3 x 3
And seltzer farmers carry from WF 🙂
Muscle up transition – really need to work on getting a solid ring dip. Need to add that to my list of to do crossfit things.
WOD: 8 rounds + 17 Rx. This is my wheelhouse. Boiled down to just being a box jump workout, which I tried to think of as 6-5-4 for most of the time to get me through. Cycled push jerks throughout for S2O and just sprinted through the deadlifts.
Played around with my jumprope after for a while. Was able to hit 30 DUs twice, and then it was gone forever, usually only small sets of 10-15. Hope to rediscover this skill before it pops up in the open.
YOLO, YLOO – bah! The correct version is OOYL.
Bench Press @160: 6,6,7
Weighted pull-ups and weighted dips @25lbs: 5,5,5,4
Many thanks to Jess for her patience with Ayana as she tried to derail Jess' private session over in 608.
@Samir/Yoda ftw
Samir *slow clap*
Had me some damn good OG today
Snatch, HS, then 80% for 4 singles
CJ, HS, then 80% for 4 singles
Good mornings, 30% of Backsquat
Lots of stretching. Low back has been real tight.
Made it in for OG
Saturday WOD: 6 rounds Rx
Really liked this workout as my frame is not a hindrance to any of the movements. I felt a took minimal rests so I am amazed with people that get 8 or more rounds! Good job @Kayleigh!